Start the era of black technology

Chapter 507 Super Polypancreatic Preparation [Wish all the book friends a happy Chinese New Year, al

"Boss, I'm afraid they won't accept this price, because they are responsible for advertising in their sales area. This is a huge expense, not tens of millions of euros are not enough," Kyle said worriedly.

Xu Pingan thought for a moment, "If they don't accept this price, they can give a certain subsidy to the advertising fee. You must remember that we have given a subsidy. The purchase quantity must be guaranteed. At the same time, the retail price cannot be changed.

"Please don't worry, boss, I will immediately arrange for someone to make a complete sales plan and promotion plan," Kyle said with confidence.

With subsidies, there will be no less advertising and no more advertising. It only takes three months to promote the secrets, and the super multi-pancreatic preparations will become famous.

Poseidon’s distributors are located in major countries around the world, and they have been working together to advertise for three months around the world. I am afraid that no one does not know the super polypancreatic preparation.

Sales are not a problem at all.

The two discussed for a while, and Xu Ping'an arranged for Darina to arrange the hotel, and then went to dinner together, and let Kyle take a good rest for a day before leaving.

A day later, Kyle left Hangzhou and returned to the headquarters in Iceland as a charter flight. Two days later, the new publicity plan and sales plan were released and passed to Xu Pingan and Shen Yue.

After reading it, Xu Pingan called Kyle to modify some details. After half an hour of communication, he hung up the phone. On the same day, Poseidon's headquarters sent a notice to 22 regional distributors.

I came to the headquarters for a meeting three days later. The distributors who received the notice were excited. They knew very well what experiment Poseidon is currently conducting. This is a product that is broader than the super fish oil market.

According to a survey conducted by the International Health Organization, strictly speaking, 98% of people in the world have insulin shortages, but some are obvious and some are not.

Human experiments conducted in five countries such as China, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Austria all know that the results are amazing. After three months of taking it, primary diabetic patients basically bid farewell to diabetes.

Many people have proposed to conduct drug certification for super polypancreatic preparations. This was rejected by Poseidon. Not only that, but distributors in this area have also begun to make efforts to conduct drug certification.

Pharmaceutical certification takes ten years, which will delay how much money I earn. We are dietary supplements, not drugs, and we have begun vigorous activities.

Xu Pingan also awarded a lobbying contract to the dark web of the Venus Escort Group, with an amount of up to 200 million euros, which would equalize all countries that require drug certification.

The Venus escort group took the order very happily. A large order of 200 million euros is not common. Moreover, this is not difficult, and it can be settled at a small price.

As a five-star customer, although she doesn't need beauty anymore, one lobbying contract can make more money than ten escort contracts. Xu Ping'an is really awesome.

In just one day, the distributors arrived at Poseidon's headquarters and began to negotiate with Kyle. This time the sales plan will change and they are prepared.

He knew how much Super Fish Oil made, and Poseidon would definitely not suffer from such a loss. He began to argue with Kyle one by one, and it took four days to reach a cooperation agreement.

First of all, the three-month agreement was passed through various advertising campaigns in the area under the responsibility of each distributor.

Second, according to your purchase amount, a certain rebate will be given, which is limited to the first three batches of purchase.

Third, according to the monthly retail data in your area, you will be given rebates on advertising expenses. The more retail, the more rebates. The monthly peak of 100 million euros will last for three months.

Fourth, the freight is the responsibility of the dealer, this item is not discussed, Tianqi Group is not responsible for the delivery.

This one hurts dealers. This rule of Tianqi Group is the only one in the world. Other manufacturers are responsible for door-to-door delivery. When you come to Tianqi Group, you will come here to pull the goods and you will not be responsible for delivery.

A total of 17 detailed clauses were passed, and the documents were sent to Tianqi Group headquarters for the record. At the same time, Xu Ping's signature was required. Without Xu Ping's signature, this contract cannot take effect.

Soon, the documents signed by Xu Ping'an were faxed back that day, and Kyle and the dealer drank and negotiated for a while, and the dealers all left the next day.

Kyle began to deploy. The three production bases of Poseidon located in France, the Celestial Kingdom, and the United States have already completed the production expansion plan. Each production base has added five production lines with the latest global technology. All Poseidon companies have begun to produce super polypancreatic preparations.

The ultra-modern assembly line, the productivity is terrible, from the input of raw materials to the production of products and packaging, the whole process is mechanized without any manual work.

Within a week, more than 30 billion euros of funds were credited to Poseidon’s account. At the same time, shipments began one after another. Distributors have begun to discuss advertising schedules with various media.

You can't mess around with this, you must unfold it at the same time on a certain day, and you can't distribute the product after the product arrives in your warehouse, you must store it, and carry out the distribution and promotion according to the specified date.

Basically no dealer will violate this point, because the punishment is too strong. Besides, the interests of everyone can be guaranteed according to the plan, so they are very cooperative.

In the celestial dynasty, the Poseidon branch warehouse in J City has begun to stock up products. This part of the products is for domestic sales and is not yet available for sale.

The Tianchao started to distribute the goods one week before the official start of the advertisement. The foreign countries began to distribute the super polypancreatic preparations five days ago. The Poseidon’s warehouse and the dealer’s warehouse are all vehicles gathered. Each vehicle has a quota. You can't even want Dora.

Many retailers are so anxious that there is no way, the dealer said, Poseidon treats us like this, so bear with it.

On this day, all the media around the world began to report on super-polypancreatic preparations, the data of human experiments in five countries began to be disclosed, and various experts and professors began to appear in the media.

Television, newspapers, internet, bus stop signs, huge billboards, small public toilet advertisements, elevator LED screens, taxis, buses, airplanes, all carry super multi-pancreatic advertisements.

Even games are no exception. Super-polypancreatic preparations have appeared in the world's top 100 games, including fairyland civilization, disorderly world, World of Warcraft, Three Kingdoms, kings, heroes, etc.

Supplement peptides, stay away from diabetes, stay away from high blood sugar

True love to life, one pill a day, live to ninety-nine

Everyone lacks multiple pancreas, which is an essential substance for maintaining normal endocrine in your body.

I was fascinated by the propaganda. I went to the Pharmacopoeia to check the price, and I felt cool, 500 euros a bottle, and it would cost more than 4,000 to change to a Chinese currency. Every hand was trembling.

However, for the sake of their own body, the ones who gritted their teeth still bought them. In just a week, the second batch of purchases from distributors in various places began to arrive one after another.

Now Poseidon’s production base has begun to enter a state where machines are resting and people are not resting. Production is turned on and off, and demand is completely in short supply. In Tianchao, and sell only to members.

A member account can only purchase two bottles, if there are more, the compelling rate is so high.

Moreover, they were all out of stock in an instant, and many members did not purchase them. They called the website and customers asked for more products, which made the website's customer service very painful.

There are so many rich people, almost five thousand yuan a bottle, so many people buy it.

Of course, some people started to make trouble and asked Poseidon to lower the price. The price was too high to afford it. These people posted news on social media, and no one in the media paid any attention to them.

Everyone knows Xu Pingan’s personality. Kyle emphasized that when he had a meeting with the dealer, everyone involved in the area was eventually cancelled by the president. Don’t come to me.

The output is so much, if you lose one, other distributors can divide a bit more.

Therefore, no one dared to be careless. It was agreed during the advertisement that negative news was not allowed to be published, and it should not appear within three months at least. If it is violated, I must be compensated. The compensation fee is a sky-high amount.

With this restriction, those who want to do things can only vent on social networking sites. Tianqi Group does not care about you, Poseidon Group does not care about you, distributors in various regions do not care about you, and those retailers do not care about you even more.

Retailers now only sell to members, not non-members, because the number is limited, and they don’t want as much.

Buying a bottle makes one hundred euros, and then sells it out. It's damn money, this is the voice of retailers.

Many people are in a dark mood and feel very uncomfortable. Tianqi Group has another trump card in its hands. You can't clean up the Tianqi Group if you were stuck with a super fish oil. Now there is another super pancreatic preparation.

It is very clear that as people take it slowly and experience the benefits, no one will give up this product. Just like Super Fish Oil, once it is out of stock, it will be a big fluctuation.

I want to vomit blood out of anger, take a few deep breaths, take the super fish oil, pour out a pill, eat it directly, not eat it, my heart really can't bear it.

After eating, he looked at the bottle of super fish oil and threw it directly, gasping for breath. For a short time, he stood up and picked up the bottle with a sad face, wiped it clean and put it away, with a long sigh.

After a month has not passed, the dealer's three purchases have been paid in full. Kyle smiled and directly paid 50 billion euros in profit to the European Finance Headquarters.

The news was fed back to the headquarters of Tianqi Group, and Xu Ping'an laughed hahahahaha. It was a violent kiss between Liu Wenjun and Darina in the office.

If they weren't worried about being knocked down and resisted, they would be forced by Xu Ping'an to rectify the Fa in the office.

It can be seen how excited Xu Pingan is.

Another half month passed. On this day, there was a big news in the United States. The U.S. Aviation Administration listed the super polypancreatic preparation as one of the essential foods for astronauts.

According to observations, during training, astronauts can take a multi-pancreatic preparation every day, which can effectively complete various training and can quickly adapt to the weightless environment in space.

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