Start the era of black technology

Chapter 508 Who else! ! !

After the news came out, Kyle immediately began to adjust the sales plan, had a phone call with each dealer, and began to hype on this topic.

Sales, which had already started to stabilize, began to soar again. Retailers were out of stock and distributors were out of stock. Production bases have been producing day and night, and machines are not allowed to rest.

The news of the shortage of goods was reported by the media, which stimulated this situation even more. Many people began to pay in advance to buy, first give you the money, and leave the product with me when it arrives.

This phenomenon has begun to appear in many countries.

Poseidon is the leader in the global dietary supplement industry, and now I can really say, [Who else!!!

No one thought that Poseidon would play dietary supplements to this point. Everyone was crazy, as if they would die if they didn't take a super-multi-billion-dollar preparation.

The sales of major dietary supplement manufacturers in the world are declining. If consumers say it, the effect is not obvious anyway. Let's talk about it, wait for the economic easing and buy other products.

A U.S. media that did not sign a contract with a distributor broke an article, [On the economic harm of Poseidon's dietary supplement] This article immediately received tens of millions of likes.

The number of invisible diabetic patients in the world is as high as 4 billion, and there are 500 million diagnosed diabetic patients. One third of them are in the Chinese dynasty. This is a huge market.

What's more, the super-polypancreatic preparation has a significant effect on endocrine. Counting this part of the population, no one in the world can be spared.

The money was scraped away by Poseidon, which caused a huge blow to other economies. The government must come forward to control this situation, otherwise, it will cause a huge economic bubble.

This article can be said to be full of contradictions. Xu Ping'an laughed after seeing it. First, he affirmed the effect of the super polypancreatic preparation, and secondly, he began not to eat grapes and said that grape acid was not available.

In order to get Poseidon’s price down compared to the government’s intervention, they even buckled the big hat of disrupting the social economy. Tianqi Group, Poseidon Group, distributors, and retailers did not care about this report.

However, Canada cares about this report. Relevant departments began to talk to the dealer Jefferson in the region to discuss price reductions. The personnel of relevant departments are very savvy, and Tianqi Group will definitely not talk to them to discuss price reductions.

Poseidon will not talk to them to discuss price reductions. Only the dealer Jefferson must give them face. This makes the dealer Jefferson very painful. While starting to launch relationship activities, he began to talk to Poseidon’s Kyle to seek stand by.

Kyle only said one sentence: "Poseidon will abide by the contract and will not supply supplies to other companies in this area within the contract period."

Hearing this sentence, Jefferson knew it directly, and within a day, the Canadian dealer Jefferson directly released a message that the price of each bottle was increased by one hundred euros.

The reason is that the relevant departments are making obstacles, increasing our burden.

As soon as this action occurred, the departure caused volatility. A lot of groups jumped out to denounce the relevant departments, which caused many bigwigs to feel painful. They immediately began to appease the people and began to interview the dealer Jefferson again.

At this time, Poseidon announced a life. Poseidon respected the contract with Kande Trading Company of Canada and would not consider another distributor until the contract period expires.

After this official statement was released, Poseidon’s distributors collectively praised, and the relationship with Poseidon became closer.

Poseidon was interesting enough, each of them had a lot of confidence.

Jefferson is even more confident. The term of his contract with Poseidon is four years, and there is still a three-year period. I am afraid of getting a ball, and I am sorry for Poseidon's support if I don't make a profit.

To be the general distributor of Poseidon in a country is not something ordinary people can do. You must have a certain amount of energy to meet Poseidon’s requirements. First of all, you must have sufficient economic strength.

Second, there must be enough contacts in the country.

At this moment, Jefferson was completely free from danger and completely turned his face with the relevant departments.

If you have money to support the United States, why don't you have the money to subsidize the people of your country? This is what Jefferson said, transfer hatred and play tricks.

The media was even more not afraid of doing things, and started to criticize relevant departments. For a time, public opinion was surging, which caused headaches for the bigwigs, and this matter could not go on.

A few days later, Canada announced that it would subsidize all retailers that sell polypancreatic preparations at a subsidy of 12 Euros per bottle. Among them, 2 Euros belong to the retailer and 10 Euros to consumers. The retail price must be reduced by 10 Euros.

After the news was released, the people's anger was calmed, and then Jefferson's trading company was fined 20 million euros. This result made Jefferson vomit blood.

Big bosses can't clean up the people, can't you still clean up a trading company?


Tiger's butt can't be touched

Let you grow your heart.

However, Canada has forgotten one thing. You have subsidized the people. What should other countries do, especially the US next door, where the bigwigs have collective grievances.

The treasury chiefs all want to directly impose sanctions on Canada.

You Canada has only a population of tens of millions, but we have a population of hundreds of millions. What should we do? If we don't subsidize our country, it will be troublesome.

Not only the U.S., all countries in the world are painful, your sister, you gave the subsidy to be quiet, what should we do, it's damn brainy.

The collective resentment was deep, and Canada fell silent, without saying a word, it was clear that I had stabbed a hornet's nest.

At this time, Xu Pingan issued a statement on the three major social media, personally investing 200 million euros, targeting all countries where Tianqi Group products are normally sold.

Donated 10 million euros to ten countries and 5 million euros to 20 countries. This money is donated to relevant departments of various countries to help those with severe diabetes.

After the news spread, the media around the world praised Xu Ping An as an entrepreneur with a strong sense of social responsibility and a great entrepreneur.

It is the benchmark for all entrepreneurs.

Many big guys looked at the news and felt very painful, and they knew exactly what Xu Ping'an did for, and it blocked your tongue for price reduction in one fell swoop.

I have donated money, you are ashamed to let me lower the price,

If the government of any country does it now and the news is exposed, it will be punished by global public opinion.

Xu Ping An is really too bastard, too shrewd in his calculations.

Do you have any brains for the media? Do you know how to settle accounts? You also don't count how much money Poseidon Group makes, and how much money Tianqi Group makes.

A donation will make you sing praises, which is nothing short of brain damage.

The chairman of the international giants is also painful. Look at what others are playing and donate 200 million euros to become a great entrepreneur and our benchmark.

Do we fucking donate paper every year?

Is it interesting for you to uphold Xu Ping'an and belittle us like this?

The media are very clear about the consequences of doing this. To raise Xu Ping'an is to create a topic. Another thing is that the cooperation with Poseidon is now in the honeymoon period. How much profit will be gained from the three-month advertising bombing.

People spend money, we must say good things. If you refuse to accept, you throw us tens of millions of euros. We must also say that you are a great entrepreneur.

There was a lot of trouble. The sales of Poseidon’s super fish oil and super polypancreatic preparations have been rising all the way, making Xu Ping’an and Kyle both wake up with a smile.

Only this year, Tianqi Group has occupied global public opinion with a high profile, which is not a game.

Two months and twenty days after the launch of the Super Polypancreatic preparation, the operation department of Tianqi Group started the promotion period Geng Jingzhong, the inventor of the Super Polypancreatic preparation.

A savior for diabetics

The person who changed the history of mankind's fight against disease

One of the greatest scientists of the century

Epoch-making inventor

Wait, a lot of titles are hung on Geng Jingzhong, the inventor of super fish oil, Dr. Luck published an article that praised Geng Jingzhong.

Scientists of the Apocalypse Department, as well as prestigious ones, began to publish articles affirming Geng Jingzhong's achievements.

All of them belong to the Apocalypse Department. In the future, when he succeeds, Geng Jingzhong will publish articles to affirm him. One more affirmation from a heavyweight is also a recognition of his reputation.

Hello my hello everyone, this situation is not uncommon in the scientific community

Correspondingly, many schools and organizations have begun to invite Geng Jingzhong to give lectures. Pippen had a special talk with Geng Jingzhong. Let's start a global lecture tour with pay, my billionaire.

Dr. Luc, the inventor of super fish oil, gave a global speech,

Dr. Nilun, the inventor of carbon crystal solar panels, gave a global speech

Miao Yong, the inventor of super paint, gave a global speech,

Dr. Karen, the inventor of the carbon magnetic wind tree, gave a global speech

Kane, the inventor of the single-man aircraft, gave a global speech

Zhou Qingping, the inventor of the hydrogen energy industry, gave a global speech

Lu Xinyan, the inventor of the translator, gave a global speech

Geng Jingzhong is the eighth scientist launched by Tianqi Group to give a global lecture. However, before starting the global lecture, the procedure has to go to the Austrian Science Development Committee to receive awards.

The President of Austria will personally give Geng Jingzhong the Order of Merit, and the Scientific Development Committee will issue a certificate of honor to Geng Jingzhong and enjoy the state academician subsidy.

At the same time, three Austrian institutions of higher learning appointed Geng Jingzhong as an academician, and all three institutions will grant Geng Jingzhong a certain amount of subsidies.

Geng Jingzhong is of Austrian nationality and can directly receive four subsidies. His monthly income is more than 100,000 Euros. He immediately started a global speech. After one year, it is very easy to become a billionaire.

At the end of the speech, in accordance with the regulations of the Apocalypse Institute, a second bonus will be issued. This is not a small number, and the generous generous will definitely not be less.

Five days after receiving the medal and academician certificate, Geng Jingzhong's global lecture tour kicked off. The first stop was the imperial capital of the Heavenly Dynasty. The cost of a lecture was 1.3 million Euros and two lectures were required in the imperial capital.

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