Start the era of black technology

Chapter 512 A new generation of weight loss products is about to come out

Xu Pingan nodded. The reason why Waltz was confused was because he didn't understand the strategy of Tianqi Group. After his own explanation, Waltz understood. As the president of a large enterprise, his vision is no problem.

"Recently, you have been working hard enough. Take a day off on Tianqi Island and relax. Go back and make arrangements. If you have anything to do, call and make arrangements."

"If you do it well, reward it, if you don't do it well, you will be punished"

"Twist the people around you into a rope, the future of Tianqi Steel Group is very exciting," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Waltz nodded and began to speak with Xu Ping An, and stopped discussing business matters. As he said, Waltz liked the mode of operation of Tianqi Group very much.

The headquarters does not interfere with your daily management and gives you full power. You can make more profits and less profit depends on your own ability. There are not so many intrigues and various systems are sound. You just need to work hard to make money.

After a conversation, Waltz left, went back to arrange a day off tomorrow, and returned to the Iron and Steel Group the day after tomorrow. Xu Ping'an took a sip of juice and lay down to continue the sun.

Although the Waltz did not leave, the Iron and Steel Group has already begun to prepare for production. According to the May 41 model, ordinary alloy steel production occupies the fifth floor.

Moiré steel occupies 40% of the share, and aerospace materials occupies 10%. The production department began to formulate production plans, and the planning department began to prepare for the new product launch conference.

After drying for more than an hour, it was time for lunch. Liu Wenjun came over and called Xu Ping An, Xu Ping sat up in a daze, and just took a nap.

Looking at Liu Wenjun, he pulled Liu Wenjun into his arms and said with a smile, "Wenjun, how do you feel that you are growing here again".

With a "pop", Liu Wenjun blushed and slapped Xu Ping's hand that was causing trouble, struggling to stand up and leave. There are so many people here, it is not easy to be seen.

What I think in my mind is that development is not a good thing for you. It is strange if you massage every three to five times.

Xu Ping'an smiled and stood up and walked towards the restaurant. He must have a good meal. Swimming is a very energy-consuming exercise.

After a week’s rest, Xu Ping’an reviewed Hubert’s plan.

Then I left by plane and went straight to Idrius Island for inspection. I didn't use my own palace in the sky. The equipment installation still took a few days to complete. After completion, I flew to Idrius Island and merged.

The small town on Idrius Island has been completed, and the original bare island has begun to appear green. It cost more than 700,000 euros to purchase soil from Africa, plus the nutrients prepared by the Institute of Botany, it is green enough Plant needs.

The road around the island has been completed, and the construction speed of the three companies is fast. Together with the completion of the deep-water terminal and the aircraft, the construction speed has been greatly accelerated.

Currently, only two projects are under construction on the island, one is the rocket base project of Tianchao Construction Group, and the other is the highway project that runs through the island.

The entire island is divided into a small town, a new aircraft research and development center, a rocket research and development launch center, a security camp, four areas, and one area is temporarily vacant, and will be activated at a certain time.

Research on new types of aircraft mainly uses ion power systems. This is a relatively rare subject. Ion flight is not so easy to complete. There is no gas station or hydrogen station in space that allows you to refuel at any time.

Ion power has become the first choice, using the positive and negative effects of ions to push the aircraft forward in space. After the R&D center is completed, the Tianqi and French project teams of Tianqi Technology will relocate to Idrius for research and development.

The project teams in the two places add up to nine teams, all with their own unique features. After the establishment of a large database, learning from each other will accelerate the birth of this new aircraft.

The rocket base here mainly launches new-type space shuttles and involves many project teams. According to the plan, at least hundreds of core project teams are required.

With these hundreds of core projects, the rest of the projects can be outsourced, and a new type of space shuttle can be built, so there is no need to worry about technology leakage, and there is no need to apply for any patents.

Before Xu Ping'an came, Zeng Xianwen had just returned from vacation and took over the management of Idrius Island for one month. Every year, Zeng Xianwen had two months of paid vacation time. After all, working on the island can make people feel lonely.

Not only Zeng Xianwen, everyone is like this. Every year, you take a two-month rest period, and you can adjust it back. You can also divide it into two. In short, you can freely deploy the two months, which is very humane.

The same is true for Apocalypse Island, you must give people a buffer of time to adjust, otherwise, there will be problems in your heart.

Just after Zeng Xianwen reported, Xu Ping'an planned to drink two sips of tea and go back to rest. Darina came in with the phone, "Boss, Tang Feng's phone".

Xu Pingan was stunned, and then remembered that Tang Feng was the person who Buck sent to the Zhou Wei Archaeological Working Group in Colombia to be responsible for the security work. Now that he called, he really found something.

Xu Ping'an answered the call, "Tang Feng, this is Xu Ping'an, let's talk".

"Boss, Professor Zhou Wei's archaeological discovery has been made, and he is in a meeting planning to conduct a large-scale excavation. I temporarily asked them to stop applying, and I blocked the news."

"Please boss to arrange personnel to buy this piece of land. It's time to start the preparatory plan..." Tang Feng reported truthfully.

Zhou Wei brought the archaeological team to investigate here for almost ten months, digging and testing a lot of places, completely confused, and began to suspect that his calculation was wrong.

It was only two months before the archaeological approval was granted. Zhou Wei began to go crazy and began to excavate desperately towards a place. After nearly a hundred meters of excavation, a piece of metal fragments with delicate patterns was unearthed.

Zhou Wei's enthusiasm came up, and he keenly felt that it was not the error of his own calculation, but that he had not dig deep enough, and he had to dig deeper.

This information was obtained by Tang Feng during the meeting to study. Before he came, he talked to Xu Ping'an on the phone. Once he found out, he had to block the news and notify the headquarters to send personnel to purchase the land.

According to Colombian law, after you buy the land, this is the private land boundary. No matter what you dig out, it belongs to you personally. You can reasonably and legally occupy the gains here.

"Okay, you continue to block the news, I will immediately arrange for someone to go to Colombia and send me the coordinates," Xu Pingan said directly.

"Good boss, I will send it to your mailbox within ten minutes," Tang Feng said directly.

After the two exchanged a few words, they hung up the phone. Xu Ping'an immediately called Bruce to talk to Bruce. Bruce said that he chartered a flight directly to Colombia.

It would be better if Xu Ping'an sent a botanist to buy the deep forest in the name of establishing a plant protection park. Xu Ping'an agreed.

I hung up the phone and called directly to Zhong Linlin from the Institute of Botany, and asked Zhong Linlin to send an expert there, and gave Zhong Linlin a call to Bruce so that he could meet in Colombia.

Anyway, a plant research team has already entered, and now it is completely reasonable to buy the next forest directly for plant research.

After everything was arranged, Xu Ping'an opened the mailbox and sent the coordinates to Bruce. The coordinates were purchased within three hundred miles around the coordinates. Anyway, this is a deserted place and it doesn't cost much.

When necessary, you can use some means to speed up the acquisition of legal documents. Bruce understands Xu Ping's meaning, isn't it just spending more money? It's not a big problem.

Four days later, Bruce called. He had already purchased the land and spent 9.8 million euros. The purchase cost of the land was 6.4 million euros, and the extra money was used for management.

Xu Ping'an was immediately relieved when he heard the report. However, he arranged for personnel and personnel from relevant departments to set up warning signs around the purchased land. This is a private land boundary and entry is prohibited.

More than one hundred people began to dispatch, and many warning signs were set up within the purchase of land in Sifang. No matter which direction you enter, you will encounter this warning many times.

It took a week to complete, and then Bruce directly paid the land tax for 20 years, because paying a lump sum of 20 years of land tax can get a 10% discount.

Not only that, but I also applied for a gun license from the relevant department, and purchased a batch of weapons on the official website of the relevant department. This kind of hello, me, good, and good thing is definitely efficient.

When Xu Ping'an left Edrius Island on the modified Sky Palace plane, a large amount of munitions had already arrived in the plant reserve, and Buck sent another 100 security personnel to the resources.

The next thing is easy. When the personnel are in place to get the weapons and start to be on guard for four weeks, Zhou Wei begins to purchase equipment and recruits people to start the excavation. It is expected that there will be results in about half a month.

In a holiday estate in Italy, Xu Pingan began to listen to Darian’s report. Last year, there was no annual meeting. The Italian Institute of Mechanical Equipment turned over 1.1 billion euros in profits and retained 2 billion euros in funds.

These funds are basically obtained through patent authorization and patent sharing. The life of the research institute is very easy, and Darian also has a lot of fat.

"Darian, lose weight, you see what you are now" Xu Ping'an said in surprise.

Darion smiled bitterly, "Boss, I'm already controlling my diet. I don't know what's going on. Drinking cold water makes me grow fleshy. I am really a big head. At my age, I basically start to get blessed and have no solution." .

Xu Ping'an smiled after listening, "If you don't want to lose weight by yourself, save your money. A new generation of weight-loss products is about to come out. For tens of thousands of euros, you can lose weight perfectly."

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