Darian was taken aback. The new generation of weight-loss products, why didn't Pippen say that there was this project? At the beginning, the Austrian Institute of Biologics had this project, but this project was cut off the year before last.

The entire project staff has also been transferred. I don’t know where they went. Could it be that the company has another secret research institute.

Xu Pingan saw Darion’s expression and knew what Darion was thinking. “The joint project team has already started experiments. Soon, fifty fat people around the world will be called for experiments.”

"When these fifty fat people lose weight perfectly, it is the best publicity case. The cost is not low and will not cost you five or six thousand euros. Don't expect to lose weight successfully."

"It's so expensive," Darian said with eyes wide open.

There was a painful expression on Xu Pingan's face, paralyzed, this project was shared by four other companies. This is a huge amount of profit. How many fat people are in the world is money.

Moreover, keep you from rebounding within two years. If you gain weight again after two years, it is your own problem. The laws of various countries stipulate that the maximum weight loss rebound is a one-year period. After one year, you cannot use weight loss to rebound. Claim compensation.

At that time, you need to spend money to lose weight again, and spend another five to six thousand euros.

Of course, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle after losing weight, you will basically not rebound. However, modern society counts on people to be self-disciplined. That is a fantasy. It will take a few years to spend another fee.

Although there are many drugs that can solve some diseases caused by obesity, no one can bear the pain for you. If you want to be free from sin, you can only spend money.

Now each of the four companies has dispatched a vice president to stare at the project team to prevent Xu Ping'an from playing tricks. You can feel Xu Ping's unwillingness in his heart.

It can be understood that Xu Ping'an was unwilling to change his mind. When he replaced him, he was the same. Such a big benefit was shared, and he had a strong psychological quality without vomiting blood.

"It's so expensive. At first, I planned to set a price of 100,000 yuan, but the four companies rejected it. Although there are many fat people, not all fat people have so much money."

"Sixty thousand euros is already the limit. When it is possible to promote in Asia, the price will be lower. You must rely on your ID card to completely block the possibility of you going to Asia for treatment."

"The new company has been established. Now in the construction division, the general manager is the vice president of Roche Pharmaceuticals, Aceline. The financial staff is dispatched by us, and the division of labor is clear. No one can play tricks," Xu Pingan said with a long sigh.

"It's really uncomfortable to share such a large profit," Darian said with a long sigh, clearly knowing how much profit there is.

"Boss, how is the super immunization project going?" Darian remembered this matter. After all, this super immunization project was a big deal.

Xu Ping'an shook his head. Thinking of the profits divided by the four companies, the expression on his face became a bit hideous. He said viciously, "It is difficult to make a breakthrough for the time being. It must be studied for a long time. With the weight loss products, they Now everyone is confident"

"Every year, I pay the fees half a month in advance because I am worried that I will use this as an excuse to kick them out. They know how much benefit there is."

The two chatted for a while, and Xu Ping'an changed the topic "How are the devices you designed?"

"Boss is under design. A computer simulation test was conducted a few days ago. As a result, the structure of the device was loosened. It must be redesigned to solve this problem."

"This is the equipment used by the spacecraft. Don't be careless, and the boss shouldn't be too anxious," Darian persuaded. Xu Ping'an nodded, and he was really anxious.

After another conversation, Darian left. Xu Ping'an sent Darian away and returned to continue basking in the sun. Recently, Xu Ping'an has discovered that after every sun exposure, his energy is very full.

After inquiring about the Protoss, it became clear that the side effects after the energy was absorbed by the Pros were good for the body, and Xu Ping'an didn't care.

The next day, Xu Ping'an went to the Tianqi Weapon Company to inspect. Now the weapon company is busy with production, and the production of small single-person attack submarines has reached a peak, reaching 24 ships per day.

The number of employees has also reached more than 7,000. Now, the mayor of RNY is more nervous about the company than Xu Pingan. Once Apocalypse Weapon Company does not perform well, the municipal government will be very uncomfortable.

The cost of more than 10 million, the urgent order is more than 60 million, and the sale of one boat makes more than 50 million. Last year, Bannon sold more than 6,000 ships. It can be said that last year was Bannon's proud year.

The year-end bonus is very rich. It's cool to step into the ranks of multimillionaires in one fell swoop. It is cool to be in Tianqi Group. As long as you pay more profits, the year-end bonus will be higher, and it is the favorite of all managers.

"Have you reviewed all the customer information?" Xu Pingan asked.

With so many submarines being sold, the United States may almost be unable to bear it. This thing is too threatening to the aircraft carrier fleet, and it will definitely not continue to let it go.

"Boss, all have been reviewed through three procedures, and we all have backups. We will only take over the order after the review by the relevant Italian authorities."

"Relevant departments' audit fees have increased by 40%, and the approval speed has been two days faster than before," Bannon said with a smile, and Xu Ping'an also laughed. This kind of thing does not need to be said explicitly.

"Are the two Americans have more orders?" Xu Pingan took a sip of tea and continued to ask.

"Boss, there are a lot of them. I am really worried about what they will do. After the Chinese New Year this year, two US companies placed me orders for 3,000 ships, and all of them were urgent."

"We pick up a batch in half a month, and we will settle the account in cash when we pick up the goods. There is currently no default in payment," Bannon said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded and put down the teacup.

"Boss, our sales of conventional weapons have begun to increase. This is very unusual. I asked."

"Our products appeared in the Middle East. I don’t know who sold them in the past. I just know that they are very popular with people over there. Many people have abandoned the AK47 and replaced it with our semi-automatic rifles."

"Beginning in January this year, the sales of bullets began to soar. So far, it has doubled five times." Bannon reported another incident.

Xu Ping'an nodded, "Don't worry about so much. As long as the customer passes the review of the relevant department, we will take the order and deliver the goods, just make money, and we will not participate in other things."

"Understood" Bannon followed.

Make money first, and everything else is secondary.

The two discussed for a while, and Xu Pingan left and returned to the hotel to take a rest. Tomorrow, he will set off for Austria to inspect the Institute of Biology. I wonder if the Institute of Biology will surprise himself this time.

In the evening, when I was about to take a break, the phone rang. Xu Ping'an picked up the phone and looked at it, and directly answered "Isabella, it's rare to see you call me once."

"I'm in a bad mood, you are there" Isabella said directly.

Xu Pingan could hear that Isabella's mood was very depressed, and she directly asked "what's wrong".

"My good friend Di Fen died. We were eating together at her house in the morning. I just received a call from a classmate. Di Fen drove to the suburbs and had a car accident. People have already left," Isabella said directly.

"Sorrow" Xu Ping'an said.

"Can you come to me" Isabella said.

Xu Pingan asked "Where are you".

"I'm in Warsaw, Poland, we went out to visit the building together, and Dafen's house is in Warsaw" Isabella said directly.

"I will fly there tomorrow and book the hotel and car for me," Xu Ping'an said directly.

The two talked over the phone for almost forty minutes, until Isabella's mobile phone was dead, and the real Apocalypse smartphone was sent by Xu Ping An.

Xu Pingan took out the charger and connected it to the phone, stood up to take a bath, and it was time to rest.

The next day, the group of people went straight to the airport. The plane was filled with fuel and flew directly to Warsaw to meet Isabella. When she left the airport passage, Isabella was already waiting outside.

I took everyone directly to the parking lot and boarded the car. The vehicle was a convoy that hired the hotel. There was nothing to say all the way to the hotel. After the inspection, Xu Ping'an came into the car.

When no one came, Isabella let go and sat in Xu Ping’an’s arms. Xu Ping’an slowly comforted Isabella, stroking Isabella’s hair, "Don’t be sad, this is an accident. No one wants this to happen".

"Tomorrow is Difen's memorial service, you accompany me," Isabella looked up at Xu Ping'an and said, Xu Ping'an nodded.

Seeing Xu Ping'an nodding, Isabella lowered her head and leaned on Xu Ping's chest. She felt very safe and quiet, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Xu Ping'an didn't move, and just kept his posture like this, feeling very guilty for Isabella in his heart. He doesn't spend much time with her every year, and it's already rare not to give himself a hat of forgiveness.

More than two hours passed before Isabella woke up in a daze. After seeing what was going on, she hugged Xu Ping An's neck and kissed her. She was very satisfied, knowing that Xu Ping's pain in maintaining this position.

"I will take you to bed and rest" Xu Ping'an whispered.

Isabella was a little embarrassed to ask, "Aren't your legs numb?"

"It should be possible to support" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and Isabella nodded.

Xu Ping An took a deep breath, stretched out his legs, and stood up holding Isabella. He just asked Protoss to help clear the numb place in his mind, otherwise, he would definitely be unable to stand up.

Put Isabella on the bed, pulled the quilt over her, kissed Isabella on the forehead, then left the bedroom, took a shower directly, and then went to rest on the sofa.

Now, what Isabella needs is a good rest, so she can solve it on the sofa. For old couples, there is time, a little thoughtfulness, it will make people feel warm.

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