In the middle of the night, Isabella woke up and opened the door to see Xu Ping An sleeping on the sofa. Her heart was very sweet. She did not wake up Xu Ping An, but took out a blanket to cover Xu Ping An.

With the bedroom door open, Isabella returned to sleep. The two have a habit of sleeping, sleeping naked. According to many organizations' experiments, sleeping naked is the most comfortable way to sleep.

Xu Ping'an woke up at dawn, saw the blanket on his body, smiled, got up directly, called someone to bring breakfast, according to the amount of four people.

After more than 30 minutes, the breakfast was delivered. Xu Ping'an went to the bedroom to wake Isabella and ate breakfast together before going to wash. The two entered the bathroom and it took a long time to come out.

Both of them were refreshed. Isabella's face was red. They changed clothes together and started drinking tea in the living room. It's still early, drinking tea and talking, and going to Di Fen's memorial later. meeting.

At 9:30, the two of them drove towards the suburbs by car, both dressed in black. Dai Fen's family was definitely rich, and there was a manor in the suburbs.

After the convoy entered, Isabella accompany Xu Pingan to get out of the car. Liu Wenjun and Darina waited in the car. This is a private matter, and there is no need to follow the sadness.

Everyone in Dafen's family knew Isabella, and the only one who could be held by Isabella was Xu Pingan. After all, people around the world knew about the two.

I shook hands with my family, sat down, listened to other people's speech, time passed slowly, and then started to go to the cemetery. After Dai Fen was buried, the ceremony was completed.

He shook hands with Difen's family and talked. Then he got in the car and left, returned to the hotel to rest for a day, and left Warsaw directly for Austria.

Isabella has already called her family and is accompanied by Xu Ping An to relax. The Phils agreed. With Xu Ping's company, there is no need to worry about safety.

U.S., New York, Longevity Fund Manager Li Wenhan stands on the top of a building, his eyes are blank, he has played thoroughly, and those people in China will not let them go.

Dying happily is your best choice.

The fund lost 8.4 billion U.S. dollars in profits and the account was forcibly liquidated by the bank. This is a domestic fund of a big family, and it has made all the money for many years.

Fortunately, people in China don't know that they already have a child in the United States. The reason why they don't get married is because they are worried about accidents. Li Wenhan knows how vicious these people's hearts are, and they regard their lives as a must.

I have arranged my family's life, and I have no worries. When I raised my hand, I drank the last bit of wine in the bottle directly, threw the bottle away, closed my eyes, took a step forward, and felt flying.

One day later, in the Tian Dynasty, in a boutique courtyard in a certain mountainous area, there are terrace gardens, small bridges, flowing water, and koi churning ponds. In the main hall, a few middle-aged people are all old people looking deeply at them. .

"Study, do you find out who is behind the attack?" the old man asked.

The middle-aged man named Liu Xuewen stood up. "It has been found out that a Morgan Litong fund, they are very targeted, and they are coming to the Wanshou Fund."

"I remember that the Wanshou Fund mainly invests in treasury bonds and valuable securities. The risk is extremely low. Why does this happen?" the old man looked at Xuewen and asked.

Everyone, including Liu Xuewen, had a surprised expression on their faces. How could they ask this question? They couldn't believe that this sentence came from the old man. The old man frowned when he saw everyone's behavior. Is there anything wrong with him? .

"Tell the truth" the old man added.

Liu Xuewen looked at the others and said bitterly, "Master, three months ago, you ordered the Wanshou Fund to change its strategy, saying that you will take some risks this year to make up for the loss and restore it to the original state next year."

"Pop, nonsense, if I said it, why would I have no memory of it, you intend to shirk responsibility" The old man patted the table, and the momentum he had been in power for many years came up, and pressed towards Liu Xuewen.

Sweat began to appear on Liu Xuewen's face. "Father, give me the courage to change my strategy without authorization. If you don't believe me, ask Li Shao and them. Everyone was present at the time, and you always announced in the meeting room."

Li Kunlun took a deep breath and stood up. "Father, you did announce it in front of all of us when you were in a meeting two months ago. Li Wenhan will report directly to you. No one of us should interfere."

"If my father doesn't believe me, he can call up the meeting minutes and videos for viewing at that time."

The old man was stunned. It was actually arranged by himself. How could this be possible? He turned his head and said to the person standing next to him, "Hu Bin, go find the video and let me see."

"Yes" Hu Bin agreed, turned and left.

There was no sound in the huge hall, and invisible pressure enveloped the entire living room. The old man leaned against the chair with his eyes closed. Everyone looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

About thirty minutes later, Hu Bin came back with a tablet computer, "Master, the video has been tuned out."

The old man opened his eyes, with a trace of muddy objects in his eyes, and looked suspiciously at Hu Bin, "What video, did I ask you to get the video?"

This time everyone was silly, including Hu Bin, who looked at the old man with surprise, "Master, are you okay?"

"What do you mean, and you, what kind of expressions each one have" the old man began to scold everyone.

Everyone has scalp numbness and Alzheimer's disease. This is a proper Alzheimer's disease. How can it happen? I haven't seen the old man have this kind of reaction. How can it behave so badly now.

Once the old man arrives, the whole family is over, and it will be attacked by a lot of people. In the past few years, countless enemies have been made. The reason why it is safe is because the old man exists and has a high status.

Li Kunlun looked solemn, and turned his head to look at Liu Xuewen, "Study, go to the Imperial Capital First Hospital immediately and invite Fu Lao. This matter must be kept strictly confidential and go quickly."

"I'll leave right away" Liu Xuewen turned around and left.

"Father, it's okay. You keep resting. The video I asked Hu Bin to find, a cartoon, I want you to be happy all the time" Li Kunlun said with a smile on his face.

The old man looked at Li Kunlun suspiciously, feeling as if he had forgotten something. He couldn't think of anything in his mind, and he felt agitated.

"You are all too old, and you still watch cartoons. In a high position, you need to spend more time on business," the old man said directly, looking at Li Kunlun.

"Yes, what my father taught is that you should rest first. Tomorrow I will report to my father what happened last month," Li Kunlun said directly. The old man nodded, but he really felt tired.

"You guys have a rest, too. We will have a meeting tomorrow." The old man turned around and left.

Li Kunlun gave Hu Bin a look. Hu Bin quickly followed and followed the old man into the backyard. The remaining few people in the room took a long breath, followed by a gloomy expression.

"Big brother, does my father really get it..." Li Wanshan said, I can't go on.

Li Kunlun sighed, "Wanshan, get ready, now my father's symptoms are too similar, we found out a bit late, hateful".

"Old Li, now the old man can't have an accident. We have secretly handed over to Xu Ping'an. We have suffered a heavy loss. Now the United States has been overshadowed by Morgan Lee, and we have lost a lot of money."

"Today we are holding high the banner of anti-corruption and shouting slogans to beat the big tiger. At this point, once the old man has something, we are in danger."

"Look, do we start the gecko project? Just in case," Wu Wende said solemnly looking at Li Kunlun.

Li Kunlun nodded, pondered for a moment and said, "Let's talk about it after Fu Lao has read it. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the Gecko Project will start immediately."

"Wende, you start arranging right away. We will proceed at the same time. First, secretly arrange for the children to leave the country and clearly travel to Thailand. In fact, go to Australia and wait for my news when we arrive in Australia."

"If Australia is not very safe, go directly to a country that has not signed a judicial extradition treaty with our country, and go to Belgium or Germany, just in case."

"I am going to prepare immediately" Wu Wende said and left directly.

"Wanshan, you should also prepare, let the children go to Korea directly, and then transfer to the United States, do not stay in the United States, go directly to Estonia"

"Preparing to implement the transformation plan" Li Kunlun said directly while looking at his younger brother Li Wanshan.

Li Wanshan did not move, but looked at Li Kunlun "Big Brother, what do you do?"

"I will be fine. I have different identities. As long as I don't move, you can go abroad smoothly. Arrange for your sister-in-law and nephew. I will wait for the opportunity to meet you in Estonia," Li Kunlun said with a serious expression.

Li Wanshan nodded and turned to leave. He just walked to the door and "wait a minute" Li Kunlun called out. Li Wanshan stopped and turned to look at his eldest brother.

Li Kunlun took a few steps forward and whispered, "If you execute the transformation plan alone, no one can know your actions, including Xuewen and Wende."

"I understand" Li Wanshan said in a low voice before leaving quickly.

After Li Kunlun watched his brother leave, he walked out of the living room and came to the pond. At this time, a gentle breeze blew over, and the surface of the pond rippled.

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on"

"This day, it really came too fast" Li Kunlun said to himself, followed by a long sigh.

One day later, Liu Xuewen brought Fu Jiasheng to the manor, and under Li Kunlun's arrangement, he began to check the elderly, and then began to read the records of the two days.

In the side room, Fu Jiasheng was talking to Li Kunlun, "Master, this is a middle-to-late stage symptom. If it is discovered early, there is still a way to recover it. Now I can only do everything to do with my fate.

"The Swiss Roche Pharmaceuticals Group has a special medicine for Alzheimer's disease. It will be stable for a period of time after starting to take it. Let's see the effect."

Li Kunlun was taken aback, "Fu Lao, you mean, this disease can be cured, when will it happen?"

"Swiss Roche Pharmaceuticals Group announced this new drug as early as three years ago, but it is still under observation, because the drug must go through many years of clinical trials to determine that it is harmless to the human body before it can be marketed."

"Now I'm just gathering Alzheimer's disease volunteers to conduct human experiments. I can contact them and ask them to send medicines to see the specific effects." Fu Jiasheng said directly.

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