Start the era of black technology

Chapter 519: Isn't It Just Spending Money? [Continue Three Watches, First Watch]

"Is there anything wrong, how could such objects appear on the earth?" Xu Ping'an asked in surprise.

"How you humans were born, according to your current theory of evolution, you have evolved from apes one step at a time."

"But why a considerable number of people in the scientific community don't recognize this matter. In addition to being written into textbooks in your home country, many foreign countries have clearly told their students."

"The theory of evolution is not necessarily correct, because humans have spent more than a century of archaeological excavations and have not found evidence of the evolution of apes to humans during this period."

"There are two theories. One is that the earth has undergone tremendous changes and annihilated the evidence. Second, human evolution is definitely not natural evolution."

"I can't give you an answer to this question. There are also humans in the high-latitude world. There is no evidence for how they appeared," the Xingling said directly.

Xu Ping'an was completely dazed at this moment. He didn't know what to do, and it took a while to recover. "Are there really other intelligent civilizations in the universe?"

"I didn't scan the space of this dimension. I merged with you just after crossing the space. I belong to a different kind of this dimension. If it appears, I will be wiped out by the will of the dimension."

"After you can build a spacecraft that sails in space, let's take a walk in space. This golden astrolabe technology is seven centuries ahead of you," the Protoss said directly.

"What's the use of the golden astrolabe?" Xu Pingan continued to ask.

"Gathering Living Matter"

"Pure water can be purified, through the magnetic force between the planets, so that the water molecules contain a trace of life substances beneficial to carbon-based life"

"If you keep drinking it once a month for ten years, your physical fitness will grow tremendously, speed, strength, endurance, mental strength, immunity, vision, hearing, perception, and internal organs will all increase. "

"The other functions are gone. This should be part of some kind of device. Now it only has such a little function."

"This kind of device should be said to be a device used to purify water by carbon-based organisms that is two levels higher than your human technology, just like the water purifier invented by humans now," Xingling said directly.

The expression of joy on Xu Ping'an's face became lost. "It will take ten years to have an effect. It's too slow."

"Life matter is a matter beyond your understanding of human beings. Even if it is a trace, it is a great blessing for you. Life matter is a matter necessary for evolution."

"I don't know about other planets. I haven't found any materials on the earth that can allow humans to evolve. With this golden chart, your children will definitely be smarter than ordinary people in the future."

"No matter what you study, the ability to accept is beyond ordinary people. For you, it is a treasure that can be passed on and the foundation for the birth of a super family." Xu Ping'an began to think deeply about the words of the Star Spirit.

"If my parents are allowed to drink, will they increase their lifespan" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Yes, the effect is very weak. You must persist for a long time. However, I suggest that you don't give it to your parents. Living substances are not repair substances and cannot repair weakened organs."

"Drinking for a long time will cause cell conflicts within the organs and accelerate the death of decaying cells"

"It is recommended to drink once a year" Xingling said truthfully.

"What you mean is that this kind of life substance only works on vibrant cells," Xu Ping'an said questioningly.

"Yes, if you can find this device, maybe you can get a life substance that can restore the vitality of cells," Xingling admitted.

"Can you make equipment to perfect the golden astrolabe?" Xu Ping'an said with bright eyes.

"Yes, but there is no material. According to analysis, you don't have this kind of material on Earth. Even if you have drawings, you can't make it." The Xingling said very simply, making Xu Ping'an feel like a cat's claw.

The expression on Xu Ping’an’s face changed back and forth, and soon he decided to “sponsor a few archaeological teams and let them find them. It’s not much money every year”

"Furthermore, the special pattern on this golden astrolabe is very representative. I don't believe there will be no news."

"This can be regarded as an unexpected gain. I really didn't expect this kind of thing on earth."

"The earth where you humans exist is really strange. According to my classification, there are several civilization systems, which are impossible to exist in other dimensions."

"Human beings or other creatures will evolve towards a single civilization system"

"With so many civilization systems and chaotic existence, I really don't know if it is a blessing or a disaster for your human beings" Xu Ping'an frowned when the Xingling finished speaking.

After a while, Xu Ping'an woke up from thinking. He didn't want to. Anyway, he couldn't understand this big topic. Let's talk about it tomorrow. He went to take a bath and sleep.

Woke up the next day, drank the water in the golden astrolabe, and felt it seriously. There was no reaction. I don’t want that much. I packed it up, packed it up, and went to the airport. Today I flew directly to France.

Back at the manor, Xu Ping'an began to call. First, he called the Waltz of Tianqi Steel Group and immediately arranged the production of a batch of special steel.

Iron, gold, silver, and other nine metals are used to produce a steel brick in a certain proportion, and at the same time, twelve steel pillars are produced from this material.

Both steel bricks and steel columns have detailed specifications and must be produced in strict accordance with the specifications. After the production is completed, a certain proportion will be sent to the manor in Xuping, France.

A copy of Apocalypse Island, a copy of Adrius Island, a copy of Tianqi Group headquarters in J City, and a copy of Hangzhou Science and Technology Center.

Waltz certainly did not dare to refuse, and immediately agreed to give priority to the production of what the president needs. Xu Ping'an was very satisfied when he heard this sentence.

This is a small altar pattern given by the Xingling, which was too much to bear by Xu Ping'an. He clearly told Xu Ping'an that whenever there was no effect, Xu Ping'an would not give up, and if there was no effect, he would buy it.

Isn't it just spending money? Now the poor have money left.

After the phone was hung up, I started to make calls. This time I called Zhou Wei, an archaeologist in Colombia. I took pictures of the patterns on the golden astrolabe and sent them to Zhou Wei. Ask Zhou Wei to pay attention to these patterns and found similar directness. Notify Xu Pingan.

After he was busy, Xu Ping'an stopped a little bit and assigned a task to Liu Wenjun and Darina to select five archaeological teams with good reputation worldwide.

Every year, there are many archaeological teams seeking sponsorship. Many of them are professional teams. They excavate archeology and rely on the sponsors behind to survive. Show them the photos of the golden astrolabe pattern. You must always pay attention to this pattern. If you find it, you must report it immediately.

The next day, Xu Pingan began to inspect the French branch of Apocalypse Games. Jacques accompanied Xu Pingan to inspect various departments of the company. Last year, the French branch of Apocalypse Games achieved good results.

Not only the Apocalypse game company, it can be said that all end-games that have purchased a voice control system authorization have ushered in a peak of profitability, especially World of Warcraft, which firmly occupy the throne of the global game company's revenue.

This large-scale online game that has been running for more than ten years has ushered in its second spring. The appearance of the voice control system has made many handicapped parties start mad. Various PKs, alliances and tribal battles have spread throughout the game world.

The accumulation of players is too deep. Except that the Celestial Kingdom is not the number one player, it is basically the number one player in other countries. When he saw this report, Xu Ping'an wanted to slap himself twice.

Unexpectedly, the voice control system has directly made World of Warcraft, so don't mention the regret in my heart. If you can do it again, I would rather continue to endure the big client and never give World of Warcraft authorization.

The sale has lost money.

Activision Blizzard was very happy. I thought I was at a loss. I knew it would end like this. Fortunately, I agreed to the transaction and paid a few patents that were about to become obsolete. It really took a big advantage.

The disorderly world of the French division of Apocalypse Games has also ushered in development. Large-scale online games have experienced tremendous growth, but the sales of stand-alone games have fallen sharply.

The biggest loss here is Ubisoft. After all, humans are social creatures. Everyone is eager to communicate, eager to recognize, and only a few are focused on single-player games.

After a round of inspections, he went back to the office to chat with Jacques and communicated for a while. Xu Ping'an directly called Ye Changlin and formally initiated an offer to take over Blizzard.

Xu Ping'an didn't intend to endure it anymore. Seeing the profit passing in vain, he couldn't stand it anymore, and at the same time issued a lobbying contract to the Venus Escort Group.

In conjunction with the acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Apocalypse Games, the Venus Escort Group considered it again and again, accepted the contract and started to move.

A day later, Apocalypse Game Company Ye Changlin offered 8 billion euros to acquire Activision Blizzard wholly in cash. After receiving this invitation, the president of Activision Blizzard was directly angry.

Just one day later, a U.S. media broke the news. Apocalypse Group officially launched the acquisition of Activision Blizzard. This news directly caused a lot of waves.

The president of Activision Blizzard directly held a press conference to announce the rejection of the acquisition and called on all players to boycott the acquisition of the Apocalypse Group. For World of Warcraft, they must boycott.

This news also caused an uproar in the heavens. Netizens supported the actions of Apocalypse Group. Only the agents of World of Warcraft resolutely opposed it and began frantic activities to resist the acquisition of Blizzard by Apocalypse Group.

Just kidding, it was really acquired by Tianqi Group, and the agent's company is finished. Now it is completely counting on World of Warcraft to maintain face and popularity. Without this, the company's stock price has absolutely plummeted.

Europe is also divided into two factions, one faction resolutely opposes the acquisition of Blizzard by Tianqi Group, and the other faction resolutely supports Tianqi Group's acquisition of Blizzard. There is a lot of speculation on the Internet.

Xu Pingan directly added another fire and announced on Twitter and Facebook accounts that once Tianqi Group completes the acquisition, it will recall the creator of World of Warcraft to the company and give his team absolute autonomy to be responsible for the development of World of Warcraft. .

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