Start the era of black technology

Chapter 520 Xu, give up your heart [second more]

Xu Pingan did not just express his opinion, but actually dispatched personnel to contact these exodus founders to confirm Xu Pingan’s promise. Soon, several founders also began to comment.

Upon receiving the invitation from Xu Ping An, Xu Ping An did state that he would give them enough autonomy. Currently, he is considering it. Such a statement made many players feel relieved and they were not following the trouble.

As Xu Pingan's representative, Bruce has already arrived in the United States and started to move around. He started cooperating with Ernst & Young, and began to frantically conquer cities.

Within a few days, Blizzard’s six shareholders announced that they had sold their shares to Apocalypse Group, which already holds 11% of Activision Blizzard’s shares. This news made President Moss fidgeting.

After discussing with a few people, I wrote directly to the Ministry of Commerce, hoping that the Ministry of Commerce can organize the acquisition of Tianqi Group. The Ministry of Commerce is also uncomfortable. The Black Palace has not given any advice to this incident.

No way, the boss of the Ministry of Commerce personally ran to the Black Palace, but the reply was that the boss was still considering it and there was no result yet.

Things have dragged on for a while, and Activision Blizzard is also restless. It is related to their own jobs. No one dares to care about it, no one dares to care about it. President Moss is active every day.

To discredit the Apocalypse Game Company, this path will not work. Players know that Apocalypse Game Company is one of the most player-oriented game companies. The Immortal World Civilization Theme Park is the best example.

It can only be carried out through other methods, but these methods have little effect, and the situation is very anxious. At this moment, news of Tianqi Steel Group's press conference came out.

After inspecting the French branch, Xu Pingan took a plane to inspect the Japanese branch. He was soaking in a hot spring with Yoko Watanabe. There was a TV next to the hot spring and you could see the status of the press conference.

"The global steel industry is weak, so you are so confident that the steel group can make a profit" Yoko Watanabe asked with a blush on his face.

Xu Pingan's face was also red, and he raised his hand and drank a glass of wine. "Look slowly, there is no weak industry, only weak products."

"Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle."

Waltz personally commented on the stage. Ordinary people may not feel anything. All the knowledgeable people took a breath. The three major products of Tianqi Steel Group completely surpassed the products on the market.

Hardness, toughness, tensile strength and other aspects are comprehensively leading, especially in aerospace materials, which has attracted many people's eyes. It can allow satellites or space stations in outer space to operate for a few more years, which can save money and save money.

The media that conducts the live broadcast are also very smart. They have invited some experts in this area to give on-site explanations, so that ordinary people can understand the difference between steel, and many people have an expression of sudden realization.

One after another began to look forward to Waltz's announcement of prices. The products are good products. Tianqi Group's consistent style. Will the prices be the same as before, with high prices.

Soon, Waltz announced the price, and everyone started to be shocked. The price of ordinary steel was even cheaper than the price of the celestial dynasty, and the price of moiré steel that was better than rebar was the same as the market price.

Not surprisingly, the price of aerospace materials is high, which is 200% higher than the current market price. This result makes all countries feel painful.

It’s still the same. The Iron and Steel Group is not responsible for delivery. The reason why the price is low is to let the distributors benefit. Compared with the distributors, we are a humane company.

When Waltz uttered this sentence, the reporters below were collectively despised, the people in front of the TV also looked contemptuous, and the dealers who cooperated with Tianqi Group were even more despised.

It's too shameless, isn't it just to save freight, it's so high-sounding.

If you have the ability, don't let us bear the freight.

Next, Waltz announced that it had signed contracts with 38 distributors. At the same time, it had obtained orders for aviation materials from six countries, with a total transaction value of up to 4 billion euros.

Seeing that Yoko Watanabe moved in the water, he slipped into Xu Ping'an's arms. "Why don't you tell me in advance that I can short some steel company stocks so I can make another profit."

"It's a pity that the stock prices of Kobe Steel and other steel companies are not low. After this news broke, the prices will definitely drop a lot." Watanabe Yoko looked regretful.

I patted Yoko Watanabe. "What we did the last few times is too obvious. Many countries know it well, but they didn't make it clear. Some things must be done in moderation, understand."

"How can the price of ordinary steel be compressed so low" Yoko Watanabe asked again, drawing circles on Xu Ping's chest with her fingers.

"The price of iron ore in Africa is very low, and the location of the steel group has a geographical advantage. This is very bright. Coupled with the equipment of the steel group, this is another dominant aspect."

"The last aspect is the craftsmanship. The steel group's craftsmanship is ahead of other steel companies and produces very little scrap. Together, our costs are much lower than any steel company."

"Come slowly. With the increase in the sales of aviation materials, the price of ordinary steel will gradually be adjusted. For the time being, for the insured production, we will do this first. Anyway, the profit rate is very objective, so don't worry."

"Furthermore, the steel group is responsible for the export port. It has invested in a large commercial area in the port town. When the port becomes more developed, this commercial area will also bring very good profits."

"Combined from all aspects, the annual profit of the steel group will not be less" Xu Ping'an explained with a smile, and Yoko Watanabe understood what was going on.

After a conversation, the two people's drowsiness breathing a little worse, and they left the hot spring to rest.

A week later, when Xu Ping An was planning to leave Japan, he received a call from Cheng Jialu. The weight-loss product has been tested on fifty fat people with amazing results.

After Xu Ping'an asked in detail about the situation, he hung up the phone. Sitting there alone thinking, the "Ding Ding Ding" phone rang again.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, he smiled bitterly. Herbert, Chairman of the Swiss Roche Pharmaceutical Group, needless to say, it must be for weight loss products.

"Herbert, what's the matter" Xu Ping'an said helplessly, picking up the phone.

Herbert sneered when he heard Xu Ping'an's words. You don't know anything about anything, and you can feel your unwillingness across the phone line.

"Xu, the weight loss products are perfect. Fifty volunteers have already lost weight perfectly. Everyone has undergone a comprehensive physical examination in more than three hospitals. They are all very good in all aspects and cause no discomfort to the body."

"I suggest that the five of us meet to discuss the product to the market." Herbert directly said his purpose.

Xu Ping'an felt bored for a while, so much money, it hurts so much to split it out.

"Yes, but I feel that the shares between us must be re-divided. According to the information I have received, your researcher has done nothing."

"The shares of Tianqi Group should increase" Xu Ping'an said with a black face.

"You dream, we have an agreement, we must act according to the contract, otherwise, I will directly sue the High Court" Herbert said unceremoniously.

"It is stipulated in the contract that any objections must be resolved in the court of Heaven," Xu Ping'an said bitterly.

Herbert rubbed his temples, "Xu, you give up, no matter where we are, we will not give up profits, I will not agree to Roche Pharmaceuticals, and other companies will not agree to you."

"Herbert, our two companies have invested so much and have a little bit less shares. The three of them must give up a certain amount of shares to meet our profits. Think about it," Xu Ping'an said with a different strategy.

Herbert smiled and shook his head, "Xu, come to Switzerland in three days, and proceed according to the agreement. The five of us can work together to maximize profits."

"Respect the contract. Although the three of them don't invest much in research and development, they have to increase their investment in global advertising. Everyone has to pay. The current share division is reasonable."

"We know that you are unwilling, but this is reality. We didn't expect such a return when we invested. This is what God meant."

"Let's meet and say, I will fly directly to Interlaken, Switzerland tomorrow" Xu Ping'an said helplessly.

"I'll arrange the hotel for you. The scenery is absolutely superb. I hope we can have a pleasant meeting" Herbert said directly.

The two said a few words and then hung up.

Xu Ping'an stood up, went to the corridor, looked at the small pond in front of him, and sighed. I'm afraid this matter is really going to be done in accordance with the contract.

"Dalena, let me know, we will fly directly to Interlaken, Switzerland tomorrow" Xu Ping'an said loudly.

Darina, who was sitting by the side and drinking tea, began to call to inform the plane to be ready to fly to Switzerland and not return to the sky for the time being.

In the evening, Xu Ping An was very wild. Both Liu Wenjun and Darina heard Yoko Watanabe's cry in the room. The two understood in their hearts that Xu Ping's heart was suffocated.

The next day, both of them had dark eye circles. They had breakfast and went straight to the airport. Yoko Watanabe sent Xu Ping away and then returned to the company. The skin was delicate and shiny, very attractive.

After getting on the plane, Darina and Liu Wenjun went directly to their room to sleep. They had to take a good rest, while Xu Ping'an sat on the sofa with a glass of water thinking about things.

After a long flight, the plane landed, Xu Ping'an and others walked out of the airport and saw a vehicle sent by Roche Pharmaceuticals, directly boarding to the hotel.

This time, the hotel settled in was specially arranged by Herbert. It is in the east of the city, not far from a nature reserve, and the distant scenery can be seen through large French windows.

Xu Ping’an’s room is specially selected. He knows Xu Ping’s habits, the lighting is very good, and the space is large enough. I hope that Xu Ping’an will not come up with any moths during the negotiation.

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