Start the era of black technology

Chapter 534 How to avoid war and how to protect our interests [first more]

After listening to Xu Ping'an, he thought for a while, whispered a few words in Shan's ear, and the expression on Adnan's face changed, frowning and thinking.

It took a long time to recover, and nodded to Xu Ping'an, "Xu, thank you, I hope in the future, I can invite you to participate in my coronation ceremony."

"That's my honor," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Prince Adnan also smiled and let go of chatting with Xu Ping'an. Time slowly passed, and the personnel were almost ready. At this time, an old man in the front row stood up.

He walked directly to the front desk, came to the speech desk and said with a smile, "Gentlemen, be quiet, our party has begun."

Xu Ping'an turned his head sideways and said in Norton's ear, "Who is he?"

"Old DuPont" Norton curled his lips and said, Xu Ping'an suddenly realized that he stopped asking anything.

The DuPont family can be said to be the fastest-changing and best-developing family in the United States. It has developed better than any other family, regardless of its usual reputation.

There are no advertisements. In fact, many of the bosses behind the companies are DuPont. Many products in our daily life are also from DuPont.

The world's well-deserved chemical industry giant, invisible giant.

To give a simple example, non-stick pans are popular all over the world, but many people in the world don't know that many countries in Europe and the United States prohibit the use of such non-stick pans and are labeled as highly toxic.

The coating of the non-stick pan will produce a toxin when heated. This toxin will contaminate human blood and cause cancer and even be passed on to the next generation. It is very toxic.

It is a sigh that there are still companies in our country that have purchased this technology and are continuously producing.

At this time, a large number of women came in, each with an ice bucket and wine glasses in their hands, and an ice bucket was placed on the coffee table next to each customer, with a bottle of red wine in the ice bucket.

Very skillfully opened the red wine to pour a glass for everyone, and then put the red wine in the ice bucket, only then politely left, the place was completely closed.

"Gentlemen, let us co-organize and toast to today's gathering." Old DuPont raised the cup with a smile, and everyone cooperated and raised the cup and each took a sip.

This wine is very good, this is Xu Pingan's evaluation, the quality is not lower than that of Romani Conti, it is of high grade.

"Gentlemen, there are a lot of new people at this gathering. When our Executive Committee drafted the list, we had sufficient discussions to maintain the fairness of the list."

"For the convenience of everyone, I suggest that everyone stand up and introduce themselves, just start with me."

"My next friend, Kassel DuPont, is the patriarch of the DuPont family. Basically, I now call me the old DuPont."

"I was elected as the head of the executive committee at the last meeting," DuPont finished speaking and stretched out his arm to the person on the left in the first row, motioning for him to introduce himself.

The same old man stood up and turned to look at everyone "My dear Denier, Chairman of Tulip Group". After speaking, he sat down and everyone applauded.

"Xu, don't underestimate this person. Although the Tulip Group is not well-known, it secretly controls 30% of the global food industry. It has large shares in many international food groups, and many of them are hidden holdings." Xu Ping'an said in Norton's ear.

Xu Ping'an nodded with a serious face, but the slight contempt in his heart had disappeared completely.

I knew that this gathering was probably a hidden predator, a crocodile holding a lot of resources and hiding in the dark.

At this time, the person next to him stood up, Xu Ping'an knew Leonardo, and Leonardo sat down again after introducing himself.

"My man Carlos, Chairman of Mexico Telecom"

"Everyone can call me Mrs. Chela, Chairman of the European Siya Group"

"I believe many people know me, Gates, Microsoft shareholder"

"My next person Matsuyama Kenjiro, Chairman of Henggang Group"

"You can call me Paris, Chairman of Mayfair Group"


"Adnan, XX United Crown Prince"

"Xu Pingan, President of Tianqi Group"

"Norton, Chairman of Golden Sun Group"


With the introductions one by one, and Norton's introduction, Xu Ping'an was very shocked in his heart, everyone was very difficult.

In the case of Mayfair Group Chairman Paris, Xu Pingan knew him, but he didn't know Paris's strength. Today, he knows Paris's strength under Norton's explanation.

The Mayfair Group is an Italian and even European manufacturing giant. Seventeen listed manufacturing groups belong to the Mayfair Group. No one knows how many are not listed.

Thirty to forty percent of the output of European manufacturing is inextricably linked to the Mayfair Group.

This shows that Paris's strength is not obvious, and it is completely Cretaceous Tyrannosaurus rex in sheep's skin.

The last person introduced himself, and the relaxed expressions on everyone's faces disappeared, and it was obvious what the sixty people present were in their hands.

Stomping their feet together, the global economy will have a major earthquake.

It is certainly not a trivial matter to gather these people to discuss something, and I dare not relax.

Old DuPont could see the expressions of the people below very clearly from the top, and was very satisfied with the effect. He applauded with everyone and started talking after everyone had finished the introduction.

"Gentlemen, today's society is changing rapidly, emerging economies are constantly impacting traditional industries, and global economic growth is weak, and many industries have been affected."

"Of course, everyone here is not affected much. Many people have shown a momentum of growth against the trend, but this kind of growth has caused a fatal blow to many companies."

"Our small group has an independent economic research team. This economic research team always focuses on the global economy and analyzes the global economic trend."

"Please look at the big screen. This is the latest research report. The situation is not optimistic." After speaking, DuPont turned and pointed at the big screen. A document was displayed on the big screen.

"According to research findings, in the next five to six years, with the development of science and technology, the speed of enterprise elimination will grow at an unprecedented rate, which will cause a decrease in global jobs."

"The reason why this is so inseparable from the development of science and technology, perhaps some people will say that the development of science and technology will create new jobs and the market will adjust itself."

"Gentlemen, this is a wrong threshold. According to our survey of the top 30 economies in the world, we found a sad data that there will be an increasing shortage of high-tech talents."

"Deeper and advanced technology is not something that everyone can learn to master. After a day's analysis of supercomputers, only one in 100 million people in the world have the ability to understand and learn such advanced technology."

"Among the one in 100 million people, a large part of them will not get the opportunity to learn for various reasons. In this way, there will be fewer suitable people."

"Ordinary jobs can be replaced by robots, which will cause 80% of the current jobs to disappear completely. There are no talents for advanced technological development, and some jobs will be vacant."

"For up to eight years, there will be large-scale unemployment in countries around the world, and a global economic collapse is inevitable."

"At this stage, there is only one option left to solve the problem"


When Old DuPont said this, the expression on his face was extremely serious and very serious.

"Gentlemen, now society cannot withstand the ravages of war, and it is likely to cause the end of our human civilization"

"Because there are many more countries in the world that have nuclear bombs than the published figures."

"If we really get to this point, it will not benefit any of us at all, but will cause great harm."

"Chaos is the sword of destruction that destroys the economy and the world"

"Everyone present, including me, can be said to be rich people. Those who have enough money can not spend their lives in future generations. They can enjoy the world in luxury."

"But what if there is a global chaos, everything we have will be reduced to ashes, are you willing to accept this result?"

"We must do something to change this future and change the appearance of this result"

"Therefore, the topic of our gathering this time is [how to avoid war and how to protect our interests]" Old DuPont looked at everyone after speaking, and everyone had a thoughtful expression.

Old DuPont didn't interrupt everyone's thinking, but took a sip from the glass slowly. After a while, he continued to speak.

"Gentlemen, our gathering is open-minded. Everyone can talk freely and discuss this topic together. If anyone has any ideas, you can raise your hand, come to the stage to speak out, and share with everyone."

"We can definitely solve this problem with our teamwork."

"This matter has been resolved, not only for everyone, but also for myself" Old DuPont said these few words very seriously.

After a short while, Gates raised his hand, and Old DuPont smiled "Welcome Gates to share."

After speaking, they started to applaud, and everyone was enough to applaud. Gates stood up and walked to the podium.

Shaking hands with DuPont, old DuPont went down, Gates stood up, and started his own speech.

"Gentlemen, Mr. DuPont just said a rough idea. The reality is more serious than what Mr. DuPont said. Let me give you a simple example."

"Softsoft currently has more than 90,000 direct employees worldwide, and indirectly created more than 400,000 jobs. With the development of technology, to be honest, next year I can directly lay off half of the employees." Gates has a serious expression. Said.

Everyone was taken aback, layoffs half of the staff, what a joke, this will cause a big impact, the US government will not agree to such a large-scale layoffs by SoftSoft.

Xu Ping'an also raised his brows, and he had a conjecture in his heart. Could it be that Microsoft has made a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, otherwise, laying off so many employees will definitely cause chaos in the company.

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