"Everyone, I am not alarmist, everyone will understand why I said that after listening to me."

"First, the large-scale application of cleaning robots will allow us to abolish all cleaning positions in the company, mopping the floor, cleaning glass, cleaning the internal and external walls of the company, etc., all of which can be completed by cleaning robots."

"I'm not kidding, a simple cleaning robot can already do this kind of work. Only a team of twelve people is needed to clean the entire SoftSoft headquarters."

"At present, the company has more than 300 cleaning staff, these will become redundant"

"Secondly, with the development of network technology, we will abolish the department of directly-operated stores. All users can purchase our software products from the Internet. There is no need to open any direct-operated stores to experience it."

"Across the U.S., there are more than 3,000 employees in the directly-operated store department, and all of them will be eliminated."

"Europe, Asia, and other countries have more than 10,000 people in the store department, and they are also facing unemployment."

"Third, the secretary position, with the development of artificial intelligence testing, the work of secretaries, clerks, and such personnel can be completely replaced."

"Statistics, artificial intelligence is completely competent, writing reports, making reports, etc., is not a big problem for artificial intelligence."

"As far as I know, Xu's Tianqi Technology Company headquarters has launched artificial intelligence testing, and it has been running for almost ten months. What you need to do is just need to say a word to the air." Gates said here. He glanced at Xu Ping'an.

Xu Ping'an frowned and understood the meaning in Gates' eyes. Don't think we don't know what you are doing. We won't admit defeat. In the future, who wins and who loses is not always certain.

The challenge is very obvious.

Everyone was shocked. Looking at Xu Ping'an, who was sitting there with a calm face, Tianqi Group had already started a test. Is there any mistake? This is to turn science fiction into reality.

At this moment, Xu Ping'an had only one thing in his mind, who missed the wind, and the voice of the Star Spirit appeared in Xu Ping's mind, "Zhang Jianbin knows it, it is no different from the people around the world, it is the wind that you leaked" .

There was a long sigh in my heart, low-key, why didn't I know the low-key, showing up everywhere, it's fine now, and soon I will get bored.

"Fourth, the staff in the development department is compressed. To be honest, the staff in the development department of our company is very large and bloated. Although the categories are very detailed, there are many dispensable research and development."

"If these dispensable projects are cut off, the company's R&D personnel reduction by 30% will not affect the company's normal transformation at all, and there is no need to set up R&D centers abroad."

"Based on these four points, we cut half of our staff, you think it may still be impossible"

"Of course, I won't do this now, but as the competition gets fiercer, this day will come sooner or later. At that time, layoffs are inevitable."

"Therefore, I hope everyone can really speak freely, and we will work together to resolve this contradiction and avoid the worst possibility."

"Thank you everyone," Gates bowed to everyone and went down. Everyone applauded.

With Gates taking the lead, three people soon came to the stage to share, one of them was more serious than the other, and Paris of the Mayfair Group said it was even more scary.

The Mayfair Group has more than 600,000 employees in Europe, more than 200,000 in Asia, and more than 200,000 in the Americas. If the production line is changed to an automated assembly line, it will be very easy to lay off 300,000 people.

The commodities on the global market will not decrease, but the number of unemployed people in various countries is increasing. The consequences are very serious. If the economy collapses, no country in the world can be spared.

At this time, Leonardo stood up, "Everyone, it's late, let's have lunch and take a break, and we will continue to share at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Everyone is loose, and the same is true for Xu Pingan. The international economy is a big chess game that requires players of sufficient level to play.

There is no doubt that the people at the gathering today are the chess players. Xu Ping'an is keenly aware that the topic this time is not that simple. Let's take a look.

"Xu, your side has really launched an artificial intelligence test" Norton asked from the side.

Many people nearby looked at Xu Ping'an, wanting to see if Xu Ping'an would admit this. This is not a trivial matter, it is a big matter for the future.

Xu Pingan sighed in his heart and knew that someone wanted to ask this question, "Yes, you know the national conditions of the celestial dynasty. What is being done is only part of the artificial intelligence test, which is far from being qualified."

"As far as I know, Softsoft and Guge have been conducting artificial intelligence tests for more than four years."

Quite a few people are shocked, Fack, are there any mistakes, what your companies want to do without saying anything has developed to this level.

It's gotta

"Xu, is there any possibility of artificial intelligence being applied in three years?" Adnan looked at Xu Ping An with a solemn expression.

Xu Pingan hesitated and clicked on Adnan. "My analysis, it is very likely. After all, they have been tested for many years and are relatively mature in all aspects. The possibility of practical application within three years is very high."

"You know, they are all cooperating with the military on related projects"

Adnan is very clever, fully comprehending what Xu Ping'an meant, and nodded seriously. Everyone stood up and started walking outside. At the party this morning, he knew a lot of things that he didn't know before.

Lunch was held in the garden, barbecue, everyone was drinking wine and eating meat, communicating in twos and threes, when Xu Ping'an was talking to Seuss.

Gates came over with a letter of apology on his face, "Xu, sorry, revealed your business secrets."

Xu Ping'an smiled and shook hands with Gates largely and said, "It's okay. There was no confidentiality arrangement during the test. It doesn't matter. This kind of test will not be rewarding in a few years."

"By the way, as far as I know, your soft soft company has been testing for several years, can you tell us how far you are" Xu Ping'an asked with a smile on his face.

Old fox, this is Gates' evaluation of Xu Ping'an. Now he asks it in front of him. It is really hard to answer. I just expressed my apology to the other party. If I don't answer now, I will be looked down upon.

"It's difficult. Our current progress is still at the stage of advanced question answering machines. The logic algorithm is stuck, and the neural network thinking is difficult to perfect," Gates bit the bullet.

"Awesome, a few steps ahead of our Tianqi Group. We have not yet developed into neural networks. I believe that Softsoft must be the first company in the world to withdraw from artificial intelligence products."

"I want to buy shares, can you sell me some stocks cheaply? I am very optimistic about the development of your company" Xu Ping An said with a smile.

Including Gates, they all laughed. Even if you know that Xu Ping'an is talking about a joke, you can't take it carelessly. From what happened at Blizzard this time, Xu Ping'an is very possessive.

If you really want to join the board of directors of a soft-soft company, you will definitely make trouble.

"I have no opinion, but I can't sell my shares to you. After all, I don't have much left. You can buy other people's shares. I support you to join the board of directors." Gates said with a smile on his face. .

Xu Ping An also laughed. Both of them knew that what they said was ironic. Gates was very clear. He opposed Xu Ping's joining the board of directors of Softsoft and he would try his best to prevent it.

The two changed the subject tacitly and started discussing other issues. The others were also laughing. As for what they thought, no one knew.

It's all old foxes. It's the basic skill that emotions and anger don't show up in colors. Outsiders can't guess what these people think in their hearts.

After the barbecue, many people went to the guest room to take a rest. At two o'clock in the afternoon, they continued to share. Xu Pingan Mingrui felt that the afternoon sharing was significantly different from the morning.

Someone suggested that the sixty people present would unite to form an alliance, coordinate with each other, and force governments of all countries to cooperate to save future changes, thereby safeguarding the interests of all.

A picture appeared in Xu Ping's mind involuntarily, first asking the question, then propagating the destructiveness of the problem, and then blowing the air. This is the current method that allows you to prepare in advance.

The next step is a showdown, forcing you to unite, forcing you to compromise, forcing you to yield, and forcing you to join the league.

Lao Tzu is a tribe, OK, it's not the same way as you.

These are Xu Ping'an's heartfelt voices, and he began to think about it in random ways.

A person frowned and was thinking. Many people saw Xu Ping's expression, and they consciously didn't bother Xu Ping's thinking. There are many people like Xu Ping's who are seriously thinking about this issue.

The afternoon was very short, more than two hours were over, each returned to their residence, and continued tomorrow. This time the gathering time was four days, and this was the first day. There was time to discuss this issue.

Everyone has things on their minds. No one came to talk to Xu Ping'an. They were thinking about this problem in their own residence. Without employment, people's purchasing power would plummet.

Soon it will develop into chaos. If you don't want to starve to death, you will start thinking of other ways. At that time, in order to maintain the stability of the country, I am afraid that you have to go to the road of war.

When the war is over and the population decreases sharply, a new round of prosperity will begin.

This is a cruel reincarnation

On the road of human history, we have never got rid of this kind of reincarnation. Xu Pingan also began to think about how to solve this problem.

In the end, I didn't think about it. I had dinner, took a bath and went to bed directly. I'll talk about it tomorrow, anyway, the sky is falling and there is a tall man.

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