Start the era of black technology

Chapter 537 My Apocalypse Group's goal is to colonize the starry sky [first more]

"I don't know if you have noticed it. The current development of technology has reached a critical crossroads. If we work hard, what if we succeed."

"The future is in space, in the universe, where there are countless money and various materials"

"Why should we stand still, even if we have established a new economic order, do you think those politicians will watch us control the world economy?"

"Instead of chaos at the time, it is better to get up now and carry out a comprehensive upgrade of social technology to completely change people's lives. Seriously, we are really running out of time." Xu Ping'an said here with a serious expression on his face. .

Time is running out, so many people don't know what Xu Ping'an meant.

Seeing everyone’s expressions, Xu Ping’an understood that they didn’t understand "The time I said is not much, it is worth alleviating the problem, gentlemen, the pollution of the ocean is more serious than any of us imagined."

"At present, even if we take action to prevent and control pollution, it is too late. The spread of pollution has entered the fast lane. According to the survey of our Poseidon Company, the number of marine organisms is decreasing, and the number of microorganisms is decreasing."

"There are a lot of dead areas in the ocean. Gentlemen, you can investigate it yourself when you go back. When the extinction of marine life reaches a certain level, the extinction of land life is inevitable."

"The only hope is to fully develop science and technology, colonize the universe and stars, and reduce the burden on the earth. Otherwise, according to the current situation, within ten years, we must accept the punishment of nature."

"Although this punishment is a one-time punishment, the punishment time is long. Do you want to stay in that small shelter for the rest of your life?"

"No sun can be seen, everything is isolated, even if the shelter is safe or not, there is still a difference."

"So, we only have one way now, and that is to rush to space with all our strength, for all mankind"

"I don't care what you decide"

"The main energy of my Tianqi Group must be on space projects"

"My goal of the Tianqi Group is to colonize the starry sky." Xu Ping'an almost roared out the last sentence, and everyone present felt the determination in Xu Ping's tone.

"Papa Papa Papa" applause began to rang. Compared with Xu Ping's proposal, the method that everyone came up with in the past two days is obviously more constructive and practical.

What if it breaks

For this hope, it is worth fighting for.

After Xu Ping'an went down, Old DuPont stood up directly, and the time was almost up. Xu Ping's speech today was very long, but it was shocking enough.

Old DuPont smiled and said to everyone, "Everyone, let's go to the garden to eat and talk."

"Xu, what you said is so good, I am not at a loss now. Once I am crowned king, I will increase investment in space projects and the country will comprehensively transform into science and technology." Adnan said with a serious look at Xu Ping An. .

"His Royal Highness, technology is very costly, and foundation is very important. My rocket failure is an example," Xu Ping An kindly persuaded.

Adnan’s country is rich, but the technological background is really not good. People in the whole country are masters in eating, drinking and playing, but there are not many real scientific and technological talents.

Xu Pingan is really not very optimistic about the development of science and technology on this basis, and science and technology need a lot of knowledge. This is the fundamental reason why Xu Pingan is still in the research institute with tens of billions of euros every year.

Take money to buy heritage.

"I understand that I will issue a policy when the time comes. National welfare is linked to academic qualifications, so they can't help but say Adnan very seriously.

"His Royal Highness is amazing," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, chatting with Adnan and going to the garden to eat food together.

During the meal, Leonardo asked many people if they planned to speak in the afternoon. If not, take a break in the afternoon. You can think about the opinions of other people.

As a result, the branch returned to the residence in the afternoon. Leonardo and the old DuPont, Mrs. Chela, Paris, and the four were on the top floor of the manor house, tasting red wine and discussing things. The topic was Xu Pingan's speech.

"This Xu is really a pity. If he is an American, I would definitely support him as president" Old DuPont said with a smile, and everyone else laughed.

"He is really interesting. I think what he said can be considered, especially the last point, environmental issues. The facts are more terrifying than what he said. I am very clear about this."

"If we follow the plan we made, the future is really hard to say"

"According to Xu's method, there may be a ray of life," Madam Chela said directly, without joking on her face.

"Is the environment really so bad?" Old DuPont asked.

Mrs. Chela nodded seriously, "My daughter has her own oceanographic research institute. Since this year, I have been banned from eating any seafood, what do you think".

Several elderly people were amazed. Mrs. Chela’s daughter knew him. It was a famous American doctor of marine biology and an authoritative person in the industry. They couldn’t take it seriously.

"With that said, our time is really running out. I got a very secret message from the meteorological department that extreme weather will not increase gradually in the future."

“It’s snowballing from the top of the mountain, and it will become more and more terrifying. Several famous ski resorts in Europe have begun to go downhill. The amount of snow is decreasing, and the ice is melting.”

"This conclusion was completely sealed immediately after it was reached, and it is forbidden for anyone to talk about the rumor," Paris said seriously.

"I think Xu may be able to block the future above the colonial sky after knowing these news. It is not that simple and very difficult to enter the outer space to colonize the planet," Leonardo said with a frown. One sentence.

Qualcomm also has a space project inside. It is very clear how difficult it is, and it is not so easy to break through. I am afraid that it requires a global effort to make a breakthrough.

"I am actually interested in what he said about extending life. I knew it earlier, and I would let the company controlled by my family join his new human project."

"I am really old, and I have lost the courage of the past. If I were young for ten years, I would definitely not give up the opportunity" Old DuPont said with emotion.

Everyone sighed for a while. The old DuPont family controlled one of the top ten pharmaceutical groups. At the beginning, they thought that things were too vague and gave up. Well, now, the five companies have made a profit with only by-products.

"Look for a chance to discuss with Xu. There should be a chance. The business is about compromise," Paris said with a smile.

Old DuPont smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Paris, you don't know Xu Ping'an's greed. For this weight-loss product, Xu Ping'an and Meyer have quarreled several times and plan to kick the four out.

"In the end, the four companies working together can be regarded as suppressing Xu's greed. If I propose to join now, the five of them will unanimously oppose it. If there is one more person, one more profit will be allocated."

"What's more, the five companies are not short of money. They are all well-funded. It is very difficult. Even if I agree, I am afraid that the price I paid is very high."

"Are we going to give up the plan" Leonardo said, looking at several people.

The three nodded with a wry smile. They understood Leonardo's thoughts. Apocalypse Group put a lot of pressure on Qualcomm, especially after the two sides of the smartphone cooperated to develop a chip, Leonardo was really worried.

"Leonardo, we know your pressure, but in the current situation, even if a few of us are willing, others will probably not agree to it. Even those who reluctantly agree can hardly be united."

"More importantly, it is difficult for governments in various countries to accept our existence. No one wants to be controlled or threatened, especially the United States, which is now a super developed country. Politicians will never give in to us."

"They will find a way to eradicate us to be at ease. Many people have understood this point, including Xu," Old DuPont said seriously.

"Upgrade technology, at least we need to control marine pollution, otherwise, I'm afraid we can't wait for the colonization of the starry sky to be over," Mrs. Chela said with a solemn expression.

"Indeed, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, and Greece are already negotiating with each other and intend to introduce an extremely severe marine pollution control plan."

"When they form a unified opinion, they will be submitted to the United Nations for deliberation and global promotion. As far as I know, one of them is to prohibit all marine fishing for three years."

"Only a few special manufacturers will obtain fishing rights, and Poseidon is one of them. After all, we cannot do without super fish oil and super pancreas."

"Seriously, I am very envious of Xu Pingan’s fortune. Dr. Luck’s super fish oil laid the foundation for the rise of Tianqi Group and provided a clear path for Xu Pingan’s future development."

"Following Dr. Nilun, etc., coupled with the current hottest Geng Jingzhong, Tianqi Group's scientific research strength is really strong, and there are so many talents," Leonardo said with a wry smile.

When these four were negotiating, Norton also went to Xu Ping'an's residence to discuss the future development with Xu Ping'an. The Norton family business, Golden Sun Group, was also an invisible predator.

In the field of medical devices, the market share is very high. At present, 68% of the global high-end medical devices are under the control of Golden Sun Group.

There are no mountains or dews, and every year you can get an unexpected profit. In the international market, the water is really deep. This is how Xu Ping'an feels after attending this gathering.

"Xu, can the New Human Project break through in five years" Norton asked.

Xu Pingan shook his head and said, "Norton, the New Mankind project team is currently struggling with a problem. It needs to find a substance that can synthesize that special substance. Once found, the New Mankind project will make a breakthrough."

"This substance is very difficult to find. Now we are going in two steps. The first step is to continue to search for this material, and the second step is to artificially synthesize it. We hope that the development of science and technology can help us synthesize this key material."

"As long as this problem is solved, a breakthrough may be possible at any time."

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