Start the era of black technology

Chapter 538 We have a fight with a group [second more]

After listening, Norton nodded, with a thoughtful expression on his face. It took a while for him to become normal, and he took a sip of tea from his teacup.

"Xu, the general improvement of social science and technology is not so simple, and your plan may fail" Norton said while looking at Xu Ping An.

Xu Pingan shrugged and made an indifferent expression. "It depends on what other companies do. They all have a new generation of products, so just keep them if they don't want to put them on the market."

"Maybe, they will be forced by the market to accelerate their investment"

"Old DuPont was right. The competition in the international market is getting fiercer and jobs are declining. I have also noticed this. This is not a big loss to me."

"The big deal is that I will lay off employees. What's more, I have already planned that by the end of this year, some products of Tianqi Group will start to cut prices and be fully popularized."

"At that time, the market will force you to make all kinds of changes. As for how to change, I don't know how to change it. I'm slowly optimistic."

After listening to Xu Pingan's words, Norton was stunned and reacted quickly. He directly asked, "You are not going to lower the price of single-person aircraft, right".

"Of course, it's time for a single-person aircraft to be reduced in price. It has been on the market for more than a year. The ones that should be bought have already been bought, and the ones that have not been bought are unaffordable."

"According to statistics, dealers have also begun to have inventory, sales have begun to decline, and it is time to reduce prices. In the future, single-person aircraft will definitely be popular worldwide," Xu Pingan said very positively.

"You really don't intend to give us a way to survive in the aircraft industry" Norton said with a black face.

There are solo aircrafts. Whoever flies on planes, airlines are not doing well, and who buy planes, one by one, will form a very serious chain reaction.

"It's not that I don't give, but the market decides. This is the general trend. Consumers decide your industry to survive. You don't know the truth."

"Norton, change it. The market needs a new generation of aircraft. I don't believe you Airbus will not be prepared for this, if you didn't have it before."

"When the single-man aircraft comes out, you will definitely have plans for this," Xu Ping'an said very positively.

"We will definitely have a plan. The plan is not a reality. The new generation of aircraft needs time and time for research and development," Norton said very upset.

"You have enough time. I will not lower the price a lot. I will do it step by step. In a short time, airplanes are still people's first choice for long-distance travel"

"The impact of single-person aircraft on you is not great, but the impact on the automotive industry is just so powerful."

"I read a report. Many auto groups have cancelled their luxury car plans. If you have the money to buy a luxury car, it is better to add some money to buy a single-person aircraft."

"Industrial changes and major upgrades have already begun, and those who fall behind will all be eliminated," Xu Ping'an said very positively.

"The global population is increasing but jobs are decreasing. How will people live in the future" Norton said with emotion.

Xu Pingan nodded and acknowledged Norton’s view, “Norton, go back and increase research and development, social changes are really accelerating.”

The two chatted for a while before Norton left. After Xu Ping'an sent Norton into the car, he returned and sat on the sofa to think about things.

Time passed slowly. The next day, Xu Ping'an took the car to the party as scheduled. Today, Norton spoke and agreed with Xu Ping's yesterday's statement to comprehensively improve social technology.

Airbus Group will soon announce that with the addition of space projects, Golden Sun Group will increase investment in space projects, and finally conclude with the sentence that the future of mankind is in space.

Next, a few big bosses spoke, similar to Norton's meaning, of course, there are also people who tend to form alliances, this time the two concepts are very opposed.

However, everyone knows that it is impossible to form an alliance.

The development of science and technology is not limited, and there is no need for the alliance to be established. Let's take a look. No one can tell the future. The idea of ​​increasing resource reserves is basically accepted by everyone.

Today’s lunch is a big meal, not a barbecue, because today is the last day of the party, we must have a good meal and drink, which is a practice for everyone.

Xu Pingan also made arrangements to leave Panama early tomorrow morning to go to Colombia to see how Zhou Hua’s archaeology is going.

Some time ago, Zhou Wei sent an email. There was a picture of a broken metal with patterns on it, very similar to the golden astrolabe.

Waltz has produced special alloy materials and is currently engraving patterns. It is said that patterns are actually array patterns. Xu Ping'an will do it even if he knows that there is no effect.

Laser engraving is very accurate. The first set has been engraved and is currently on the way to J City. The rest will be completed and shipped to various places.

Talking and laughing, it was all very relaxed. Xu Ping'an exchanged business cards with many people. Although there is no cooperation now, maybe they will cooperate anytime, and it won't hurt to get to know each other.

In the evening, Norton came to Xu Ping'an again. After discussing with Xu Ping'an for about two hours, he left and sent Norton away. Xu Ping'an frowned and thought for a long time.

Early the next morning, after Xu Ping'an had exercise and had breakfast, he took people straight to the airport and took his own palace in the sky to Bogotá, Colombia.

After getting off the plane, four people were left to guard the plane, and the rest left Bogotá in their two helicopters and went straight to the area where the Institute of Botany is located.

Zhou Wei, the head of the archaeological team, Pierre, the newly appointed security captain, and Zhou Haichuan, the head of the branch of the Institute of Botany, were waiting not far from the apron, talking to each other.

Not far away is a huge warehouse cover that covers the entire archaeological area. There is a lot of rain here. This large-scale canopy must be completed before work can begin.

The security is very strict, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. Everything is kept confidential, because Zhou Wei’s archaeology has already gained a lot. At present, two batches of goods have been secretly transported out, both of which were discovered.

Brassware, bronzes, stone carvings, gold, jewellery, ceramics, everything. The leader of Zhou Huan really found the temple, which is only the periphery of the temple, but these gains have already attracted attention.

These gains are only known by the security department and the archaeological team. The people at the Institute of Botany have no idea what is going on. The archaeological area is forbidden to enter except for the archaeological team.

The helicopter landed slowly. When the speed of the propellers decreased, Xu Ping'an got off the helicopter, ran away quickly, shook hands with Zhou Wei, and walked towards the camp on the side.

Three small buildings have been constructed here, one for the people of the Institute of Botany, one for the security department, the other one and two floors for the archaeological team, and the third floor for public use.

More importantly, Xu Pingan's office is located on the third floor.

Xu Ping'an made a pot of tea and first listened to the report of Zhou Haichuan, the head of the Institute of Botany. The results were very good, which can be said to be unexpected.

Within this virgin forest, thirty-nine species of medicinal plants were discovered. Seventeen species have been sent back to the Tianchao Institute of Botany. These species will be cultivated biologically.

Twenty-five new strains have also been discovered, and samples have been sent to the country for research. At present, some simple plant strain research and ecosystem research are also being carried out here.

After the report was over, Zhou Haichuan left with a wink, and he knew clearly that the president did not come to see the results of his botanical research institute, but came for the archaeological team.

"Let's talk about it, what are the gains so far" Xu Ping'an asked after taking a sip of tea.

The newly appointed security captain Pierre first said, "Boss, we had a fight with a group of people."

Xu Pingan was taken aback and asked "Who is the other party?"

"Boss, I analyzed that the other party should be a group of drug traffickers. After the establishment of the plant research institute here, no one is allowed to enter and exit, which aroused their curiosity."

"In the beginning, only a few people were sent in to investigate. We were caught and executed directly. Three days ago, they gathered almost a hundred people and brought the big guys to attack us."

"We were directly beaten away by us. At that time, I reported to General Manager Barker. The reinforcements should be available today. General Manager Barker meant that since he started with us, he will uproot the other party."

"The local police came to check and arranged for a vehicle to take the body away. They didn't say anything. Obviously they knew what was going on."

"After General Manager Barker contacted Bruce's lawyer, we received a notice yesterday that we can purchase two armed helicopters from the government for defense."

"We took a look at the model. We didn't want the old-fashioned gunship. Let Bruce lawyer contact us. We purchase a new type of gunship from ourselves."

"According to the news from lawyer Bruce in the morning, there is a condition that we can purchase by ourselves, but the two armed helicopters have to cooperate with the official actions three times a year."

"General Manager Buck said that the boss will come over today, let us report truthfully, and ask the boss to make a ruling" Pierre reported truthfully.

"How many people have we casualties?" Xu Ping'an asked calmly.

"Nineteen people were killed and thirty-seven people were killed or injured." Pierre said the loss directly, and Zhou Wei was taken aback.

"How many people will Buck send to you, and who is the attacker's mastermind, do you have any information?" Xu Pingan continued to ask.

Pierre directly stated that "there were 100 support personnel, and the attacker was a major local drug lord named Moraxay, and he had an armed force of more than 300 people."

Xu Ping'an thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and started to dial. Soon, the call was connected, and the voice of "boss" Bruce came over.

"Bruce, you know the identity of the attacker. Ask Colombian officials to see if the other party is on the list of suppression."

"If it is, please contact them, and we will cooperate in the cleanup," Xu Ping'an said with a calm face, Zhou Wei who was next to him was startled.

"Boss is waiting for my news. Soon, I will be here in Bogota City Hall. There will be news soon," Bruce said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded, "By the way, you tell them that we can donate a sum of money to the government, and you can control it freely and maximize the benefits."

"I agree to the use of the three-layer armed helicopter every year. I will purchase it as soon as possible. It is best to get the authorization of the government. In this way, we can retaliate in a fair manner.

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