Start the era of black technology

Chapter 539 The Temple [Third More]

"I understand that there will be news in the afternoon at the latest. The Colombian government is still very concerned about cracking down on drug lords. Our willingness to cooperate is something they cannot ask for," Bruce said directly.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your news" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

After chatting with Bruce for a few words, he hung up the phone, and then started calling again. The call was soon connected, and an electronic voice of "please enter the password" appeared.

Xu Pingan raised his hand and tapped on the phone for more than 20 times, and then said a series of passwords, "Boss, the Intelligence Department serves the boss at any time" electronic voice came over.

Pierre next to him was moved. He was also an old man in the security company. The most mysterious intelligence department in the hands of the president was very clear about the power. It was the existence that made many organizations numb.

"I need information about the attack on Colombia's Botanical Research Camp Morasaye, the more detailed the better," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Okay, I will contact the boss as soon as possible," the electronic voice said.

Hearing these words, Xu Ping'an directly hung up the phone, "Pierre, go and prepare immediately, arrange for the people who come to support, and act directly when the intelligence department has news."

"Yes" Pierre stood up and saluted, and then left, relieved. Since the people from the Intelligence Department have taken action, they are absolutely foolproof.

Xu Pingan took a sip of tea and looked at Zhou Wei with a smile on his face and said, "Teacher Zhou, I made you laugh. People are in the rivers and lakes, and you can't help yourself."

"Understanding, understanding..." Zhou Wei didn't know what to say for a while.

"How far is the archaeology going?" Xu Pingan asked with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, the archaeological team has found the temple. According to records, we have cleaned up the attached buildings around the temple and have already transported two shipments."

"At present, we are planning to open the gate of the temple and translate the patterns and texts carved around the temple. This mysterious civilization has placed a divine object in the temple that can change everything."

"It's just that we don't understand at the moment. Since everything can be changed, why it will cause the loss of their civilization, at most three days, we will be ready to enter the temple."

"......... Thoroughly lift the veil of this mysterious civilization, and see if they belong to the Mayans." Zhou Wei seriously reported his work.

Somehow, I felt a sense of awe for Xu Ping'an, instinctively reporting the truth, I couldn't afford to play tricks.

"Oh, so I just came here to witness this great moment" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and made a gesture of tea, and Zhou Wei took a sip from his teacup.

"Ms. Zhou, I remember you said that according to previous information, this is a Mayan temple. How can you think that they are not necessarily Maya?" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"Mr. Xu, at first I firmly believed that this was a branch belonging to the Mayans, but as many cultural relics were unearthed, I found that many items were clearly out of the category of the Mayans."

"Like the picture I sent to Mr. Xu, we conducted a simple inspection of that kind of metal sheet, and found that it contained 17 kinds of metals, which can make so many metals blend together perfectly."

"The hardness, toughness, corrosion resistance, etc. of this alloy, this technology surpasses modern technology and is completely incredible"

"This is what we detected, and there are several undetected metals. This kind of technology is definitely not Maya technology, it completely surpasses Maya technology."

"Being able to master this technology is definitely not that simple. It must be an ethnic group that has already born a civilization."

"So, I said that this is a mysterious civilization, not necessarily Maya civilization, it belongs to an undocumented civilization" Zhou Wei briefly explained it, and Xu Ping'an suddenly realized it.

"Ms. Zhou, you need to be protected. I remember that when the European archaeological team was doing archaeology in Egypt, they were completely wiped out by the bacteria in the tomb. You must also take appropriate protections," Xu Ping'an exhorted.,

"Mr. Xu can rest assured that we have done the protection in this respect. The first batch of personnel will wear biochemical suits to work. At the same time, relevant equipment will closely monitor the microbial content in the air."

"After the tomb passage is opened, we will not enter. We will ventilate. We must use a high-power ventilator for about two days of ventilation. When everything is okay, we will enter step by step."

“In ancient temples and other buildings, institutions will be built. We will arrange people to enter with metal nets to protect both sides. Five people walk two meters apart, with chains on their bodies to prevent accidents.”

"At the gate, Captain Pierre will be asked to arrange two lines of defense. Once a bug or something crawls out, it will be burned as soon as possible to prevent problems."

"We also sprinkled snake powder, insect repellent powder, white lime, fire ring, etc., and prepared a lot of back-ups, ... just for fear of accidents "Zhou Wei said in detail.

Xu Ping An nodded. Now that he was prepared, he was relieved. After talking to Zhou Wei for a while, Zhou Wei left. Xu Ping An drank a few cups of tea and went directly to his room to rest.

Xu Pingan’s room is next to the office, which is very convenient. When it was designed, half of the third floor belonged to Xu Pingan.

After eating a meal, I went directly to rest. At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Bruce called and Xu Ping'an answered directly.

"Boss, things are done," Bruce said directly.

Xu Pingan asked, "tell me in detail"

"I have donated three sums of money to the relevant departments, each one million euros. First, we can purchase armed helicopters for defense purposes. necessary"

"Second, we have obtained authorization from the relevant departments and the police to crack down on drug dealers, and the relevant legal procedures will start immediately. Tomorrow the boss will send personnel to Bogota to collect the relevant legal documents."

"The armed helicopters we buy have to cooperate with the government forces three times a year, and consume no less than ten rockets each time. We are responsible for the cost and the time is three years."

"Third, if we can eliminate the people on the official drug lord list, we will get a reward, which is about 100,000 US dollars."

"At the same time, we will be commended by the relevant departments, the police department and the government. Once we invest, we will get a 10% tax exemption."

"Adding the cost of the event, it cost a total of almost five million" Bruce reported the matter.

Xu Ping'an laughed, and Bruce became more and more satisfied with his work. "Bruce, when you pay the bill, he said that it would cost 5.5 million euros. Just say what I said, and I will buy you coffee for the extra." .

"Thank you boss," Bruce said with a smile on his face.

Xu Ping An is generous and rewards a little from time to time. After one year, it is not a small number. With Xu Ping's money, he must behave beautifully. This is a big motivation for Bruce.

The two discussed about Blizzard, and then hung up the phone. Xu Ping'an will send personnel to pick up relevant legal documents tomorrow.

With the official authorization, everything is reasonable and legal, and no one has an excuse to say that Tianqi Security's actions are wrong, which has blocked the source of all problems.

We are hired by the local government, and this excuse is very powerful.

The local government can also say that we are fighting against drug dealers. This reason is also very powerful.

After the phone was hung up, Xu Ping'an immediately called Pierre over. After talking to Pierre, Pierre's eyes lit up. The headquarters is awesome, and this kind of authorization can be obtained.

"Please don't worry, boss, I will arrange for someone to take a helicopter to Bogota tomorrow morning to collect the relevant legal documents"

"I just got the news from General Manager Barker that the two Tiger helicopters purchased by the French Ground Weapons Group have been shipped and will arrive the day after tomorrow."

"It was driven by our people directly. The fuselage does not carry weapons. I contacted Apocalypse Island. A speedboat has already been sent out to transport fifty base ammunition."

"The support man is currently on the road and will be there in four hours," Pierre said directly.

"Very good. After the support staff come over, they will be arranged to rest immediately, waiting for news from the Intelligence Department, and be prepared. This time, we will uproot the drug lord who dared to attack us."

"Arrange the follow-up personnel. The spoils belong to us. As far as I know, drug lords love to collect cash and gold, and I will bring back many of them."

"It's best to find out their treasury from these people's mouths" Xu Ping'an said while looking at Pierre.

"Yes, please rest assured, the president, I will move his treasury back with a gram," Pierre said seriously.

The security company stipulates that 20% of the spoils belong to the operatives. This is an extra income and does not repeat with the bonus. If you dare to embezzle, the mercenary rules will be shot directly.

Xu Ping An nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand, and let Pierre prepare.

The next day, Xu Ping’an, accompanied by Zhou Huan, went to the excavation site to take a look. It was spectacular. The front part of the temple had been cleared out, and the back part was connected to the belly of the mountain, all made of stones. Could not clean up.

More than twenty people were busy, cleaning the temple's surroundings bit by bit, just like a huge pyramid, except that the top was square, not pointed.

"Xingling, can you see the meaning of the words above?" Xu Ping'an asked in his mind.

"I can't judge, I haven't thought about the data, but this temple is not simple, and it can isolate my scan" The Protoss's voice remembered in Xu Ping's mind.

Xu Ping'an was taken aback for a while, isolated from the Protoss scan, and if there was any mistake, it seemed that this temple was not simple.

"I'll give you a suggestion. When opening the temple door, arrange some heavy firepower and multiple fire rings. This temple is tightly sealed, and there may be a deadly virus inside" the Star Spirit's voice rang.

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