Start the era of black technology

Chapter 540 The ancients don’t deceive me [Continue to watch three, ask for votes, ask for subscript

Xu Pingan approached Zhou Wei and told Zhou Wei his opinion, "Mr. Xu, although there will be germs in the ancient tomb, we can take more strict protection and there is no problem."

"Egypt Archeology in 1974, those 600 people who were killed by bacteria are also your thoughts"

"One more thing, take a good look at our current environment. It's not an open air environment. Once something happens, it's hard to run." Xu Ping'an looked at Zhou Wei and said.

Zhou Wei was taken aback for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, his sweat came down. Paralysis was the number one taboo of archaeology, and he went there with caution before.

"It's my carelessness, what will Xu always plan to do" Zhou Wei asked.

"Ms. Zhou, you are an expert in archaeology, but when it comes to protection, I am better at it than you"

"In this way, three huge flame cordon lines are arranged around the temple. On the day the temple door is opened, the canopy above our heads must be removed, and a flame net must be arranged, and a power grid must be arranged in the middle."

"At the same time, the door opening date will be postponed later and will be carried out after Pierre and the others have finished their actions. Let them arrange a few more powerful firepower points just in case."

"I don't know how many years it has been sealed, the air inside will definitely not be clean," Xu Ping'an said seriously.

Zhou Wei nodded, "Mr Xu is right. Generally speaking, there is a 50% chance of deadly germs in a century-old tomb, and 80% of those with a 500-year history."

"It is absolutely 100% for those over a thousand years. I don't know how many years it has existed here. There must be something unclean in it. The opening time must be set at a time when the sun is high."

"Many of the bacteria in the tomb are not used to the bright environment, and they are afraid of the sun. It is good for us to proceed in the open air," Zhou Wei said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded, chatted with Zhou Wei for a while, and left, arranged for someone to purchase related equipment, and at the same time, mobilized a batch of arms. Since the Protoss reminded him, he must take care of it.

Unknowingly, four days passed, Xu Pingan found Pierre and gave him a document. Pierre took it and looked at it, and his eyes lighted up.

"Unexpectedly, Moraxayer's base is so close to us, less than two hundred kilometers away. No wonder he wants to attack us," Pierre said directly.

"No matter what, he provokes us. Please study the information carefully and arrange the battle plan. There is a secret path in that base. Don't let him run."

"There are also those of his subordinates, who have been eradicated at one time to save trouble later, try to catch Moraxayer alive, ask about their vault and clean them up," Xu Ping said, looking at Pierre.

"Yes, don't worry, boss. With such detailed information, it would be too embarrassing if I can't do well," Pierre said seriously.

I have just seen it, and even the opponent's firepower configuration is clear. With this information, if you can't figure it out, you will be laughed at. Somehow, I am also a veteran with a ten-year mercenary career.

Leaving Xu Ping'an, Pierre summoned the captains to start a meeting. This time, he had to show off for the boss, which would be very helpful for his promotion in the future.

One day later, Pierre started out with people. Fifty people watched the house and 150 people were sent out in a group. The time was around four in the afternoon. According to the plan, five o'clock in the morning tomorrow was the time to launch the attack.

Resting in a hidden place 30 kilometers away from Morasaya base, everything is quiet, supper is arranged until 8 o'clock in the evening, and immediately goes to bed after eating.

Xu Ping'an knew that Pierre had set off, so he was relieved. With such comprehensive information, Pierre was uncertain and had to accept punishment.

Early the next morning, Pierre led some people to launch an attack. The two armed helicopters cooperated and first destroyed Moraxay’s heavy weapon point, followed by incendiary bomb washing the ground.

The two armed helicopters dumped all the ammunition and then returned. Then they began a side-to-side massacre, attacking with weapons in four directions, killing people when they saw them, without leaving a living.

Morasaye reacted quickly, and directly led four of his men to escape from the secret passage in the basement of the villa, and one of the teams immediately began to destroy the electricity.

There is a bomb installed here, which is detonated by receiving the signal, and after all the electricity is destroyed, the signal shielding device is immediately installed. Everyone is carrying the shielding device, and they are installed at the four detonation locations.

It can’t be detonated without receiving a signal. This is Moraxay’s nest. There are two money vaults in the basement, all of which are placed neatly with US dollars.

After clearing it up, Pierre didn't chase. There were two exits in the tunnel, and a team was arranged for each exit, and Moraxay was definitely running.

Arrange for people to start dismantling the bombs and completely dismantle the bombs to avoid accidents.

At the same time, inform the convoys behind to come over to pull the trophies, munitions, treasury, furniture, all must be evacuated, standard mercenaries are dispatched, and all valuables must be emptied.

Not long after, Pierre received a notice that Moraxayer was captured alive.

"Bring here directly, I will interrogate myself," Pierre ordered.

In just over twenty minutes, a jeep drove over and Moraxaye arrived, with his hands and feet handcuffed, and Pierre began to interrogate Moraxaye's bank account and secret gold deposit location.

More than an hour later, Moraxayer was beaten covered in blood, and the people behind the scenes would not say anything. The trophies here have been emptied, and three trucks have been installed, and Pierre leads the people. return.

Back to the camp, I was slowly concocting Morasaya, anyway, I was running, and there was time.

After returning, someone immediately took over and started counting the trophies. Pierre went to report to Xu Ping'an. After hearing Pierre's report, Xu Ping'an smiled.

"Bring him here, don't you want to see me, make him perfect" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Yes" Pierre turned and left. It was not long before he took Moraxayer to Xu Ping'an's office. Xu Ping'an left a pistol, waved his hand, and everyone else went out.

"Let's talk about it, I have met your request" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Morashiye stared at Xu Pingan with red eyes. "It was a misunderstanding to attack your camp. I am willing to spend 500 million euros to buy my life. How about this deal?"

Xu Ping'an smiled and took a sip from his teacup, "It's not great, you are dead, you can die without pain by handing over your funds, or you can choose to die in pain, you can only choose one of two." .

"Kill me" Morasaya closed his eyes very bachelor, not speaking.

Xu Pingan was drinking tea without questioning. Time passed slowly. He picked up the paper and pen prepared next to him and started writing. He finished writing soon, looking at Morasaya.

Morasaye was also strange. The other party didn't ask himself or tortured him. What did it mean? When he was confused, he saw Xu Ping'an smiling at him.

Stunned for a moment with a "pop" gunshot, Morasaya slowly fell down. At this time, people from outside rushed in.

"Boss, are you okay" Pierre asked.

Xu Pingan raised his hand and threw the gun to Pierre, and said calmly, "It's nothing, take his body to Bogota to receive a reward. The 200,000 US dollar reward, don't let it go."

"Yes" Pierre waved his hand, and the two people who came over directly dragged Moraxayer out, and the other three immediately began to clean the blood stains on the ground.

"You did a very good job. The extra reward is one million euros, and 500,000 euros go to you. The rest will be given to the operatives. Please report to the company and say that I arranged it. Don't embezzle." Xu Ping An added With a word, Pierre's eyes lit up.

"Thank you Boss, I just sent it out at all," Pierre said with bright eyes. He was rewarded with half a million, so there is no need to embezzle.

Xu Pingan waved his hand and Pierre left with a smile on his face. Not long after Xu Pingan heard cheers outside, he smiled and shook his head.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. The ancients sincerely did not deceive me.

Tianchao, Tianqi Space Mining Company, the new rocket is being assembled, everyone is very serious, with shameful banners hanging beside it, it has failed once, this time it must not fail again.

Each part has undergone four inspections, and a part of the installation has to be inspected by three personnel, and then installed in an orderly manner according to the drawings.

It is estimated that in more than half a month, the installation can be completed and the time can be selected for the second launch.

Apocalypse Island, the satellite project team, has already begun to assemble weather satellites. Everyone is busy. The volume of this weather satellite is much larger than that of ordinary weather satellites on the market.

There are only four people who know the true function of the satellite. Even if other people have questions, they are not allowed to ask, just do their job well, don't ask too much.

To know too much is to take responsibility.

On Idrius Island, the four mechanics project team members are already in place, and no one has resigned. The treatment here is so good, and you will definitely not get this kind of treatment if you change places.

Besides, as long as you don’t leak the secrets, the company gives you enough freedom to take your family to Tianqi Island for a vacation. This is a 40% discount.

The relevant equipment has been installed in place, all of which are the latest type. The original equipment is directly disposed of. Anyway, many countries are willing to buy it.

The obsolete equipment sold by the Tianqi Research Institute is of good quality. We all know that it will be no problem if we buy it back and spend another ten or eight years. Therefore, there is no worries about sales.

There is no need to worry about the equipment of the Tianchao range. It is two or three generations more advanced than the equipment of many research institutes and can be sold at a good price.

Xu Pingan picked up the piece of paper he had just written down, looked at it, and said in his mind, "Xingling, do it, transfer all the funds to a secret account."

What is recorded on this piece of paper is Morasaya’s secret deposits in the four banks. The amount is really large. As a drug lord who has been free for more than ten years, Morasaya has accumulated more than 3 billion euros.

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