Start the era of black technology

Chapter 541 The name of the wife is written on the real estate certificate [second more]

Unknowingly, a week passed, Zhou Wei had arranged all kinds of things. There were three flame circles around the gate of the temple, and a power grid was arranged at a height of four meters.

The canopy was dismantled and a grid-type fire king was arranged. Pierre commanders arranged six flamethrowers around the temple, arranged four firepower, and arranged six Vulcan machine guns.

Everyone wore protective masks, and the archaeological team was wearing biochemical suits and began to get busy. According to Zhou Wei and the others, there are mechanisms to open the temple's gates, which must be activated according to certain rules.

A strong man from the archaeological team came to the gate of the temple and began to press against the line next to the gate. After pressing nine consecutive symbols, he stopped and quickly retreated.

Soon, there was a sense of vibration under everyone's feet. This was a big pit, a full 120 meters from the ground, and everyone began to be cautious. Once there was something, it would be difficult to run.

Slowly, the ancient gate began to open slowly. Xu Ping'an was on the shore holding a telescope to see clearly. The gate slowly opened. According to a fixed procedure, several people passed by carrying a high-power fan.

The huge air outlet faced the door, and one of them made a gesture, the fan started, and the whistling wind began to blow towards the door.

The time was not very long, just over ten minutes. Just when everyone was letting down their vigilance, the power grid in the middle began to flicker with sparks, and many people were stunned.

"Ignition" Xu Ping'an yelled from the top, and immediately someone lit the three fire circles around the temple, and the top fire net also lit.

The sound of "Papa Papa Papa" is endless, and everyone understands that this is a manifestation of objects being burned.

"Let somebody prepare and double the concentration of the disinfectant" Xu Ping'an turned his head and said to the person next to him, who immediately left to make arrangements.

It took more than two hours for the sound of "Papa Papa Papa" to stop. Everyone was frightened for a while, not knowing what was making the noise, Zhou Wei also broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I listened to Xu Pingan's words and did enough protection. Otherwise, I and the students would probably be recruited. Those "pops" sounds must be caused by the burning of microorganisms.

The three rings of fire were not extinguished, but began to arrange several power grids around. After the arrangement was completed, the fire extinguishing ring was refilled with fuel. Today, even if the door was opened, they did not enter.

I continued to keep the air blowing and waited for a full four days before I began to explore inside. Along the way, I found many spiders. These spiders were just hatching and they were very small.

I grabbed a batch and sent it to the Japan Branch of the Institute of Life Sciences for research to see if there was anything special. Next, lower the fan power, create a batch of breeze, start smoking, and use wormwood for smoking.

After three full days of smoking, he started to walk inside with the gas mask and turned around, but he didn't find the passage into the second floor or into the belly of the mountain.

However, a large number of gold products and jewels, as well as a number of weapons were found in several ear chambers. Zhou Wei and the others became excited and began to register these items.

Xu Ping'an felt bored. He originally thought that he would see a monster, but knew that there was nothing. He had a meeting with Zhou Wei, Pierre and Zhou Haichuan.

During the period, after Zhou Haichuan left, Xu Pingan explained a lot of things to Pierre and Zhou Wei.

All found items were packed in boxes and shipped to Tianqi Island through special channels. At the same time, construction began. It is not a short time to discover here.

Use reinforced concrete to directly seal the top. Someone will come to check in the future. These people can enter the warehouse and check. Anyway, there is nothing empty.

Or put some equipment and equipment, the following is a good arrangement, directly closed to prevent problems, you must wear chemical protective clothing for disinfection in and out.

In short, safety first, we finalized a lot of details and left by helicopter.

After a day off in Bogota, I took the palace in the sky and flew directly to Idrius Island. Now, Idrius Island is basically calm. Except for the greening project, other projects have been completed.

A lot of green appeared on the originally bare island. Rows of trees were very obvious, as well as grasslands, gardens, etc. Many places were covered with soil, and vegetation was planted to fix the soil.

Sima Health took people to install security equipment and included the entire island under the surveillance scope. Everything else was normal. The installation stipulated that the island should store food for half a year. When the food dropped to only three months, it began to purchase.

Drainage facilities in each area are in place, and the designed drainage canal can cope with heavy rains for three consecutive days. Basically, there is no need to worry about drainage problems on the island.

Garbage treatment facilities, sewage purification facilities, seawater desalination facilities, living facilities, communication systems, and work areas are very comprehensive. More than 60 carbon magnetic wind trees are in operation. The wind here is uninterrupted for 24 hours.

The photovoltaic power station has also been completed, and the microgrid layout is very comprehensive. The electricity generated is enough for everyone on the island to use, and it is enough to include the laboratory.

The huge rocket launch base and the huge airport were all constructed in strict accordance with the drawings, and the space shuttle launch was carried out here.

According to Xu Ping’an’s vision, the researchers here are mainly Westerners, and Tianqi Space Mining Company is mainly celestial people. They can communicate with each other through database social software.

Based on past experience, the collision between East and West wisdom has made breakthroughs more efficient. Many product breakthroughs are produced in this way. Now that the various facilities on the island are complete, Xu Ping'an took a good rest for a few days.

Ouyang Jiankang and Zeng Xianwen accompanied Xu Ping'an for a round of inspections. Xu Ping'an was very satisfied and stayed on the island for a full week before returning to the celestial dynasty.

After returning to City J for a good rest for two days, Feng Xia and Dong Peng were invited to have a meal. In addition to the gifts for Feng Xia mentioned above, they also gave a couple watches.

The price is expensive, worth 200,000 euros. It is a global limited edition couple watch launched by Lawrence. It clearly stated that he cannot attend the wedding of two people.

Apocalypse Space Mining Company’s second rocket is about to be assembled and will choose to launch in the near future. The exact time is difficult to determine. Now there is only one week before Feng Xia and Dong Peng’s wedding.

I will set off for the Tianqi Space Mining Company the day after tomorrow, so I can only apologize.

Both Dong Peng and Feng Xia expressed their understanding. The first rocket launch failed. This is the second time. It is the most important project of Tianqi Group and they also expressed their blessings.

I wish the rocket a successful launch. The three of them ate and drank for more than an hour before Xu Ping’s dizzy separation from the two of them and returned home by car.

"Your president is not as unreasonable as it is said outside." Dong Peng and Feng Xia walked and said this as they walked.

Feng Xia smiled and shook her head, "That's when you didn't see him unreasonable, the general manager of so many branches of Tianqi Group, they all behaved in front of him."

"Not to mention that the general managers of Hangzhou Science and Technology Headquarters are powerful enough. They also make headlines in the media from time to time. As a result, sometimes I can't stand it when I am being scolded."

"By the way, I heard that you and Lei Peng started with him back then. The salary is very low. Is it true?" Dong Peng asked curiously.

Feng Xia nodded, her eyes a little erratic, "I was in the magic city, and Mr. Xu was still going to school, I, I need to find a relaxed living subsidy family when I get married."

"Back then, Lei Peng and I were paid only 1,000 yuan a month. In the second year, our salary began to increase. If it were not for the change in my family, I am afraid I would not have come to J City." .

"Sorry, reminds you of sad things," Dong Peng said immediately.

Wu Sikai said that Feng Xia was deeply hurt by her husband, and she agreed to go back to J City with Xu Ping’an after she was frustrated. For so many years, she has been alone without any scandals. .

"It doesn't matter, those things have passed, and I have let go" Feng Xia took a deep breath and said, the expression on her face was very relaxed, she had really let go of these unhappy things.

"By the way, the welfare that Mr. Xu gave us, can you buy a 10% discount on villas and vehicles," Feng Xia asked.

"Buy, you have to buy, I will go to apply for the loan tomorrow, I will be responsible for repaying the loan, the name of the wife is written on the real estate certificate" Dong Peng said immediately, with a quick response.

Feng Xia chuckled, "Okay, we are okay together. That is our common property. When the villa is built, I will sell my three-bedroom and two-living house and repay the loan directly."

When Dong Peng heard Feng Xia's words, he felt very happy. It is not easy to share the trouble with him. He must cherish it. Holding Feng Xia's hand tightly, the two walked forward silently.

Xu Ping'an stayed at home for two days and then flew away. He was very busy. Not only Xu Ping'an was busy, but many people were also busy. It was almost the end of the year and there were a lot of things.

In addition, several companies that have reduced prices also need to arrange in advance to check the inventory of dealers so that they can provide subsidies in time. The dealers are very cooperative.

There is no loss, the price will drop, the sales will increase a lot, correspondingly, the profit will also increase.

Liu Wenjun, as Xu Pingan’s representative, was coordinating product price cuts between Tianqi Solar and Tianqi Wind Energy Company, and China ran at both ends of Europe.

Darina, as Xu Pingan’s representative, is responsible for the single-person aircraft company and Tianqi Space Mining Company, presided over the meeting of seven major single-person aircraft dealers to coordinate price reductions.

It was also very busy to confirm the schedule with the Tianqi Space Mining Company and coordinate the arrival time of the spare parts. Fortunately, both of them successfully completed the tasks assigned by Xu Ping An.

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