Start the era of black technology

Chapter 561 Little League [Third more]

Xu Pingan’s greed makes people feel uneasy. Herbert and Seuss of the Roche Pharmaceuticals Group are also old friends, as they said at a party.

In order to lose weight products, Xu Pingan has plans to lift the table. If Xu Pingan’s celestial background is replaced with an American background, it is 100% certain that Xu Pingan will definitely lift the table to monopolize this profit.

For profit, this bastard can do everything.

This is Herbert's evaluation of Xu Ping'an. How could Husse be careless, and Leonardo must also join in, so that the two parties can work together to restrict Xu Ping's greed.

"Does this also mean Leonardo?" Xu Ping'an asked, frowning.

Hughes nodded and said, "Yes, Leonardo knows where his weaknesses are. If you agree, he will come over in a few days. The three of us are discussing in detail."

"We are doing it secretly. This is also a big environmental issue. We complement each other, and the speed of entering space is definitely not inferior to any group," Hughes said seriously.

Xu Ping’an started to think about it with a glass of wine. The pros and cons of this matter must be considered clearly. After a while, he looked at Seuss and said: “Seuss, I agree with the union, but Leonardo must take it. Projects with sufficient weight".

"Yes, I agree to this. If he does not have a suitable project, it is meaningless for us to cooperate with him, and it is difficult for me to explain to the board of directors," Hughes said very positively.

After discussing the business, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. After chatting for a while, Xu Ping'an left. Hughes intends to leave Xu Ping'an to rest in the manor, but Xu Ping'an has to inspect the branch tomorrow, which can only be regretted.

After sending off Xu Ping'an, Hughes began to call, needless to say, it was to Leonardo.

"How, what is his attitude" Leonardo asked.

"As you analyzed, your advantage is really not important to him. He intends to introduce artificial intelligence into the control system..."

"As a last resort, I can only carry out Plan B. Come here. The three of us must have a serious talk. I feel that the strength of the Tianqi Group in space can't be underestimated." Hugh said the truth.

Leonardo rubbed his head, and it was a good thing to be able to promise, "I will arrange it immediately and I will be in New York in two days."

The two communicated for a while and then hung up.

After Xu Ping'an came back, he took a shower and went directly to bed. After working out and eating breakfast early in the morning, he took people to the Renewable Resources Company to inspect and visited several factories in a row.

After talking with Demir, Xu Ping'an returned to the hotel to rest.

Two days later, Xu Ping'an arrived at the manor of Seuss again, Leonardo also arrived, still in the study of Seuss, the three talked frankly.

Leonardo also showed Xu Pingan the space project invested by Qualcomm. After Xu Pingan looked at it, he thought about it for a while, circled the catalog a few times, and then handed it to Leonardo.

"Control systems, chips, space materials, new engines, etc. do not need to be considered. I have research and development in Tianqi Group. For these enclosed projects, you can increase the funds for research and development."

"I propose that at the end of this year, we also start base experiments and we must not lag behind them," Xu Ping'an said while looking at the two.

"Xu, manned spaceflight is not that simple. We don't have data in this area. We have to prepare carefully," Hughes said with a frown.

Xu Pingan smiled and looked at Hughes and asked, "Hughes, how long have you not been on the dark web of technology trading".

"Why, there are detailed data on the dark web" Hughes said with questions.

Leonardo smiled bitterly, "Hughes, something happened on the dark web some time ago. All the orders for manned spaceflight data were taken away, and no new orders have been placed until now."

"Obviously, the manned spaceflight data has been mastered by many organizations. It is said that the seller provided very detailed information."

"According to what I learned from the relevant departments, it was a retiree from NASA who leaked this information. He was deducted by the space agency a little bit. With a grudge, he stole the data and sold it."

"Now it's being arrested globally. It has been a few months and there is no news at all. The latest intelligence is that someone is hiding in Mexico. With the cooperation of several departments and the cooperation of Mexico, this person was not found. It is very mysterious."

When Hughes' eyes lit up, there was such a thing. Thinking of Xu Ping'an, it was obvious that Xu Ping'an was also one of the buyers.

"Xu, are the data really detailed?" Hughes asked.

"It is indeed very detailed. There are eight manned spaceflight data in the United States and the monitoring data of personnel in space. It is very detailed. The other party should have used a camera to shoot, very high level," Xu Ping An said directly.

Both Hughes and Leonardo are convinced. With these data in hand, there is nothing to worry about. There is no problem with protecting them based on relevant data.

"Xu, can you give me a copy of the data so that I can adjust the defects of the space base based on the data," Hughes said directly.

"I can give it to you, but I hope you can also give me a copy of the space base data. I need to make targeted arrangements."

"Gentlemen, just as we just said, I promise that in the future I will launch Battlestar for each of your two families, and each of you can conduct research and development on your own planet."

"We form an alliance with one person and one planet. Without conflicts of interest, we will definitely develop faster," Xu Ping'an said while looking at the two.

The three people have just negotiated on technology exchanges, cooperation methods, and other issues, eliminating the conflicting factors between the three and retaining common interests.

"Yes, no problem," Hughes agreed.

The quotation on the dark web, Hughes, also knew that the cheapest price was 30 million euros. Xu Ping’an’s quotation must be higher than this figure. Row.

Everyone must express their sincerity at the beginning of cooperation.

"Two, for the five projects just delineated, I promise that each project will increase the research and development costs by 2 billion US dollars each year, and it will be implemented on the same day." Leonardo looked at the two and said directly, Hughes and Xu Ping'an both nodded.

"For our common future," Xu Ping'an said, holding his cup.

"For our common future," said Hughes, holding up his glass.

"For our common future" Leonardo also raised his cup and said.

With a "ding", the three wine glasses collided, and all three of them ate their mouthfuls. The alliance was formally established.

One day later, Xu Pingan left the United States and flew directly to Japan. Yoko Watanabe has arranged a hot spring hotel for Xu Pingan, and Xu Pingan can relax.

Apocalypse Island, the test satellite officially began to be transported and transported by plane to the Tianqi Space Mining Company for launch, and the relevant application has been approved.

The two rocket companies that received subsidies are also under great pressure. The relevant departments have made it clear that if the design cannot be completed this year, there will be no subsidies next year.

The Apocalypse Group is about to launch the fourth rocket, and the fifth layer will be launched less than a month apart. If you give you subsidies, the people of the country will not agree.

It's been six or seven years, and there is no one action.

France, the artificial intelligence project team, the various accessories purchased have begun to arrive one after another, and Saen led the personnel to start the assembly experiment, which is expected to have a result in one to two months.

After all, the project team has accumulated a lot of experience and only needs to install one extension, which is not a big project.

Tianqi Steel Group shipped a batch of space materials to France, which was purchased by Airbus Group for the manufacture of aircraft bodies. Airbus is very clear about Xu Ping’s intentions for using this material.

However, they don't think Xu Pingan can complete the space shuttle project. After all, if the space shuttle is so easy to complete, it won't be the United States alone.

If it is produced according to the process, the success or failure is a problem that Tianqi Group needs to consider. Airbus only needs to consider the quality of the production.

At night, the people at Tianqi Technology’s headquarters were off work, the security company began to close, and Zhao Weiming led the mechanical mount project team to conduct the eighth power test.

Using the latest power system and using hydrogen fuel, a project team member rides on the big dog, and the big dog starts to move around in Tianqi Science and Technology Park.

According to the test requirements, one will be fast and the other will be slow. At the same time, the staff has to use tools to test the balance, and each piece of verification data is collected.

Soon, the big dog stopped moving, and everyone understood that this was exhausting energy.

"How long" Zhao Weiming asked on the side.

"Head, it has been improved by eleven minutes since last time, and it still fails to meet the requirements of the boss" the staff member said.

"If there is any improvement, we will ship it back. We will meet to continue the analysis and make further optimization."

"I don't believe it anymore, we can't handle it," Zhou Weiming touched his head and said, with a firm expression on his face.

"Head, if we switch to wheels, we can fully meet the requirements of the president, do you think about it," said a staff member next to it.

"If it is installed as a wheel, what is the difference between that car? Is it still called a mechanical mount?" Zhao Weiming said casually.

"Head, we can convert kinetic energy. When on flat ground, we can use wheels to move forward, and we can crawl on all fours in special areas."

"After all, crawling and running on all fours will cause certain damage to the ground, even if we add protective pads to the big dog's feet, we can't change the weight of the big dog" the staff retorted.

Zhao Weiming thought about it for a while, and it made sense to "go back and add your suggestion to the discussion topic".

With Zhao Weiming's reply, this man was not arguing anymore, and began to help carry the big dog to the special flatbed truck, and pushed it back to the project team to supplement the hydrogen energy and prepare for the next change.

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