Start the era of black technology

Chapter 562 This is also an iron law for all races to judge whether a creature belongs to a human ra

Xu Pingan stayed at Yoko Watanabe for a week before returning to China and flew directly to Dunhuang Tianqi Space Mining Company. The test satellite has been installed and the rocket has been erected.

In the North Atlantic, on the high seas, Lei Yusheng took a large salvage boat to stay on the sea, and there were three cooperating ships nearby, and under the sea, there were five small single-person attack submarines on standby.

There are many scientific researchers on board, they are all waiting. After the rocket is launched, the test satellite will go through space radiation for 24 hours in space and then return to Earth.

This is the landing site. The above is the products of the Institute of Botany and the Institute of Biological Agents. It is not careless. After all, it would be a shame to spend so much in space to make genetic changes without gain.

After Xu Ping'an arrived, he took a day's rest. The next day, he went to the command hall. Today is the day when the satellite is launched. It is cloudless and the weather is very good.

With the passage of time, the rocket ignited and lifted off. This time, no external claims were made, but there is no way to hide the intentions. Many people know that Tianqi Group will launch a rocket today.

As time passed slowly, the experimental satellite ejected from the top of the rocket, and the rocket began to return to Earth. With all kinds of shouts, Xu Ping'an knew that this time was going well.

Apocalypse Island had already received satellite signals, and soon, a blue flame sprayed from the bottom of the rocket slowly landed on the designated position, Xu Ping'an smiled and stood up and began to applaud.

The fourth launch of Tianqi Group was a complete success.

People in the relevant departments don't know whether to be happy or uncomfortable. The two private rocket companies that are strongly supported are still advancing at a fast pace, and the fourth rocket launch of Tianqi Group has been successful.

Comparing the two, it seems that they are incompetent, and the supported enterprises are too unworthy.

Both Hughes and Leonardo had received the news and shook their heads and smiled. The Tianqi Group has sufficient funds, plus enough R&D teams, and increasingly mature space technology.

In the future competition for energy in outer space, Tianqi Group must have a place, and the three alliances are on the right path.

After the three separated, Leonardo personally inspected the five investment project teams. After checking the progress, he was furious, and the leaders and deputy team leaders of the five project teams were all fired.

In addition, some people have been recruited to increase research and development efforts, and clearly stated that if the progress makes the company unsatisfied, the company will not make you satisfied.

After a murderous rectification, the lazy atmosphere of the project team has disappeared, and they dare not care about it. Obviously, the big boss is not satisfied with them.

The project team is well paid, and if you want to stay, you must have achievements and start working hard.

James exchanged data with Husseus on the Island of Edreus, and has already begun to analyze the Battlestar. The report to Xu Ping'an highly praises the same Battlestar project.

If an alien base can be established one day, this Battlestar is definitely the first choice.

Xu Ping'an didn't care very much. Working with the two companies was concerned that the two could provide a lot of resources. What is the Battlestar? There will be better designs if there are Protoss.

In order not to expose the existence of the Protoss, let James organize a team to analyze the Battlestar project. Modularization is necessary.

Intervene directly when necessary, it's no big deal.

After a day's rest, it is now up to Lei Yusheng whether he can successfully salvage the test satellite. If it can be salvaged, it means that the rocket launch goal this time has been successfully completed.

At 12 noon, Xu Ping'an received a call from Lei Yusheng, and the test satellite was successfully salvaged. It is currently on the way to the Tianqi Island.

It takes a lot of time for plants to undergo radiation exposure to change their genes in space. The reason why this time is only twenty-four hours is to collect data for comparison.

The other is a test on a test satellite to see if the satellite can withstand the heat generated by friction with the air during the return journey. Now, both goals have been achieved.

Xu Pingan talked with Lu Zi'an and others for a while, and then left Tianqi Space Mining Company. Xu Pingan may not be here for the launch in September, and let a few people make arrangements.

The new test satellite that took place in September did not return to the sky in 24 hours, but a full ten days, not just to test plants and reagents.

There will also be a small-scale animal experiment in the sky. A mouse will follow the sky and feed automatically every day to see if the mouse will mutate after spending ten days in space.

Back in City J, Xu Ping'an took a rest at home for two days before starting to work. For these two days, Xu Ping'an has been thinking about a problem. The fact that American companies plan to establish a fixed base on the moon will not be reported.

There is no evidence in hand.

Without reporting, if the Americans succeed, it will be of no benefit to the country.

Xu Ping An is a bit greedy and eager for money, but he does not forget who he is.

After thinking about it, Xu Ping'an still called Wei Dongshuo and invited Wei Dongshuo to come to the company alone for a while. He would not see him for many days, and chat with him over tea.

Wei Dongshuo directly agreed, knowing that there must be something else in his heart, otherwise, Xu Ping'an would not call himself over alone, and even Chen Qingshan would carry it on his back. This is certainly not a small matter.

Early the next morning, Xu Pingan went to work on time. Just after making tea in the office, Wei Dongshuo arrived. He came alone. Xu Pingan asked Wei Dongshuo to sit down and drink tea.

With two cups of tea underwater, Wei Dongshuo went straight to the theme "Peace, you can just tell me if you have anything, I will definitely not refuse if I can do it."

"Senior officials, this time I went to the United States to inspect the branch and got news that SpaceX, Microsoft, Bombardier, Boeing, and the four companies in the United States have joined forces."

"A secret base experiment has already been carried out in the United States. If the experiment is successful, a rocket will be launched to establish a fixed base on the moon the next year at the latest." Xu Ping'an said the news with a serious face.

Wei Dongshuo's expression changed immediately, and he looked at Xu Ping'an seriously and found that Xu Ping'an didn't mean to be joking at all.

When he first wanted to inquire in detail, Xu Ping'an said again, "Senior official, the person who told this news is not an ordinary person. I don't know whether this is true or not, and there is no evidence to prove it."

"As for whether or not this matter needs to be reported, it needs to be considered by the senior officials. To be honest, because I have no evidence to prove the truth of this matter, so I was very hesitant when I decided to tell you about this matter."

"Finally, I thought about it, whether it's true or false, let me tell you, I don't care."

After Xu Ping'an finished speaking, he looked at Wei Dongshuo with profound meaning, while Wei Dongshuo nodded solemnly, and looked at Xu Ping's face and asked, "Can I tell you who is the one who told you this news? ".

Xu Pingan shook his head, "I can't say, but I can tell you that the other party belongs to my level."

Wei Dongshuo nodded seriously, understanding Xu Pingan's meaning, the other party is also the boss of an international giant, this kind of words are definitely not groundless, this matter should not be underestimated.

"Thank you, Ping An" Wei Dongshuo said looking at Xu Ping'an.

In the past, because of Xu Ping's greed, he had no small opinions on Xu Ping'an, but at this moment, Wei Dongshuo had no opinions at all in his heart. Xu Ping'an's nature was still good.

Being so greedy for money now may have a lot to do with Xu Ping's being poor since he was young. As far as patriotism is concerned, Xu Ping's still deserves recognition.

The two chatted for a while, and Wei Dongshuo planned to leave. "Senior officials, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. Once someone knows that this matter has spread from my mouth, there will be big trouble. "

"It's not good for me at all. Correspondingly, I will be cautious in talking to me in the future."

"If I want to know similar news again, it is absolutely impossible."

"Don't worry, I will set off directly to the provincial capital when I go down, and report to the senior officials of the province. I will tell this matter again and again and leave no words on this matter." Wei Dongshuo made a solemn promise.

After sending Wei Dongshuo away, Xu Ping'an took a long breath and felt much calmer.

"I really don't understand why you humans love infighting so much"

"Although other races also have some internal struggles, they are not as detailed as those of your humans. Generally speaking, they are still seeking ethnic development."

"The only exception is you humans. I would rather give up the opportunity to dominate the dimensional universe and fight internally. I really don't understand what you think."

"Ordinarily, a race like yours should have been extinct a long time ago, and it can develop in multiple dimensions. It's incredible" the voice of the Protoss thought in Xu Ping's mind.

"You think Americans are the same race as me," Xu Ping'an said questioningly.

"Your thinking is still narrow. The definition of human race is based on a fundamental factor in human genes. As long as you possess this fundamental factor, you belong to humans."

"This is the way high-latitude humans define humans. All humans cannot change this fundamental factor, and no other races have this factor."

"This is also an iron law for all races to judge whether living beings belong to the human race," the Xingling said directly. After speaking, a piece of information appeared directly, and Xu Ping'an read the information and sat there in a daze.

It took almost an hour for Xu Ping'an to react, and he yearned for the high-latitude world even more in his heart.

Wei Dongshuo returned to the office, seriously thought about it, made arrangements, and made a call with Chen Qingshan. He didn't eat at lunch and drove straight to the provincial capital.

After meeting with senior officials of the province, the two talked for a while and arranged for Wei Dongshuo to eat and rest. In the evening, they flew directly to the Imperial Capital.

After the big guys received the news, many people frowned. This matter was not careless. If you really let the other party establish a base on the moon, your every move can be under the other party's monitoring.

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