Xu Ping'an was able to report this incident, which made the big guys more gratified. They agreed that Xu Ping'an was a very good person, and he was a member of the country.

Start the layout calmly, preferring to believable, not believable.

A few days have passed, and the plants and reagents on the test satellite have been transported to the Institute of Botany and the Institute of Biological Agents for detailed testing.

According to the data obtained, it is very busy to prepare for the plants and reagents in the sky next month.

Xu Ping'an calmed down, accompanied his parents, and once again arranged for his parents to travel abroad. This time, he went to Tianqi Island for a holiday, which was 100% safe.

On this day, the relevant department released an air data. The air index of many northern cities has improved significantly, and the air purification tower of Tianqi Group has obvious effects.

After the news spread, many people in the north noticed the effect of the air purification tower a few years ago. They thought it was an image project, but it turned out to be really effective.

Soon, the media began to follow up on the incident, and a large official media reported the incident in detail.

According to data, this is a public welfare project of Tianqi Group, with an investment of more than one billion yuan. The local government has given certain subsidies. According to the operation data of the air purification tower, this project is completely operating at a loss.

Each air purification tower subsidizes 20,000 yuan per month. Although these funds are far from helping the project to get rid of losses, the reporter interviewed Ms. Feng Xia, the head of the administration department of Tianqi Group.

Ms. Feng Xia said that Tianqi Group's public welfare projects do not consider the cost.

Tianqi Group will be responsible for the operation of the project for another three years. After three years, air quality has been further improved, consumption has dropped significantly, and air pollution has been tangibly reduced.

It will be unconditionally donated to the local government, and the local government is responsible for operating the air purification tower. About 10,000 yuan per month can ensure normal operation.

After the news spread, many people have greatly changed the senses of Tianqi Group. They did not expect Tianqi Group to have such public welfare projects. Originally thought Xu Ping'an was nothing.

Soon, many media reported on Tianqi Group's public welfare project, and the wetland reserve with an investment of more than 5 billion has been unconditionally handed over to the local government.

Wherever Tianqi Group invests, there are corresponding public welfare projects reported. Rough calculations, Tianqi Group has invested more than 10 billion in this area.

This incident immediately aroused heated discussion. The public welfare project of Tianqi Group was only a temporary heat, and it was quickly forgotten by people. This time, a large-scale report has brought memories deep in people's minds.

Many people were shocked. They didn't expect Tianqi Group to have done so many public welfare projects. For a while, Tianqi Group's image began to be bright.

Soon, relevant departments affirmed the Tianqi Group's air purification tower project and decided to increase subsidies.

The directly affiliated department will give an additional subsidy of RMB 10,000 per month for each air purification tower project. This subsidy will be effective for a long time until the air is completely changed.

Time slowly passed and more than half a month passed. The Apocalypse Botany Institute and the Austrian Institute of Biological Preparations respectively sent personnel to the Apocalypse Island with plants and reagents.

On Edrius Island, James also sent personnel to take a mouse to Apocalypse Island. The mouse was not installed in the satellite immediately, but was installed last.

Murphy and Lu Zian kept communicating the progress. The day the mouse was installed on the satellite, the satellite was airlifted to the Tianqi Space Mining Company.

Lu Zi'an has completed all the testing of the rocket, and it can be launched in three days. After this launch, the rocket will be scrapped.

After all, this is the first-generation experimental rocket. It is not easy to be able to complete several rocket launches. According to the wear and tear of the rocket, after this launch, it cannot be launched.

The design of the second-generation rocket has been completed. According to the data of these several launches, many places have been optimized, and the materials used are more advanced.

After consulting Xu Ping'an, Lu Zi'an arranged for someone to start gathering suppliers of accessories, and a new round of procurement kicked off. This time, competition was fierce.

At the same time, Apocalypse Space Mining Company requires all spare parts to be shipped to the company by the end of November. Now it is only three months away from this time, and the construction period is very tight.

Fortunately, many suppliers still have inventory, which is not a problem at all. Only those parts that need to be remodeled and produced will take time, and negotiations will begin immediately.

Xu Pingan originally wanted to take a look, but when he received a call from Chen Fansheng, Miao Yong had a breakthrough. Xu Pingan did not set off, but ran to the Institute of Comprehensive Studies every day.

Lu Zi'an has become smarter now. He invites all parts dealers to watch the rocket launch together, and discusses in detail after the rocket launch is successful.

Everyone has no opinion. After all, this kind of thing can't be discussed in a day or two. Stay at ease and watch the rocket launch.

On this day, the rocket launched normally, put the satellite into orbit smoothly, and then returned. Everyone cheered.

Next, someone started to negotiate with these spare parts suppliers, and they reached an agreement in just two days and left Tianqi Space Mining Company to return to the company.

Xu Pingan, at this moment in the comprehensive research institute, watching Miao Yong conduct experiments, super oil, no matter what kind of engine, will cause loss when running.

At a certain level, the engine will be scrapped. For example, aircraft engines, fighter engines, and rocket engines have strict operating hours restrictions. When this standard is reached, they must be scrapped.

The existence of engine oil is to reduce the wear in the engine and extend the use time.At present, there are semi-synthetic engine oils and fully synthetic engine oils on the market, and the price of fully synthetic engine oils is the highest.

This new generation of engine oil developed by Miao Yong is a fully synthetic engine oil, which has five to six times the anti-wear effect of ordinary engine oils, increasing the engine extension time by about twice.

Once it is really successful, needless to say, endless banknotes are rolling in, and Xu Ping'an will make another big deal.

The "boom boom boom" machine started roaring at a very fast speed. Take one hour at full load as an example. Five engines are running at the same time. After one hour, the engine will be cut and inspected.

It has been running for almost an hour now. Xu Ping An, Chen Fansheng and Miao Yong were drinking tea and chatting in the observation room, while Xu Ping'an was smiling.

"Mr. Xu, you have to hurry up and move around. I am worried that this oil will not be approved for export," Chen Fansheng said suddenly.

Xu Ping'an frowned. This kind of thing is very likely to happen. At the beginning, the reason why Super Paint was able to be unrestricted was caused by a misunderstanding. Now, this kind of misunderstanding will definitely not occur.

Tianqi Group is well-known, and relevant departments will definitely carry out strict verification of products. This matter is troublesome, and Xu Ping'an has a bad feeling in his heart.

"Mr. Xu, I can subdivide the products into four categories: rocket engines, fighter engines, ordinary aircraft engines, and automobile engines."

"Even if the first two restrict our exports, we can export the latter two without making less profit. After all, this is the civilian market, and the share of private cars is still very high," Miao Yong said on the side.

"Try it, even if it is not allowed to export, it is good for the country. We don't make this part of the money."

"There are many technologies that foreign countries have blocked us. The country has this weapon in hand. Maybe it can exchange a lot of good things with other countries. It will definitely be released one after another."

"As long as we keep only our family's production, our goal will be achieved. Only the civilian market will be enough for us to earn," Xu Ping'an said with a serious expression.

After listening to Xu Ping'an, Chen Fansheng and Miao Yong nodded earnestly, agreeing with Xu Ping's opinion.

"Starting to cut" a voice came over, and the three of them stood up to the window. Outside, many people had already begun to cut the engine.

There are special tools for testing, but in order to achieve the most realistic data, it is nothing to waste five engines. Neither Xu Ping'an nor Chen Fansheng took it to heart.

Soon, the five engines were cut one by one, and many people came over with the instruments to start testing the data. Xu Ping's three returned and sat down to continue discussing the matter.

After a while, various data were released. After reporting the data, Xu Ping'an and Chen Fansheng both had expressions of overjoy, while Miao Yong had expressions of relief.

The purpose of Miao Yong's original research and development of this super motor oil was to break the monopoly of foreign products on the celestial dynasty. Miao Yong was ridiculed by people taking motor oil at a meeting abroad.

After returning from the meeting, Miao Yong started to conduct public relations experiments in this area. Over the years, the number of failures is really very high. Sometimes, four, five, or seven or eight experiments are carried out at the same time a day.

After so many years of continuous failure, there is finally a result today.

Miao Yong waved his hand, and everyone else went out, leaving Miao Yong, Xu Ping'an, and Chen Fansheng in the room.

"Mr. Xu, I will start the classification immediately, but this fully synthetic motor oil requires a lot of chemical raw materials. Please also Mr. Xu to make arrangements as soon as possible" Miao Yong said seriously.

Xu Ping'an was a gift of reinvention to Miao Yong. Without Xu Ping'an, Miao Yong must still be a handyman in the research institute. It was the appearance of Xu Ping'an that brought Miao Yong's glory and fame.

There is a villa, a car, and a lover, personal assets have reached hundreds of millions, and his reputation has reached all over the world. This is all brought by Xu Ping An.

Therefore, Miao Yong made up his mind early that when he retire, he would only retire in Tianqi Group, and would not go to work in any enterprise or organization, in order to report Xu Ping An’s kindness.

"Okay, you make a list, and I will make arrangements to ensure that there is no problem with the supply of raw materials" Xu Ping'an said seriously, and Miao Yong nodded.

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