Start the era of black technology

Chapter 567: This is the Voice of Many People

Xu Pingan shook his head and smiled bitterly. Chen Qingshan didn't know how far the world had progressed. He didn't look at the whole world, which was very different from Xu Pingan's view.

"You all know the Alpha Dog," Xu Ping'an looked at the two and said directly.

Both Zhang Jianbin and Chen Qingshan nodded seriously, this is still known, after all, it was a sensation when Alpha Dog swept all the Go players.

"The first generation of Alpha Dog has swept the world of Go, which shows that Alpha Dog's neural network program has a foundation, but with this small foundation, it has already defeated the computational ability of Go players."

"Four years ago, the Google team has officially upgraded Alpha Dog to version 2.0. This is a real upgrade, not a simple patch."

"The upgraded Alpha Dog no longer looks at Go, but is playing online games to collect data for self-calculation. Have you considered what kind of technology is this?"

"Do you really see clearly what this technology represents"

"Although the artificial intelligence of my Tianqi Group is one step ahead of the logic analysis program, in some algorithms, it is not as good as Alpha Dog. It must be improved through big data."

"My artificial intelligence is not as good as the other party in terms of neural networks, and the other party has been operating without restrictions for so many years. How much data will he collect and how much will it grow? Have you ever thought about this problem?

"Why can Alpha Dog upgrade to 2.0? This is the result of their comprehensive collection of various data for almost five years. Can you imagine how much data they got?"

"The products of our two companies can be said to have their own merits. It is hard to say who can overwhelm the other in one fell swoop, but I have inherent weaknesses."

"Guge is confidently collecting data and making great strides forward without any shackles"

"I don't need to say more about what environment my artificial intelligence is. You know why I want to relocate this project abroad."

"If I don't work hard, I must be a loser in this artificial intelligence contest."

"Because, even if I don't launch this kind of personal terminal, Guge will launch this kind of personal terminal in a few months, because this kind of personal terminal is growing the fastest."

"Each sales of a personal terminal is equivalent to a clone. These clones have logic programs to collect data and grow. What is the concept of thousands of clones collecting data and growing together"

"Be sober, the world is really different. The cutting-edge technology is really terrifying. You can't keep up with the times and can only be abandoned by the times" Xu Ping'an said unceremoniously while watching the two.

"Are you sure they want to launch an artificial intelligence personal terminal" Zhang Jianbin said, looking at Xu Ping'an solemnly.

"You can investigate by yourself, I believe you have channels, don't ask me" Xu Ping'an said rudely.

Zhang Jianbin and Chen Qingshan looked at each other and didn't say a word. After drinking a few cups of tea, the two of them left, and Xu Ping'an was relieved when they sent them away.

It must be stimulating and stimulating to save you from staring at your own spot all day.

The environment of the celestial dynasty is so good, with a large number of people, many manufacturers use relationships to make money very easily and easily, and they have lost their enterprising spirit.

The science and technology of the celestial dynasty is developing, but the development of science and technology abroad has not stopped. In some aspects, not only has the gap not been shortened, but the gap has widened.

At present, some of the technological breakthroughs of the Celestial Kingdom are made by recruited foreign talents. The greatest crisis is the absence of native talents.

Looking at the immigrants who are both senior intellectuals and wealthy people, you can analyze some things. They must know many things that ordinary people don't know.

The referee must be made aware of the seriousness of the matter before the rules can be changed, otherwise, the vicious circle will unfold again.

Although Xu Pingan’s thoughts of angry youth have decreased a lot, many things have not changed. While I hope the country will become stronger, I am also worried.

The next day, Zhang Jianbin left City J. Xu Ping'an personally escorted Zhang Jianbin on the plane. After returning to the company, Xu Ping's life calmed down.

More than ten days passed slowly. On this day, the official website of Tianqi Group and Tianqi Space Mining Company released a message at the same time.

The first rocket of the Apocalypse Group was officially retired. It was launched four times and sent four satellites to the sky. The technical team of the Apocalypse Mining Company also collected a lot of data.

After removing the circuit board and some equipment, this rocket will be treated as a sculpture and set up in the Tianqi Space Mining Company for future generations to admire.

At the same time, the names of all members of the development team will also be carved on the stone tablet for future generations to pay respect.

The design of the second rocket has been completed, and parts contracts have been signed with major parts suppliers. It is expected that the formation will be officially completed at the end of December or early January.

It is expected that the second-generation rocket can withstand more than fifteen repeated launches.

The announcement of this statement directly aroused many people's discussion, more shocked, no one thought that the first-generation rocket of Tianqi Group would retire so soon, and it was reused four times.

The Apocalypse Group's actions in space are really too fast. This puts a lot of pressure on many international giants.

Domestic netizens are even more emotional. No one thought that Tianqi Group would develop so quickly. In less than a year, the first-generation rocket was retired and the second-generation rocket was immediately assembled.

Feitian Rocket Company and Longteng Rocket Company, these two peers without exception were once again pulled out by netizens to whip their bodies.

Longteng Rocket Company even directly announced that the rocket design has been completed and financing is currently underway. The rocket will be assembled next year. A rocket launch will definitely be completed in the first half of next year.

With this statement, Longteng Rocket Company is a little better, and Feitian Rocket Company is even more uncomfortable, because the anger of netizens is all concentrated on him.

For international giants interested in entering outer space, they don't care about Feitian Rocket Company and Longteng Rocket Company at all. They only care about one, and that is Tianqi Group.

The project team that SpaceX cooperated with several Microsoft companies began to accelerate, suspending experiments in the wilderness of the United States, adding some equipment to the base to conduct experiments, and completely upgrade the experiments.

I have felt the pressure brought by the Tianqi Group. Four companies have done internal analysis. The rockets of the Tianqi Group are different from those of all countries and companies.

The rocket body is very large, at least larger than SpaceX's rocket body, even if it is a lap, it also involves a lot of advanced technology.

What's more, the rocket body of Tianqi Group is one meter more in diameter than SpaceX's rocket body. Everyone knows how big the gap is.

The four companies are also very aware of how Tianqi Group's basic technology came from. 100% of them were bought from the dark web. Coupled with the continuous research and development of senior talents recruited by Tianqi Group, Tianqi Group has today's achievements.

If you want to take a shot at the Tianqi Group, the four companies are a little bit of a rat avoidance device, because the latest generation of space materials is controlled by the Tianqi Group.

The latest generation of space materials sold by Tianqi Iron and Steel Group is expensive, and it is not something you can buy casually. You need to queue up, because governments of various countries are big buyers.

Once you fall out and cut off your materials, the loss will be even greater. The four big brothers 100% believe that Xu Ping'an will do this.

It would be nice if Tianqi Group was not at the helm of Xu Ping'an. This is the voice of many people.

Look at the bosses of other celestial companies, how nice and kind, they gave up the profits with a little flicker, even if they were hacked, they would silently endure it.

How could such a kind race have such a scourge as Xu Ping'an? Could it be that our ancestors made the wrong reincarnation? Many Westerners have this idea.

Xu Pingan didn't care about the thoughts of these people, but carefully reviewed the investigation report submitted by Ji Xueyi in the office. After spending more than 20 minutes reading it, he shook his head with a wry smile.

Many companies have the intention to sell, but Xu Ping'an doesn't like these companies because these companies have a common feature. There are really many debts, and many of them are insolvent.

Moreover, a large number of enterprises have equipment aging problems.

There are good companies, these only accept shares and never sell, which is a bit difficult.

The last suggestion given by Ji Xueyi's report is to build a new enterprise, which saves time and effort, and Xu Pingan is very tempted.

I thought about it and started arranging the company's affairs. Two days later, I flew directly to Hangzhou and talked with Zhang Jianbin before boarding the plane. I will talk about several chemical plants in earnest tomorrow.

The location is in the office of Xu Pingan, the headquarter of Tianqi Group.

A few hours later, Xu Pingan’s plane landed, and he took the car home to rest, and then went to the company tomorrow because Song Xinyun was already waiting at home.

The animation film re-produced all the special effects, and the progress went very smoothly. Compared with the previous ones, the effect was completely different from the world. People inside the company felt it.

Those few students hired by Song Xinyun have formally entered the job and are in charge of the special effects department. Usually they are not only responsible for the special effects of Song Xinyun's company, but sometimes they also receive some outsourced goods.

Technology is money. This has been greatly verified. After all, Song Xinyun has been in this industry for a long time, and many company bosses were asked to look at the new special effects of his company and get the list directly.

As the saying goes, it's not difficult, it's rare not.

The outsourcing list did not increase the workload of these four people. Every day is very relaxed, and there is free time to buy breakfast for several beautiful women.

The four of them arrived at Xinyun Animation Co., and they were in heaven. The ratio of male to female in the company was 1:8, and women accounted for the majority. This provided convenient conditions for the four technical men to solve the single problem.

The order of my career is in a good mood. I haven't seen Xu Pingan for so long, so I couldn't help but ran over. It was a vacation, and I went back after spending a week in Hangzhou.

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