Start the era of black technology

Chapter 568: A Feeling of Being Played

In the living room of the house, Song Xinyun sat in pajamas next to Xu Pingan making tea, while Xu Pingan was in a video chat with Aubrey, general manager of Tianqi Paint.

"Boss, in fact, there is nothing wrong with setting up a branch factory, and it is also good for us."

"The headquarters of City J can concentrate on producing super paints, and the branch factory can produce civil paints and other products, without delay," Aubrey expressed his opinion.

Aubrey considered this matter not a day or two, but seriously discussed this issue with his deputies. Although Super Paint has been around for several years, its production capacity is limited and it has not met market demand at all.

In order to survive civilian products, a lot of production capacity has been compressed. If these civilian products can be separated out, it would be a solution.

"Can't the civil paint market satisfy?" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"Boss, the civil paint market is very large. Even if we have established a branch in Europe, it cannot meet the market demand. As long as the economic conditions permit, they must purchase our paint."

"Because our paint is famous for its environmental protection and low toxicity, consumers have recognized our brand, even if the price is high, it is still in short supply," Aubrey said truthfully.

This situation was not only unexpected by Xu Pingan, but also by Aubrey. He thought that the high price was not easy to sell, and he knew that it was accepted by consumers so quickly.

Especially after a fire broke out in an apartment building in Germany, Apocalypse Paint has become famous, because the toxic substances produced by the burning of the paint are very small, and those who were smoked out survived.

After this incident, many units conducted tests and found that the toxic gas produced by the burning of Apocalypse paint was minimal. This point cannot be compared with any paint on the market.

There was a lot of noise at that time, and it also created the quality of Tianqi paint and was recognized by the wealthy. Once people recognized a certain brand, they would basically have a high loyalty.

Coupled with Aubrey's publicity offensive, he achieved a five-fold increase in sales that year, which shocked everyone.

"Well, it is necessary to build a new branch," Xu Ping'an said with emotion.

"Boss, the branch plant must be established in the renewable resource system ecosystem, so that all kinds of sewage can be treated well, otherwise, it will cause serious environmental problems."

"As long as it is within the ecosystem, there is no problem," Aubrey expressed his opinion.

"Okay, I see, you can arrange it, let's come to Hangzhou in these two days," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Aubrey directly agreed. The two chatted for a while before terminating the video conversation.

"What branch factory do you want to open?" Song Xinyun asked curiously.

"Not necessarily, the product has not yet broken through" Xu Ping'an directly prevaricates over the past, never let other people interfere with work matters.

Song Xinyun looked at Xu Ping'an and sighed. How could he not see that Xu Ping'an was not telling the truth? Xu Ping'an also saw Song Xinyun's expression and smiled awkwardly.

"The research institute has solved a big problem, and there is still a very critical problem that has not been solved. The reason why I am planning now is to make preparations and get some preferential policies by the way" Xu Ping'an explained, which can be regarded as alleviating the embarrassment.

"I won't ask you about your work in the future" Song Xinyun said directly, who is rare to say or not.

He picked up the teacup and drank it directly, without taking Song Xinyun's words, this kind of accustomed young lady's temper is probably hard to change. Sometimes Xu Ping'an doesn't understand why Isabella doesn't have such a young lady's temper.

Isabella was very witty and never asked Xu Pingan about work. This is what Xu Pingan is most satisfied with. Only Song Xinyun, take your time.

"How is your cartoon?" Xu Ping'an changed the subject directly.

"It's progressing well. If nothing happens, it will be released next year. This time, I plan to show it internally first. Please see those who dare to tell the truth first."

"You can also check it out. If there is a problem, I will directly correct it. This time I must succeed," Song Xinyun said seriously.

Xu Ping'an nodded, this time Song Xinyun was really long-hearted, "Okay, as long as you let me see in advance, I will give you 100% true opinions."

The topic of the two shifted to the animation film. The little embarrassment just disappeared. After being together for so many years, if you are angry, you will only get angry.

Xu Pingan also took the time to make a call to Wu Sikai, asking Wu Sikai to also come to Hangzhou to make two-handed preparations.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are well-known chemical provinces in the country. Now Jiang Province has not responded. Zhang Jianbin is so active here, Xu Ping'an can't help but tilt his balance.

Besides, the renewable resource system here in Hangzhou is very complete. The sewage from the chemical plant can be directly sent to the sewage treatment plant through the pipeline, which is very convenient.

The next day, Xu Pingan and Zhang Jianbin met in the office. After listening to Zhang Jianbin's description of the conditions, Xu Pingan frowned and what was the situation.

Early retirees receive a monthly living allowance of 1,500, and Tianqi Group bears half of it, which makes Xu Ping'an a little unhappy.

"Brother Zhang, it's a matter of fact, you didn't say that last time" Xu Ping'an looked at Zhang Jianbin and said truthfully.

Zhang Jianbin's old face blushed and there was no way. The provincial government accounted for the foreign debts of several chemical plants, good guys, almost 20 billion, wiped all out and then assumed the living allowances for the retired personnel. This financial pressure was a bit too great.

More than 10,000 people need to retreat internally, and the monthly living allowance of 1,500 yuan is really not high, but if the calculation is calculated together with the social security paid in accordance with the normal benefits, it can add up.

A subsidy of more than 10 million is required in one month, plus more than 1,000 social insurance, and it will continue for many years. This is not a small number.

If you calculate based on the length of service of these people, if you buy out the length of service, you will need a lot of money. The province will have a headache, and the city will also have a headache.

The pressure passed on Zhang Jianbin, to see if Tianqi Group can make a sum of money. After all, Tianqi Group is also a profiteer and cannot be borne by the government.

"Ping An, we work together to solve the life problems of these people. You can rest assured that the city will gradually increase subsidies to Tianqi Group. Although you temporarily pay a little more, in the future, your contributions will be recovered one by one" Zhang Jianbin looked at Xu Pingan said seriously.

Xu Ping'an smiled, and this trick again, can't you change to a new trick.

"What else, please tell me so I can judge whether it is appropriate or not." Xu Ping'an said to Zhang Jianbin without changing his face. After speaking, he picked up the tea and drank slowly.

Seeing Xu Ping's attitude, Zhang Jianbin felt Gordon in his heart. He had a bad premonition and thought about it. He had to say what he had to say, it was really impossible to negotiate.

The proportion of subsidies for the retired personnel, the proportion of the cost of the seniority buyout personnel, etc., Zhang Jianbin finished all he had to say, and looked at Xu Ping An, but he did not see any expression on Xu Ping's face.

"Mayor, I must seriously consider these matters. At the same time, I have to discuss with the company's senior management. I will give you the news in a few days." Xu Ping'an said this sentence very calmly.

The reason is very strong, we need to discuss, and negotiation must always be allowed, Zhang Jianbin nodded reluctantly.

The two of them for a while, Zhang Jianbin did not get any useful information, so he left. As the mayor, there are many things to be busy every day.

After Zhang Jianbin was sent away, Xu Ping'an returned to the office and began to call. Soon, the call was made. The voice of "boss" Aubrey came over.

"Don't come to Hangzhou for the time being, but switch to Jiangsu, contact Jiangsu and ask them to buy Bokai Chemical, Mingyang Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.... What are the acquisition conditions for these chemical plants?"

"Lawyer Wu will meet you in Jiangsu. You can discuss this matter," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Boss, didn't the negotiation go well?" Aubrey asked.

"It's very bad. They offered to let us take the responsibility.... You seriously investigate over there. If the conditions are not in our interests, just directly give up"

"After you give up, you will be divided into two groups. You will go to Y Province to investigate the establishment of new chemical plants with preferential conditions, and let Wu Sikai visit the coastal cities of Eastern Province. Time is limited, so don't drag your feet." Xu Pingan said directly.

"I understand, I will take the two deputies together." Aubrey has understood Xu Ping's meaning.

The two talked about the details for a while and then hung up. Xu Ping'an began to dial again and called Wu Sikai. For the same thing, Wu Sikai agreed in one fell swoop and would take the two assistants to act together.

After some communication, two more places were inspected. If the Eastern Province was not suitable, I went straight to the three Eastern Provinces for inspection, and inspected more places and selected the places with the best favorable conditions.

By the way, let Aubrey know that you can also go to Shaanxi Province for inspection, after all, the preferential conditions given by the inland provinces are relatively large.

Two days later, there was no news from Xu Ping'an. The news was that Xu Ping'an and Song Xinyun went to various scenic spots.

Zhang Jianbin patiently waited for a few more days. As a result, Zhang Jianbin was dumbfounded by the news today, and Xu Ping'an called over and went abroad for urgent matters.

The reason is that there seems to be something major over there, and I am leaving in a hurry. I will talk about it when I come back.

In the afternoon, I received a call from an old friend in Jiangsu. Aubrey, general manager of Tianqi Paint Company, went to Jiangsu to inspect the market, and Wu Sikai accompanied him.

An angry Zhang Jianbin dropped the cup directly in the office. He felt as if he was being tricked. No one was seen. He was sulking in the office alone.

After more than an hour, he calmed down and shook his head and smiled bitterly. When he notified Xu Ping An of the changes in his conditions a few days ago, was Xu Ping an angry too.

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