Start the era of black technology

Chapter 569 The tax department still launched an audit storm

Did he also think that he was being tricked? At this moment, Zhang Jianbin seemed to understand Xu Ping'an.

I'm not as good as Xu Ping'an. At least Xu Ping'an was just shocked when he heard the conditions. He didn't get angry and throw anything in front of him.

This shows that Xu Pingan's mood is much higher than his own, and he can control his emotions well.

When Zhang Jianbin just wanted to understand the problem, Qiao Liangqing came. Qiao Liangqing was worried about Zhang Jianbin. The two have been partnering for so many years, and they know Zhang Jianbin's temper very well.

The cup fell and no one was seen. It was obvious that Zhang Jianbin was suffocating now.

It is necessary to come and persuade Zhang Jianbin.

As a result, the moment he saw Zhang Jianbin, Qiao Liangqing felt that Zhang Jianbin was not very angry, and looked at Zhang Jianbin with a suspicious expression.

"I was surprised, I was surprised, why didn't I complain, right?" Zhang Jianbin said with a wry smile.

Qiao Liangqing nodded earnestly and said, "You said it was good, and your performance really exceeded my expectations."

"It's very simple. I made empathy. The scene was when I notified Xu Ping An of the change of conditions a few days ago. I think Xu Ping's must have the same idea as me at that time."

"Be tricked"

"At that time, Xu Ping'an was very calm. Now it seems that he is not very calm. He is angry and has nothing to say."

"Do not do to others what you don't want, I now understand the meaning of this sentence"

"It was we who fooled him first, or that we thought things too much. The general manager of Apocalypse Game Company Aubrey and Wu Sikai went to Jiangsu to inspect the chemical plant is his counterattack."

"A good hand, I played a bad card" Zhang Jianbin said truthfully.

Qiao Liangqing nodded, then sighed, "I came to you because I wanted to understand this. At first, I was also very angry and thought Xu Ping'an was playing with us on purpose."

"Calm down, think about it all, and find that it is ourselves who violated the rules, and the ancients still paid attention to the promise of a daughter."

"Since we have said something before, we have to deal with it no matter how difficult it is."

"If people do not believe in, we will not stand. Our identity does not allow us to overthrow what we say at will. As a result, it is precisely our overthrow of our own words that caused the situation today. We are responsible for most of the situation," Qiao Liangqing followed .

"If there is any change, we will encourage it, if we know the problem, we can correct it"

"However, we are not without gain"

"Wu Sikai and Aubrey were able to study in Jiangsu calmly, which shows that Xu Pingan is not very anxious to buy any chemical plant. Perhaps, the research institute has not made a real breakthrough yet."

"The reason why he inspected the chemical industry was really a precaution. It was just preparation and not very urgent. We were a little too excited and made a wrong judgment" Zhang Jianbin said calmly.

"Oh, Lao Zhang, this is not like the Zhang Jianbin I know" Qiao Liangqing said with a smile, and Zhang Jianbin laughed hahaha afterwards.

"I just want to understand. Let's discuss this matter when Xu Ping'an returns to China, and change the place where we made mistakes. After all, we are still very attractive here."

"Furthermore, it is impossible for the head and deputy squad leaders in other places to have the courage of the two of us" Zhang Jianbin said confidently.

"I agree with what you said. When he comes back to make an appointment to have a meal together, let's talk about it, everything is not a problem" Qiao Liangqing said directly, and Zhang Jianbin nodded.

Nantes, France, Tianqi Group Artificial Intelligence Project Park.

Xu Pingan experienced the artificial intelligence personal terminal that Saen and they planned to launch in a model house. All the smart appliances in the house are controlled by the personal terminal.

Questions such as the stock market, buying clothes, searching for designated items, playing music, simple chatting, floor cleaning, safety protection, economic strategy, etc. popped out of Xu Ping’an’s mouth.

Communicate with Fanxing’s personal terminal, and then play interactive games with the personal terminal. During the game, Xu Ping’an seems to be carrying a rookie.

However, personal terminal learning is fast and will never make repetitive mistakes. Seeing the growth of personal terminal, Xu Ping An is very satisfied.

After playing for about an hour, he left the experience room and gave Saen a thumbs up. The proposal of freedom was really cool.

With Xu Pingan’s evaluation, Saen and all the staff have a smile on their faces. The president’s standards are the strictest. This is the consensus within the Tianqi Group.

Being able to get Xu Pingan's approval shows that this product is successful.

"How much is the cost" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Boss, the total cost of all components is 29,428 euros, calculated at 30,000 euros, only the cost of spare parts, labor costs, etc. are not included." A person in charge of procurement immediately Just reported the data.

Xu Ping'an frowned and said, "It's so high."

"Boss, this human terminal uses eighteen high-end chips in the laboratory, four-nanometer technology, and the chip prices are very high"

"Motherboards, circuit boards, and various unit components are all customized, and the lowest performance products are three times the price of the highest performance products currently on the market."

"As far as the radiator is concerned, the performance is five times that of the radiator on the market. The average machine must stop and rest after 72 hours of continuous operation, while ours can work continuously for a week."

"After six hours of rest, it can be restored as before. Such a high performance price is definitely not cheap"

"Seriously, this is a friendly price for us. If we produce in large quantities, the price will not drop much."

"If you want a large-scale price drop, it is expected that it will be possible in two years." The purchaser cited two examples to illustrate the strength of parts and accessories, and the price is difficult to compress.

"Okay, I see," Xu Ping'an said helplessly. Such a high price must be planned well.

Xu Pingan turned to look at Saen and asked, "Saen, how often do you expect to upgrade?"

"Boss, this should be decided according to the user's habits. The more frequency you use, the faster the personal terminal will grow. Under normal circumstances, you can perform a small-scale optimization within two to three months."

"There should be a real upgrade in about half a year"

"The real upgrade has a lot to do with personal use," Saen said very positively.

Xu Ping'an seriously communicated with Saen for a while before returning to his residence, and Saen began to arrange according to Xu Ping's instructions.

To shoot a very shocking promotional film, people must be deeply attracted after watching it, and a strong desire to have this personal terminal erupts.

Two days passed without knowing it. On this day, Xu Ping'an had eaten breakfast after exercising. While checking, Liu Wenjun came over and handed Xu Ping'an a tablet.

"Boss, the Apocalypse Rangers Football Club is once again famous" Liu Wenjun said with a smile.

Xu Pingan was taken aback, took the tablet and looked at it. It was a series of reports from The Times on the profitability of the Apocalypse Rangers Football Club after winning the championship.

The commercial operations a few months after winning the championship brought a net profit of up to 4.6 billion pounds for the Apocalypse Rangers Football Club. The profitability of the football club was thoroughly explored.

When Xu Pingan was watching, the phone rang, and when he picked it up, Visoka called over, and he knew what it was. It was so comprehensive in the media that it wouldn't work without the cooperation of internal personnel.

"Go ahead, I saw the news" Xu Ping'an said directly after answering the phone.

"Boss, I'm dereliction of duty. There must be internal cooperation in this matter. I have already contacted General Manager Barker. Captain Rutte and the internal auditors are investigating. Attorney Henrik has taken over this case," Visoka reported. To.

"Visoka, since the matter has happened, we must resolve it. You immediately contact Niels for self-examination to see if there are any tax issues."

"There is absolutely no way to report any scandal in this regard. Once it occurs, you can only be responsible," Xu Ping An said seriously.

"I understand, I will contact Mr. Niels immediately." Vysoka has realized the seriousness of the matter, I am afraid this matter is not just as simple as profit.

The two communicated for a while and then hung up the phone. Xu Ping shook his head with a wry smile. Sometimes, too much profit is not a good thing. The phenomenon of hatred of the rich is everywhere.

Soon, Niels received a call from Visoka. He understood Xu Pingan's meaning and immediately dispatched five financial experts from the headquarters to the club to start a new round of financial review.

After the media reported the profitability of the Apocalypse Rangers Football Club, it immediately caused a shock in the UK. Many people felt that it was incredible that a championship can make so much profit.

This unscientific

This is the voice of many football club owners.

The keyboard man is not only unique to the Chinese dynasty, but also many abroad. Many people have expressed their opinions that the Apocalypse Rangers Club earns so much after winning the championship. How much is the team that has won the championship for many years.

Many club owners in the lower leagues began to secretly contribute to the flames. Many people have noticed on government websites, requesting the tax department to conduct a comprehensive tax review of all Premier League football clubs.

All Premier League clubs have three big heads in one head. There are no major faults and a bunch of minor faults. No one is clean. If they are targeted for scrutiny, they will definitely be fined severely.

One after another started activities, trying every means to avoid the tax department's intervention in this matter. The only excitement was the media. They started to add more energy and were not afraid to make things bigger.

Coupled with the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor between football clubs, people who want to do things abound, it can be described as chaos, and the Football Association's life is not easy.

There is also a controversy at the top level, and there is no final conclusion about whether to investigate or not.

With the passage of time, things got worse and worse, reaching the point where it was impossible not to intervene. On this day, the tax department stated that it would audit the finances of all Premier League clubs.

This is considered a hornet's nest. The Football Association issued a comment that this review is unnecessary and a blow to the British football economy. The Football Association believes that all clubs are self-disciplined and there is no tax evasion.

As a result, without a half-cent, the tax department still launched an audit storm, mobilizing personnel to form 20 teams into 20 Premier League clubs to conduct financial tax evasion audits.

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