Start the era of black technology

Chapter 570 I am a man from the celestial dynasty in my life, I will never change!

Wisoka was secretly grateful. Fortunately, the president, Yingming, made preparations in advance. The day before the tax department announced the audit, the Apocalypse Rangers Football Club had just completed an internal audit.

At the time when things like this broke out in Eagle Country, there was no peace on the Chinese side. Many people noticed on the websites of relevant departments and asked for a new tax audit of Tianqi Group.

Moreover, the various media began to contribute to the flames at a rapid pace, not afraid of making things worse, the news reached Xu Ping'an, Xu Ping'an's face was black.

Really he is a hell, things have gotten to his own head, so many years of public welfare have been done in vain.

"After the notice, the personnel of the various departments of the Celestial Dynasty shall not publicly express their opinions on this matter. Anyone who violates it will be directly expelled." Xu Ping'an gave an order to Darina with a gloomy expression, and Darina went to prepare.

Xu Pingan didn't know that there were too many people in the Tianchao who wanted to see Tianqi Group's bad luck, because, along the way, Tianqi Group, too many companies closed down or made major losses because of Tianqi Group's products.

Because of the super paint matter, how many research institutes have been closed down, how many research institutes have been dug up, and the interests of many bricks and animals have been hit.

The advent of carbon crystal solar panels has caused many photovoltaic companies to close down and lose money. They are another group of people who are extremely angry with Tianqi Group.

The patent storm has caused many companies to be cut off, and many people have lost their iron jobs.

The alliance with the university has affected the interests of a large number of people

When things are added up, Tianqi Group has many enemies, covering all walks of life, north and south.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, you will not be a qualified anti-Apocalypse group person. They have begun to mobilize their own forces to join the condemnation against the Apocalypse group.

For a time, the sentiment was raging and the momentum was raging.

There are many people who want to see the jokes of Tianqi Group in the world. They make good coffee and taste cakes and sit on the sofa, relax and watch the theater, and see how Xu Ping'an copes with this situation.

The celestial dynasty talks about the rule of law. It is not that you will make an anonymous report of tax evasion and tax evasion. In that case, there are not enough people in the tax department.

It's that you have to present evidence, or say that it is a certain aspect of the real-name report that you have evidence in hand.

The relevant departments are also uncomfortable at the moment, and now I fully understand why Wu Sikai asks them to issue a certificate after the audit every year, and what he is preventing is the current situation.

Relevant departments did not move slowly, and some people began to change their strategies and began to attack Xu Ping An on the Internet. This is the purpose of these people.

Earn domestic money and go abroad to be smart and contribute to foreign GDP.

Advanced technology is hidden and not contributed to the country for free

It is said that more than 20 actresses have an affair with Xu Ping An.

Relying on economic strength to force local governments to give preferential policies that are completely at a loss, crazy property money

Licensing some advanced technology to foreign companies is completely a national thief

.............Wait, the storm of public opinion is getting worse.

Every day, Liu Wenjun or Darina had to show the collected information to Xu Ping An. Both of them were very worried, because Xu Ping'an had become more and more silent in the past two days.

This is not a good phenomenon, but whenever this happens, it shows that Xu Ping's anger has reached a certain level.

The two have been with Xu Ping An for many years, and they are very clear about Xu Ping's habits. The more angry they are inside, the more calm their appearance is

Calm let you heartache.

On this day, the relevant departments began to intervene to quell this kind of network chaos. Ordinary people don't know about Xu Ping'an. Don't the bigwigs know yet?

It can't go on like this anymore. Under the guidance of a caring person, the taste has completely changed. It is a posture that will push Xu Ping'an away from the heaven. Obviously these people are not at ease.

Unfortunately, the action was a bit late.

On this day, Wu Sikai held a press conference on behalf of Xu Pingan. First of all, he showed the proof of the financial audit of Tianqi Group by relevant departments every year, for several years.

Then it directly announced that the prices of super fish oil and super polypancreatic preparations are in line with international standards.

This means that the prices of two dietary supplements, which were originally 500 yuan cheaper than the international price, have begun to rise across the board.

At the same time, it also announced that it will increase the speed of Tianqi Group's patent department prices in line with international patent authorizations, and complete all revisions at the end of this month to truly unify prices.

In the past, it was only announced, and it was not fully implemented, and there was still some room left. Now, there is no room to stay, and the price should be unified.

At this time, many people were shocked. Not only the Celestial region, but the entire Asia was shocked. The price uniformity with Europe and the United States would make this product unaffordable for many people.

Many people sighed secretly, make trouble, the troubled Apocalypse Group is satisfied with the direct price increase, why bother.

Some people want to call to persuade Xu Ping An in the past few days, but it is Xu Ping's assistant who answers the phone. Currently, Xu Ping's phone is not answered.

Isabella accompanied Xu Ping An on a walk in the garden. When the public opinion began to cause trouble, Isabella came to Xu Ping's side and accompany Xu Ping An to cope.

"Xu, why don't you immigrate to Denmark" Isabella said suddenly.

Xu Ping'an frowned and shook his head quickly, the sign of rejection was very obvious.

"I am a celestial person in this life, and I will never change!" Xu Ping'an looked at the distant sky and said this slowly.

When Isabella wanted to say something more, Xu Ping patted Isabella's hand holding her arm, and Isabella swallowed what she was about to say, and let out a long sigh.

The two of them walked slowly without speaking, and Liu Wenjun appeared from the side and handed the phone to Xu Ping'an "boss, Wisoka's phone".

Xu Pingan made an apologetic gesture to Isabella. Isabella let go of Xu Pingan. Xu Pingan took the phone to the side to answer the call.

"Liu, are you celestial people so stubborn?"

"Your domestic news has made him so unbearable, why didn't he promise me to change my nationality?" Isabella frowned and said.

Liu Wenjun was taken aback, and at the same time calmed down a lot. Xu Ping'an did not agree, but if he does not agree now, no one knows whether he will agree to it in the future. This is not a trivial matter.

"The country is home, that is the root of all of us"

"After a hundred years of shame, we love our home more than people in any country" Liu Wenjun said from the side, Isabella frowned, not understanding Liu Wenjun's words very well.

On the other side, Xu Pingan said to the phone, "It's me, you can talk".

"Boss, the investigation is clear. It was the financial officer I hired for leaking financial information for 500,000 pounds. I will punish myself." Visoka's voice came over, his voice was very low, obviously not in high mood.

The general manager of each branch of Tianqi Group has the right to recruit a financial officer, who has the right to check accounts at any time, so as to facilitate the formation of mutual financial supervision and ensure financial health.

"What are you going to do with this?" Xu Ping'an asked calmly.

"To prosecute, we have entrusted Hunter's lawyer to prosecute the person. Our evidence is very comprehensive. We have grasped the emails between him and the Times reporter," Visoka said seriously.

"I don't want him to get out of prison" Xu Ping'an said these words with a flat face.

Because of the chain reaction caused by this incident, Xu Ping's heart was really filled with fire during this period of time. This person is the source of this series of troubles, and he must not be spared lightly.

"I understand" Visoka said directly.

"Tell Ruth my opinion, leave this to him, you guys don't interfere" Xu Ping'an added, leaving this matter to professionals to handle, so that it can be foolproof.

After talking for a while, the two hung up the phone, turned around and looked at it. Liu Wenjun and Isabella had already left, and Xu Ping'an went to the chair beside them and sat down.

Closed eyes and basking in the sun, my mind is full of thoughts.

In the evening, Liu Wenjun looked at the computer in front of him, an email with a conversation between him and Isabella, he sighed for a long time and pressed the send button.

On the third floor, in Xu Ping'an's bedroom, Isabella still has a happy blush on her face. Looking at Xu Ping's sleeping face, the expression on her face also changes quickly.

After a long sigh, he lay down holding Xu Ping'an's body and slowly closed his eyes.

As time passed slowly, the relevant departments of Eagle Country announced that nine football clubs, including the Apocalypse Ranger Football Club, had completed the audit and found no problems.

According to the law, private clubs have the right not to publish their own financial data. The three joint-stock clubs will publish detailed financial data on the club’s official website in the near future for everyone to check.

A local accounting practice firm with a good reputation also issued a similar statement that it was responsible for the finances of the club participating in the audit.

The financial data of these clubs is in full compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Apocalypse Rangers Football Club passed the customs smoothly. This is something that many people did not expect. In these people's minds, the Apocalypse Rangers Football Club has more or less problems.

Knowing that there is no problem at all, many people find it difficult to accept this result.

They have published suspicious comments, but it is of no avail if you are suspicious. They have been reviewed, and it is impossible to review again because of your doubts without evidence.

You should know that this time the audit was accidental and has consumed a large part of the funds of the relevant departments. If the audit is conducted again, who will be responsible for these costs.

When the Internet was noisy, the financial problems of the three clubs were revealed. Soon, a huge ticket came down. This time, even the pre-negotiation was omitted.

Because there are too many people staring at this, no one wants to joke about their future.

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