Start the era of black technology

Chapter 579 I can't figure out why you must find me for this project

Three days later, Xu Ping'an attended the memorial service in accordance with the etiquette of the XX Kingdom. There were many foreign guests. After all, the XX Kingdom is a very wealthy kingdom, and the old king is relatively friendly to many countries.

According to incomplete statistics, the old king has given support to more than 70 countries during his reign. Many countries have donated materials for free when natural disasters broke out, and his popularity is very good.

Xu Pingan was relatively low-key. Standing among the business team, he returned to his residence after completing the ceremony, waiting with peace of mind, and then left after attending Adnan's coronation ceremony a week later.

Tianchao, Tianqi Space Mining Company, has already begun a new round of rocket assembly, and everyone is holding a sigh of breath. This time it must be successful and its shame must be washed away.

In Hangzhou, Tianqi Chemical Group's chemical plant and synthetic engine oil plant have also begun to install machines, using the most advanced equipment in the world.

These equipments are also purchased by Tianqi Group. If you change a company, they will definitely not sell it to you. There is also an additional condition for selling to Tianqi Group, which can only be used by yourself and cannot be sold.

Some countries really don't want to sell Xu Ping's state-of-the-art equipment, but they are worried about Xu Ping's revenge. They know exactly what Xu Ping's rogue tactics are. In order to avoid trouble, it is considered as an opening.

So far, no domestic or foreign company has obtained a purchase certificate for Super Engine Oil. The control is very strict and will never escape easily. The country is very clear about the value of Super Engine Oil.

Xu Pingan didn't know that a secret team had arrived in Hangzhou. The purpose was simple. It secretly protects the production of super oil and cannot be destroyed by certain forces with ulterior motives.

Many domestic airlines have already paid the full advance payment, just waiting for the product to be produced, and the aircraft engine can be maintained for more time, and the profit is all net profit.

The listing of hydrogen-powered aircraft has already turned many airlines back into profitability. If the civilian version of super motor oil is used again, profits will definitely increase.

On this day, when Xu Pingan was reading a book in the manor, the phone rang. Xu Pingan picked it up and saw that it was a call from Airbus Group Norton, and he answered it directly.

"Norton, what's the matter" Xu Ping'an asked, old friends, don't be polite.

"Xu, a friend of mine wants to talk to you. He hasn't dealt with you before. Knowing that I have a good relationship with you, he found me. He is also in XX Kingdom. If he sees you, give me Made a call," Norton said directly.

"Oh, this is definitely not an ordinary person, you don't care about ordinary people," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Yes, most people, I would definitely not call you. He is my old friend, Moratak, the majority shareholder of Porsche." Norton said Moratak's name.

"Do you know what it is? I remember that Porsche has obtained the authorization of the hydrogen car engine" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"This one is not clear, he must have something to discuss when he meets you, otherwise he won't find me in the head" Norton told the truth.

"Well, you tell him, let him come to me after two in the afternoon," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"No problem," Norton said, he had an account to his old friend.

"By the way, how is my space shuttle?" Xu Pingan asked.

"Xu, don't worry, yours is a big airplane. The production and assembly are not that simple, especially the airframe. If you let all the new generation aerospace materials be used, production is very troublesome."

"Also, the engine space you requested is generally different. Are you planning to make any modification? I tell you that engine modification is not that simple." Norton asked directly the question in his mind.

"I didn't plan to modify, but to directly replace the engine. You only need to make sure that the plane can fly to Idrius Island. The new engine is already waiting," Xu Ping'an said calmly.

Norton thought for a while and said directly, "Xu, the space shuttle is not that simple. You should be able to see this. The space shuttle in the United States is the only one, and no other country has this technology."

"External materials are easy to solve, but the internal control system is top secret. It has been almost 30 years since the reusable space shuttle came out. No country has mastered this technology."

"Many countries have tried, but failed. You have to think carefully."

"I understand that repeated use of technology is no longer a problem for me. The first-generation rocket of Tianqi Group can already achieve this level, and the second-generation rocket is currently being tested."

"Although there was a failure at the end of last year, I will not give up. Then I will continue to fail ten times in a row."

"Norton, I said that the future of mankind is in space, and the Apocalypse Group will not stop colonizing the planet."

"Although we can't do it now, it doesn't mean that we can't do it in the future," Xu Ping'an said very affirmatively.

Norton smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I hope you can do it as soon as possible, and find the substance that can increase lifespan by the way. I am not young anymore."

"I hope, my parents are not too young, I will speed up," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and hung up after a few polite words with Norton.

Soon, Xu Pingan called Darina over and told Darina about what the chief director of the Porsche company would come over in the afternoon, and then went for a walk in the manor.

Don't look at the desert, but there are a lot of green plants in the manor.

After eating lunch and resting for a while, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Moratak, the majority shareholder of Porsche, arrived. Xu Ping'an shook hands with Moratak, and the two sat down to drink and talk.

Moratak was also very straightforward. He explained the origin directly. He wanted to entrust Xu Pingan’s Tianqi Group to design a flying car, which made Xu Pingan a little bit dumbfounded.

"Mr. Moratak, Porsche has a high market share, why do you want to engage in flying cars" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"Mr. Xu, the single-person aircraft has come out. As a representative of luxury cars, Porsche has been under a lot of pressure. The auto industry is shrinking, even if it does not shrink now, it will be 100% less market share in a few years."

"Perhaps, after the price of single-person aircraft is lowered again, the market share of the automobile industry will shrink substantially. Human beings yearn for the blue sky and have the opportunity to fly in the sky, and they will definitely not drive."

"This is the future development trend, and it is unstoppable" Moratak said very seriously.

The future development of the automobile industry is very thorough. It can be said that many large automobile groups have begun to study flying cars, but there has not been much progress.

It is not so simple and achievable to make cars fly in the sky.

"But why did you come to my Tianqi Group? You know, we don't have automobile business," Xu Ping An told the truth.

"Xu, your Tianqi Group's development and creativity capabilities are obvious to all. My idea is that Porsche will partner with your Tianqi Group to establish a project team to study this project." Moratak truthfully stated his purpose.

Xu Ping'an frowned, thought about it seriously and asked, "I can do this project alone, why should I join with you?"

Moratak just smiled, knowing that you would say that, it is not profitable and early, I know your Xu Ping's greed.

"Xu, if you agree to cooperate, we will improve all Porsche engine drawings. You should know that we are still very strong in terms of engines," Moratak said seriously.

"If I change to another company, such as Volkswagen, they will probably give me the same treatment. This condition is not enough," Xu Ping'an said calmly.

"We will bear the full R&D expenses, and the patent ownership will be 50-50%. What do you think," Moratak said while looking at Xu Ping's eyes.

Xu Pingan shook his head, "Seriously, Tianqi Group is not short of research expenses. To make cars fly in the sky, this requires a brand-new engine and power system."

"This is a cumbersome project. My Tianqi Group is not very interested in this. Instead of working hard on this technology, it is better for me to work on a single-person aircraft."

"Improving the load capacity of a single-person aircraft can also achieve the same purpose"

"Do you think it makes sense for us to cooperate".

"Yes, I think it's very meaningful" Moratak said without hesitation, Xu Ping'an was taken aback, where are you confident, so sure I will agree.

"Xu, the big plane you ordered from Airbus Group is planning to carry out the space shuttle project, right?" Moratak looked at Xu Ping'an and asked.

"Yes, I believe many people can see this purpose." Xu Ping An admitted directly. This is no secret. The United States and many countries know it, but they don't think Xu Ping An will succeed.

"Have you considered the thrust of the space shuttle for take-off? The thrust of the US space shuttle can reach 2,800 tons. Do you think you can do it?"

"Also, even if it is modernized, the American space shuttle is a super-complex and sophisticated man-made machine. The birth of the space shuttle brought together the highest technological level of the United States and Europe at that time."

"I believe you have some data. After all, there is a lot of data on the space shuttle on the black market, but you can't get the key data."

"You want to rely on your Apocalypse Group to create a space shuttle alone. I am afraid it is a bit unrealistic. Besides, the function of the space shuttle is relatively single. It's really not a good choice. There are many products that can replace him."

"Years ago, when country D vigorously developed its aerospace industry, when our Porsche company formed an aerospace department, a genius designer designed a concept version of the spacecraft. It was in the shape of an airplane, but it was too expensive and was stranded."

"With the passage of time, this department was also abolished. However, the design drawings and concepts have been preserved. Among them is an engine design. If it can be realized, it will not be inferior to the American super engine."

"You can fully achieve the power required by the space shuttle. If your people can make some optimizations, maybe you can really make this kind of engine come out."

"If you agree to cooperate, we can sell this part of the information to you, what do you think" Moratak said directly while looking at Xu Ping An.

Xu Ping'an began to hesitate. Whether this matter is true or not has yet to be verified. The space shuttle he wants to play is absolutely different from that of the United States.

The U.S. space shuttle can only be used in low-Earth orbit. The space shuttle designed by our own personnel is not for low-Earth orbit use, but has other functions.

Norton is not bad. No relevant data has been leaked. The body thickness of a large aircraft is twice that of a normal aircraft, leaving room for modification in all aspects.

The full version will only be born on Idrius Island, and it will definitely amaze the world.

However, if you purchase Porsche's technology, you will have a reasonable excuse at that time, which can reduce a lot of trouble.

"Flying cars need high-power engines. If you have this kind of technology, why don't you research it yourself? One more thing, single-person aircrafts want to be popularized, and it will not be possible in the last five or six years."

"You don't need to worry at all. I can't figure out why you must find me to carry out this project." Xu Ping'an looked at Moratak and spoke out his inner doubts.

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