"Because I want to make a private transaction with you, I need a promise from you. You must pull our Porsche when the Porsche is in crisis." Moratak looked at Xu Ping'an and said this seriously.

Xu Ping'an was taken aback, joking, that Porsche can still be in crisis, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Xu, Porsche has experienced many crises from the day it was born to the present. These crises include bankruptcy crises, and we are not rest assured."

"One more thing, I admire you for setting the goal of Apocalypse Group in outer space. Many people do not have your courage. As a means of transportation, cars also have certain limitations and crises."

"Before the single-person aircraft was born, this kind of crisis was not obvious, but after the single-person aircraft was born, the crisis began to expand."

"Ordinary vehicles are not so obvious yet, but the luxury car market has been hit hard. Many customers have bought single-person aircraft instead of luxury cars."

"Because luxury cars can no longer represent their face, luxury single-person aircrafts only meet their status."

"It is not only our Porsche that has been impacted, but Ferrari and other luxury car brands have all been impacted without exception. After experiencing this impact, we all agree."

"The sky is the future"

"The automobile industry is no exception. Therefore, the world's major automobile groups have increased the research and development costs of flying cars, but there is no breakthrough now."

"Once a certain manufacturer breaks through, it will be time for the auto industry to reshuffle. At that time, most auto manufacturers will go bankrupt in order to deal with the crisis."

"We have secretly joined forces with Volkswagen, and the flying car project team has merged, hoping to break through in advance to avoid bankruptcy," Moratak said seriously.

"Mr. Moratak, if this is your reason, I refuse to cooperate, don't you think this reason is too far-fetched" Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face looking at Moratak.

You'd better tell the truth, brother is not that easy to deceive, this is what Xu Ping An wants to express.

"This information is not only owned by your Tianqi Group, but other people will also have this information, such as the United States and some European countries," Moratak said.

Xu Ping'an snorted, and I said that there is no such cheap thing. It turns out that this information is a big deal, so there is no value in cooperating with you.

"Xu, although we have sold multiple copies of the data, these data are still valuable, you can take a look at us and talk about it," Moratak put a hard drive on the table and said.

Xu Ping'an frowned, and did not go to get the hard drive, but thought about it. After a while, he began to talk to Moratak.

As time passed slowly, Moratak left Xu Ping'an and returned to his residence by car.

He started to call with a gloomy face, and soon the phone was connected. "The USB has already been given to him. I won't let me do this kind of thing in the future. I don't owe you anything."

"Moratak, just sending a USB flash drive with a reasonable excuse will relieve your Porsche Group's upcoming $3.2 billion debt."

"Do you think this kind of easy work is a lot? Remember, you owe me a favor?" A voice that was obviously changed by a voice changer came out.

"He is Xu Pingan. When he discovered that the information was a trap, do you think he would let me go to the Porsche Group?"

"If Xu Ping'an is so easy to settle, you will not find our group in a roundabout way, don't tell me you are not worried about Xu Ping's revenge," Moratak said unceremoniously.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time before the electronic voice asked, "When can you make a deal?"

"It depends on whether your information is valuable. If it is valuable, I can reach an agreement with him tomorrow. If the information is not valuable, no agreement can be reached."

"I said beforehand, no matter whether things succeed or fail, you can't go back," Moratak said with an extremely serious expression.

"You can rest assured of this. We still have this kind of integrity. I will wait for your call tomorrow." The electronic voice said and hung up.

Xu Ping'an sat in the living room with his eyes closed, and Xingling reported the news he had heard to Xu Ping'an.

"Who is the person talking to him" Xu Ping'an asked.

Xingling said two names, Xu Ping'an was taken aback. He didn't even dream of seeing each other. It turned out to be them. What was even more unexpected was that the two of them could come together.

After being shocked, he laughed.

Interesting, since you have jumped out, let's have fun and wait for me. We are not afraid to settle the account.

"What's wrong with this information" Xu Ping'an continued to ask.

"This information will be a genius design in your human terms, but at present you have not mastered the technology and the corresponding materials to produce this level of universal joint shaft."

"If this problem is really solved, this information will be of great help to you, and many of the technologies you need are urgently needed" Xingling said directly.

After speaking, a picture appeared in Xu Ping's mind. After a space shuttle flew into space, soon the body began to open and begin to deform.

It quickly turned into an inverted pyramid shape, all covered with solar panels, suspended in space, really beautiful and charming.

Immediately afterwards, a red dot appeared in the center, a huge universal joint shaft. This is the key to this design, very critical.

Once your cardan shaft material fails, what is waiting for you is the threat of falling apart and the entire aircraft is completely scrapped.

A little error, and then develop into all errors.

"Estimate how much it will cost to complete the construction" Xu Ping'an asked directly in his mind.

"I suggest you postpone this plan, not only for cardan shaft technology, but also for other materials. This mechanical change is very weak against cosmic radiation."

"After the current material is used, it will become very brittle in space for up to two months. You can't see anything on the outside. Once you return to Earth, the aircraft will fall apart."

"Using currently known materials, the cost is around 3 billion euros," Xingling reminded directly.

"This cost is not high. They should know that the loss of 3 billion euros is nothing to me. Why should they give me this information" Xu Ping'an said with a frown.

"It's very simple, you belong to the kind of personality that will never give up unless you reach your goal."

"Even if it fails once, you will definitely do it the second time, and the third time. The most important part of this design is that you cannot find the problem right away, but you need to stay in space for about two months before something happens. "

"At that time, you definitely attributed it to other problems, and you didn't think it was a material problem. If you do it more than a dozen times, it will seriously drag down your development."

"Your energy is focused on this kind of aircraft, and other projects will definitely be compressed. At that time, your loss will be even greater. Invisibly your time will be greatly wasted. Entering the space program will be much slower than others."

"The other party has taken great pains to calculate you," Xingling explained, and Xu Ping'an suddenly realized.

"However, they can be regarded as stealing chickens without eclipsing them. They absolutely can't think of my existence" Xingling added.

Xu Pingan laughed hahahahaha. Indeed, the Protoss is his biggest trump card, an existence that no one knows, hidden in the dark, and the enemy's traps have nothing to hide.

The next day, Moratak visited Xu Ping'an again. The two talked for more than an hour before Moratak left and went back to discuss with the people behind the scenes. Then he called Xu Ping'an and agreed. Xu Pingan's request.

The days began to flatten out, and time slowly passed. On this day, when Prince Adnan was officially crowned, the coronation ceremony was very regional.

Xu Pingan has also seen the huge number of princes and princesses in the legend, more than 7,000 people, it is no joke, very spectacular, and now I understand Adnan's difficulties more or less.

In a small country with so many princes and princesses, these people earn huge amounts of money every year to enjoy superhuman welfare but have no contribution to the country. No wonder Adnan wants to reform.

After attending the coronation ceremony, Xu Ping'an stayed for another day, then flew directly to Germany, preparing to hold a press conference with Porsche to announce the incident.

When Xu Ping'an arrived in Dresden, Tianqi Group officially released the pre-sale system for personal terminals. The above clearly stated that for a unit of 350,000 euros, full payment is required for reservation.

After the system is included, no refund will be made.

At the same time, an explanation was updated. Before using the personal terminal to stock stocks, you need to train for about three months, and then set the stocks range according to your own conditions.

Apocalypse Group is not responsible for whether you make a loss or make a profit in stocks.

It is currently divided into four versions: English, French, Spanish, and Italian. Germany is also on the blocked list. Many people were surprised when the list was released.

Because of what, Tianqi Group and the German side did not explain to the outside world, it is very mysterious.

Many people stared at the official website of Tianqi Group, and as soon as it was updated, they were immediately discovered by the media, and many media began to report on this matter.

Many countries have begun to study this matter. The strength of Tianqi Group's personal terminal is obvious to all. If domestic personnel get it, it will definitely be of great help. All walks of life need personal terminal services.

One after another began to amend some regulations, Tianqi Group's artificial intelligence project team is also very cooperative, as long as you need, will send personnel to relevant countries for testing.

In one day, the booking amount displayed on Tianqi Group's official website has reached more than 30,000 units. After all, 350,000 euros is not a small number.

Most people simply cannot afford it.

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