Start the era of black technology

Chapter 581 Depressed Want to vomit blood

The net profit of a Tianqi Group is 310,000 euros. The bills seen by the relevant departments show that the net profit of a unit is only 20,000 euros. It is difficult for you to know the true cost.

It's a hidden rule that all major companies play this trick again, but Xu Ping'an played a little harder.

When Xu Ping'an arrived in Dresden, Moratak called "Xu, there is no problem with the transaction. This is a normal commercial transaction, and it meets the scope of the law, and the relevant department will approve it."

"Moratak, I hope to see the announcement of relevant departments within two days after the press conference" Xu Ping'an said this sentence calmly, Moratak frowned.

Seriously think about it, forget it, since it has already been agreed over there, it is publicly announced that this matter is not a big deal, "Okay, I promise you."

A smile appeared on Xu Pingan’s face. The two of them discussed and hung up the phone. One day later, the two companies jointly issued a notice, and a press conference was held a week later to announce important events.

This was originally discussed by Xu Ping An and Moratak. This matter must be made public. After it is made public, Xu Ping An has an excuse to improve the design openly. No one can say anything.

Xu Ping'an also has his own plan, one after another, and he must let the other party suffer a dumb loss, otherwise, the tone in his heart really cannot come out.

Soon, many European media were notified, and many of them were wondering how Tianqi Group would get together with Porsche. No matter what, it will be known at that time. This kind of news is still very marketable. We will send personnel over. Right.

InterContinental Hotel, the top floor, this floor is the most expensive room in the hotel, there are only 20 rooms, all of which are top-level suites, with good lighting and spaciousness, which are in line with Xu Pingan's requirements.

Bari and Xu Ping'an had been discussing for a long time. They had a meal together at noon. After the meal, Barry left Xu Ping'an and returned to the institute.

Xu Pingan took a rest for an afternoon. The next day, he flew to Stuttgart by plane. Porsche's headquarters is here. The rooms have been arranged, so Xu Pingan does not need to worry about it.

A few days passed. On this day, reporters began to gather at the Porsche Hotel. The large restaurant of the Porsche Hotel was the site of the press conference.

All the dining tables and seats were moved away. The place was definitely big enough. Porsche had already made arrangements. Xu Ping'an smiled and chatted with Moratak backstage, and both of them were very relaxed.

Moratak relaxed because after today’s press conference, Porsche’s debt can be wiped out, and a huge amount of pressure is lost, so you can take a good breath.

Xu Pingan relaxes because after today, he can blatantly carry out his own space program. Any amazing move of the level can also be pushed to Porsche. The technology is sold by Porsche. If you have any questions, you can go to him.

The USB flash drive that Moratak gave to Xu Ping'an contained only a part of the information, and many other materials were already packaged and designed with a lot of technology. Xu Ping'an specially arranged for Darina to handle this.

All the file boxes are directly loaded into Xu Pingan's special plane, and the handover will be completed today. The plane will take off today and fly directly to Tianqi Island. Murphy is responsible for receiving and sorting these documents.

All information is entered into the database, and only a part of it can be inquired by people with level 6 authority. This part is not the main one. Xu Ping'an's two assistants have level 6 authority.

On the top, it is the seven-level authority of the research institute manager, who can inquire most of the information, and Xu Ping'an has the nine-level authority, the highest level, and can inquire the most confidential information.

There is only one person with the eighth level of authority, and it has been kept secret, even Zhu Hongyun, who is in charge of the security system, does not know it. It is very mysterious.

It was a long time. The secretary came to inform that the time was up. Moratak and Xu Ping'an both stood up, and they walked towards the front desk together, talking and laughing along the way.

This is Moratak’s home court. Xu Ping’an will certainly not overpower the guests, so Porsche’s people will announce the deal between the two companies.

"Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for coming"

"Today, our Porsche company has reached two deals with Tianqi Group, and today we hold an official signing ceremony."

"In the first cooperative project, Porsche will support the Tianqi Group flying car project team for three years at a price of 200 million euros per year. If the project team makes a breakthrough, Porsche will occupy 50% of the patent ownership."

"Please, Mr. Moratak, our company's new chairman, and Mr. Xu Pingan, President of Tianqi Group," the host announced the first thing loudly.

Xu Ping'an and Moratak walked up to the front. The tables and chairs were all in order. After the two sat down, the two beautiful women handed them a file.

The two opened it directly, began to sign on it, and then exchanged signatures, which means that this cooperation is officially effective.

"Next to the second item"

"Porsche has secretly established a department many years ago. This department is called the new space vehicle department. This department has been running for a long time and has also designed some very sci-fi aircraft."

"It's just that these aircraft are expensive to make and it is difficult to become a reality, and the design plan has not been purchased by relevant departments. Slowly, the company abolished this department."

"However, this department has also created many excellent technologies in a short period of ten years. These technologies have been sealed for decades."

"Now, Porsche is focusing on the automotive field, and this useless information will be sold."

"After negotiations between the two companies, Tianqi Group purchased this batch of materials at a price of 300 million euros, which will directly offset the investment in flying cars."

"Now, please ask representatives of the two companies to sign the transfer agreement." The host introduced the second transaction in detail.

Xu Pingan and Moratak once again began to sign the transaction documents. The reporters below and the people in front of the TV were both surprised.

Unexpectedly, Porsche still has such a department. Now, all the information in this department is sold, and it is still sold to Tianqi Group. Is there any mistake?

Many people are also thinking about when Porsche will have such a department. The public is also very puzzled. This department is really secret enough that we don't even know.

Many people find it unbelievable. Xu Ping'an's ambition to set foot in space is clear to everyone. Porsche's doing this is entirely out of rivals. Will relevant departments approve it?

Even if it is a project many years ago, in terms of the industrial level of the day, I am afraid that there is no such technology.

Everyone has a question, and they don't know what else they don't know.

Norton of the Airbus Group frowned while watching the TV and told Norton instinctively that it was not easy. Norton believed in his instincts that Porsche had absolutely no so-called secret space department.

Since there is no such department, why did these aerospace technologies emerge? Xu Ping An is very shrewd and would not buy it without a certain degree of verification.

This matter is not simple.

After the signing of the contract was completed, a beautiful woman with a hot figure came up with a tray. Two glasses of champagne were placed on the tray. Champagne represented joy and celebrated the successful signing of the two companies.

Xu Pingan and Moratak each took a cup, touched them lightly, and drank each. The reporters in the audience took photos of the whole process.

Even if the procedure is over here, the next reporter suddenly asked aloud.

"Mr. Xu, can you tell me what kind of technology is it? The technology that was used many years ago has a value of 300 million euros?"

"Does Tianqi Group suffer a lot from this transaction?"

Xu Ping'an was happy when he heard this. It was a goddamn assist. Originally, according to his plan, he disclosed it on social networking sites, so that the people behind the scenes would suffer a dumb loss.

At the same time, let Porsche plunge into a storm of public opinion.

Well now, is there a more suitable opportunity than to announce it on the spot.

"Dalena, take my laptop over and I will demonstrate a 3D video. The technology in this video is only one of the technologies of this transaction"

"I am absolutely satisfied with everyone" Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face.

The reporter below was so keen that he became energetic when he heard Xu Ping'an's words. At this time, Darina was already on stage with a laptop.

This laptop does not have any brand. It is a specially-made laptop. Xu Ping'an took it over and started some operations, and then pointed the screen of the laptop to the reporter.

All the shots have been staring at the laptop screen.

In between, a huge space shuttle was erected and slowly ignited into the air. After the aircraft flew directly into outer space, it began to deform and slowly combined into an inverted triangle model.

The whole body was glowing in black, and according to the note next to it, covered with carbon crystal solar panels, it was so sci-fi suspended in space, and the picture was very beautiful.

"The new space shuttle technology and epoch-making design, although technically difficult to achieve, for my Tianqi Group, it can bring me a lot of advanced technology to make up for my Tianqi Group’s shortcomings in space technology.. ..........."

Xu Ping'an was talking endlessly, Moratak next to him had an urge to choke Xu Ping'an's neck.

Your arrogant explanation, what ordinary people would think, they would think that I was a brain-dead.

"Xu, technology needs to be kept secret"

"That's it for today's press conference," Moratak said directly to Xu Ping'an.

Xu Ping'an shrugged, with an indifferent expression, anyway the video was over, nodded, and left with Moratak with his laptop.

The reporters yelled below, and the two of them just pretended not to hear. The staff came over to officially announce the end of the press conference, and the reporters were helpless.

Not only was Moratak angry, but the two big men behind the scenes dropped the cup directly.

No one thought that Xu Ping'an would come and directly expose the new concept version of the space shuttle visual map.

This will cause a lot of public opinion!

At the same time, they also completely blocked a secret hand they carefully prepared. In the future, no one can use the excuse of stealing US space shuttle data to target the Tianqi Group.

Because this is the technology from Porsche, not from the United States. There is a problem. It is also a problem between the United States, Germany and Porsche, and has nothing to do with Tianqi Group.

Because, two days later, the relevant department will announce that this transaction is legal, which shows that the information after the relevant department's review is completely legal and Xu Ping'an can conduct research on the space shuttle reasonably and legally.

No country or organization can say that Tianqi Group's technology is improper. Xu Ping'an directly blocked all these troubles.

Depressed wanting to vomit blood is the mood of the two big men at the moment.

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