Start the era of black technology

Chapter 587 Super Storm

Don't forget, the factory equipment is the world's latest fully automatic production line, and the production capacity is very scary. Moreover, when the equipment is installed, the person from the Italian Tianqi Institute of Machinery is responsible for the installation and commissioning.

The chip program is installed inside Tianqi Technology Company, and outsiders don't know what's going on. A lot of confidentiality measures are taken.

In the South Pacific and high seas, the New Humans project team was very nervous staring at a very awkward mouse. If this mouse can survive today, it means that the new plan is effective.

The project team brought together elite personnel from four companies to re-synthesize a comprehensive drug that can comprehensively enhance the endurance of cells.

The white mouse also began to experiment after a month of careful cultivation. A piece of meat in front of it had been eaten by the white mouse, and it was lying motionless.

After the start of the experiment, the mice were given crazy tonic with high-calorie food every day to satisfy the body's energy supply and integrate the side effects of cell enhancement.

Soon, the guinea pig started to move and kept circling the food tray. The researcher Qian Xiangcheng of the project team said, "Put another piece of meat, hurry up."

Immediately someone opened the top of the container and put down a piece of meat. The white mouse began to bite frantically, very fast, eating and eating, just lay down without moving, and his body began to twitch.

Everyone darkened their eyes and understood that they had failed again.

"Everyone, we are not a failure this time" Qian Xiangcheng said while looking at everyone.

Bicester rubbed his head and asked, "What do you mean by money".

"Everyone, take a look at the time. This time the mouse persisted for thirty-four seconds longer than last time. I think we should experiment again."

"You can't just put meat, but also put some nutrient solution, maybe it will exceed our expectations," Qian Xiangcheng said directly.

"You are right, we are very close. With high-quality and easy-to-absorb nutrient solutions, maybe we can break through this limit."

"I have a hunch that if the white mouse can survive today, maybe we will succeed," Miyada said from the side.

Since Miyata was transferred from Japan's Apocalypse Institute of Life Sciences to participate in the project team, all of his energy has been devoted to this project. His beard is sparse and his hair is messy.

Not only Miyata Hide, but everyone else is like this, and he couldn't think of sorting out his appearance.

"Everyone, I have a suggestion. Let's take a good rest for two days and let our brain relax before experimenting. Can't you smell the smell on your body?"

"I just smelled the smell of my body. We haven't had a bath for almost a week in order to observe this experiment. We must get off the boat to the temporary camp to take a good rest," Kandy said directly while looking at a person.

Everyone was stunned. Many people raised their arms and smelled it, and they all frowned. Obviously, they smelled the smell of themselves.

Kandy is a woman who is more sensitive to this aspect, so she made this suggestion.

"The data is sealed, this time the experiment records are added to the database, and we will be off for two days. Two days later, we are launching a new round of experiments." Qian Xiangcheng finished speaking and took the lead and left the laboratory.

There was ample supply of fresh water on the scientific research ship. All of them were desalinated. Everyone went back to their rooms and took a shower, shaved, cleaned up their hair, changed their clothes and got off the ship.

The eruption of the submarine volcano formed an island with a small area here. The surrounding islands have completely collapsed, and only this island survived.

There is a black stone, a flat place in the middle, and a row of slab houses. This is the place where everyone on the boat rests. It is completely two feelings to follow the boat on the ground.

After lunch, everyone rested on the island. The person in charge of the scientific research ship was named Su Yikun, a very simple person, a retired member of the Chinese Navy, and then he was selected to Gavin's side for three years of mercenary career.

The year before, he was transferred to the ship as security minister. Last year, he was promoted to captain. He was drinking in the command room behind the cockpit with a wine glass. The side dishes were a plate of peanuts and a plate of beef.

"Dangdangdang" knocked on the door, "Come in" Su Yikun said, the door was opened, and a staff member walked in.

The staff handed a report to Su Yikun and said directly, "Captain, this is the notice we just received. Let us collect some samples immediately and return to Tianqi Island."

Su Yikun took it and looked at it, frowning, there was another storm, and it was still at the red level.

"Send a notification that the storm is about to come, so that the researchers on the island will return to the ship immediately, and the people at the temporary base will immediately reinforce them, and return to the ship immediately after the reinforcement is completed. The time is three hours."

"Notify the sample team to dive and capture, tell them that there are only eight hours, no matter how many captured, they must return to the scientific research ship within eight hours"

"Start the wind power collection system and be ready to pull it out at any time" Su Yikun gave the order immediately.

The staff left after a salute. Su Yikun raised his hand and drank all the wine in the cup, took a few slices of beef with chopsticks, grabbed a handful of peanuts and walked out of the command room.

Outside, all departments are getting busy. The storm is about to come, and you must act immediately. All of them are busy. Three single submarines and twenty people sink together and start fishing for corals and fish.

This kind of special polyps and small fishes are too difficult to find. A scientific research ship has been searching everywhere at sea all year round. After a few years, I didn't find the same small fishes and corals.

Four or five places were found in the same environment, but there were no living things in these places.

In seven hours and forty minutes, all the personnel had returned to the ship, the small submarines had been fixed, and the scientific research ship had set sail to target Tianqi Island.

Just after sailing for more than an hour, the headquarters sent a message again asking how much supplies were on board and whether they were enough to drive directly to Idrius Island. Su Yikun felt that things were not easy.

People counted the materials and reported that the materials were not enough to the headquarters. It was not long before they received a reply and gave a coordinate. The Edelius Island will send a supply ship to join the research ship at sea.

Make a detour to Edrius Island. This time the storm is too big and Apocalypse Island will also be affected. At present, the shelter has been activated and prepared for the worst.

It can be clearly seen from outer space that a huge cyclone is forming, covering a large area. According to predictions, once the cyclone is formed, it will become a super storm.

It will sweep part of New Zealand, part of Australia, and the South Pacific Islands, and finally weaken in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Not only that, a huge cyclone has also formed in the North Atlantic, and a strong typhoon is inevitable. At the same time, the Tianqi Institute of Marine Ecology began to contact Britain and France.

This time the big storm will definitely pass through the English Channel. No one knows what impact the huge ocean current will bring. It is very likely that the effect of governance over the past few years will be destroyed.

Therefore, Tianqi Institute of Marine Ecology initiated the force majeure clause and dispatched a special person to the relevant departments of the two countries with a formal written letter.

There is such a provision in the contract between the two parties. If one of the parties wants to activate this clause, it must notify in writing. Now, the Institute of Marine Biology has directly activated.

Apocalypse Island also dispatched personnel to New Zealand, and it was the same thing. Britain, France, New Zealand, and related units were very troubled. How could such a big storm occur.

The restoration work of Tianqi Institute of Marine Ecology has been carried out very smoothly, and the effect is very obvious. This has been verified in detail by relevant units in various countries.

After this big storm comes, it is very likely that the results of the previous restoration will be completely wiped out, and the huge investment will be completely wiped out.

In the United States, the big guys are very fortunate to receive the news. Fortunately, these storms did not affect the United States. As a result, not long after being happy, an emergency intelligence made the big guys happy.

The speed of the garbage continent drifting toward the west coast of the United States has accelerated again. Originally, the United States did not worry about the garbage continent at all, because the garbage was far away from the United States.

But after several major storms, the garbage continent has moved tens of thousands of meters toward the United States. According to the monitoring data a few years ago, it will take decades to advance so far.

Now, it was completed in just three years.

Although there is still not a short distance from the United States, the garbage continent has already begun to have an impact on the marine ecology, according to the calculations of the relevant team.

If the garbage continent advances more than a thousand meters, it will completely enter the range of ocean currents flowing to the continental United States. At that time, the drift rate of the garbage continent will accelerate again.

According to the conclusion drawn by the supercomputer simulation, this time the change in the speed of the garbage continent is related to the South Pacific storm, although the storm has not yet started.

But the atmospheric pressure has changed, which indirectly affects the ocean currents. Although the two places are so far apart, they are also affected.

The weather this year is not normal. This is all expected, but no one thought that it would come so fast and so fiercely. No one knew what the impact of this big storm would be.

The only certainty is that this is not a good thing.

Extreme weather is becoming more frequent, and countries around the world will be affected, because the global trading system affects the whole body, and no one is immune.

Tianqi Group is no exception. Those developed countries who have suffered losses due to disasters will indirectly affect Tianqi Group’s sales if anyone spends money on Tianqi Group’s products.

Xu Ping'an cancelled his trip to Japan and flew directly back to China. After these two storms passed, he was considering plans for the next stage.

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