Start the era of black technology

Chapter 588 This kind of abrupt ending makes people crazy

Mitterrand smiled after hearing Xu Ping'an's words, "Xu, enough funds are the problem of the black house. It is your problem whether to accept this business. The two are not the same thing."

Xu Ping’an laughed after listening, and thought about it for a while and said, “Seriously, the Bay of Plenty project and the English Channel project are relatively mature at the moment, and they can really mobilize people to take on a project.”

"However, this requires investigating the actual situation to estimate the cost. The existence of the garbage continent is a cancer cell to the ocean. As a human being on the earth, we must act for the health of the earth."

Mitterrand smiled directly. This Xu Ping'an is really interesting. Now it is completely different from many years ago, completely different from the Chinese people in his own impression.

The standard politician replied that if Xu Pingan was born in the Western world, he would definitely be a master who can toss him. Such shameless excuses can be said, which is in line with politician standards.

"I will bring someone from the relevant department to visit you tomorrow. You can talk in detail at that time, and I will not participate" Mitterrand said with a smile.

Xu Ping'an also smiled. The short-term juice cup touched Mitterrand and took a sip together. Both of them understood what was going on, and many things were tacitly tacit.

Today, Mitterrand revealed a lot of information. Obviously, there is something to be desired. We still need time to talk about specific things slowly. Today, we can talk about this point.

After talking about the business, the two of them relaxed. After chatting for a while, Mitterrand left. Xu Ping'an personally sent Mitterrand to the parking lot. Then he returned, drinking the juice and thinking slowly.

"Xingling, the ocean pollution on the west coast of the United States is aggravating," Xu Ping'an said directly in his mind. The Xingling said in his mind, and he was silent after agreeing to understand what Xu Ping'an meant.

After a long while, Xu Ping'an opened his eyes and smiled. “Look at him clearly. Anytime he shows this kind of smile, it means he is starting to think badly.”

Xu Ping'an smiled and turned his head and heard it. This was Song Xinyun's voice. He smiled and asked, "Didn't you go swimming? Why are you back so soon?"

"I don't swim anymore, I'm getting tanned, look at it, my arms are starting to turn red," Miao Yiyi said next to him, and the three of them stretched their arms in front of Xu Ping An.

"Do you need me to apply sunscreen for you?" Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face. The three of them gave Xu Ping a white look, turned and left, leaving Xu Ping'an completely dry here.

Xu Pingan rubbed his nose and sat down again. It's no surprise that when the three of them came together, they were unanimously targeting themselves. The best way is to ignore them.

Angry, revenge fiercely at night.

After a short break, they went back to have lunch. After lunch, the three of them went shopping together. The bodyguards who followed them paid the bills. Every time they came back, there were a lot of big bags.

The next day, Mitterrand brought people from relevant departments over to discuss with Xu Ping An. The two parties talked in the living room. After Mitterrand introduced the two, they went for a walk outside and did not participate in this matter.

Xu Pingan talked with this representative for about forty minutes, and the two sides separated. This one also needs to report back. Xu Pingan will be notified immediately when there is news.

Xu Pingan gave a deadline. He must have news before he finishes his vacation in Hawaii. Otherwise, he will start contacting other customers. It is up to you how you choose.

After sending the two away, Xu Ping'an devoted himself to the fun stage.

Tianchao, the Space Mining Company began to place orders for suppliers again. The second-generation satellite integrated the technical data passed by Porsche, and after supercomputer simulation, the design plan was determined.

A lot of changes have been made. In total, more than 140 parts need to be replaced. After two days of negotiation, a contract was signed. The time required was very urgent, requiring delivery within two months.

Two days later, Apocalypse Blizzard’s movie [The Strongest Race in the Universe] began to be pre-sold in many countries. Due to the big storm, it was delayed until today.

A day later, Xu Ping An came up from the sea to swim, Song Xinyun handed Xu Ping a bath towel, Xu Ping took it, and took Song Xinyun into his arms and kissed it.

Song Xinyun struggled to push Xu Ping away with a blush on her face. At this time, Xu Ping slapped Song Xinyun's ass with a slap, and then walked towards the resting place with a big laugh.

Isabella and Miao Yiyi could see clearly that they really couldn't do anything to Xu Ping's rascal performance. They both smiled and shook and continued to drink juice.

"Xu, your Apocalypse Group is famous again. The data of the first day of pre-sale of the strongest race in the universe has been released" Isabella said and handed the tablet to Xu Ping An.

Xu Ping'an had already wiped off the water stains on his body at this time, and the tablet started to look after he took it over. After browsing, he was very pleased.

The pre-sale amount in the United States is as high as more than 30 million U.S. dollars, while that of the Celestial Kingdom is more than 10 million U.S. dollars, and the European region is more than 10 million U.S. dollars. There are many other scattered items together.

In total, more than 97 million U.S. dollars, nearly breaking 100 million.

The article predicts that the pre-sale data on the second day will definitely not be less than the first day. This time, it will be released simultaneously globally to avoid piracy to the greatest extent.

Another thing is that there have been no major movies in the recent period. Only the investment amount of the movie, the actor's worth and other factors are comprehensively evaluated. No movie can compete.

"Look at the situation today and tomorrow. The pre-sale time is three days, and the fourth day will be fully released. I will ask the film to be brought over for us to see together" Xu Ping An said directly.

"I'm really looking forward to it. Your movie is an advertising movie. See how you advertise," Miao Yiyi said from the side.

"You can't learn, this trick can only be played by Tianqi Group. No other company can play it like this. If they dare to play it like this, they will definitely lose money." Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Isabella said with question, "You are so sure."

"Of course, people watch movies and consume stories. If you don’t have enough storytelling, there will be no good results."

"This is the first time I have played this film like this. People feel fresh. If someone plays it for the second time, there will be a problem. I am afraid that many people will not buy it."

"Furthermore, this time I was also due to the carelessness of Marvel and DC Pictures, which allowed the advertising company to drill a loophole. It will be difficult to gather so many movie stars next time." Xu Ping An explained with a smile.

"I'm mainly looking at how your special effects are in this movie" Song Xinyun said from the side.

"You will be desperate after reading it. This kind of special effects technology cannot be done by a few people. Without a complete team and great investment, don't expect to reach this level."

"The special effects of this film are definitely the pinnacle of the special effects of human movies" Xu Ping'an said very positively.

The special effects produced by the special effects masters of several companies under the Tianqi Group are definitely hard to imitate. This is not Xu Ping's own sealing, but Kallon and Wen Ziren said.

What's more, the special effects fees charged this time are all internal prices. If there are other movies that want to achieve this effect, the cost is absolutely amazing and will make the producer doubt life.

In front of the three of them, Xu Ping’an called Karlon directly. There must be no problem with Kerlon. It will be shown in Hawaii. You can arrange for someone to send a copy of the film to Xu Ping’an. Up.

The holiday estate here is equipped with all kinds of equipment and a private theater is an essential configuration. You can enjoy the movie directly when it arrives.

Today, I received a call from Xu Ping An, and immediately started the arrangement. Early the next morning, someone took the copied film to Hawaii. He got off the plane at noon and was picked up by a vehicle dispatched by Xu Ping.

After lunch, in the afternoon, four people began to enjoy the blockbuster in the personal theater. This film is definitely a breakthrough for Wen Ziren. There is a hint of comedy in the plot.

Even if Taylor Swift is making a movie for the first time, he can express a lot of spirituality. A cowboy outfit is very cute. Three women chatting about cowboy outfits appeared in Xu Ping'an's ears.

With a wry smile, he shook his head and continued to watch the movie. The eleven superheroes played in turns without taking away their personal terminals. In the end, it was Superman who came out to win.

Just when the Justice League left the farm, the Avengers arrived, and the two sides broke into a fight directly. The scene was extremely shocking, and you couldn't think of other things at all.

When everyone suffered a bitter battle and both lost and wounded, the personnel of the Tianqi Security Company were dispatched. On the ground, a large mechanical dog surrounded the superhero, and a flying soldier electromagnetic gun was pointed at the superhero in mid-air.

At the top, the drone and the unmanned gunboat were also facing everyone. With a brushing sound, a stone fell beside Superman. The Kryptonite stone directly destroyed Superman.

Immediately after the screen turned, there was a scene of Xu Ping'an sitting in the boss chair with red wine, "Humans are the strongest race in the universe", and the film is over.

At this time, Isabella, Song Xinyun, and Miao Yiyi stopped doing it. When you were nervous, you were gone. What do you mean, you have to look at the ending.

Xu Pingan was also helpless. Isn't this kind of open ending bad? Why must you see the ending? Can't you imagine it?

It was not until Xu Ping An said that he should consider the sequel as much as possible. Isabella looked at Xu Ping and said, "Xu, you wait to bear the anger of all the fans."

"What do you mean?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Your hanging end will make everyone scolding you. I analyze, after the screening starts tomorrow, there will be countless people who will leave your message on the official website of Blizzard Film and Television."

"Your Apocalypse Group's official website is no exception. This kind of abrupt ending makes people crazy" Isabella said very upset.

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