Start the era of black technology

Chapter 595 Nebula System

Not only is the supercomputer and database of Tianqi Technology Group upgraded, but the headquarters also needs to be upgraded, and major research institutes also need to be upgraded.

At the same time, the internal office system and the authority system must also be upgraded. The task can be said to be very heavy.

As time passed slowly, the Tianqi Group had no reaction at all. The number of members who made public announcements against Tianqi Group began to increase. After half a month, a dealer called Qiao Yicheng and something went wrong.

The goods supplied by this distributor were forbidden to be sold to Tianqi Group. Qiao Yicheng immediately reported to Xu Pingan, and Xu Pingan frowned.

It's really pushing your nose to your face.

"What is the background of this company?" Xu Pingan asked.

"A hardware subsidiary of Microsoft" Qiao Yicheng reported truthfully, and Xu Ping'an snorted coldly.

"Immediately hold a press conference to officially release the Apocalypse Nebulas PC operating system"

"In addition, I sent a written notice to this company to confirm that it was unable to perform the contract and the original contract signed with us was directly invalidated."

"After completing all the procedures, I will directly submit it to the supplier system, and then announce the new system," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Qiao Yicheng knew what was going on. The Nebula operating system was a system that was secretly developed by Tianqi Group for many years, and its compatibility was very strong, in order to counteract certain things.

It has been completed and matured, and has applied for more than four thousand patents. It has formed enough patent barriers. The reason for keeping the current state is to maintain the current state and develop safely.

Now, it's time for the Nebula System to exert its power.

"I understand, I will send a notice immediately" Qiao Yicheng finished speaking, communicated with Xu Ping An for a while, and then hung up the phone.

"Fanxing, let the manager of the administrative department, the manager of the legal department, and the manager of the purchasing department come over." Qiao Yicheng said to the air in the office.

It didn't take long for the three department managers to come over, and Qiao Yicheng began to set up. The three people left Qiao Yicheng's office in about an hour.

The manager of the legal department went straight to the airport and chartered a flight to the United States. In the early morning, he arrived in the city where the dealer was unable to supply goods and settled in the hotel for a rest.

After ten o'clock, I went straight to the dealer's resident. Seriously, this man really didn't expect Tianqi Technology Company to be so efficient. In just one day, people came to officially terminate the contract.

But there is no excuse to refuse, after all, he called Qiao Yicheng, and the feeling of standing on the wrong team suddenly emerged in his heart.

But you can’t do it yourself. If the headquarters calls you, you must implement it yourself.

No other distributors have any problems, but he has problems here, which has already explained the matter. Now the supplier system of Tianqi Group has been very complete, and replacement companies are everywhere.

At the beginning, many hardware technology authorizations were given for the promotion of the game lift-off system. There is such a hidden meaning that domestic hardware companies have come up with technology and can replace the products of American companies at any time.

Xu Ping'an has set out a big picture long ago without humming. If all the cards are released, the international market will definitely be in chaos. Don't think about it.

Called to ask for instructions at the headquarters, Microsoft also hesitated for a while, and Tianqi Technology responded too quickly, which made people feel uneasy.

It took a full forty minutes or so before a decision was made. The staff of the legal department of both parties began to handle the legal contract. All orders were directly cancelled. The quality deposit delivered by the company was not refunded to compensate for the loss of Tianqi Technology.

After the legal documents have been reviewed by both parties, they began to fax confirmation. Various documents are exchanged very frequently, starting with the fax of the first document to Tianqi Technology Group.

The purchasing department began to sign contracts with alternative companies. The signing date was tomorrow to avoid legal problems and act very quickly.

After all the legal documents were completed, the legal staff member directly chartered a plane to leave the United States and return to the heavenly dynasty.

At the same time, Tianqi Technology Group directly issued a notice to hold a press conference three days later. There was an important event announced. Upon hearing this news, the media were once again excited.

Whenever Tianqi Group or its affiliated companies hold a press conference to announce that there is a major event announced, it is definitely a major event, and it is not a general event.

As a result, in the past day alone, eight companies in the U.S. announced that they had contacted Apocalypse Technology, but no one announced the reason.

Qiao Yicheng has specially sent a team to the United States to deal with this matter. There is no need to negotiate. All companies that cannot supply the goods will sign an agreement to abolish the original contract, completely propose the supplier system, and directly block it.

In the past day, this number has increased to 22. The media have a very keen sense of smell, and keenly feel that something big is happening here.

Three days later, the press conference was held as scheduled in the Tianqi Technology Park and the auditorium. Qiao Yicheng directly announced that Tianqi Technology’s Nebulas operating system was online.

Users only need to register for an account, with an annual usage fee of 30 Euros. Tianqi Technology Group is responsible for the update and maintenance of the system. This news announced that many people are blinded.

Now is the scene where the Wendousi system dominates the world, and Tianqi Technology has released a new generation of operating systems. This is obviously a challenge with Microsoft.

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Yicheng began to introduce the Nebulas system, which has completely independent funding intellectual property rights, thousands of global patents, and various functions and compatibility are demonstrated by professionals.

It costs 30 euros a year. You can directly install and experience for 15 days. After 15 days, you can register and pay. It will not bind your computer, only your account.

We want to give consumers more freedom. This is the original intention of our lucky system. Qiao Yicheng ended with this sentence.

After the news spread, the whole world was shaking, and many people found that Tianqi Group and Ruanruan had been in conflict.

It was not obvious that day. From the next day, the global media began to report on the incident. The stocks of the soft soft company began to plummet, and the whole soft soft company was like a big enemy.

At this time, in order to announce for the company, to replace all the internal computers of the company, all the Nebulas systems of Tianqi Technology Group will be installed.

Immediately afterwards, many companies in the Tian Dynasty also announced that the company's computer office system was replaced, all using the Nebulas operating system.

The price is cheap and the hard drive is not bound. These two tricks directly hit the soft underbelly of the soft and soft company. Soon, a European media exposed it, according to incomplete statistics.

The installed rate of Nebulas operating system of Tianqi Technology Group has reached 100 million.

After the news was reported, it caused the stocks of SoftSoft to plummet. After all, SoftSoft's new-generation operating system was not stable enough, and it was too late for many people.

Moreover, the mature old version is not being updated and maintained, which is even more important to consumers. Now the Nebulas system is released for sale, which is definitely the best choice.

After all, the strength of Tianqi Technology Group is obvious to all, and after the download, the fluency is absolutely satisfying, at this time.

The Chinese official announced that all enterprises and institutions will be replaced by the Nebulas system, which has increased the market share of the Nebulas system by a large margin.

"Xu, this joke is a bit big," Mitterrand said into the phone.

Xu Ping'an sneered, "Why can't I feel it? I really thought he was secretly breaking my goods. I don't know. You ask him why he made a joke to me first, and then he came to me after he asked clearly."

"By the way, I can tell you one thing clearly, in terms of computer hardware,............My technology is very comprehensive, don't force me to formally enter computer hardware"

"At that time, you will find that all the dozens of large domestic companies in your country will be impacted no less than soft companies."

"Don't believe me, let's continue playing".

Xu Ping'an hung up the phone immediately after speaking, and it is necessary to have the capital for peacemaking, and there is nothing to discuss with you.

Listening to the disconnection sound from the hands-free, Mitterrand shrugged helplessly, looking at the big guys on the opposite side, the big guys should be very clear about what Xu Pingan said.

The bigwigs are also uncomfortable now. This time the promotion of soft-soft company activities is a test. Let's see what Xu Ping's reaction is. At the beginning, Tianqi Group did not react at all when the members expressed their opinions.

This gave more people the courage, and Gates did the same. The Yu Wei established by the narrow moon base will rule the Apocalypse Group, knowing that the Apocalypse Group will directly release such a big move.

"Gentlemen, let me make a suggestion. Xu's words are not a joke. Tianqi Group's research and development capabilities are really terrifying. If this thing goes on."

"I'm afraid a new wave of unemployment will appear"

"A few of my friends in Tianchao told me that the interruption of hardware supply has no impact on Tianqi Group. New manufacturers have begun to continue to supply Tianqi Technology Group."

"Don't forget the accumulation of Tianqi Group in space technology. If Xu Pingan really transfers this technology to the civilian market, gentlemen, big troubles will arise at that time."

"Also, this time he didn't use Poseidon Company. The moon base plan relies heavily on Tianqi Steel Group's products. Once these two aspects begin to be targeted, the storm will be even greater."

Mitterrand had a thorough view of this matter and knew what the big guys were playing, but now it is different. The aircraft carrier fleet has been abandoned, and the world's oceans are densely filled with small single-person attack submarines.

Only by relying on air and ground power, the threat power has dropped a lot. If the economy is experiencing problems one after another, the country will be in danger.

"Mitterrand, we will consider this matter carefully," a big man said seriously, apparently listening to Mitterrand's warning.

Now thinking about sanctions against Tianqi Group is no longer realistic, because some of Tianqi Group's products are inseparable from many countries, and we must be cautious. Tianqi is not a small country.

It can be seen from supporting Tianqi Group this time that Tianchao cares about Tianqi Group very much.

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