After Mitterrand left, the big guys began to discuss this matter, and it must be resolved now, because the European side did not agree to the Apocalypse Group's attack plan.

Without the cooperation of Europe, it is just that the United States’ attack on the Tianqi Group is a bit unrealistic. Furthermore, several allies in the Asian region have also formally stated that they will not cooperate and participate in this matter.

Neither side is a good thing, one is more yin, one is thicker than the other, the other is more rascal, and the other is harsher than the other means.

If one is not good, both parties will clean up, and the loss will be even greater.

Both sides have a lot of black history, so no one dared to jump out and participate at will this time.

In the past, I looked at supporting the aircraft carrier in the face of it. The current situation is that the aircraft carrier era is over. In order not to cause trouble to the upper body, it is better to be cautious.

After negotiating and negotiating, finally decided to give a certain subsidy to the soft soft company. This matter must stop here, and it cannot stimulate Xu Ping An, because space materials are too critical.

Before the bigwigs started to take action, the Chinese government took action again and released a list of companies that have made outstanding contributions to national taxation and employment, and rewarded these companies.

Tianqi Group is on the list without exception, and the award policy is also very large. The reason is simple. The number of employees of Tianqi Group in China has reached 1.4 million.

There are two of these incentive policies. For Xu Ping An's personal income tax, relevant departments will reduce or exempt by 15% on the basis of the original preferential treatment.

A 10% reduction in value-added tax for Tianqi Group companies.

Explicitly tell the world that the Heavenly Dynasty is the biggest backing of the Tianqi Group, and will never accept any suppression that violates business rules. The Heavenly Dynasty will definitely safeguard the legitimate interests of its own enterprises.

This reward program makes many people very tired. There are many big guys in Europe who shook their heads with a wry smile. The United States is really brain-disabled. Doesn't this force Xu Ping An to increase cooperation with the Chinese side?

Really a group of short-sighted people, really think you can do whatever you want with a moon base?

The lunar base has a lot of impact, but it can't reach this level. Another thing is that the project has a lot of flaws. An accident will make the entire project completely wiped out.

Now it's alright, the soft-soft company's monopoly position is over, and it loses a monopoly industry, why bother.

Soon, a big boss found Hugh, and Hugh called and communicated with Xu Ping An in front of the big boss and made a peacemaker. This is the end of the matter, and the business matter is solved commercially.

Except for the 22 companies contracted with Tianqi Group, the rest of the companies are supplying normally. For these 22 companies, the highest compensation is one million U.S. dollars, and the low is only 200,000 U.S. dollars.

After the news came out, many suppliers were fortunate for a while. Fortunately, they withstood the pressure. Otherwise, their company will now face the pressure of orders.

Suddenly they do not supply when they are supplying, and many companies will not choose this kind of supplier. It is very difficult for these companies to get the order because all companies are worried about being scammed by them.

This matter supposedly took a full stop. Unfortunately, Softsoft did an unexpected thing by directly announcing global layoffs and directly cutting down many departments.

Many people were shocked by the news that 16,000 people were laid off abroad and 4,000 people were laid off at home. You must know that Softsoft has just received subsidies from bigwigs.

The wrangling in the dark began. Xu Ping'an no longer focused on this, but went directly to the headquarters of the Tianqi Space Group, which was the original Tianqi Space Mining Company.

Five astronauts from Adrieus have arrived and are currently undergoing recovery training. At the same time, they are given a dose of immunization against the space environment every month.

In a few days, they will actually go to space, and stay in space for ten days. The experimental satellite is no longer needed. The interior of the rocket will be modified to be enough for a few people to carry out activities.

This time, God needs to conduct several special project experiments to prepare for the next plan.

When Xu Ping'an arrived, Peng Yidong was also there. The two had been friends for many years, and they had to drink two glasses when they met. After two glasses of white wine, the chat box opened.

"Brother, brother, I am really convinced of you. Back then, I never dreamed that Tianqi Group would develop to such a stage" Peng Yidong said with emotion.

Xu Ping'an also followed with a look of emotion and said, "Really, I didn't expect to be this far, do you believe it?"

"I believe, others don't believe me. I believe it," Peng Yidong said seriously. When nothing happened, he was thinking about Xu Ping'an alone in the office.

Tianqi Group has grown up to this behemoth, with a strong chance and a model that cannot be copied. Especially at the beginning, Xu Pingan’s refusal of state-owned capital to invest in shares was a brilliant idea.

It is precisely because of the rejection of state-owned investment that Europe has slackened its defenses against Tianqi Group, allowing Tianqi Group's products to enter the European market smoothly, with a steady supply of funds from Europe.

Tianqi Group's growth rate has accelerated suddenly, one step a year, sometimes two steps, this crazy development speed shocked many people.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Xu Pingan's crazy spending on scientific research and the continuous launch of some high-tech products. As a result, the global relationship of the Tianqi Group that has developed to the present is complicated and difficult to clarify.

Peng Yidong once went to Weiwei to inspect the project, and met Weiwei's boss Ren. The two had a drink together. The boss Ren said at the time that success is also apocalyptic and failure is apocalyptic.

This sentence surprised Peng Yidong. In Peng Yidong's impression, the relationship between Tianqi Group and Weiwei Group is still very good. How could the old meeting say that?

After asking, I understood what was going on. Because of the strong rise of Tianqi Group, coupled with Xu Ping'an's rogue tactics, many people are very taboo.

One Apocalypse Group is enough, and there can never be a second one.

Therefore, in the international market, it is difficult for the Weiwei company to continue, which hinders the development of the Weiwei Group.

"Everything is impermanent, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye," Xu Ping'an said with emotion.

"Yes, I will be at the age of retirement in a few years. The world is changing too fast," Peng Yidong said.

"By the way, brother, what do you think, how do you need to build so many rocket launch pads at once? Do you need so much?" Peng Yidong was very curious about this, and after having endured it for a long time, he finally had the opportunity to ask.

Xu Pingan smiled, "Brother, if you think about the moon bases established by these companies this time, you will understand."

Peng Yidong thought for a moment, and his face showed a suddenly realized expression, "Your brother is going to play like this, and build a base on the moon."

"No, the moon base looks good"

"In addition to increasing influence, there are many follow-up questions. Although there are fewer meteorites now, who knows when they will suddenly become frequent. Once they are hit by meteorites, everything is gone."

"This is a failed design. My Tianqi Group will not consider this. There are other plans," Xu Pingan said with a nonchalant expression.

Peng Yidong was no longer asking, and he crossed the line when he asked. He began to talk to Xu Ping'an about the joys of life, talking and laughing, two bottles of liquor were wiped out by the two.

Both of them lived in the guest house, which was very convenient. They were helped by the people around them and went back to rest. The two had just made an appointment, and Xu Pingan invited Peng Yidong to watch the rocket launch together for two days.

Time passed slowly, and two days passed quickly. Peng Yidong took a few people with Xu Pingan to the scene to observe, and watched five astronauts wearing new-generation spacesuits board the rocket.

There are also a number of plants in the same group. These are plants specially provided by the Institute of Botany. Five of them are aimed at the plateau environment.

After more than an hour, the rocket ignited smoothly and took off without a long time. The command center connected the signal to the rocket, and everyone was relieved.

This time the manned launch was a success. Peng Yidong expressed his congratulations, while Xu Ping'an was very polite. At noon, everyone had a dinner to celebrate, and Xu Ping'an was once again taken back to rest.

Early the next morning, Peng Yidong had left when Xu Pingan woke up. As the leader of the group, Peng Yidong was much busier than Xu Pingan.

After dinner, Xu Ping'an drank tea in the room. Darina walked over with a smile and handed Xu Ping'an a tablet. "Boss, there is a big news. It's from the United States. It's been two days."

Xu Pingan took it and began to look through it. It turned out that the satellite of the United States had an accident, and it was installed by an abandoned satellite floating in space. It caused a lot of loss and no longer had repair value.

The United States began to call on the United Nations to resolve the issue of abandoned satellites. Knowing that the United Nations is short on funding, it called on all member states to donate to resolve the matter.

As a result, a few stabbed heads went back directly. You took the lead and refused to pay the dues and still had the face to ask the United Nations to solve this matter. If you make up the arrears, you directly set up a special fund to solve this problem.

Xu Ping'an shook his head and smiled when he saw this. He didn't care about it. Cleaning up abandoned satellites is not that simple. The average company certainly doesn't have this kind of strength.

One more thing, there really needs to be a company to take charge of this matter. I am afraid that many countries will not feel at ease. There may be some ulterior data left in abandoned satellites.

"Prepare, we will leave for the single-man aircraft company tomorrow" Xu Ping'an said directly, and Darina nodded to make arrangements.

The next day, after Xu Ping'an left, the base began a holiday, took turns to rest, and arranged enough staff on duty. The mobile phones of key personnel must be kept open 24 hours a day to cope with emergencies.

As soon as Xu Pingan arrived at the single-man aircraft company, he received a call from Wei Dongshuo, asking if Xu Pingan was interested in Longteng Rocket Company.

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