Start the era of black technology

Chapter 872 Farewell, My Hometown!

Xu Pingan's strategy is very simple. It is to fight for capital with you. Tianqi Group is now very rich in cash, and promotion is nothing more than making a little less.

Companies that have obtained approval to produce super fish oil value the profits of super fish oil. Once they do not have such large profits, they should think of other ways to increase their profits.

At that time, uncontrollable things will happen when you are in chaos. Take your time. If you want to seize the market of Tianqi Group's products, you must prepare enough funds.

Fighting in the shopping malls is ultimately to fight for funds. This is precisely where Tianqi Group's advantage lies.

The Poseidon brand has been launched. After so many years of market operation, many consumers around the world have recognized the Poseidon brand, and there is nothing to worry about.

Xu Ping'an's remarks relieved Kyle a lot, and Kyle was also confused for a while. Now that Xu Ping's analysis, Kyle can see clearly how to go ahead.

"Don't worry, boss, I will sing a good show," Kyle said with a smile.

Xu Pingan made a gesture of greeting Kyle to drink tea and then asked "How is the new generation of multivitamin food production".

"A small factory has been established in Portugal, and the products will not be supplied to the market for the time being, only for our Tianqi Group internal use"

"I believe that before long, those people can't help but come to talk to me" Kyle said with a smile.

The new generation of multi-vitamin foods are developed for astronauts and Martian workers. The outer space environment and the Martian environment are different from those of the earth, and the food they eat is also different.

Insufficient intake of vitamins can make the human endocrine system unbalanced.

Although this imbalance cannot be seen in the short term, it may cause serious damage to the human body over a long period of time.

With this new generation of multi-vitamin food, eating once a day to supplement the vitamins necessary for the body can completely help your body's endocrine return to normal.

In order to develop this product, the Austrian Tianqi Institute of Biological Preparations spent five years on research and development, and it also went through a one-year human trial period.

After various data comparisons, this started to be promoted internally.

"It must be sold at a good price then" Xu Ping'an exclaimed with a smile.

"Boss rest assured, the price will satisfy you," Kyle said very positively.

Drinking tea, the two chatted about Poseidon’s future development. At noon, Xu Ping’an asked Darina to arrange a place to eat. By the way, he informed Huo Minghai, Wu Sikai, and Lei Peng to be together.

I drank dizzy at noon and rested in the afternoon. Xu Pingan was supported by the bodyguards and got into the car. Just after getting on the car, the voice of the Protoss appeared "Commander, the exploration spacecraft received the signal from Jupiter, the text conveyed Same text as the gold book".

"You all go down, I'll smoke a cigarette, and I'll be leaving soon" Xu Ping'an looked at the bodyguards and said.

The bodyguards were shocked, and then they all got out of the car. There was Xu Ping'an alone in the car.

Xu Pingan pressed the button, the window came down, and a piece of golden grass was lit.

"You are not mistaken, how come the text in the golden book is transmitted from Jupiter in the form of digital signals, have you translated it?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Translated, the content is [Farewell, my hometown!]" Xingling said directly.

Xu Ping'an was not calm right away. What do you mean? Could it be that Jupiter is going to have some changes? Jupiter is very close to Mars. Once something happens, it will directly affect Mars.

Xing Inspiration was inspired by Xu Pingan’s thoughts, and said directly, “It’s not what you think, this is a technology that can keep this idea in the form of radio waves.”

"This should be the sound of radio waves that have been left over many years ago, and it has been fixed by the device, just like recording a sound on a tape"

"It's just that the other party is generous, using the entire Jupiter as a tape."

Xu Ping'an nodded slowly, spit out the smoke in his mouth, his eyes lit up suddenly and said, "You mean, Saturn has their abandoned base."

"You are only reacting now, really stupid" Xingling said uncomfortably.

Xu Ping'an smiled, and being embarrassed by Xingling, he asked directly in his mind, "Can you find a specific location?"

"This takes time, and the spacecraft needs to be explored slowly"

"If I go there in person, I will know in an instant, it's a pity," Xingling said directly.

"Let the exploration spacecraft explore slowly, although Jupiter is terrifying, but it is helpless to the exploration spacecraft" Xu Ping'an said directly.

The exploration spacecraft's energy has been restored, with self-recovery capabilities and super defensive capabilities, there is nothing to worry about.

"Last time I didn't explore Jupiter carefully, this time I will explore it carefully to see how it is different." The Protoss said a word and went silent.

Xu Pingan took two mouthfuls of the golden leaf and pressed it out directly in the ashtray. He stuck his head out and said "Go home" to the bodyguard, and then closed his eyes and rested on his seat.

The bodyguards began to board the car, and the convoy set off to return to Xu Ping'an's home. After returning home, he took a shower and went directly to rest.

One month has passed slowly. The relevant department in the United States held a press conference. The patent protection period of Tianqi Group's super fish oil expired and the United States will approve two companies to produce super fish oil locally.

This press conference was held very grandly. There were a lot of reporters who arrived, and the momentum was great, including the US media covering the matter in the following days.

However, Poseidon Group did not have a statement, and neither did Tianqi Group. Everything seemed to be invisible. This made the relevant departments in the United States very upset.

The media wanted to interview people from Poseidon Company, but no one expressed an opinion, and no one from Tianqi Group expressed an opinion.

After the media reported it for a week, the topic began to change very depressed.

There will be controversy when there are contacts, there are topics, and there is no opponent you are beeping all the time, and it will be annoying for yourself after a long time.

Soon, everything was calm, and celebrities from all over the world completely occupied the headlines of major media.

What celebrity cheating, celebrity divorce, celebrity juniors, etc., only things that are unexpected and impossible start to enter people's eyes.

In October, the headquarters of Tianqi Group issued a notice that this year's annual meeting will be held on Tianqi Island. When the presidents of each branch come to the meeting, they can bring their family members and arrange family vacations.

All branches are required to turn in profits before the end of December, and report to Tianqi Island before January 12 next year.

When the time was approaching in December, Tianqi Machinery Group's Dunhuang factory delivered an interplanetary spacecraft. After reporting to relevant departments, the spacecraft flew out of the sky and flew directly to the United States.

Originally, this ship belonged to the Celestial Empire. Because the Celestial Empire exchanged orders with the United States, this ship belongs to the United States.

The interstellar spacecraft that will be completed in February next year will belong to the celestial dynasty, and it will take a few months for the celestial dynasty to not care.

At present, whether the United States or the Celestial Kingdom has reached a bottleneck in the construction of Mars bases, it is difficult to break through and it will take a certain amount of time.

Alien planet bases seem simple. Only when you actually build it will you discover the difficulty. Moreover, the difficulty inside is really not ordinary.

To give a simple example, an underground shelter was excavated to seal it in all directions. The problem of excessive oxygen consumption during ventilation and purification of the air is not a small problem.

Until now, no country has been able to completely solve this problem. A large part of the oxygen at the Mars base has been leaked and wasted.

It is very difficult to reach the Tianqi Group to establish an ecosystem on the base. Even if you have successfully experimented on Earth, there will be problems when you transplant it to Mars.

The gravity of Mars is different from that of the Earth. It is difficult to solve this problem without an internal magnetic field.

On the earth, the ecosystem can last for three months. It is rare to be able to last for one month on Mars. Now the United States and China are focusing on building the Martian ecosystem.

After the spacecraft flew to the designated location in the United States, after the two parties completed a series of handover procedures, the pilot directly returned to China by plane under the arrangement of Tianqi Group personnel.

The United States gave this interstellar spacecraft a name, the Washington.

In just half a month, the Washington spacecraft was fully loaded with supplies and flew to Mars. Speeding up the construction of the Mars base is a top priority for Americans.

At the beginning of December, Darina had a holiday. On January 5th, Darina started to work and Liu Wenjun had a holiday.

Xu Ping'an is that this kind of arrangement is the eternal pain in the heart of Liu Wenjun's organization boss, but there is no way to change this, because this is the rule laid down since Liu Wenjun started.

Especially in the recent Tianqi Group annual meetings, Xu Ping'an did not keep the minutes of the meetings, which made these heads bigger.

On this day, Xu Ping'an took Darlina to fly to Tianqi Island. In the next few days, Xu Ping'an started drinking every day.

There were only two days left for the meeting. Xu Ping'an and the presidents of these branches returned to normal and started to control their drinking.

The day before the meeting, the staff of Tianqi Island Management Office cleaned the meeting room and arranged green plants, and then handed over to the security department.

The security department carried a large number of electronic equipment to conduct a detailed inspection of the large conference room. After the inspection, it sent people to wait 24 hours until the end of the meeting.

That morning, the presidents of the various divisions got up early, each one dressed up in good spirits, and many people's ties were arranged by their wives.

Kissed his wife, walked out of the room energetically, and rushed to the large conference room in the battery car.

At this annual meeting, both the president and the vice presidents came, including the security company. Gavin was the president, and Chen Qilin and Buck were the vice presidents.

When the annual meeting was held last time, everyone knew the strength of the security company. After several years of development, one thing is certain, that is, the strength of the security company is definitely stronger.

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