Start the era of black technology

Chapter 873 A BUG That Can't Be Dealt With

Xu Ping An also wrote about taking a bath and changing clothes after eating breakfast, which set off her spirit very much. Darina tied Xu Ping's tie on the side.

After packing, the two went out together and took the battery car to the large conference room.

There was no word all the way to the door of the large conference room. The two bodyguards at the door directly pushed open the door of the large conference room, and the noisy sound inside instantly disappeared.

When Xu Ping'an entered the meeting room, everyone stood up. Xu Ping'an sat down, scanned around, waved his hands, and everyone sat down.

"You go out" Xu Ping'an said to the bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard nodded and waved, all the security personnel in the room left, and the meeting room door was closed again.

"Everyone, the annual meeting has not been held in a few years, today we held it"

"Don't leave in a hurry after the meeting. Let's get together." Xu Ping'an said with a smile. Everyone also laughed. He is usually busy with work and really needs to get together.

"The day before yesterday, when I was drinking tea on the balcony at night, I couldn't help but recall the development of Tianqi Group in my mind."

"To be honest, I really didn't expect Tianqi Group to be where it is today"

"Tianqi Group is able to achieve today's results by doing your hard work. Of course, it is indispensable for those who have already retired from Tianqi Group."

"It is the unity and concerted efforts of all of us that have created today's Tianqi Group, the world's largest company, a technology giant company"

"In recent years, in order to increase the construction of Mars, all of you have paid a lot. As I said, your contributions will not be in vain."

"Here I want to announce one thing, a good news that will let you give up all your worries"

"After years of research by the scientific research group, science group, space group, and the three companies, the artificial magnetic field project has made a breakthrough," Xu Pingan said here when many people were confused.

Isn't the artificial magnetic field already there? How could the boss say this so solemnly?

"Sorry, I missed two words, because the artificial planetary magnetic field project has made a breakthrough."

"We can transform those planets without magnetic fields into planets with magnetic fields, let them rotate under the action of the magnetic field, reactivate the planet, and rebuild the atmosphere" Xu Ping'an solemnly explained the matter.

Except for Chen Fansheng, Qiao Yicheng, and James, all of them were calm and shocked.

They are very clear about what this technological breakthrough represents. The birth of this technology has cleared the biggest obstacle for the Apocalypse Group to restart Mars.

In the future, Mars will become like the Earth and will become a reality.

Soon, everyone reacted, with excited expressions on their faces, no matter which country they came from, at this moment they all have a common identity, and they are all members of the Tianqi Group.

"Papa Papa" spontaneously began to applaud, applauding for the good news.

Xu Pingan also clapped and congratulated everyone with a smile.

The hands were pressed in the void, the applause of the crowd stopped, and Xu Ping'an continued to speak.

"After several years of preparation, currently, the food stored in the Mars base is enough for 500,000 people to eat for two months. We originally planned to store it for one month, but in the end it became two months."

"At the same time, the planting and breeding sub-bases of Mars are already in operation, and the newly produced grain and meat can meet the daily needs of 40,000 people."

"Currently, the two bases are still expanding until we reach our ultimate goal of achieving self-sufficiency on Mars."

"The Mars base currently has only three thousand people. Last year, while storing grain, the smelting plant underwent a comprehensive expansion."

"Every time an interstellar spacecraft returns from Mars, it can bring two hundred tons of pure steel, which will be exchanged for 100 million euros in income. At least the cost of our interstellar spacecraft to and from Mars, the daily maintenance costs will come out."

"Our costs are falling, our inputs are decreasing, and our benefits are expanding"

"This year, our goal is very simple. The number of employees on Mars will reach 100,000, and the Mars base will undergo the next stage of upgrading."

"Fully upgrade to a Martian city"

"Aquaculture, planting, scientific research, industry, tourism, education, interstellar defense, etc., these systems must be comprehensively improved."

"The Mars Hotel will also be completed by the end of this year, and we will have an important source of income by then."

"You have paid for the Apocalypse Group. The earth cannot accommodate you. Mars can accommodate you, allowing you to have a safe, peaceful and comfortable living home."

"This is the homeland of our Tianqi Group, and no one can take away our homeland" Xu Ping'an solemnly announced this sentence.

Everyone had excited expressions on their faces. It was really too long to wait for these words, and Xu Ping's words were equivalent to completely eliminating their worries.

"We have broken through the artificial planetary magnetic field project. In the future, the reconstruction of the Martian magnetic field and the reconstruction of the Martian atmosphere will make Mars a home like the Earth. There is no problem at all."

"Currently, the interstellar spacecraft produced on Idrius Island is an interstellar exploration spacecraft. The function of this spacecraft is to explore meteorites in space and the resources of other planets."

"After completing the exploration, our transport-class interstellar spacecraft will be dispatched to continuously transport these resources to Mars, increase the texture of Mars, and increase the background of Mars."

"Now has reached a very critical time. We must go all out to fulfill our dreams. In the future our common dream, we must kick off all obstacles, at all costs."

"Corey Denver Island, where the two interstellar spaceships currently under construction are actually interstellar warships, which are the embodiment of the peak of our Apocalypse Group's technological strength"

"Of course, there are also saucer-shaped aircraft, which are also the embodiment of our technological peak!"

"So, this year, next year, and the next year, these three years will be a very crucial three years for our Tianqi Group. The journey of Baili has already gone 90."

"The remaining 10% of the distance, we need to sprint with magical instruments, and complete our plan when all countries on the earth do not react."

"Time is what we need most"

"After today's annual meeting, we will not hold an annual meeting for the next three years. I hope that the next annual meeting can be held on Mars, and it can be held in our common home." Xu Ping'an watched everyone talk about himself impassionedly. The goal.

"Papa Papa Papa" everyone began to applaud, and Xu Ping'an said exactly what they were aiming for.

These presidents and vice-presidents have reached their current status and have gotten rid of the needs of life. What they are pursuing now is a sense of accomplishment.

A sense of accomplishment that transcends everything.

The Mars project is in line with everyone's values ​​and sense of accomplishment.

What could be more fulfilling than creating a miracle.

After Xu Pingan's remarks, the cohesion of the top management of Tianqi Group has become stronger, and everyone will work hard for the Mars project.

At the end of Xu Pingan's speech, the presidents of each branch began to report on the achievements of the branch in the past few years. The first speaker was Kyle.

Poseidon is Xu Pingan's first formal industry, and its position within Tianqi Group is extraordinary.

One report after another, Xu Ping'an directly raised any questions, and these people immediately recorded Xu Ping's opinions.

Two news about lunch break at noon, continue in the afternoon.

In two days, everyone reported on the status of the branch they were responsible for. This time, Chen Fansheng and Qiao Yicheng's report shocked everyone.

They really didn't expect that the technology group and the scientific research group would have made so many technological breakthroughs.

For example, gravity technology.

The original gravity technology needed equipment all over the spacecraft to be realized, but now it is different and upgraded, it can be realized only by installing equipment on the bottom of the spacecraft.

The equipment usage has been reduced by half, which is a remarkable breakthrough.

The second-generation technology has enabled the gravity in the spacecraft to fully synchronize with the earth. This is definitely a huge breakthrough.

What makes everyone even more incredible is the ability system of the saucer-shaped aircraft, which does not use the engine engine, and allows the saucer-shaped aircraft to fly freely only by relying on the power on the shell.

Moreover, it still flies at ten times the speed of sound. In terms of speed alone, the missiles on the earth have no way to deal with this kind of aircraft.

Moreover, energy weapons were also equipped, especially after Qiao Yicheng said the word energy weapons. Many people were shocked. They never dreamed that the company had developed weapons to this point.

Many people have thought of the word BUG in their minds. Three years later, the Apocalypse Group is definitely a BUG for all countries on the earth, a BUG that there is no way to deal with it.

After all the reports are over, Xu Ping'an will begin to arrange the goals for this year, and Xu Ping'an will start assigning tasks in front of everyone. Each branch has specific tasks.

Although Tianqi Group is not short of funds, it must also increase its efforts to make money, because this year is definitely a year of rain.

The presidents of each branch took notebooks and papers to write down the tasks assigned by Xu Ping An. After returning, they must carefully discuss how to achieve the task goals.

The task must be completed at all costs, everything is for our common home, Tianqi Group.

After the meeting ended, a big dinner began. After Xu Ping'an had dinner with the presidents and vice presidents, the next day they started a larger dinner with their families.

Although it is a meeting, it can be a time for everyone to take a vacation and take all the family vacations to relax, so everyone is particularly relaxed.

After the dinner, Xu Ping'an began to talk to the presidents of these branches individually. The first to talk was Huo Minghai, Niels, Wu Sikai, and Bruce.

I remembered that Gavin, Chen Qilin, and Buck took the longest time to talk to these three, and there are many places where Xu Ping'an needs to make a decision.

Many things need to be approved in person before the three of Gavin can execute it, which is very cumbersome.

It took a whole day for the four people to negotiate, and it didn't end until after 11 o'clock in the evening.

Xu Pingan spent twelve days on Tianqi Island before returning to the celestial dynasty with Darina and preparing for the New Year.

A few days later, Tianqi Group headquarters and various branches began to issue year-end bonuses. The employees of Tianchao were on holiday after receiving the awards, while the employees of foreign countries and Europe and the United States began to repay their loans after receiving the bonus.

These loans are generated during the Christmas holiday.

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