Start the era of black technology

Chapter 875: A Fanatic Who Worships Xu Pingan

This piece of news was madly reprinted by the media of various countries. It can be said that everyone is concerned about this issue, and many high-level countries are discussing this matter.

The folks are discussing this matter enthusiastically, and everyone is speculating whether Tianqi Group really has this kind of technology.

Entrepreneurs of the Celestial Dynasty are also discussing this at a gathering. This is the most attractive topic at the moment. Many entrepreneurs are looking up to Tianqi Group.

Xu Pingan knew very well that with more people, Tianqi Group's solution to the weightlessness problem would be difficult to keep secret. Such a high-profile operation this year has made preparations for this.

Technology is available, it depends on what price you paid, the price is not enough, don't expect to get technology.

The second-generation technology has made a major breakthrough. The first-generation technology does not matter. Anyway, it is about to be exposed. When exposed, it is more cost-effective to exchange some materials that are valuable to Tianqi Group.

It is Xu Pingan's pursuit to maximize profits.

United States

Musk, Gai Spur, and others are also discussing this matter.

"Our internal departments have analyzed whether Tianqi Group has really mastered the weightlessness technology" Gai asked.

"After analysis, the possibility is as high as 92%" Musk said weakly.

Musk is very arrogant, and he shouted very early that he hoped that he could be buried on Mars after his death, and he must create a Martian residence in his lifetime.

But now he hasn't realized his dream, but the latecomer Tianqi Group wants to achieve this goal.

Bombardier’s new chairman, Mossack, said solemnly, “Apocalypse must be asked to hand over this technology at all costs”.

"What can the Apocalypse Group do if you don't hand it over," Musk said, turning his eyes.

Mossack stopped speaking. Bombardier and Tianqi Group are completely incomparable, and the two are not at the same level.

Counting on the Canadian government to come forward, it is estimated that Xu Pingan will not be able to dump the Canadian government.

"I think we first contact Xu Pingan to test what he means. If he is willing to trade, everything is easy to talk about, nothing more than money" Gates said on the side, and Musk nodded.

In the United States, the Black Palace, a group of bigwigs are also discussing this matter. Everyone knows what weightlessness means. This is a technical problem that humans must overcome to enter the universe.

"How did we deal with Alstom in the past?" a big man named Gilhard said with a gloomy face, and everyone else took a breath while watching the big man.

Alstom is a major supplier of components, systems and services for the global infrastructure and industrial markets. It was founded in 1928 and is headquartered in Paris, France.

The company operates through six major businesses: energy, power transmission and distribution, transportation, industrial equipment, marine equipment and engineering contracting. It is known for its innovative and environmentally friendly technologies and is a pioneer in the field of global transportation and power infrastructure.

Alstom is the largest electric power, internal combustion engine and engine company in Europe. This Fortune 500 company has developed the world's most advanced nuclear power plant and has tens of thousands of patents in weaponry and avionics systems.

In the past, GM asked the White House to investigate Alstom in order to acquire this outstanding company.

After close deployment, the United States moved.

On April 14, 2013, Alstom’s Finance Director Pierucci was arrested at New York Airport. The US Department of Justice accused Pierucci of corruption and commercial bribery in Indonesia.

At the same time, it forced Alstom to accept a fine of up to $772 million and sold Alstom's power business to General Electric.

This plan was very successful. GM acquired Alstom's energy division as it wished, and the company quickly decayed smoothly.

After Pieruzzi had no value, he finally got out of prison and regained his freedom in September 2018.

"The Chief Financial Officer of Tianqi Group does not leave Tianchao, but Niels, his European financial director, is active in Europe. Do we start with him?

"Don't look at me like this. Now we really can't indulge in Tianqi Group anymore. His technological strength is beyond our control."

"Let the Apocalypse Group continue to develop, it will be difficult for our space program to be implemented smoothly, and..." Gilhard watched everyone continue to tell their plans.

"Gilhard, do you think Xu Pingan will watch you play tricks?"

"Because of Alstom's affairs, we have had a huge rift with France. It can be said that many countries are now wary of us."

“I’ll just ask, what if Tianqi Group doesn’t care about Niels, and what if Tianqi Group opens those high-tech directly to the Heavenly Dynasty”

"Once the balance is broken, the technological power of the Heavenly Dynasty will grow geometrically"

"Fall down to the Tianqi Group, and rise up a more difficult celestial dynasty. Have you ever thought about this price?" The first boss rubbed his head and said.

"Then catch Xu Pingan, the Tianqi Group will be a headless fly without Xu Pingan"

"The most important thing is that the Heavenly Dynasty does not have Xu Pingan's desperate and ruthless gangsters. We can reach an understanding with the Heavenly Dynasty through other transactions. This matter can be successfully resolved.

"It doesn't even take a long time. If you can control Xu Pingan for three months, Tianqi Group will definitely fall into chaos."

"Don't forget, everyone, he is not married yet. Although he has three women and three sons by his side, these laws are not recognized."

"Xu Ping An handed over the space department of the Tianqi Group. We can give Xu Ping'an freedom. Our goal is to get the space technology of Tianqi Group."

"Throw out some bones and believe that the European gang will cooperate with us" Gilhard immediately put forward a more ruthless suggestion.

The first boss rubbed his head, thought about it seriously, shook his head slowly, and rejected Gilhard's proposal.

"Gilhard, I have a report here. Take a look. After reading it, I hope you can stick to your current point of view." After the first boss said, he opened the drawer and took out a report and handed it to Gilhard.

Gilhard took the report with doubts and turned it over. Soon, the expression on Gilhard's face began to change.

After a while, Gilhard closed the report and said nothing, and stopped insisting on his plan.

The others were very strange. Looking at the first boss, the first boss understood what everyone meant, and wanted to take a look at the report, nodded and agreed.

A little bit of time passed, and all the eight big bosses present had read the report and stopped speaking.

"Gentlemen, this is the report I just received last month. They told me that for this piece of information, more than 20 people were sacrificed."

"If you made this proposal a month ago, I might approve it, but now, I really cannot approve this action."

"The Alstom incident has made many international giants wary of us, not only Tianqi Group, but many companies have carried out similar plans."

"It's just that none of these companies are as big as Xu Ping'an, or so hard," said the first boss helplessly.

Others nodded their heads to agree with the opinion of the first big boss. It is a matter of principle that you can't get benefits at your own expense. Every big boss has noble morals.

Gavin accidentally saw the American media exposed the Alstom incident, and communicated with Xu Ping An about the incident. The Alstom incident cannot happen to Tianqi Group.

Xu Ping'an is not afraid of you playing yin, it's nothing terrible to have a star in your hand, so he dares to wander around the world.

Gavin didn't know, just in case, he made this retaliation plan.

In the first step, Xu Pingan secretly injected a global positioning device when he was on Tianqi Island, using a gravitational communication device, which was activated by Xu Pingan’s watch or Xu Pingan’s voice command.

After activation, a special signal will be released every minute to be locked by the Tianqi Group satellite system.

It can be said that there is always a satellite in outer space that follows Xu Pingan, and serves Xu Pingan at any time.

In the event of Xu Pingan being detained, Gavin will lead the special operations team to start rescue as soon as possible.

In the second step, I asked Xu Pingan for the method of contacting the intelligence department. Once the matter reached the worst level, the intelligence department could investigate who was behind the scenes and retaliate after locking the target.

It's just that Gavin's retaliatory measures are too ruthless, and he takes nuclear retaliation directly.

Tianqi Group has already mastered acoustic fusion technology. It is very easy to manufacture a few nuclear bombs, and the volume is not large, which is very convenient for transportation.

At the same time, Gavin also purchased a batch of dirty bombs from the United States through underground channels. Dirty bombs are not a trivial matter and were directly discovered by relevant US agencies.

An investigation was launched immediately. After several confrontations over and under, although some dirty bullets were recovered, a lot of them were taken away by Gavin.

Through multi-channel analysis of Gavin intelligence information, it is concluded that this is a retaliatory measure prepared by Gavin for Xu Ping An.

At that time, the leaders of the relevant departments in the United States planned to directly behead Gavin secretly. In the eyes of the leaders of the relevant agencies, Gavin was completely a lunatic.

An uncontrollable lunatic,

A fanatic who worships Xu Pingan.

When it was about to act, the plan was stopped.

Intelligence shows that there are still three executors in the revenge plan, and the plan will be implemented immediately if Gavin is dead.

Even if Gavin is killed, the next three will take over and retaliate with dirty bombs.

One more thing, Xu Pingan will definitely not give up when Gavin is dead. I don’t know if there are no other weapons of mass destruction in the hands of the Tianqi Group. Thinking about the nuclear technology in the hands of the Tianqi Group can also predict one or two.

For the sake of caution, I haven't moved Gavin for the time being, and provided such a detailed report to the first boss.

Xu Ping'an has stars on him, and he doesn't care about these things. Considering that Gavin is also for his own safety, there is no need to discourage Gavin's enthusiasm.

I allocated a sum of money to let Gavin go to toss on his own. Are you prepared? Maybe one day I will do myself a big favor.

It can be said that Xu Pingan has forgotten about it now.

Xu Ping'an never asked Gavin about this matter, he really forgot about it.

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