Start the era of black technology

Chapter 876: The Will of Heaven in the Underworld [Three shifts today, the first shift]

"Then what to do, just let Tianqi Group develop," Gilhard said with a frown.

"Now we can only endure and endure him for a few years, when we will take over the Tianqi Group in its entirety and dismember it completely"

"Gentlemen, our interstellar warship can be completed at the end of this year or early next year, but two interstellar warships alone cannot form an absolute advantage."

"In the next year, we will build two interstellar warships. At that time, four interstellar warships will cooperate with our existing military forces, and we can reshape the order of the earth."

"This year, next year, the year after, we only need to endure for three years"

"The Apocalypse Group is more important than the earth. We must not only receive the Apocalypse Group, but once again establish our position in the world."

"The polities of all countries on the earth must be democratic, the economy and other aspects must operate in accordance with the rules we set, and we must make unified rules for the earth"

"If the United Nations is obedient, keep it. The United States is the United Nations, and the orders of the United States are the orders of the United Nations."

"The permanent members are no longer five, but only one, and the only one is the United States."

"If the United Nations is not obedient, we will completely dissolve the United Nations and establish a new institution that is in our interests," the chief executive said while looking at everyone.

Everyone nodded earnestly, the strategy of No. 1 is correct, and now this profit is nothing compared to the entire planet.

After the general tone was set, everyone began to discuss the issue of gravity technology with Tianqi Group. After more than two hours of discussion, everyone left.

The plan of the United States and Xu Ping'an's plan completely coincided with each other, and the secret providence put the strategic decisive battle between the two sides in three years.

Both sides are fearless, both sides firmly believe that they can achieve the final victory, the result will only be known after three years.

As time passed slowly for a week, Xu Ping'an expected that the thing that came to find his own gravity technology did not happen, which made Xu Ping'an a little confused.

While Xu Pingan was drinking tea in the office and wondering, Fanxing's voice remembered, "Boss, Gaoguan Wei and Mayor Yuan entered the headquarters, and there are six cars with them."

"Let Liu Wenjun go down to greet him, and let Darina come in and help me organize the tea set" Xu Ping'an said directly.

Xu Ping'an knew that this was the heavyweight coming, and the goal was obviously gravity technology.

There was a sudden attack on myself, it didn't matter, I was waiting.

"Understood" Fanxing said and was silent. Outside, Liu Wenjun and Darina were notified by Fanxing.

Soon, Darina came in and helped Xu Pingan to tidy up all the tea sets. The windows opened and the air purification equipment in the entire office started.

It wasn't very long, so Liu Wenjun took Wei Dongshuo and his party upstairs, and the door of Xu Ping'an's office opened, and he welcomed Wei Dongshuo and his party.

Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping entered Xu Pingan's office with a middle-aged man. Xu Pingan greeted the three of them to sit down and drink tea.

Yuan Shiping introduced Xu Pingan to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was named Yang Sirui, a commissioner sent directly by the imperial capital.

Xu Pingan and Yang Sirui shook hands with each other, made tea directly and invited the three of them to drink tea, drinking tea over and over while chatting, three cups of tea underwater, Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping left.

Only Xu Ping'an and Yang Sirui were left in the office, and the two began to enter the topic and formally negotiate the transfer of gravity technology.

(Here is harmonious, omitted 20,000 words plot)

Downstairs, Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping and other staff were waiting in the lounge. Thirty minutes passed slowly, and Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping looked at each other.

Both of them had a worried look in their eyes. Xu Ping'an's strength is well known to the world. Whether Commissioner Yang can negotiate with Xu Ping'an, the two really have no idea.

I am very worried that things will fall apart and it will be difficult to handle then, that is a big deal.

After another half an hour passed, the two really couldn't sit down anymore. They were walking back and forth in the lounge, and the other personnel frowned. Obviously, everyone had no idea.

Just when everyone was agitated, Xu Ping'an and Yang Sirui went downstairs talking and laughing.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that everything had been negotiated, and both sides were more satisfied.

Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping walked out of the lounge. They all joined together and walked towards the parking lot. Yang Siri stopped when he was about to get in the car.

"Xu, you can arrange the press conference immediately, just follow the announcement we just discussed," Yang Siri said, turning his head to look at Xu Ping'an.

"Mr. Yang, don't worry, I will start arranging immediately, and I will issue a notice today, and a press conference will be held in two days," Xu Ping An said with a smile on his face.

Yang Sirui nodded, waved to Xu Ping'an and got into the car directly. Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping also got on the car, and the team slowly drove out of the Tianqi Group headquarters.

Xu Ping'an has been watching the team leave before returning to the office building. At the door of the office, "Dalena, immediately issue a notice. Tianqi Group will hold a press conference two days later to announce major news."

"I will notify the media of various countries immediately," Darina said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded and pushed the door directly into her office.

Soon, many outside media received notices that Tianqi Group will hold a press conference in two days and there will be major news announcements.

Various media have begun to take action, and many large-scale media have sent special personnel to set off today to go to J City of the Heavenly Dynasty.

Every time Tianqi Group holds a press conference, it will announce heavyweight news, and it is necessary to send personnel to the scene.

What's more, I have just confirmed with Tianqi Group's media department that this press conference will be broadcast free of charge.

The major media must be happy to save a sum of money.

With a big stroke of the pen, the dispatched broadcaster directly chartered a plane to J City of the Heavenly Dynasty. The equipment must be arranged for the live broadcast immediately.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Weather Collective Administration Department approached the municipal government, and the municipal auditorium was used free of charge on the day of the press conference.

That night, all the star-rated hotel rooms in the city of J were all booked out, which shocked the hotel managers.

Outside, everyone confirms that this press conference must be related to gravity technology.

Because, now there is no hotter topic than gravity technology.

Tianqi Group possesses gravity technology. This alone makes the CEOs of many international technology giants less mentally aware, because these people know how difficult gravity technology is.

The top ten economic and military powers in the world have gravity technology projects, which are funded by the state and invest huge R&D funds every year.

But until now, not much progress has been made, and the difficulty can be imagined.

However, it was suddenly revealed that the Tianqi Group already possessed this technology and put it into practice. Obviously, Tianqi Group has become the pinnacle of the earth in terms of space technology.

I just exposed an infinite natural gas energy technology, and now there is a gravity technology, which makes people feel a little breathless.

The reason why countries did not send personnel over to discuss the issue of gravity technology with Xu Ping An is to discuss the issue of paying the price. With Xu Ping’s greed, the price may not be small.

Early this morning, the airport in City J began to become active. The planes took off and landed one by one, and a team of reporters from home and abroad began to gather in City J.

Instead of going to the hotel, contact the media department of Tianqi Group to receive the number plate and report the live broadcast request. After finishing these things, then go to the hotel to rest.

In the evening, some media went to the municipal auditorium to start installing equipment. This press conference will be broadcast live.

The next day, more media went to the municipal auditorium to follow the live broadcast equipment. The location was limited. Only the big media could be given priority. The people of the municipal government had the final say.

This makes many domestic media uncomfortable, because 70% of the resources are given to major international media, and the remaining 30% is given to major domestic media.

Many media can't grab the live broadcast spot and can only grab the front row of the press conference. Many media keep one person in the venue all the time.

In the early morning of this day, the reporters got up at about nine o'clock, washed and ate breakfast, and then gathered in the municipal auditorium.

There are thousands of people densely packed.

Yang Sirui, Wei Dongshuo, and Yuan Shiping also drove to the Municipal Auditorium, and Xu Pingan also drove from home to the Municipal Auditorium.

As time passed slowly, Xu Ping'an and the three met in the backstage of the auditorium. Today, Xu Ping'an and Yang Sirui are both in formal suits because the two are about to hold a signing ceremony.

The four were chatting and laughing while drinking tea in the background. Soon, Liu Wenjun came over and reported "boss, time is up".

Xu Pingan turned to look at Yang Sirui and said, "Mr. Yang, look."

"Since the time is up, let's set off. We can't let those uncrowned kings wait for us. We are too late and we should say that we don't respect them." Yang Sirui said with a smile, and stood up while talking.

Xu Pingan's attitude made Yang Sirui very satisfied, so he smiled on his face and spoke a lot more easily.

Xu Pingan also stood up and walked towards the front desk with Yang Sirui. When he arrived at the front desk, Xu Pingan said a few words to Yang Sirui, and he went on stage alone.

Seeing Xu Ping'an appeared, the reporters in the audience started to take pictures frantically. In recent years, Xu Ping'an has rarely appeared in front of the media. Now he has seized the opportunity and must take a few more photos.

Now that Xu Ping'an had personally launched, the news that was released must be big news.

It's daytime in the celestial dynasty, and night in Europe and America, but now there are not many people watching the live broadcast, mostly big people watching.

The corporate, financial, and political figures are all staying up late to watch the live broadcast to see what Xu Pingan has announced, so that they can react immediately.

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