Start the era of black technology

Chapter 884 UFO, turned out to be a UFO, God!

On this day, at 9:30 in the morning, a lot of people began to gather at the Hangzhou Gymnasium. The security department of Tianqi Group cooperated with the police to maintain order.

Many foreigners use their mobile phones to scan the code to enter the gymnasium. Everyone's electronic code is unique. You scan it on the device.

The seat number you purchased will appear. You can find your seat directly. There are many signs on the spot to show you how to find a seat quickly.

In the center of the huge gymnasium, a huge square stands upright with a black curtain on it. Obviously, the new products of Tianqi Group are under this huge black cloth.

Looking at this volume, it is not small, and there is more expectation in my heart.

A few days ago, Tianqi Group began to promote in Hangzhou. People who enter the stadium to watch are only allowed to bring mobile phones, not other electronic devices and metal objects.

Today, when everyone enters the stadium, they have passed through several security checks.

The security personnel checked very carefully.

In about an hour or so, the number of people entering the stadium has decreased. At this time, many security personnel have started to look at the watch, and it will be completely closed in a dozen minutes, and you cannot enter even if you have a ticket.

Time passed slowly, and soon, the security personnel cooperated with the police to start the closure. No one was allowed to enter the gymnasium. No one had entered for two minutes.

At this time, more than 20 single-man aircraft appeared, and everyone on the ground could see clearly that they were all luxury single-man aircraft, and they were of the second generation.

Tianqi Group held a large press conference, and there is another big feature, that is, the local government does not participate and is only responsible for behind-the-scenes cooperation.

Someone suggested that the local chief official should be allowed to speak up, but Zhang Jianbin and Wei Dongshuo refused. The government did not participate in the activities of the enterprise and issued specific documents.

With the two of them taking the lead, basically local governments do not participate in the press conferences and activities of Tianqi Group.

Soon, a large platform rose automatically next to the parked flying saucer. In the sky, Xu Ping's single-man aircraft was at the center, and the surrounding single-man aircraft was surrounded by two circles of protection.

It started to land slowly, and the huge cheers came to mind directly on the scene. Amidst all the cheers, the single-man aircraft landed slowly.

The arrangement was very neat, and soon the transparent cover of the single-man aircraft opened, and Xu Ping'an walked out with a smile on his face, and while walking, he waved to the people around him.

Everyone on the scene responded violently, as if an international superstar had appeared. Many people were very surprised. I really didn't expect Xu Ping'an to have such a popularity.

Weiwei's boss Ren and other entrepreneurs sat aside and looked at each other with wry smiles. These people would never achieve this kind of influence in their lives.

Moreover, Xu Ping'an can play and they can't play. Everyone is old, so playing like this will make people laugh.

The owner of Hangzhou Ma looked envious. He should have played like this once before he retired. What a pity, what a pity, now is not his own time.

Xu Pingan took a few steps forward, and stood directly in the circle of holographic images. Soon, huge images of Xu Pingan appeared in the four directions of "swipe", "swipe", "swipe" and "swipe".

The sudden appearance was really shocking. Many people raised their phones and started taking pictures. It was during the day, and it clearly showed that Xu Ping's images were different from what they usually saw.

Because of the light, the holographic image is a bit transparent during the day, and it is not that feeling.

People now generally apply holographic images to dark places, especially at night, where holographic images are the best.

But now, the holographic image used by Xu Ping An has overturned this perception. At this moment, Xu Ping’s huge holographic figure can even be seen clearly with the buttons on Xu Ping’s clothes.

Moreover, the huge pillars on the left and right sides of the holographic image are gone, and only a luminous ring rises and is about to fall, revealing Xu Ping's image.

Obviously, the second-generation holographic imaging technology of Tianqi Group has taken shape.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to verify miracles"

"I can assure you that the miracle you verified today can be passed on, and everything today will be recorded in the course of human history."

"Because, a science fiction event that has plagued mankind for hundreds of years was replaced by science fiction by Tianqi Group into reality."

"I want to know, are you happy?" Xu Ping'an shouted loudly.

"Happy" many people shouted in cooperation.

Xu Ping'an smiled, with great affinity "The voice is not loud enough, obviously someone is not very happy"

"I'll ask again, are you happy to come here to verify history?" Xu Ping'an shouted loudly again.

"Happy!" A huge voice swept the entire stadium. The people on duty outside heard it clearly, and many people looked up at the stadium.

Many people have expressions of envy, but it is a pity that their jobs are arranged outside, so if you can, you can go in.

Unfortunately, I missed the big scene.

Xu Ping'an smiled satisfied and nodded when he heard the cheers of the crowd.

"Everyone, getting back to business, many people are wondering what kind of surprise Tianqi Group will bring us today, is it in the big box in the center of the venue?"

"What I can tell you here is that the new product is in the big box in front of you. This is the result of my Tianqi Group's research and development for many years."

"Everyone counts down with me, ten, nine, eight..."

Following Xu Ping'an's shout, everyone on the scene began to shout, five, four, three, two, one.

"Puff puff puff" the huge box began to emit smoke in four directions, and the huge black cloth covering it began to be removed.

Soon, the smoke dissipated, and a silver-white flying saucer appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Oh UFO, buy it"

"God, did Tianqi Group make a flying saucer"

"Is this really a flying saucer"


The scene was noisy. Everyone was taking pictures with their mobile phones, and the people watching the live broadcast were all stupid. Flying saucers, the new product of Tianqi Group turned out to be flying saucers.

How could this be? How could Tianqi Group produce flying saucers.

In foreign countries, the bigwigs and military and political figures who watched the live broadcast were stupefied. Everyone looked at the flying saucer in front of them with wide eyes.

The person in charge of the commentary was also stupid, stammering not knowing what to say.

"The flying saucer, it turned out to be a flying saucer, God!"

"Apocalypse Group has actually made a flying saucer, how is this possible, incredible"

"It's incredible, I'm a little messy"

Broadcasts like this happen one after another, and these broadcasters are really messy.

This is the legendary flying saucer. How could Tianqi Group produce it? It is very clear that no country on the earth has produced it.

Tianqi Group is going against the sky!

"Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle!" "Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle!"

"Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle!"...............

Many people at the scene began to yell this sentence spontaneously, and soon, the voice became louder and more orderly, including many people who watched the live broadcast.

Xu Pingan also waved his fists and shouted.

In the United States, Xu Qian did not attend class today. He watched the live broadcast at home and laughed when he saw his father's performance. He waved his fists and shouted "Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle!".

Xu Wentao from the UK and Xu Kun from J City also shouted at their residences that the products of Tianqi must be the pinnacle!This sentence.

At this moment, Xu Pingan is their pride.

After a while, Xu Ping'an stopped shouting, and began to press down with both hands in the void to signal that everyone present was quiet. After a short time, the huge stadium was quiet.

"The latest product of Tianqi Group, the flying saucer, you read it right, we really made it."

"Today you spent money to come to the scene to observe it. It will definitely not be in vain. I will randomly select one hundred and fifty lucky people to ride the flying saucer. The flying saucer will take you to the sky for 20 minutes and then return." Xu Ping'an smiled. Yi announced the result.

Hearing Xu Ping'an's words, the scene was immediately messed up, and he could ride directly. God, can you make a flying saucer in your lifetime? Many people have a shocked expression.

Soon, a display screen rose up in front of Xu Ping'an, all of which showed seat numbers.

At the same time, four huge screens were also linked to the device in front of Xu Ping'an, displaying the seat number so that everyone could see it clearly.

"Everyone, the number of places is limited, and the computer automatically screens them. Ten lucky people can appear at one time," Xu Ping said with a smile. There are ten seat numbers on one page of the big screen.

Everyone looked at Xu Ping'an nervously, while Xu Ping'an looked at the big screen and said, "Start". The seat number on the big screen began to flash randomly.

"Stop" Xu Ping'an yelled, the seat number on the big screen was fixed, and ten seat numbers appeared.

"Everyone, look at your phone. If you are selected, please show it to the staff and the staff will bring you over," Xu Pingan said directly.

Everyone started to look at their mobile phone numbers. Soon, someone cheered and ran out. After showing their seat number to the staff, they were led to the center of the venue.

Next, Xu Ping'an continued to draw the lucky ones, cheers kept appearing, and those who were challenged were all excited.

Ten at a time, fifteen times in total, one hundred and fifty lucky ones were selected.

"A driver is on the stage, welcome Li Jianliang, Fred" Xu Ping'an shouted loudly.

Everyone looked into the field and saw two young men with white shirts, red neckties, blue pants and black leather shoes appeared.

Li Jianliang, a Chinese man, and Fred, a German.

The two shook hands with Xu Ping An first, then walked to the flying saucer, and soon they were next to the flying saucer.

"Fanxing, open the hatch and let us go up" the pilot yelled, and everyone at the scene could hear clearly through the loudspeaker.

Soon, a huge hatch appeared at the bottom of the flying saucer, and a transfer board appeared, slowly touching the ground, and the two pilots went up and entered the flying saucer.

"Next, please let the lucky ones enter the flying saucer under the guidance of the staff" Xu Ping'an shouted, and the staff began to guide the lucky ones into the flying saucer.

These lucky people are all excited, the world's first flying saucer, I am fortunate to be the first group of guests, this is definitely the most unforgettable thing in my life.

As time passed slowly, all the lucky ones got into the flying saucer. They did it under the guidance of the staff, buckled their seat belts, and the staff left the flying saucer.

"Li Jianliang, open the perspective window" Xu Ping'an stood there and said.

Soon, the top of the flying saucer slowly began to become transparent, and everyone at the scene was dumbfounded, and the people inside the flying saucer could see clearly what it looked like.

At this time, the personnel inside the flying saucer also saw the situation outside and began to wave to the people outside.

The top of the flying saucer was the driver's position. The two sat back to back, with a lot of meters and buttons in front of them. Li Jianliang and Fred also waved at everyone.

A new round of voices calling for God appeared, and the scene was full of noise.

The people watching the live broadcast are dumbfounded and transparent. What kind of material is this? The Tianqi Group's achievements in materials science are terrifying. Many scientists have begun to make up for it.

"Take off, let us witness history" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Good commander" Li Jianliang's voice appeared, and the scene became quiet.

Everyone watched, watching whether the flying saucer could take off and how it took off. At this moment, twelve jets appeared under the flying saucer, and blue flames began to be emitted.

The flying saucer began to rise slowly.

To take a picture, you must take a picture, and you must record this historic moment.

The flying saucer slowly rose to a height of three meters, and a dazzling red light began to appear in the middle, and many people watched with wide eyes.

Soon, the flying saucer climbed to the top of the gymnasium and directly started flying towards the intended target.

After a short while, a scenic spot near Hangzhou appeared on the big screen. There were many live broadcast equipment in preparation, and flying saucers appeared here with red light.

Recording, taking pictures, everyone was excited.

Today, people in Hangzhou are all stupid. People look up at the flying saucers in the sky, all stupid.

What the hell is this? Are aliens going to invade the earth? How can the flying saucer appear openly.

The people outside were madly taking pictures with their phones and recording this moment.

The large screen in the stadium clearly showed that the flying saucer flew around ten places before returning to the stadium, watching the flying saucer slowly land, and there was cheers on the scene.

The people watching the live broadcast are all messed up, but some people have reported that they are all involved in finance.

"Immediately clear me the stocks of all aircraft companies, immediately, immediately, regardless of cost"

"Go! go! go! go! go!......" Many people were yelling frantically.

It is conceivable that after this kind of aircraft is put on the market, the aircraft will be eliminated, even if it is not eliminated, the market will shrink extremely.

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