Start the era of black technology

Chapter 885: Cool! Very cool! very cool!

In the future, people will know how to choose between flying saucers or flying.

Although Xu Ping'an has not released the specific data of the flying saucer, he can no longer care about other things, and must save himself first.

The global aviation industry stocks have begun to fall across the board. Whether it is aircraft manufacturers or airlines, stocks have all begun to fall, and the rate of decline is not slow at all.

Tianqi Group’s dark history in this area is too thick. The launch of a new product will subvert an industry. I am afraid that no one can give an accurate figure on how many companies are tossed bankrupt by Tianqi Group.

To describe it with the word "many", it does not wrong the Tianqi Group at all.

Everyone had no idea that Ji Xueyi had already shorted many companies around the world in advance, and mobilized funds of up to 50 billion euros. This time, he had to make a fortune.

This year Tianqi Group has spent too much money, and it won't work if you don't want to make money.

In the big stadium, the flying saucer landed steadily, there was a huge cheer on the scene, the hatch at the bottom of the flying saucer opened, and the first group of passengers began to walk out of the flying saucer slowly.

When the camera zoomed in, everyone looked excited, and many people even took photos with the flying saucer in front of it.

After a while, when they were about to take a group photo, the staff came up and guided them back to their seats.

Soon, the driver also got out of the flying saucer, and there was a lot of applause for the two drivers.

The two came to Xu Ping'an's side and shook hands with Xu Ping'an before leaving, returning to the rest room to rest.

The scene is still very chaotic. Many people are asking the lucky ones who have just taken the flying saucer and how they feel. These people are all happily explaining.

Cool!Very cool!very cool!

This is their answer. Many people have a yearning for flying saucers.

Xu Ping'an pressed his hands a few times before the scene fell silent. Xu Ping'an began to ask loudly, "Do you want to know the specific data of the flying saucer? Do you want to know when the flying saucer will be launched?"

"Think" many people said loudly.

"Do you think?" Xu Ping'an asked again.

The huge voice of "thinking" spread far away, making the people outside the stadium look at the huge stadium again.

"OK, I heard your demands"

"However, unfortunately, flying saucers will not be put on the market in a short time."

"Although flying saucers have satisfied many people in many aspects, safe flying can also meet the regulations of various countries."

"However, I am dissatisfied with a lot of the performance of the flying saucer. The flying saucer project team must continue to upgrade and improve me until it satisfies me."

"If it does not meet the internal standards of Tianqi Group, it is not allowed to go public" Xu Ping An announced the result with a calm face.

Many people in "Sisisi" took a breath and looked at Xu Ping'an with shock. They didn't think that Xu Ping'an didn't intend to let the UFO go on the market.

From the performance of the flying saucer just now, it can be seen that the flying saucer has matured and it is not a problem to replace the aircraft in operation.

When everyone was puzzled, Xu Ping'an spoke again.

"This flying saucer is not perfect, in many ways it is not perfect"

"First, the speed is not perfect, the speed of the flying saucer is not as good as some advanced civil aircraft"

"Second, the cost issue. The cost of building a flying saucer is 1.7 times that of the Airbus 380. The cost of construction is high and it does not have the value of promotion for the time being."

"Third, the flight cost issue. Although the flight cost is only half of the Boeing 777 large aircraft, my requirement is to reach one-third to qualify. This aspect needs to be strengthened."

"Fourth, it is the weight of the flying saucer. It is no problem to carry 150 people, but if you add the customer's salute and the goods, you can only shorten the voyage."

"Fifth, the endurance capacity is not up to the requirements, only two thousand kilometers of endurance range, this aspect needs to be strengthened."


Xu Pingan talked about more than a dozen shortcomings of flying saucers, which made many people feel painful. In these people's eyes, flying saucers can be put into the market for commercial operation.

Xu Pingan is not satisfied with such a low flight cost.

Similarly, the non-listing of UFOs also gave many people a sigh of relief. Now that UFOs are not listed, it gives these companies time to make changes.

"I know that many people think that flying saucers can be fully commercialized at present, and I agree with this."

"However, I hope everyone will not forget this sentence"

"Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle!"

"The current flying saucer is not the peak. Since it is not the peak, we must continue to upgrade and continue to research and develop. This is my Tianqi Group's consistent code of conduct."

"To do it, we must make the pinnacle product" Xu Pingan said with a serious expression on his face.

Many people have seen Xu Pingan's expression, and many people are filled with emotion. The subversive nature of Tianqi Group's products is one aspect, and the quality is even more commendable.

The rise of Tianqi Group is inseparable from Xu Pingan's strict requirements. The economy allows it to buy Tianqi Group's products, and Tianqi Group's products are the top-notch.

Many people have this kind of thought. Zhang Jianbin, who was watching the live broadcast, shook his head. Xu Ping'an, this kid is really too foolish to deceive people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, although many people can't experience flying saucers, they can still take pictures with flying saucers."

"Those who want to take a group photo can take a group photo under the leadership of the staff, and then leave through the fast lane"

"Thank you for coming today, thank you" Xu Ping'an finished, bowing to everyone, and the etiquette was very good.

Many people stood up and began to applaud. Xu Ping'an waved to everyone amidst the applause of the crowd, and walked slowly to the single-man aircraft.

Boarded the single-man aircraft, and flew away directly under the escort of the bodyguards.

Next, the staff began to guide people who wanted to take photos with the flying saucer to the center of the venue to take a group photo. Soon, they took a group photo with the flying saucer and left.

Order was maintained very well. After about two hours, the huge stadium was empty, and all the staff remained.

The Internet has been directly fried, and many people have begun to discuss the takeoff dish on the Internet. They regret that Tianqi Group has not promoted it temporarily.

The big bosses of various countries have started a meeting to discuss the Tianqi Group flying saucer. There are also many experts and professors present, especially military analysts are indispensable.

Ask these people to analyze the flying saucer of the Apocalypse Group. From this flying saucer, you can see the technology of the Apocalypse Group and evaluate the military value of the flying saucer.

The next day, the global media began to report this incident overwhelmingly, [UFO is no longer science fiction] [You can also take a flying saucer] [Science fiction enters reality]............... ....

Wait a minute, all kinds of headlines began to be overwhelmingly reported, and newspapers and the Internet were all brushed by the words UFO of Tianqi Group.

Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle!

This sentence has become more popular.

Not surprisingly, today's aviation industry stocks in various countries continue to fall, and they are still falling sharply. Many airline conference rooms are gloomy.

What everyone doesn't know is that the team led by Ji Xueyi has already started to liquidate their positions. They can't be greedy, and they have already caught enough now.

Ji Xueyi has always followed the principle of catching a stroke as fast as lightning, so that it can last for a long time.

After the funds are remitted to the account, all accounts used this time will be cancelled to eliminate traces.

In addition, the intelligence department of the Tianqi Group has finished, everything is foolproof.

The Intelligence Department of the Apocalypse Group is the Protoss, and the Protoss must be very clean. Even the transfer records between banks have been eliminated for you. Don't try to find any evidence.

Today, there are a lot of people leaving Hangzhou by plane. This time they came to witness history and it was not in vain. I never dreamed that Tianqi Group actually made a flying saucer.

Science fiction brought into reality, Tianqi Group is really cool and awesome.

With the departure of people, the price of the entire city began to fall in an orderly manner, slowly returning to normal levels.

This time, Tianqi Group and the Hangzhou government are a win-win situation. Tianqi Group has made a fortune. The consumption data of various industries in Hangzhou has also achieved a surge in the past few days.

Foreigners are now very shrewd and tell you to ask for invoices because they can be tax deductible.

The business immediately called to report if they didn't give it, which caused many businesses to have a serious headache.

To use an invoice, you must file a tax declaration. This is a one-step-one-step process, and you can only issue invoices honestly.

In Xu Pingan’s home, study, Xu Pingan was drinking tea and talking with Xingling.

"So, our mist plan is successful" Xu Ping'an said in his mind.

The Protoss has just reported that the military of many countries has assessed that the flying saucers of the Apocalypse Group are not lethal at all.

In the words of a general in the United States, there are dozens of types of missiles that can shoot down the flying saucers of the Tianqi Group, which can be done very easily.

"It was 88% successful, because many countries are very interested in the materials of flying saucers. I believe they will find you to discuss the sale of such materials in a short time," Xingling said directly.

"It doesn't matter. This material is not a particularly high-end material. It can create a lot of profits in the civilian field, but if it is applied to the military field, it will be a tasteless one."

"If you operate it well, it may bring unexpected gains." Slope frowned with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The Star Spirit didn't say anything. Obviously, Xu Ping'an started to calculate again. This was his weakness, and it was better not to participate.

In Hangzhou, the mayor of Changfeng's office, Zhang Jianbin is also there, listening to reports from relevant departments.

There was a smile on their faces. In just a few days, there were as many as tens of thousands of merchants temporarily receiving invoices, many of which were received more than twice.

From this, it can be calculated that there will definitely be a big surprise when tax returns next month.

After the report, the leaders of all departments left, leaving Zhang Jianbin and Ren Changfeng in the room.

"Changfeng, what do you think of the activities organized by Tianqi Group this time? Why did Xu Pingan do this?" Zhang Jianbin asked after taking a sip of tea.

"I think he did two things. The first is money. The expenses of the Apocalypse Space Group are not a secret. You can draw conclusions from the information gathered from all aspects."

"According to various statistics, this year, Apocalypse Space Group has spent more than 80 billion euros, because the crazy procurement of Apocalypse Group has caused prices in many industries to rise."

"Second, I think he is consolidating the influence of Tianqi Group, or he is consolidating the brand of Tianqi Group, so that more and more people will recognize the sentence [Apocalypse products must be the peak!]”

"The more people who recognize this sentence, the more popular the sales of Tianqi Group's products." Ren Changfeng said his thoughts.

"Are there any more?" Zhang Jianbin asked calmly.

Ren Changfeng was stunned for a moment, and shook his head to indicate that there was no more.

"Changfeng, you are thinking about it today, and we will talk about it in detail tomorrow when you come to me. You should base your analysis on Xu Ping's influence on the world."

"You must put your horizons at the height of the world, and then you will see a different landscape." Zhang Jianbin looked at Ren Changfeng and said these words seriously.

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