Start the era of black technology

Chapter 887 Boss, I finally waited for this order!

After half an hour, Xu Pingan hung up the phone contentedly.

Zhang Jianbin said very clearly that Tianqi Group and other large taxpayers will enjoy financial subsidies, giving Tianqi Group the highest subsidy, which is a subsidy of 50 million yuan per year, for five years.

This time, Tianqi Group’s activities directly contributed to the local fiscal revenue of several billion yuan, and the subsidies to Tianqi Group were passed very smoothly. It was only 250 million yuan in five years. Compared with the income, it was drizzle.

The annual maintenance cost of Tianqi Science and Technology Park is about 20 million yuan. This time, ten years of maintenance costs do not have to worry about.

A few days later, when the official document was issued from J City, Xu Ping'an began to call Norton and others to make it clear that Tianqi Group would not launch UFO products within four years.

According to Xu Ping An’s own statement, a major breakthrough will be achieved within four years if the flying saucer is not optimistic, and there is a high probability that it will take longer to complete.

Today, I will announce this on social networking sites.

Norton and the others were relieved, and hung up after a few words with Xu Ping An.

Xu Ping'an went directly to the desk. After a short time, Xu Ping'an's social account was updated.

Xu Pingan made it clear that Tianqi Group will not bring UFO products to the market within four years, and it will take four years or even longer for UFOs to meet the internal standards of Tianqi Group.

Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle!

This sentence must be strictly implemented. This is the pursuit of all people up and down in Tianqi Group. We only make peak products.

With Xu Pingan’s public statement, many orders have been replied and production continues, which relieved both the EU and the United States.

At the same time, these two major economies have become more wary of Tianqi Group.

As soon as the new product is released, it will disrupt your entire industry and cause too much damage. It is necessary to increase the intelligence collection of Tianqi Group.

Both major economies thought of this.

After this turmoil passed, the world began to calm down, and the only busy branch of the Tianqi Group was the Tianqi Space Group.

Every time the interstellar spacecraft departs, it is full of personnel and materials. Now when you look at the Mars base of the Tianqi Group, it is completely m-shaped.

One main base, eight sub-bases, industrial area, living area, experimental area, etc., are well-defined, and the layout is very scientific.

At present, the number of personnel working on the Mars base has reached 60,000, and the number is still increasing sharply. Various constructions are proceeding in an orderly manner without panic.

Yu Zegang, the old man who joined the Tianqi Group with Lin Hansheng and Chen Qilin for many years, has also been promoted this time.

Directly appointed by Xu Pingan as the manager of the security department of the Mars base, he has a security force of 4,000 people, responsible for maintaining the security of the Mars base, and all kinds of security and installation are complete.

It was carried out completely in accordance with the standard equipment of the police station, and it was also the only organization on Mars with weapons.

The name of the department is called the Security Department, and no one can fault it.

I just finished my vacation this year and set off for Mars again last month. Like Chen Qilin, he only listened to Xu Ping's orders, and no other people's orders were wrong.

On this day, the British Times published two pictures of the Apocalypse Group's Mars base. One was taken by the space station when the Apocalypse Group just established a base on Mars.

The other is a picture just taken by the space. When the two photos are put together for comparison, it is completely the gap between the super city and the small town.

These two comparison pictures are shocking to people. No one thought that the Mars base of Tianqi Group had already developed to this degree.

Many media have begun to reprint this report. On the Internet, many people have found the photos of the Apocalypse Group's Mars base that can be accessed, and directly displayed them on the Internet.

No one thought that there was a wave of criticism of NASA in the United States. Many Americans think that NASA is not serious about procrastinating.

It is precisely because of NASA's drag that the construction of the US Mars base is slow.

This phenomenon really hurts a bunch of high-level Americans.

There is no way for Dan Pain, because they emphasize freedom of the press and the media have the right to express their opinions.

Taking advantage of this wind, the personnel department of Tianqi Group headquarters issued a notice that it will recruit one general manager, two deputy general managers and 18 related supervisors in the global Mars Hotel.

The above personnel who have five-star hotel management experience are preferred.

There are 70 handymen, no qualifications, and good health. They are between 20 and 30 years old.

At the same time, two hundred and fifty waiters are recruited. Waiters are required to be in their 20s to 30s. Females, with good looks, good looks, and good temperament, are preferred.

The recruiter's work location is on Mars and can return to Earth once every two years. Those who do not accept this condition, please do not disturb.

All applicants are invited to download the registration form from the official website of Tianqi Group and submit it online. Tianqi Group will arrange a unified interview and assessment.

Good treatment.

After the news spread, many people were excited. Now that Tianqi Group is recruiting hotel management, it is clear that Tianqi Mars Hotel is about to be completed.

After waiting so many years, I finally waited for this day.

The Internet began to discuss going to Mars for a vacation, and the enthusiasm was overwhelming the popularity of recruitment information.

The start of the Apocalypse Mars Hotel confuses many people, because many people do not believe that Xu Pingan's investment in Mars is just to make money.

But if Xu Ping'an has other purposes, why run the Mars Hotel?

Outsiders entered the Tianqi Group's Mars base, and many things could not be kept secret. Many people were confused about what the Tianqi Group was playing.

There are many people who signed up from the outside world. In just three days, Tianqi Group closed the registration channel.

This caught many people by surprise and asked Tianqi Group to continue to open the registration channel. Tianqi Group explained that the number of applicants now exceeds 1.3 million.

The number of applicants is too large and the application can only be suspended.

Seeing this explanation, many people are helpless and hate themselves for being slow.

The personnel department immediately started the interview work. The procedures were the interviews between the senior general manager and the deputy general manager. They were screened again and again after four rounds of screening investigations.

Fifteen people entered the final session, and Xu Ping An interviewed them.

After three days, Richard, a British man with working experience as general manager of a seven-star hotel in Dubai, was appointed by Xu Pingan as general manager.

Chen Daolin, who has management experience in a six-star hotel in the UAE, and Pierce, a Frenchman with working experience in a six-star hotel in Dubai, were appointed as deputy general managers.

Give three people a week to arrange things at home. A week later, they will formally sign an employment contract with the Legal Department. The remaining personnel will be recruited by three people.

Xu Pingan explained to the three people in advance that security personnel, legal personnel, and financial personnel were sent directly from the headquarters.

After working on this matter, Xu Ping'an was completely silent. Tianqi Group has done a lot this year, and Xu Ping'an has a lot of benefits and can spend more.

On this day, in the United States, the interstellar spacecraft manufacturing base, a completed interstellar warship set off secretly in the dark, and went to space for combat training.

Many countries have not noticed this matter, but Tianqi Group has grasped it the first time.

Outer space, the Ice Palace Space Station of the Apocalypse Group.

A small single-pilot stealth aircraft also set off directly, following the American interstellar warship far away, so that it is convenient to collect all aspects of this interstellar warship data.

Time slowly passed four days, this interstellar warship returned to the United States in secret, and landed directly at the construction factory, which is confusing.

After receiving the report, Xu Ping'an directly asked Xingling to take action. Investigate and see what tricks the Americans play.

One day later, Xu Ping'an received a report from Prosperity that there were problems with the fire control device, oxygen generation system, and other six systems of this interstellar battleship.

There was no problem at the beginning, but problems began to occur 24 hours after flying directly out of the earth. Guge’s artificial intelligence system had a serious conflict with the manual firepower system.

Without the highest command of the command center, the artificial intelligence refuses to switch the hand-controlled firepower system of the interstellar battleship. If this situation occurs, it must return to processing.

After listening to the Star Spirit report, Xu Ping'an thought for a while and said, "Watch closely the movements of the interstellar battleship, and notify me directly if there is any movement."

"Commander, I recommend using the exploration spacecraft to monitor the interstellar warship"

"The US interstellar warship has a strong electronic reconnaissance capability. The two stealth aircraft produced by the Tianqi Group can not easily evade the other party's reconnaissance" Xingling put forward his own suggestions.

"Okay, just follow your plan. We must figure out their firepower allocation so that we can do targeted prevention." Xu Ping'an listened to Xingling's suggestions.

After discussing the book with the Protoss, Xu Pingan called Corey Denver Island and asked about the progress of the Star Warship, and soon hung up with a hint of disappointment.

In April next year, the first-hand interstellar battleship will be completed.

Fighting flying saucers can only be produced in October next year. After October, the production rate will basically be maintained at a rate of two months.

Want to form combat effectiveness can only be the next year.

Xu Pingan sat on the sofa with his eyes closed and calculated, not only the movements of the Apocalypse Group, but also the condition of the interstellar warships on the American side.

For a while, Xu Ping'an opened his eyes and smiled.

The next year is really a magical year, and I believe that future generations will remember this year.

Picking up the phone and starting to make a call, the phone was soon connected to the voice of "boss" James.

"James, it's time"

"Start the Mars north and south magnetic field equipment construction plan, start the meteorite impact engine construction plan" Xu Ping'an said this sentence calmly.

"Boss, I finally waited for this order!"

"I will execute immediately" James's voice is not very high, but his tone is filled with suppressed excitement.

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