Start the era of black technology

Chapter 888 Never Give Up the Idea of ​​Packing Up the Tianqi Group

Apocalypse Space Group has once again placed orders with the global high-end manufacturing industry.

This time, the order volume is unprecedented. In terms of artificial magnetic field equipment, only four parts are produced per part, and the number of large and small parts is as high as 800,000.

The number of super engine parts installed on the meteorite is 720, and each part is produced four. The total number of large and small parts is 2,880.

Each part has specific standards, the measurement accuracy is micron level, and the materials used are also specified in detail. The hardness, toughness, etc. are all very strict.

The spare parts cannot be produced, and the price will definitely not come down. Apocalypse Space Group has taken this into consideration, and the price is relatively favorable.

According to the calculations of the Ministry of Finance, just the advance payment requires 20.7 billion euros.

After a busy period of almost a month, I signed a contract with more than 4,000 high-end equipment manufacturers around the world. This time the contract was signed, Germany is a bumper harvest.

All nine hundred and seventy German manufacturers have won contracts from the Tianqi Space Group. This shows that Germany is still the leader in high-end manufacturing.

There are more than 500 companies in China that have received orders, second only to Germany.

The styles of the parts are varied, and it is impossible to see what kind of equipment they are used on. However, the Apocalypse Space Group has specially customized them, and these parts must be of great use.

There are too many parts, and you can't figure out any equipment from the parts, even with the most advanced quantum supercomputers.

This large purchase should be the last time this year, and there will be no more large-scale purchases in a short time.

Time slowly entered the end of October. Tianqi Group headquarters issued an announcement that there will be no annual meeting this year. All departments only need to turn in profits before the end of December.

Soon, in November, on this day, Tianqi Technology Group issued an announcement that all companies that obtained Tianqi Technology Group's holographic images would dispatch personnel to the headquarters of Tianqi Technology Group to discuss the upgrade of the second generation of holographic images.

After the news came out, all authorized companies immediately sent high-level executives to the celestial dynasty. The second-generation holographic image has been displayed on the UFO, and it is much cooler than the first-generation in all aspects.

Before Tianqi Technology Group issued a notice, many people contacted manufacturers to ask when the second-generation holographic image would be launched. These manufacturers could only explain that they needed to wait until Tianqi Group notified.

The holographic imaging system involves a lot of information. Therefore, more than 20 countries in the world have their own production companies. The reason for this is to keep information confidential.

The major customers of the first generation of holographic images were the military departments of various countries. They only began to market after meeting the military requirements. They were not produced and maintained by their own domestic enterprises. That is really worrying.

Time passed slowly, this year passed, and the new year began. On January 27, at the Tianqi Group's production base on Balai Island, two interstellar spacecraft took off and flew directly to the United States.

The two interstellar spacecraft were delivered at the end of November as planned. Because of the addition of a gravity system, they were towed to be delivered at the end of January. This was discussed by the two parties.

The delivery of these two interstellar spacecraft means that the United States already has four interstellar spacecraft to and from Mars, which directly accelerates the construction of Mars in the United States.

Xu Pingan doesn't care about the acceleration of the construction of Mars bases in the United States or other countries, but hopes that the faster the better, when the construction of Mars bases in various countries is about the same.

It's time for the showdown.

On this day, the employees of the Tianchao branch of Tianqi Group are all happy, because the year-end bonus has been issued, the price notice has been issued, and everyone can take a year’s harvest back home to reunite with their families.

Xu Ping'an stopped going to the company early and began to prepare for the holiday at home. Isabella, Song Xinyun, and Miao Yiyi also returned.

Xu Qian, Xu Wentao, and Xu Kun also returned. Xu Kun made arrangements in the celestial dynasty. Both Xu Qian and Xu Wentao went abroad in the name of tourism, and were secretly brought back to the celestial dynasty by bodyguards.

After the Spring Festival, the two will return to the tourist destination again, everything is seamless.

After eating dumplings on New Year's Eve, Xu Qian whispered to Xu Ping An, "Dad, I have something to discuss with you."

Xu Ping'an was taken aback, then nodded and said, "Come to the study with me."

After speaking, he stood up and went upstairs. Xu Qian followed him upstairs. The others didn't care when they saw it.

When he came to the study and sat down, Xu Ping'an said, "Let's talk, what's the matter".

"Dad, I want to start a business and create my first company. This is my business plan" Xu Qian finished speaking and handed out a document to Xu Ping An.

Xu Ping'an took it and put it on the table without looking.

"I said that I don't interfere with the three of your brothers starting a business. Everything is up to you. No matter what you do, as long as you don't violate the law," Xu Ping said with a smile, and Xu Qian touched his head and smiled.

"Dad, when will the first venture capital be allocated to me?" Xu Qian asked directly.

"Where is the location of your business?" Xu Pingan asked.

"America, San Francisco" Xu Qian directly pointed out his entrepreneurial location.

Xu Ping'an frowned, thought for a moment and said, "Go and call Wen Tao and Xu Kun over. I have something to tell you."

Xu Qian didn't understand what Xu Pingan meant, but he left the study obediently. After a short time, the three brothers all went to Xu Pingan's study.

"You must remember what I am going to say next"

"I will not interfere with your business. After making the business decision, I will use the fastest time to allocate the business capital to you"

"There is one thing you must keep in mind that the location of your business cannot be in the United States, only in other countries"

"If this country has a US military base, your business location must be more than 500 kilometers away from the US military base"

"Don't ask why, this must be implemented, and at the same time, what I just said must not be told to anyone, including your mother"

"Understand?" Xu Pingan said, looking at his three sons.

Xu Qian and the three were very surprised by Xu Ping's order. Although they didn't understand Xu Ping's, they nodded seriously and obeyed Xu Ping's arrangement.

"Dad, can I know the reason?"

"I go to school at Harvard. If I don't start a business in the United States, I have to plan separately, which is very troublesome" Xu Qian said seriously.

Xu Wentao and Xu Kun looked at Xu Ping An, although they didn't speak, they were full of doubts about this matter.

An expression of hesitation appeared on Xu Ping'an's face, and after thinking twice, he began to speak.

"I, or the Apocalypse Group, have a deep grievance with the United States. Many years ago, the United States was the superpower of the earth, and the aircraft carrier formation dominated the world."

"After the advent of the small single-person attack submarine product of the Tianqi Group, it completely abolished the aircraft carrier formation used by the United States to dominate the world."

"The laser defense system abolished the second U.S. effort, a global strategic bomber"

"Just because of these two things, sooner or later, you will have to tear your face for liquidation, not to mention that there are many secretly unknown confrontations..."

"You are my son. Once you start a business in the United States, everything will be empty by then"

"In other countries, under certain conditions, I still have the ability to preserve your entrepreneurial achievements...".

Xu Ping'an said a lot today, Xu Qian, Xu Wentao, Xu Kun, the three of them were completely silly. They never dreamed that their father had so many grievances with the United States.

Successive presidents of the United States have a handover safe. The documents stored in it are all things the previous presidents want to solve, as well as a list of serious threats.

The archives of Xu Ping'an and Tianqi Group are ranked first. Starting from the black-faced president that year, he has experienced the world's first tycoon, and now the first tycoon in power.

The former top bosses have a deep resentment towards the Tianqi Group and have never given up the idea of ​​packing up the Tianqi Group.

In the past, the American family consortium, arms dealer group, and Wall Street financial crocodile, after the efforts of the first big boss, these three giants have been eliminated.

Now, it is Tianqi Group's turn.

The reason why there is no big movement against the Tianqi Group now is because the interests of various parties are entangled and the Tianqi Group is too cunning.

No matter what the Apocalypse Group's branch in the United States does, you will not be able to attack it from the legal level. In addition, the current interstellar spaceship transaction with the Apocalypse Group has been temporarily stranded.

"In the next three years, Tianqi Group and the United States will definitely have a result, a result that ends all previous grievances."

"That's why I gave this order" Xu Ping'an said, looking at the three children.

"Dad, Tianqi Group is just a company, can it compete with the United States?" Xu Wentao frowned and said.

Xu Pingan looked at Xu Wentao and said with a smile, "You don’t even know what strength the Tianqi Group is."

"If the Tianqi Group has no strength, do you think the United States will indulge the Tianqi Group to survive to this day?"

"When you start a business, you have to consider not only economic issues, but also political issues. Looking at global companies, they have developed to a certain scale of international giants and have a deep relationship with the political circles of various countries."

"The same is true for Tianqi Group. You have to listen more, read more and analyze more. Use the information you have to analyze the hidden factors behind the incident until you see the essence of the rules."

"The day you can do this, you will grow up, and I can retire with confidence," Xu Ping'an said while looking at the three.

In almost two hours, Xu Qian, Xu Wentao, and Xu Kun left Xu Ping’an’s study. Instead of the living room, they went back to their room to think about the problem.

The four fathers and sons talked about a lot of things today, and many things Xu Ping'an said were things that the three brothers had never heard before, and they had to be digested.

At this moment, there was only shock in his mind. Without a few days of recovery, he couldn't digest the information Xu Ping'an said today.

Isabella, Song Xinyun, and Miao Yiyi were all at a loss. They didn't know what Xu Ping and the others were talking about, and they didn't even ask, because they all knew they couldn't ask.

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