Start the era of black technology

Chapter 890 The Gambling Agreement [Three Changes Today, The First One]

On this day, Tianqi Group and Country E issued an announcement at the same time.

E has paid a price of 13 billion euros, and Tianqi Group is responsible for transforming the gravity system of the interstellar spacecraft ordered by country E.

This announcement did not mention the authorization of gravity technology. Obviously, country E did not purchase the gravity technology of Tianqi Group, but only modified the interstellar spacecraft.

Externally, people from the relevant departments of country E explained that country E should independently develop gravity technology that belongs to its own intellectual property rights and does not need to purchase gravity technology from any organization.

Moreover, Country E is confident that it will make a breakthrough in the next five years.

The spokesperson explained very beautifully, but everyone who is interested understands that country E cannot spare the extra money for the time being to purchase gravity technology.

Although the international situation has returned to balance in recent years, and the economic development of country E is very good, country E has invested too much in the military field and military science and technology.

Not many changes have been made in the domestic economic structure.

Another, the strongman has been ruling Country E for decades, and the next bunch of people who want to be in position have reached the point where they must consider their successors.

Now we are all focused on stability, and how the future will be determined by the new leaders.

More than a month passed slowly, everything was calm, international public opinion returned to normal in an all-round way, and celebrity news began to be reported.

At this time, Carl Long, general manager of Apocalypse, announced that after several years, the film [Rise of the Human Race] has been approved by multiple countries and will be available in major theaters around the world in June this year.

[Rise of the Human Race] This film can be regarded as the largest investment film in the history of human cinema. The investment in special effects alone is as high as 1.4 billion US dollars. It is definitely an epoch-making visual feast.

The length of the film is up to three hours, which is definitely the longest film in history.

Although the movie is relatively long, it's not boring at all, and it definitely makes you inseparable from your seat.

Karlon also announced that all consumers must pass through the electronic security door when the film is released, and it is prohibited to carry any electronic devices.

Tianqi Film and Television has signed contracts with more than 60 security companies in 47 countries, and these security companies will conduct inspections at every movie door.

At the same time, the film also uses the latest reflective shadow technology, all piracy shot through the lens will have overlapping images.

Please respect intellectual property rights and support genuine films.

At the same time, the latest promotional video will be announced.

Twenty-four heroes gather to start a battle with the Apocalypse Group, which represents mankind. Various special effects are flying all over the sky, so that you can't see the special effects at all.

What makes you look at it is not turning your eyes. Anyone who has watched the promo has a strong desire to watch it. Unfortunately, it takes more than two months to wait.

All the media around the world have begun to report on the film [Rise of the Human Race], and have expressed their opinions on this film.

Ordinary people read the newspaper, and the headlines on the front page are all reports on the rise of the human race.

Clicking on the Internet is also news of [Rise of Human Race].

Apocalypse film and television did not spend a penny, forcing the global media to start reporting on the movie The Rise of Human Race, this phenomenon makes many film companies envy and hate.

Seeing this situation, Karlon immediately adjusted its advertising strategy, focusing on increasing the investment in billboards, and began to place billboards in subway stations, bus stations, train stations, and airports around the world.

In the celestial dynasty, many cinema groups have the idea of ​​not making money to gain popularity, because it is very simple, the film and television ticketing system of Tianqi Group has been forced to implement by relevant departments.

Your ticketing system is linked to the number of movie viewers in the theater, it can only be as small as possible.

for example.

If the ticket sales system sells fifty tickets, the number of viewers cannot exceed fifty. The viewing hall is equipped with scanning equipment to scan the number of people throughout the process.

Once there are more than fifty people, it means you cheated at the box office, and the relevant departments can impose fines.

The system was developed by Tianqi Group. Tianqi Film and Television is a subsidiary of Tianqi Group. Once you have a black box office, Tianqi Group will definitely not give up.

No one knows whether there is a back door in the film and television ticketing system, but they all know that Xu Ping'an is cruel and cruel.

Under normal circumstances, movie theaters and theaters can share 57% of the box office, but this time, only 27%.

This is the energy of the blockbuster, in other words, this is the energy of the Tianqi Group.

If your theater doesn't agree, I won't show it in your theater. There are so many theaters across the country, it doesn't matter if you are one less.

Under the operation of related personnel and Lianzhang, 30% of the profits that were cut out belonged to the producer.

This is only the celestial dynasty. Movie theaters and theaters in other countries around the world have also given concessions, but they are more or less different.

Over the past month or so slowly, the Tianchao Cinema System announced the ticket price. The ticket price for the ordinary viewing hall is 120 yuan, and the ticket price for the deluxe viewing hall is 260 yuan.

This fare is only for movies in Tier 3 and Tier 4 cities. Prices in Tier 2 cities will rise by 20% on this basis. Ticket prices in Tier 1 cities will rise by 20% on the basis of Tier 2 cities.

It can be said that this is the most expensive movie ticket price in the history of Chinese film.

As soon as the ticket price was released, many people began to cry, most of them were young people, and they were also men.

Because the female ticket was promised to go to the cinema to watch the film, such a high ticket price made many people reluctant.

The ticket price of this movie was set by Xu Pingan. It can be said that as soon as the plan was introduced, the people in the promotion department of the Tianqi Film and Television Division started to get bigger, and many people lost their confidence.

This is the price set by Xu Ping An himself. Their heads can't resist, and these clerks can't resist, they can only bite the bullet and promote self-hypnosis.

To be honest, the cinemas didn't want to book such a high ticket price. After the two sides went to and fro, they concluded a gambling agreement.

The movie ticket pre-sale will be launched ten days later. Three days before the film’s official release is the time limit. If the total box office booked exceeds 2 billion days, the cinema will give up 5% of the share.

If the pre-sale box office does not reach 2 billion, the producer will give 5% of the profit to the theater.

Normal sales promotion is possible, and ticketing is absolutely not allowed. Relevant government departments will be invited to supervise as a third-party agency.

Twenty-two small theaters of the nine major theaters of the Tian Dynasty signed this gambling agreement with Tianqi Film and Television. They did not expect that at the moment the agreement was signed, they were calculated by Xu Ping'an.

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-nine companies have signed a promotion agreement with the promotion department of Tianqi Film and Television Company. In order to absorb the popularity of the film [Rise of the Human Race], these companies purchase movie tickets at a discount from the promotion department.

A movie ticket can be discounted for two yuan, three yuan, five yuan, ten yuan, fifteen yuan, twenty yuan, thirty yuan, and fifty yuan.

These companies will launch promotions, offer preferential promotions for their own company's products, and present coupons for the movie "Rise of the Race".

As small as chopsticks and tea cups, as large as air-conditioning and household appliances real estate, the discount amount varies.

Each IP can add coupons when buying movie tickets. So many companies start issuing coupons together, which will definitely cause a wave of consumption.

Relevant departments know about this matter and strongly support it. This is a huge benefit to the domestic economy. In order to achieve better results, they must cooperate and keep it confidential.

After the signing of the agreement, the direction of the Chinese media changed, and many so-called experts jumped out to accuse Xu Pingan of the movie ticket price issue.

Call on people to boycott the film [Rise of the Human Race]. Behind these people are the nine theaters.

The nine major theaters are not in vain. It can be expected that [The Rise of Human Race] this movie will sell 100%, and it will be a big profit to receive 5% more.

They started to use their skills one after another and must not let the pre-sale box office break the one billion mark.

The low box office is also a loss for the theaters, but the theaters are not afraid of it. If you lose money in one month, you will directly show it for two months, and then the more losses will come back.

Besides, throw a few bones and ask a few experts and professors to promote it on the Internet. You can still fool people into the cinema to watch a movie, as long as you miss the time for gambling.

The two sides began to compete for the market with their various means.

Every day, news about the rise of the human race is an overwhelming scene, the media has been mobilized, there is no money and crazy publicity, all for traffic.

Xu Ping'an's attention is no longer on this, but frequent loud video conferences with James and others, and all the discussions are based on Mars.

At present, the number of people working on Mars has reached 80,000, and a new batch of housing has been completed, enough to accommodate 100,000 people.

It's time to start a new round of investment promotion activities.

One hundred thousand people are easy to solve, but the jobs of one hundred thousand people are not that easy to solve. This requires factories, requires commerce, and requires a complete economic internal cycle.

"How is the business district established?" Xu Pingan asked.

"Boss, the commercial area is expected to be completed in three months, and we expect to open 1,400 shops"

"At present, we only have 80,000 people on Mars. There are too many shops and it is difficult to guarantee profits."

"I have communicated with Ms. Ji Xueyi, President of Tianqi Investment Bank, our Tianqi Bank, Tianchao Construction Bank, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China."

"Seventeen large international banks in the United States and Europe will settle in the Mars base business district and implement special financial policies. With these banks settled, many people will come to Mars for development," James said directly.

"Finance is one aspect, and industry is another aspect. At this stage, we can only give priority to the financial industry."

"This plan will be announced after a while, and the interstellar spacecraft will soon return to Earth. This time all the personnel will be increased, and the population will be quickly increased to 100,000."

"One hundred thousand young people consume enough to be attractive to some businesses"

"At that time, we are announcing that settlement sales and banks have settled, and related businesses are normal, which will attract more businessmen to Mars."

"Make a good plan, don't cause the plan to be out of touch," Xu Ping'an said with a serious expression on his face.

"I know"

"Boss, are we going to launch Mars currency now" James asked.

"No, it's not the time yet. Mars currency is what I use to trade with Europe. It's not the time yet. I will tell Ji Xueyi to be prepared."

"Next year, consider launching Mars currency again"

"You know very well that next year will be a critical point for the accumulation of various contradictions and a crossroads."

"It is hard for the United States to watch our rapid development of Mars bases, and the United States has interstellar warships, it will not be able to bear it."

"I don't expect it to break out in the second half of next year, but it will break out completely early next year."

"Before that, Mars must have a sufficient population, and we must also have sufficient strength in our hands. This is the top priority at present" Xu Ping'an said very rationally.

"I understand that I will arrange it. I have arranged for people to continue to add a new flying saucer production line on Corey Denver Island. Now what we need is time"

"After all the dust settles, we can move some production lines to Mars to consolidate our foundation," James said seriously.

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