Start the era of black technology

Chapter 891 For our common interests [second more]

"You think so well, I will release a new industry news at the right time, the interstellar transportation industry"

"The global private capital is very strong, mobilize all available resources, we must use their funds to achieve our goals," Xu Ping An said with a smile.

"Boss is wise, I am more confident than ever to create miracles that belong to us" James said with joy.

The two communicated for a while before they hung up the phone.

"Having a good executor is happy" Xu Ping'an said to himself.

Time slowly passed. On this day, the [Rise of Human Race] movie ticket pre-sale began. On the first day, there were only more than three million tepid people.

This surprised many people. This result is definitely a big news in the media's eyes, and they have begun to slander the [Rise of Human Race] movie.

After the news was sent out, the pre-sale box office was released the next day, which directly stunned the media editor of the Celestial Kingdom. The pre-sale amount was 24 million.

Think of the article just published by my own media, and compare it with this pre-sale amount. Isn't this slap your own face?

What to do, what to do about this matter.

Until now, you can only go one way to the end and continue to be dark.

This is the decision of many media editors. Using black to get traffic is a shit, traffic is the father.

Apocalypse Group is too damn abnormal, and the difference in box office amounts is so big, which is unscientific.

Many people didn't believe this data. As a third-party agency, the relevant department intervened in the investigation and spot-checked more than 1,000 people under the witness of the agents of many theaters.

As a result, there is no problem. These people are all movie tickets purchased with coupons.

The big movie guys all took a breath. At this moment, the pre-sale amount for the third day came out, which was more than 45 million, which almost doubled again.

The three-day pre-sales totaled over 70 million at the box office, and everyone began to feel a little uneasy.

Immediately after the fourth day, the single-day box office booking amount directly exceeded 100 million, and the booking amount on this day alone reached 103.2 million.

It's over, this time it must be sacked by Tianqi Group.

Many cinema leaders are beginning to suffer.

Eleven days later, the pre-sale box office officially exceeded two billion tianjin.

Tianqi Group won a big victory and gathered the wool of large and small theaters.

After the news spread, many people were surprised. The media was still screaming [Rise of Human Race]. The pre-sale box office here has exceeded 2 billion.

What the hell is this? The darker the media, the better at the box office. Many people are confused.

Many people can't help but think of the No. 1 gangster in the United States that stunned society.

The famous saying of this big man [Your media reports are all fake news, you are fake, BBC you are fake news, ABC you are also fake news, CCC you are still fake news... Named all media in the United States].

Could it be that this fake news trend has only now reached the sky.

When there was chaos on the side, the pre-sale box office continued to rise. By that day, the total amount of pre-sale tickets had exceeded 4 billion Tianchao coins, making everyone silent.

Soon, the film [Rise of the Human Race] was released. It was the first time a movie-watcher appeared, and it was directly praised.

It's not only the celestial dynasty, but the world is well received. Many people commented that this film should be the pinnacle of special effects in the history of film, which is too exciting.

The global box office on the first day was released, with more than 430 million euros. This box office performance statistics is only the ticket purchase data on the day of the release.

Pre-sale box office results are not counted.

If you count the pre-sale box office results, the [Rise of the Terran] film has already earned 1.3 billion euros worldwide.

Everyone understands that [Rise of the Terran] this movie is for sure, and no one will miss this special effects pinnacle movie.

The global media began to discuss this film, and many people began to speculate whether this film will create a new global box office record for a single film.

When this issue was being discussed around the world, the two interstellar warships of the Apocalypse Group took advantage of the night to turn on the light and stealth system to return to Corey Denver Island.

After several months of actual combat training, many problems were discovered, and repairs, maintenance and upgrades began. After all the problems were resolved, a new round of actual combat training was carried out.

In this actual combat training, a full 100 UFO pilots have undergone actual operation training.

Flying saucer driving is one mode on the earth, while it is another mode in outer space, which involves the problem of air resistance.

There is no air resistance in outer space, which directly increased the speed of the flying saucer by almost twice, almost not breaking through to Mach 30.

This kind of speed is difficult for manual aiming, and only the firepower system controlled by artificial intelligence can be better.

The magnetic shield was also tested.

The four flying saucers attacked the interstellar warship with full firepower. With the magnetic shield on, the interstellar warship was unscathed and perfectly withstood various attacks.

Except for laser weapons, other weapons can no longer cause any damage to interstellar warships.

According to the test data obtained this time, Tianqi Space Group, Tianqi Technology Group, and Tianqi Research Group Italian Institute of Machinery and Equipment have begun cooperation.

Collect forces to develop rapid repair robots. Once some parts of the interstellar battleship are penetrated by laser weapons, they must be immediately used to make up for it.

These maintenance robots are required to be small in size and large in number, and can quickly perform maintenance in various conditions.

At the same time, the German Apocalypse Advanced Materials Research Institute began to develop materials for laser weapon attacks. The cost is not limited, and the only requirement is rapid breakthrough.

From the outside, Tianqi Group is very calm. In fact, many branches of Tianqi Group are very busy, each with its own tasks, and they are all busy.

Dubai, a seven-star sailing hotel, a business and leisure meeting room on the top floor.

The layout here is different from the ordinary meeting room. It adopts the sofa seat leisure mode. The bar counter displays a variety of drinks. All the drinks brands are luxury items in the top brands.

Many of them are even brands that ordinary people have not heard of.

Ji Xueyi and dozens of international banking giants held red wine glasses to discuss matters together, and everyone laughed from time to time.

Obviously, we had a good time.

"Ji, your boss is really a genius, no, it should be said that he is a genius among geniuses"

"Such a financial plan can be thought of. No wonder Tianqi Group has grown and developed," said Dana, chairman of UBS with a smile.

"Of course, my boss is unique in the world," Ji Xueyi said with a smile, and everyone else laughed.

Xu Pingan is unique, and everyone must admit this.

Although there is a part of luck, everyone understands that you can't control such a large enterprise without a certain skill.

"Ji, I am a little worried now, I am worried that our government will intervene in this matter," Citibank Chairman Douglas said with a frown.

"Douglas, there is Mars, how to play Mars does not need to obey the laws of the earth"

"On Mars, the only thing you have to abide by is the rules of the Apocalypse Group. At present, the Apocalypse Group has no rules for the Martian financial industry."

"Perhaps, the only rule is to ensure that the depositor's money and interest will not be lost. I think you can easily do this."

"As for other things, if you don't want to make money, just let your government stop you," Ji Xueyi said while looking at Douglas.

After listening to what Ji Xueyi said, everyone else laughed. Mars does not have any rules that restrict the financial industry, and your bank can operate at will. No laws in the world have tried alien planets.

It can be said that the Mars base of Tianqi Group is a paradise for the financial industry. It must take this opportunity to make a good profit. In a few years, I believe that all countries will begin to intervene in this matter.

"Ji, look at when this event will be announced. We at Barclays Bank are definitely going to Mars to establish a branch base."

"At the same time, I hope you can quickly start the commercialization process on Mars. I am very optimistic about the development of Mars. Mars is definitely a hot spot for investment in the future." Bareck Bank Chairman Craven said with a serious face.

After the Apocalypse Group's Mars base has started its commercialization process, someone will definitely need loans. According to the current increase in the number of people on Mars, Mars will definitely be a fast-growing place in the future.

"Clevin, don't worry, the commercialization process will start soon"

"Moreover, the process of industrialization will follow. The more people there are on Mars, the more materials need to be produced on Mars, which requires the establishment of enterprises."

"Step by step, we have a complete plan to proceed step by step"

"Gentlemen and ladies, our boss is positioned as a Mars base with a population of one million, a complete industrial and commercial system"

"Money is endless. If we work together, the prospects will be brighter." Ji Xueyi finished smiling and raised his red wine glass.

"For our common interest" Dai Na, chairman of UBS, said with a smile while holding up her glass.

"For our common interest," the other people also said with a smile, and toasted and met each other in the air, the matter was settled.

Everyone drank a sip of red wine and laughed, and began to talk as they wished, unanimously guaranteeing that opening a bank branch on the Mars base would protect the interests of all depositors.

Anyway, there is not much money. What's more, these people's savings deposits simply cannot enter the eyes of these giants. There are more ways to make money, and there is no need to do such things that affect reputation.

As time passed slowly, [Rise of the Human Race] has been in theaters for 20 days, and the global box office has reached 8 billion euros, creating a new historical box office record for a single movie.

The number of moviegoers in some countries has begun to decline, and the number of moviegoers in many countries is still stable, and the decline is not much. It can be seen that the vitality of this film is very tenacious.

Perhaps, it is possible to break through to the tens of billions of euros at the box office.

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