Start the era of black technology

Chapter 893 Golden Book Civilization Ruins [Thanks [Tianhai Xiangyun] for rewards, continue three mo

Huo Minghai, Wu Sikai, Ji Xueyi, Bruce, Niels, all five of them were stupid and dumb.

Looking at Xu Ping'an with shocked face!

The Apocalypse Group actually has two interstellar warships starting actual combat training. In their impression, the interstellar warships should not have been completed.

It takes more than a year for an interstellar spacecraft to complete its construction, and the interstellar battleship also takes two to three years, but I didn't expect it to be completed for training.

Xu Pingan looked at the expressions of everyone with satisfaction, and took a sip of the juice slowly. At this time, Huo Minghai and the others also reacted.

Each of them felt a dry mouth and began to drink the juice. Ji Xueyi and Niels drank the juice in one breath.

Xu Pingan raised his head and said to the air, "Fanxing, inform Liu Wenjun, let her arrange for someone to bring a tea set, and I want to drink tea."

Wu Sikai shook his head on the side. Mr. Xu was dizzy. This is a holiday house and not a company. Artificial intelligence cannot cover it here.

Although the other people didn't speak, their thoughts were the same as Wu Sikai.

Xu Pingan didn't explain either. He drank his juice leisurely. After a short time, two security personnel came over with a tea tray, helped set up the power supply, and left.

Once again, everyone was confused, whether they made a mistake, artificial intelligence has covered the resort beach of Tianqi Island.

"Don't be surprised, artificial intelligence has already completely covered Tianqi Island, and even a nautical mile around Tianqi Island is also within the coverage of the stars." Xu Ping'an explained and began to skillfully boil water to make tea.

"Boss, does our artificial intelligence cover such a large area on other islands? If it involves confidentiality, the boss can leave it alone" Bruce asked.

"Confidential is indeed confidential"

"However, you are all senior members of my Tianqi Group, and I trust you 100%, and there is nothing to say."

"All Apocalypse Group's islands have been covered with artificial intelligence, and the artificial intelligence on Idris Island can cover three nautical miles around."

"Corridanver Island can cover five nautical miles around, and the rest are within one nautical mile."

"If we upgrade now, this coverage can be doubled, but now we are spending a lot of money in all aspects. I have not approved the requirements of the Security Department" Xu Ping An explained.

A wry smile appeared on the faces of several people, and they all understood in their hearts that the technological strength of Tianqi Group was stronger than they thought.

"Boss, even if we also have interstellar warships, even if we win, the United States has other military forces that we cannot contend with," Bruce said while looking at Xu Ping'an with a serious expression on his face.

The United States still has troops stationed in Germany, and everyone who grew up in Europe believes that the US military is the most powerful.

Even if other countries in the world join forces, they are not necessarily rivals of the United States.

"Bruce, guys, I'm talking to you today for two purposes"

"First, discuss the matter of Mars currency, and second, let you know some of the secret strength of the Apocalypse Group, and it can also give you peace of mind" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and everyone smiled embarrassedly.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the worry in their hearts and others was seen by Xu Ping An.

"However, before I say that, you should consider one question first. Why are the security departments at the frontline not worried? Why are Qiao Yicheng and Chen Fansheng not worried," Xu Ping'an said while looking at the five people.

After speaking, it was time to make tea, and Huo Minghai began to think about this issue.

Soon, everyone showed shocked expressions. Xu Ping'an picked up the small tea cup and made a gesture of drinking tea together. Everyone picked up the small tea cup and started drinking tea.

After a cup of tea, I feel much better. It is best to drink tea. Juice coffee and other things cannot be compared with tea.

"The U.S. is very powerful. Even if a dozen countries join forces, they may not be able to beat them."

"However, the current U.S. military strength is at its weakest time, because the U.S. aircraft carrier formation is abolished, and the global strategic bomber is abolished."

"The powerful missile force also does not work on the islands owned by the Apocalypse Group, because all the islands of the Apocalypse Group have been covered by the laser defense system."

"Any incoming missile or aircraft can be destroyed 300 kilometers away. At the same time, below the sea level, two hundred meters deep, one thousand meters deep, and ten thousand meters deep are deployed with small single-person attack submarines."

"This is a submarine we use internally, and its performance in all aspects is much higher than that of the external ones. Once the face is torn, Tianqi Group has the ability to lift the table"

"This is the confidence that I dare to coerce with all forces"

"Of course, you would say that the United States has the world's largest nuclear arsenal, and when necessary, nuclear bombs can be used to establish victory. It is correct to think so."

"You can consider it from another angle. The interstellar spacecraft uses nuclear power, but the speed of the interstellar spacecraft used by our Apocalypse Group is higher than that of the interstellar spacecraft of various countries."

"The nuclear technology in our hands has surpassed the United States. Nuclear bombs are not just a product of the United States."

"Even if the earth collapses, we still have a Mars base"

"and so"

"I am fearless now!" Xu Ping'an looked at the five people and said this.

When he said this, Xu Ping'an's heart was bright, and the backlog of negative emotions over the years has dissipated a lot.

The service of the interstellar warship and the rapid development of the Mars base gave Xu Ping'an enough confidence.

Huo Minghai's five people now fully understand, but their hearts are much calmer, and there is no original anxiety.

What's more, Xu Pingan said that Tianqi Group has the ability to transform Mars into the earth's environment.

Even if the earth is destroyed in the future, you will still live comfortably on Mars.

"Boss, I have a suggestion. Mars currency will not be launched this year. Depending on the situation, it will be launched in the second half of next year or the first half of the following year."

"It can be used as an exchange condition between us and the EU"

"Although the European Union and the United States are having a lot of unpleasant issues, at critical moments, the European Union will lean towards the United States 100% because they are two branches with one root."

"If Europe does not rely on the United States, there is only one way to let them know that once they start a fight, the United States will lose, even if Europe fully supports the United States."

"It will fail in the end"

"Only in this way, they will calmly consider the second possibility" Bruce said his own views.

Bruce is worthy of being a European. He knows exactly what Europeans think and has a good analysis.

"Your opinion is basically the same as mine" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

After speaking, he raised the teacup, Bruce also smiled and raised the teacup. When the two of them touched the cups, they both dried up.

The general direction is determined, and Xu Pingan does not need to worry about perfecting the details. All the elites present can improve the Mars currency plan from three aspects: finance, finance, and law.

At a certain time, just throw out the plan and it will be OK.

Xu Pingan didn't say anything about the flying saucer. As a trump card, as a boss, you must hold the trump card in your hand at any time, the trump card that can solve all problems.

Time slowly passed. A week later, Ji Xueyi and others immediately returned to their jobs on Tianqi Island. Xu Ping'an continued to stay on Tianqi Island, even if it was a vacation.

On this day, Xu Pingan came back from diving and regained his strength while drinking honey water on the beach. The Protoss suddenly spoke in his mind.

"Commander, the mysterious signal has been found in the hidden location of Jupiter, a base site with protective forces, and the exploration spacecraft has begun to explore."

Xu Pingan was taken aback, and soon remembered that a mysterious signal appeared on Jupiter, which was related to the golden book civilization.

"How come there are results now" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Jupiter's current environment is very terrifying, a liquid planet, with countless extreme natural phenomena inside, and chaotic magnetic fields."

"It is conceivable that it is difficult to explore in this environment"

"This is an exploration spacecraft. If you replace it with human technology and give you 100 million years of development, you will not be able to build a spacecraft that enters Jupiter's exploration," the Protoss said uncomfortably.

Xu Ping'an smiled and didn't care. The exploration spacecraft is a pinnacle product that has developed hundreds of millions of years of civilization. How long has the earth humans developed is not comparable.

What's more, the material used by the exploration spacecraft is not available in the solar system at all. It can be seen how big the gap is, and it doesn't make any sense to argue with the Protoss.

"How long will it take to explore and play the base site" Xu Ping'an asked.

"It will take six months at the earliest. According to the information returned so far, the site of the base still has some protective power and needs to be cracked to enter," the Star Spirit said directly.

"Crack it, let me know if you have something," Xu Ping'an said.

"Okay" The Protoss said it was silent.

The golden book civilization site, I hope you can bring me a big surprise, Xu Ping'an looked at the distant sky hopefully.

America, Texas, Raytheon Group has long abandoned its production base.

On this day, a lot of vehicles drove toward this abandoned base with a huge area. After entering the base, these vehicles went straight to the former abandoned office building.

This building is really old. The glass is broken, the doors are slanted, garbage is everywhere, and the green plants around are growing wildly without management all year round, almost covering up the three floors of the office building.

Immediately after the vehicle stopped, a group of people entered the office building with various instruments and tested them in various places. After more than an hour, the data came out.

The person in charge took a look at the data and found it fully worthy of continued use.

"Let's start, decorate this building, and demolish the rest of the buildings," the person in charge ordered.

The people below all knew what to do, one after another orders were issued to start action, and the missile factory that Raytheon Group had closed for decades ushered in life.

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