Start the era of black technology

Chapter 894 Two-pronged approach [second more]

This time, the Raytheon Missile Factory will be relaunched and will undergo a thorough transformation. Soon, a modern high-tech missile factory will be re-established.

The US government granted Raytheon US$3 billion in reconstruction costs, and the military gave Raytheon an order worth US$17 billion.

The military orders require delivery time and must be delivered within the specified time. Moreover, all orders for this batch are hypersonic missiles.

The latest breakthrough of Raytheon Group, the hypersonic missile can reach seven times the speed of sound in the atmosphere and has excellent penetration ability.

The biggest advantage lies in its small size. It is not a wave-riding body but has the characteristics of an anti-wave-riding body, which makes it difficult for you to aim. Ordinary military equipment cannot lock this missile at all.

When the waverider is flying, its leading edge plane coincides with the upper surface of the shock wave, just like riding on the wave surface of a shock wave, relying on the pressure of the shock wave to generate lift, so it is called a waverider.

Raytheon’s new type of hypersonic missile does not fluctuate up and down, but is swaying at irregular frequencies from left to right, so it is called an anti-wave rider, which is one level more advanced than the wave rider.

The military used this hypersonic missile as the standard equipment of the interplanetary warship and gave it a large order. With the stimulation of the huge order, the Raytheon board of directors decided to directly revive the abandoned missile factory.

Every day, a large number of vehicles come to the factory, various buildings are being demolished, and vehicles are pulling construction waste to a construction site not far away.

This construction site will crush the construction waste and recycle it, which can save a lot of money. In order to speed up, about four thousand people are busy on the construction site.

In Argentina, six American envoys secretly arrived in Buenos Aires and started activities.

All the interstellar spaceships ordered by the United States have been delivered to the Apocalypse Group. Now, it is time to launch a blow to the Apocalypse Group. At the same time, it is also a strategy to suppress other countries from going to space.

Space belongs to the United States. This is a goal set long ago by a group of high-level officials and is now being implemented.

Internally, the military power has been fully upgraded.

Externally, it interferes with the development speed of competitors.

Two-pronged approach.

The first goal is the Pusfeili Island of Apocalypse Group.

The reason for choosing this target is that it is the least difficult. The ruling party that cooperated with Tianqi Group has already declined due to corruption.

Now the ruling party is another party, and it must redistribute profits if it wants to benefit.

Throw a few bones and you can get the desired result.

Time slowly passed. After more than a month, a new point of view began to appear in the capital of AGT that the government should take back the management of Pusfield Island.

The previous errors should be corrected, and a claim should be made to Tianqi Group, and the amount of the claim should be used to improve people's livelihood.

At the beginning, only one small media was engaged in this kind of public opinion, and within ten days it developed into three small media that were vocalizing, and their influence began to increase.

Many people have forgotten that before the Apocalypse Group took over, Pusfeili Island was a deserted island where humans could not survive, rather than a prosperous scene now.

According to the agreement of the year, Apocalypse Group is responsible for the management of Pusi Phillip Island. Tianqi Group has invested heavily and has developed Pusi Phillip Island into a city where more than 600,000 people live.

With a good public security environment, high per capita income, and comprehensive infrastructure, Tianqi Group has made a profit just by collecting rent.

This makes people in the AGT capital, including other cities, particularly envy and jealous, and they all want to share the pie.

Hesitating about the restrictions of the contract, there is no way to make actual actions. Now that Americans have come to support it, many politicians are moved.

In the eyes of these politicians, it is the right way to make a fortune and the family emigrate to the United States. Everything else is a cloud. As for how the people are doing, it is my business.

Day by day, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye. Now AGT domestic media has been very involved, and it has been demanding the abolition of the agreement with Tianqi Group and the recovery of Pusfield Island.

This incident has been reported by many international media, and many people were surprised. What surprised them even more was that the U.S. media generally published support for AGT.

Support AGT to abolish the agreement with Tianqi Group, and even some politicians make public statements. When necessary, the United States must provide AGT with economic and military support.

Ordinary people can't see through what happened at AGT, but many national leaders can see clearly. On this day, the Chinese government issued an announcement, resolutely safeguarding the legitimate interests of domestic enterprises in the international arena.

Before Xu Pingan wanted to speak directly, Wei Dongshuo approached Xu Pingan and asked Xu Pingan to calm down. The country would safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Tianqi Group, and for the time being, Xu Pingan would not be allowed to speak.

The big guys know the strength of the Tianqi Group, and even more know Xu Ping's temper. It really makes Xu Ping's shirtless, and things will be uncontrollable.

What's more, it is the responsibility and obligation of the local government to maintain the domestic enterprises.

Xu Ping'an and Tianqi Group did not make any quiet voices, but at this moment, there is a lot of controversy on the European side.

Xu Pingan called many people. Everyone knows the root cause of the matter. Once AGT makes a cross-line move, Tianqi Group will not sit still.

Xu Pingan clearly expressed his attitude. The attitude of Europe is very important. Regardless of whether this incident occurred in South America, Europe can determine the direction of the matter.

This is the mystery of the problem of internationalization.

Sometimes, the location of the event does not influence the direction and extent of the development of the event, but decisions made elsewhere affect the course of the event.

The statement of the Celestial Kingdom has no effect on AGT. Anyway, you will not send soldiers to fight me. Compared with the United States, it is better to listen to the American people. This is the most realistic choice.

Because they don’t listen to the American words, they are going to be beaten by the United States. We know how to choose when we weigh the two.

The domestic demand for the abolition of the agreement has become louder. Basically, the domestic media of AGT have participated, and a bunch of data are connected to the Internet.

After the abolition of the agreement, how much money can the government invest to increase the welfare of the people, how many jobs can be increased, etc., there are many topics such as this.

The impact is further deepening.

Xu Ping'an did not speak out, but had already begun to make preparations. In the first step, five thousand security personnel were transferred to Pusfeili Island.

In the second part, a large number of arms were transported.

For the third part, forty attack submarines were also dispatched.

The fourth step is to start to become active in AGT. The United States can make the current AGT government obedient, and I can make some of it disobedient.

The big deal is to make AGT a civil war, nothing terrible.

Let people all over the world see it more clearly. Any country that allows you to join the United States will be ruined.

Some local strongmen in AGT have begun to contact the people of Tianqi Group. There is no shortage of smart people and speculators in any country.

In the eyes of many people, the promise of Tianqi Group is more reliable than that of the Americans, because the Americans have destroyed too many promises, making many people uneasy.

Two weeks later, the AGT government issued a statement inviting Mr. Xu Ping An of Tianqi Group to come to the capital to discuss the contract on Pusfield Island.

Hope this matter can be resolved through negotiation.

The ball was directly referred to the Tianqi Group. If Xu Ping'an fails to come, it is Xu Ping's responsibility.

If I ask you to negotiate if you don't come, you can't blame me for abolishing the agreement. You gave up the opportunity, don't blame anyone.

Two days later, Wei Dongshuo came to the headquarters of Tianqi Group to meet with Xu Pingan, hoping that Xu Pingan could go to AGT to resolve the matter peacefully.

Xu Ping'an looked at Wei Dongshuo's sneer for a while, and Wei Dongshuo's heart was fraught with laughter.

"I'll show you a video" Xu Ping'an took the tablet and gave it to Wei Dongshuo.

"Watch it well, after reading it, I'm telling me about this mess." Xu Ping'an was not polite at all, and his tone was harsh that Wei Dongshuo had never seen before.

Wei Dongshuo took the tablet and started to watch it. This was a video of an indoor meeting. Six people in a study were drinking red wine and talking about things. They all spoke a foreign language. Wei Dongshuo couldn't understand it.

At this moment, Xu Pingan's explanation came.

"There are six people in it, and one of them is Mister, the deputy director of the US Central Intelligence Agency."

"The remaining five are AGT Vice President Cassilla, National Command Commander Deka, AGT Capital Mayor Morlev, AGT National Security Director Shaq, and AGT Supreme Court President Christa"

"They are discussing a plan to detain me. Once I reach the AGT capital, what awaits me is not negotiation, but direct arrest and detention."

"Five crimes have been drafted, and any one of them was established and I was detained for ten years without any difficulty."

"You come to persuade me to go to AGT now, you have a brain injury and I have no brain injury"

"The Tianqi Group is not for the sake of the group. If you dare to engage me in this way, you will have to pay the price of subjugation!" Xu Ping'an directly roared to Wei Dongshuo.

Wei Dongshuo was dumbfounded, his head was blank, and he never dreamed that the video Xu Ping'an showed him was actually this kind of content.

Let Xu Ping'an go to AGT, it is a dead end to jump into the fire pit.

The Americans and AGT are already ready to kill.

It took a long time for Wei Dongshuo to stabilize, "Peace, give me this video, the country won't let you have an accident."

"Yes, you are right. I believe that, I can even guess what you guys do."

"The video is here for you, and the relevant departments will hold a press conference at the right time to announce the video exposing the conspiracy between the Americans and the AGT government to strive for widespread international sympathy."

"But can this kind of sympathy make the Americans stop? No, if I can't arrest me, I will arrest other senior leaders of the Tianqi Group."

"You tell me what you want me to do after this happens"

"Do you play pitiful in the world for sympathy, can you be pitiful in exchange for peace?"

"I have nothing to say when a high-level executive is arrested. More countries will cooperate with the United States to arrest my high-level Apocalypse group."

"Every high-level person was arrested. It doesn't take a long time for my Tianqi Group to operate. It only takes one or two years. Tianqi Group will definitely finish playing."

"Because at that time it was the ending of the multinational food Tianqi Group" Xu Ping'an said with an angry expression on his face.

Wei Dongshuo opened his mouth and couldn't speak. Xu Ping'an could tell whether what Xu Ping'an said was true or not. Wei Dongshuo could tell the truth. There were many companies in the U.S. that played so hard.

"I know the difficulties of the country, I have the ability to end this matter alone, and will not make the country difficult to do"

"Today's Tianqi Group is no longer the previous Tianqi Group. I will resolve this matter reasonably and legally. You can convey my opinion." Xu Ping'an said this sentence calmly.

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