Start the era of black technology

Chapter 895 This Day [Third More]

Wei Dongshuo wanted to persuade, but found that there was no emotion in Xu Ping'an's eyes, and he only felt rational, cold absolute rationality.

Wei Dongshuo had forgotten how to leave Xu Pingan's office and Tianqi Group, and he was already in his car when he recovered in his mind.

Back in my office, I immediately wrote a very detailed report, marked as top secret + and sent it to my superiors via encrypted email.

After finishing his work, he leaned back exhaustedly, closed his eyes, and his body was full of helplessness.

That night, Wei Dongshuo's report was seen by the big guys. All the big guys were shocked. AGT dare to do this. It is impossible not to get angry.

When I was angry, I understood why AGT would do this, but I couldn't swallow it.

The current good situation is hard-won, and the pressure on all sides is very high. One bad situation is the collapse of the domestic economy. In order to maintain the domestic economy, many things can only be tolerated.

Because once society is unstable, it is the people who suffer the most and receive the least protection.

In order to maintain the health of the people in China, there are certain things that must be swallowed into the stomach.

Leave it alone in this matter.

If there is a case, Xu Ping'an must be fully protected. This is the decision of the big men.

At the same time, the decision to strengthen military strength was passed unanimously.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is an unchanging truth.

The next day, Xu Pingan issued a statement on his social account.

It is clearly stated that Tianqi Group’s purchase of Pusi Phillip Island was approved by both the AGT government and the AGT Congress. If it wants to change the agreement now, Tianqi Group has the right to activate the secret agreement to protect its legitimate rights and interests.

at all costs!

Let me go to your AGT negotiations, I know what your plan is, don't force me to directly expose it globally!

After Xu Ping'an's statement was reported by reporters, many people around the world were shocked. They all knew that Xu Ping'an was a strong person, but he did not expect to be so strong.

Moreover, there are secret agreements in it, and many people are shocked by what happened.

What's more important is what Xu Pingan finally said, don’t force me to expose it globally. Is there any other purpose for AGT to invite Xu Pingan to negotiate.

Many people can't help but think of the Alstom incident in their minds, and thinking of this is a stimulus, this matter is not simple, this idea appeared in their minds.

Many countries are beginning to be cautious and postpone their opinions. Xu Ping An is also a cruel person, let's just look at the situation.

A few days later, AGT was silent and did not publish any opinions, which made many media begin to guess.

Many comments were made. There must be something tricky about AGT, and it is not so simple for Xu Ping An to negotiate.

AGT is also chaotic at the moment. From Xu Ping’an’s statement, it can be seen that the plan is exposed. Once it is made public, it will definitely make AGT’s national reputation internationally top-notch.

But now he was in a state where he had to send the arrow on the string, and he began to discuss the next move.

A week later, AGT issued an announcement requesting Tianqi Group to withdraw from Pusi Philip Island within one month. Pusi Philip Island was requisitioned by the government. For related compensation, Tianqi Group should send personnel to negotiate.

After this statement appeared, there was an uproar in the international community. The bigwigs in many countries were shocked. No one thought that AGT would really make such a self-destructive promise.

Xu Pingan saw AGT's statement, "hum", want to play, so have fun.

I turned on the computer and uploaded the video of my life directly to social media. At the same time, the conversation of several people in the video was also published.

There are many people staring at Xu Pingan’s social accounts. Basically, the international media are staring at Xu Pingan’s account. Especially at this time, more people are staring.

As soon as Xu Pingan’s account was updated, many people immediately clicked on it and downloaded the video. After watching it, everyone was shocked. It turned out that Xu Pingan did not go to AGT because of this.

It turned out that the Americans were doing a ghost here.

Forwarding must be forwarded, and there were tens of millions of forwarding in just a few hours.

The international media organizations were immediately excited, one by one, as excited as a chicken blood, and there were roars in the editorial department.

"Replace, must be replaced, the headline of the front page must be the video content published by Xu Pingan"

"For the benefit of the company! For your bonus!"

"Go! go! go! go!........."

Chaos on the Internet has already begun. When the relevant agencies in the United States saw this situation, they immediately began to use means to block the news, but they found that they could not do it.

It will be automatically restored in less than ten seconds after just deleted here. I don’t know why, unless the entire Internet is shut down.

Zhu Hongyun has been closed at the Super Quantum Computer Management Office of Hangzhou Science and Technology Center. No one can enter, only Xu Ping'an can enter.

This is the notice received by the security department that Zhu Hongyun has been protected.

After a few hours of tossing, the relevant departments of the United States gave up completely. First, it was difficult to delete it completely in a short time, but too much forwarding.

In just a few hours, the forwarding volume has exceeded 70 million.

Even the news that someone is deleting the video has spread, and many people are downloading and saving it. It is no longer possible to completely cover up this matter. We can only resolve this matter from other aspects.

As soon as daybreak, the video news was reported by media around the world. This time, media including the United States began to report the matter in a comprehensive manner.

People all over the world were in an uproar, and everyone was shocked by the actions of the United States.

AGT immediately announced that this video was faked by Tianqi Group, not real.

It's just that this explanation is very pale and weak, and basically no one believes it. Obviously, this is a video recorded by an insider, or someone who does it like this.

Xu Pingan said that this was sold to him at a cost of 10 million euros, and the relevant departments of Tianqi Group found no traces of splicing after inspection.

At this moment, the US intelligence agency held a press conference to announce that the deputy director of the US Central Intelligence Agency Mister had submitted his resignation last month.

What he did is personal and does not represent the meaning of the United States, which is a peace-loving country and will not do such dark things.

After this statement was released, the media was directly fried.

Many U.S. media have begun to complain [Big Brother, what age is it now, your explanation is still the same, can you keep up with the times?

Xu Pingan laughed directly after seeing the explanation from the relevant departments in the United States, "hahahahaha..."

There is no silver three hundred taels here, and the Americans are really a god assist.

At this moment, the most uncomfortable thing is the AGT aspect. The American explanation is equivalent to indirectly acknowledging the authenticity of the video, leaving AGT directly burdened with the shocking scandal.

Several people in the video discussed the benefits of the Tianqi Group.

What safeguards the interests of the people is all false, and it is true that politicians make a fortune.

The AGT side began to be turbulent, and early in the morning, the No. 1 boss began to get angry.

Directly ordered the navy to start marching towards Pusi Philip Island and forcibly take over Pusi Philip Island.

If there is resistance, let's kill it!

Once it takes over Pusi Phillip Island, and then introduces several policies to benefit the people, it can suppress domestic public opinion and the opinions of the people.Companies like the media will betray if they give some benefits, and they definitely don't care about their face.

This day is destined to be recorded in history, the beginning of the AGT Civil War.

After the navy received the order, the eight warships, under the escort of 20 small single-person assault submarines, had just opened more than a dozen nautical miles from the port before they began fighting.

Underwater, the battle of small single-person attack submarines has begun. More than forty small single-person attack submarines of unknown forces are besieging and escorting small single-person attack submarines.

After receiving the news, the warship immediately returned to the port. The navy officer understood how terrible it is to be surrounded by submarines.

After the news was reported, AGT immediately held a press conference to announce the incident. The navy was attacked by a submarine of an unknown force and is currently at war.

To put it bluntly, those who dare to attack the AGT national navy must pay a price!

The news spread, and there was a shock internationally.

With his toes, he knew that it was the hands of the Tianqi Group. Xu Ping'an was really bold enough to attack the navy of a country.

You can only guess, because there is no evidence at all.

If you dare to directly say that Tianqi Group did it, Tianqi Group's legal department will dare to directly sue you for defamation. Xu Ping'an definitely does this kind of thing.

Forty minutes later, AGT issued a statement again that twenty submarines belonging to the XX fleet had been sunk, and the warships staying in the naval port had been attacked.

Another hour later, while eating at noon, a major event broke out.

The nine state governments in the south of AGT issued a joint statement not to recognize the current AGT governing government and form a new interim government.

AGT people are to abide by the contract, abide by the contract, a trustworthy democracy, not an untrustworthy politician over there.

Call on people across the country to take action to overthrow the untrustworthy government.

After the news spread, there was another shock in the world.

The Internet is directly messed up, and everyone is shocked by what happened in AGT. A country is divided directly in a short period of time.

At this time, Xu Pingan's social account was updated.

Tianqi Group will provide 5 billion euros of interest-free loans to the trustworthy AGT interim government.

At the same time, the sponsorship of a batch of weapons has already placed one billion euro orders for eight companies including the French Ground Weapons Group, the Italian Apocalypse Arms Company, the Italian Mefidel Arms Group, and the British Carter Arms Group.

After the news spread, it once again caused a shock in the world. No one thought that Xu Ping'an would dare to express his attitude directly.

Half an hour later, eight large European arms groups issued a statement that the weapons have been loaded on ships and will be transported to the AGT interim government overnight.

After the news went out, it caused a global shock again. What does this mean? Are these arms groups crazy? None of your governments dared to sell arms directly without taking a stand.

Many people began to think about the things behind this incident.

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