Start the era of black technology

Chapter 900 What, what did you say!

"I will talk to Xu Ping'an on the phone personally. There must be a result of this matter today. We can quickly resolve this matter by calling directly."

"If you drag it any longer, you will be able to tear your face completely."

"If Xu Pingan conducts a suitcase nuclear bomb attack, or directly conducts an interstellar battleship attack, it will not do us any good."

"More than a year's time, in a blink of an eye, not short of this time"

"How rampant he is today, how embarrassed he will be a year later, the gallows resounded through the earth again because of him," the first boss said seriously.

The big bosses looked at each other and nodded.

The strategy of the No. 1 boss is correct. For the time being, Xu Ping will be dragged to fight attrition in AGT.

Compared with weapons and ammunition consumption, the United States recognizes the second place and no one dares to recognize the first.

Decades of guns, ammunition, aircraft and various military equipment reserves are the world's largest.

The biggest headache every year is how to deal with those weapons and ammunition that are about to expire.

Let's talk about the funds in Xu Pingan's hands first.

In front of everyone, the first boss took out a small notebook from the drawer, flipped through it to find out Xu Ping's satellite phone number, and dialed directly.

The phone was connected soon.

"Carlon, is it you? Look at the time and calculate what time it is on my side. I find that you are a bit old and confused now." Xu Ping's voice was unhappy.

The first big guy's face was black, and the others looked at each other. No one thought Xu Ping'an would say this in the first sentence.

Everyone has forgotten the term jet lag, and the time on the TC side is now midnight.

"Xu, I am XXXX" the first boss said with a black face.

On the phone, Xu Ping'an was taken aback. The phone left his head and looked at the number. Damn, it was really the phone of the American Black House.

"Xingling, verify it," Xu Ping'an said in his mind.

"He was the one who came here in the Black Palace" Xingling replied and was silent.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Xu Ping'an's voice became calmer.

"Withdraw the 1,000 single-man aircraft that your Apocalypse Group assisted the AGT Provisional Government, otherwise, the United States will directly send troops to quell AGT's chaos," the first boss said unceremoniously.

"What about a bet, I bet you will not be able to quell the AGT chaos within three months" Xu Ping'an unceremoniously counterattacked.

"Are you going to tear your face completely?" The first boss continued to press.

"It's you guys who want to tear their faces, not me"

"Without you doing things behind the scenes, will things develop to where they are today?"

"I'm just protecting myself." Xu Ping'an continued to fight back, without stage fright at all.

Opposite the first boss, several big bosses gave the first boss a look, which was very clear and patient.

The first boss understood what they meant, took a few deep breaths, and then started discussing business with Xu Ping An.

A few minutes later, the two parties reached an agreement. This batch of attack-type single-man aircraft was the last batch, and the AGT provisional government attack-type single-man aircraft should not be supported in the future.

The United States will also support the current AGT government's 1,000 attack-type single-man aircraft, and the two sides are even.

Both sides can continue to support arms. Weapons of mass destruction are not allowed. The United States will not directly send troops to intervene. The AGT matters will be solved by the AGT people.

There are also several aspects, all reached an agreement, after the business talks, the big guys present all have a sneer on their faces.

You are so awesome. The top American guys have bowed their heads to you. See how long you can bounce, and you will be completely liquidated after more than a year.

"One last thing, you won't set up obstacles when my Apocalypse Group moves away from the US branch," Xu Ping'an said calmly.

The first big guy was stunned, and the other big guys were stunned. The Apocalypse Group's branch in the United States was about to move.

The first boss looked at everyone in front of him, and several people who had reacted nodded and signaled to agree.

"You can move away at will, no department will make things difficult," the first boss said directly.

"This is what you said. You are the number one leader in the United States. You are a person. Don't say what you say is like air," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Someone makes things difficult for you to call this number directly," said the first boss gritted his teeth.

"Okay, goodbye" Xu Ping'an finished speaking and hung up.

With a "pop", the first boss dropped the phone directly.

With his hands on the table and panting, a small businessman dared to speak to himself like this, and many national leaders did not dare to speak to himself in this tone.

"Bogen, why should the Apocalypse Group branch be moved in the same way?" The first boss slowly asked the boss of the opposite party.

"Big brother, we and Xu Pingan know that there is no possibility of reconciliation. Instead of turning our faces in the future, we will directly confiscate his branch, it is better to move now."

"Let him move away. It doesn't matter. The top priority is to stabilize the AGT situation. Everything else is secondary."

"According to the plan we made, we are going well. A year or so will be passed in the blink of an eye. Taking advantage of this time, we are placing a huge order for those domestic military enterprises. We are equal to more than a year of preparation time."

"Don't forget, our goal is to sweep the entire earth, a small group of Apocalypse, it's nothing," the surrounding bosses said with arrogance.

The surrounding gangsters all nodded. Compared with the big goal, this matter of Tianqi Group is nothing short of drizzle.

The first boss nodded, taking a few deep breaths to suppress the anger in his heart.

"It's almost time, you guys have a rest, I will summon the military to arrange"

"It's impossible to support a thousand single-person attack vehicles for AGT, at least one thousand and five hundred, or even more," said the first boss directly.

All the big guys nodded. This is the courage that the big guy should have. The big guy calmed down, and everything is not a problem.

No one who can become the No. 1 boss is an ordinary person.

They are definitely the elites of the elite, and they all have their own advantages.

Everyone said a few words, and the big guys all left. The first big guy called and started to convene a meeting with the military. The generals were all waiting in the nearby lounge.

In the afternoon, the U.S. military announced that it would provide AGT with 1,000 attack-type single-man aircraft, and at the same time, support AGT's current government with US$500 million in military supplies.

The news immediately spread all over the world. Obviously, this announcement by the United States was aimed at the Apocalypse Group's support of the AGT Provisional Government's 1,000 attack-type single-man aircraft.

It seems that the situation of AGT cannot be ended in a short time, and it is about to enter a state of anxiety.

At 10 o'clock in the morning the next day, Poseidon Company issued an announcement that the branch of Poseidon Company in the United States will stop production and move out of the United States. Starting today, production will begin to stop.

After the news media reported this incident, many people were surprised. No one thought that Poseidon would withdraw from the United States. Is this going to be completely separated.

Just as the outside world was discussing a lot, Tianqi Electronic Entertainment Group Mustin also had a headache. Finally, he sighed and returned to the desk to pick up a pen and sign.

Soon, Tianqi Electronic Entertainment Group issued an internal notice that the headquarters will be relocated to the Tianqi Technology Park of TC. If you are willing to move with the company, the company will arrange all your life issues.

Those who are unwilling to relocate can file with the personnel in the personnel department. All employees are asked to make their own choices.

The U.S. branch of Apocalypse Mobile Company issued the same order, and now it begins to clear the warehouse. The warehouse is completely cleared, and the seller can choose to return the goods.

A team that completely settles everything.

The American branch of Tianqi Renewable Resources Group is also carrying out this kind of activity, starting to stop all work, lay off employees in accordance with the law, and prepare for evacuation.

These news were directly stabbed on the Internet by people in the company, which directly shocked many people. What happened to the Tianqi Group and the US government.

Many country leaders understand that Xu Pingan is to completely withdraw all branches of Tianqi Group in the United States, and his determination to move out of the United States has been firm.

TC, J City, Tianqi Group headquarters, in Xu Pingan's office.

Xu Ping An and Ha Wen had a tea and chat together. Ha Wen, as the representative of the Eagle Country, came to discuss with Xu Ping An, which allowed Xu Ping An to solve the doubts about the actions of the Eagle Country.

It is also clear why the Eagle Nation made a statement that is beneficial to itself. As for the conditions put forward by the representative of the Eagle Nation, Hawen, in Xu Ping'an, this is not a big deal.

"Harvin, I wish us a happy cooperation"

"Please take my words back, what Xu Ping'an said, never breach the contract," Xu Ping'an said seriously.

Havin nodded with satisfaction and said, "Mr. Xu rest assured, I also believe that our cooperation will be very brilliant."

The requirements of the British are simple. In the next fifty years, Xu Ping'an must promise to help Eagle Nation seek and transform a planet. At the same time, he will dispatch interstellar warships to help when Britain encounters an attack from another country.

At the same time, to ensure the profits of the big men's enterprises, in the future, when the big men's enterprises go to Mars to do business, Xu Ping'an promises to give a 50% tax exemption.

The tax exemption period is one hundred years from the date of registration.

It also promised to help Eagle Nation establish a sub-base on Mars, a sub-base that can accommodate 30,000 people.

The premise is that the Eagles on Mars must abide by the rules set by the Tianqi Group.

There are still many conditions. Havin communicated with China in front of Xu Ping'an, and the two sides reached an agreement.

Not only that, but also exchanged views on the current AGT matters. It can be said that at this meeting, the two sides have finalized many terms.

"Xu, are there any interstellar warships in the United States" Havin suddenly asked about this, and then stared at Xu Ping An, hoping to see some clues from Xu Ping's face.

"Yes, two ships have been completed so far, and they are undergoing actual combat training at XXXXX coordinates in outer space. I have detailed information on various aspects of performance and firepower configuration." Xu Ping'an said calmly.

Harvin took a breath, and narrowed his eyes to look at Xu Ping An. Xu Ping'an even knew where the American Star Warship was in actual combat training and what configuration data the Star Warship was in.

It seems that Xu Pingan is not crazy.

This is an important piece of information.

We must let the country know that choosing to form an alliance with Tianqi Group this time is a very correct choice.

After people paid attention to this matter for a few days, their attention returned to the AGT aspect. The two camps are now engaged in constant fighting every day, and they are completely developing towards Afghanistan.

According to media reports, the provisional government now has an advantage and gains widespread public support. The situation is very unfavorable to the current AGT government.

According to daily reports, the AGT people living and working on Pusfield Island have collectively declared their allegiance to the Provisional Government and have made voluntary donations. Many others have participated in the troops organized by the Provisional Government.

Things are in such a state of trouble. The Tianqi Group and the United States, except for the declaration of aid materials, these two groups have no other statements.

Obviously, the two sides have no intention to negotiate.

What's more weird is that the international media did not mention anything about Tianqi Group or Xu Ping An.

If you follow the usual practice, it must be an overwhelming start to condemn Xu Ping An or the Tianqi Group for breaking the peace.

But this time, as if Xu Ping'an did not exist, the collective forgotten.

This situation has left many people in TC at a loss, and none of them can figure out what the foreign media are doing.

Even more can't figure out what Xu Ping'an is doing.

With great fanfare from the United States, what is this to do, completely abandon the US market?

TC, Imperial Capital, Suburbs, in a villa of Liu Dongqiang, several business leaders are here, drinking tea and chatting together, the topic content is about Tianqi Group.

"Brother Ren, you have a lot of knowledge, please help us analyze why Tianqi Group withdrew from the United States"

"As far as I know, the United States has nothing to do with the branches of Tianqi Group," Meimei Group Chairman Li Jiansheng looked at Boss Ren with a hopeful expression.

Others also looked at Boss Ren, and everyone present, it is estimated that Boss Ren knew the United States best because he suffered the most in the United States for the company.

Boss Ren hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and drank the tea in the cup before he started talking.

“Xu Ping’an’s determination to withdraw from the United States is probably because Xu Ping’an made an exception in the negotiations with the top officials of the United States, because the two sides did not negotiate the AGT issue.

"I can't think of other things. Tianqi Group is different from ordinary international giants. It is unique. We use past experience to look at Tianqi Group. That's not good."

"However, there is one thing I know very well. Xu Ping'an is a very planned person and he is also very sensible in doing things. The decision to evacuate now should not be a hot-headed decision."

"This can be seen from the performance of the presidents of the various branches of Tianqi Group. Everyone is following the order and cooperating without panic. Obviously, this should have been planned."

"A friend of mine told me that the relocation of the headquarters of Tianqi Electronics Entertainment Group has begun, and many people have already prepared to go home during the holiday, and will come to Tianqi Technology Park to settle down in a while."

"The employees over there are very stable, and there is no sign of trouble. At present, 70% of the employees have agreed to follow the company to move to the Tian Dynasty to work."

"So I can be sure that this is a plan already designated by Tianqi Group, but it will be implemented at this point in time. I can't see the others." Boss Ren said all he knew.

Everyone nodded, and the owner of Hangzhou Ma frowned. He wanted to ask when the mobile phone on the table rang and made an apologetic expression and picked up the phone directly.

"What, what did you say!" Boss Ma stood up directly with a shocked expression on his face.

The others were also stunned. It is really rare to see Boss Ma so shocked. Could it be that something big happened? Many people have a bad feeling.

"Boss, this matter is absolutely true. It was just announced jointly by the chairman of a dozen large international banks and Ji Xueyi of Tianqi Group at the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai."

"I'm right there" the voice on the phone was also more urgent.

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