Start the era of black technology

Chapter 901 Mars Finance Starts

The phone hung up, everyone looked at Boss Ma in confusion, wondering what made Boss Ma so shocked.

"Old Liu, turn on the satellite TV. Hurry up, Tianqi Group is playing big moves again. This time it involves more than a dozen large international banking giants," Ma Boss looked at Liu Dongqiang and said directly.

Liu Dongqiang was taken aback, and immediately picked up the remote control to turn on the TV, and directly adjusted to the paid financial channel. After finding the report, he clicked the playback function, and everyone started to watch the TV.

Burj Al Arab.

Media from many countries around the world gathered here. On behalf of Tianqi Group, Ji Xueyi announced that Tianqi Group has signed agreements with more than a dozen large international banks.

These banks will go to Mars to establish branches and branches. In the future, people on Mars can freely choose savings banks and exchange foreign exchange freely.

The Mars base of Tianqi Group will provide these banks with one-year rent-free treatment, and provide each bank with a four-story building as an office business location.

At the same time, in the near future, a commodity trading center will be established on Mars to conduct commodity trading on Mars and other planetary materials.

The chairman of more than a dozen large international banking giants stood behind Ji Xueyi, and after Ji Xueyi’s announcement, everyone held a celebration together.

Seeing this, everyone took a sigh of relief. They may not recognize the others. The two people with the face of the celestial dynasty absolutely recognize them. They are the chairman of the Tianchao Construction Bank and ICBC.

Looking at the text introduction provided below, there are European, eagle, local tyrants, and Americans, all of which are heavyweight large international bank chairmen.

Everyone was silent and understood what this event meant. The entry of financial institutions into Mars meant that the commercialization of Mars had begun.

With Tianqi Group opening up the Mars base step by step, in the future, the Mars base will be a super city, a super city with a terrifying economy.

You must know that the number of people at the Apocalypse Mars base has reached more than 100,000, and many people expect that it will be no problem to exceed 200,000 by the end of this year.

"Ding Ding Ding" Liu Dongqiang's cell phone rang, and Liu Dongqiang directly picked up the phone to answer.

"I got it" finished, hung up the phone.

"Everyone, the official website of Tianqi Group, Xu Pingan's social personal account has updated information, and it is announced that the commercialization of Tianqi Group's Mars base has begun."

"Let's take a look at his statement." After speaking, he picked up the remote control and started to operate.

It didn't take long for the Tianqi Group's official website to be updated, and everyone was watching it seriously.

The content is as follows:

After years of construction, Tianqi Group’s Mars base has been able to make people live on Mars safely. The entire base has more than 200,000 personnel.

The average age of these people is 25 years old. They are a huge consumer group and a huge business opportunity.

The Mars Hotel has already started. The first batch of tourists have returned to the earth. I believe that everyone has seen the photos they took. They are very beautiful.

The air in the base is fresh. This is because the Tianqi Group's ecological system can perfectly control the air circulation in the base, and multiple filtering devices operate 24 hours a day.

The air quality is higher than that of the earth.

As the population of the Mars base further increases and the scope of the Mars base further expands, commercialization is imperative.

Next year, the salary of employees at the Mars base will be further increased.

Outside of work, they need to consume, and their desire to consume is very strong. Commercialization is to fully release their spending power.

This is an undeveloped golden land, and global businesses are welcome to invest in the Mars base.

Note: People who carry any warrants from the Earth countries and those with certain diseases are temporarily not allowed to go to Mars.

The content is short, but there is a lot of information.

In particular, the news that the population of the Mars base has exceeded 200,000 is even more shocking.

"It seems that I must also go to Mars to open up a branch" Liu Dongqiang said to himself.

"Old Liu, don't you worry about investment lagging behind?" Xue Pingchuan, chairman of Fortune Investment Group, said with a smile.

Liu Dongqiang said with a smile, "Don't worry, 200,000 people are on Mars but have money and nowhere to spend. I will open a supermarket and lie down to make money, why not go."

Everyone laughed, but Boss Ma frowned and thought, Boss Ren could see clearly "Brother Ma, what do you think".

"I really have an idea, but it's a big investment," Boss Ma said, looking at everyone.

No one laughed anymore. Boss Ma is a miracle person and a painful person with a monthly income of one or two billion. Such people have ideas and must pay attention.

"Everyone, Xu Pingan has launched Mars business talk. At present, there is still a huge shortcoming, and that is capacity. This is a big shortcoming."

"As the population increases in the future, the needs of those people for food, clothing, entertainment, etc. add up to an astronomical number, which is a huge consumer market."

"The interstellar transportation industry proposed by Xu Pingan will usher in huge room for development"

"I plan to invest in the interstellar transportation industry. As long as Xu Ping'an dares to give me a contract, I will dare to place an order for the interstellar transportation spacecraft for him," Boss Ma said with his eyes open.

Everyone took a breath, 50 billion euros, Boss Ma really dared to think, I am afraid that everyone present can not make up this sum of money.

"How do you solve the funds?" Liu Dongqiang looked at Boss Ma and asked.

"The loan is complete. I believe that the domestic bank will give me a loan. I plan to meet Xu Ping An in J City after I leave tomorrow. As long as he can guarantee the order, I will do it," Boss Ma said with his eyes open.

Others looked at Boss Ma, with an expression of admiration in their hearts. This aggressiveness makes you obsessed.

"Count me, I will go with you tomorrow" Liu Dongqiang also made a decision.

With the development of Tianqi Group's Mars base, so many people with high salaries, eating, drinking, and consuming in a circle is definitely an astronomical figure.

Transporting the earth's surplus materials is definitely a way to make money. Except for the relatively large investment in transport ships, everything else is a small problem.

"Count me one" "I have a stake".........

Several people made a decision immediately.

Soon, everyone began to discuss. After more than half an hour, several people picked up their teacups and touched them, and they all dried up.

Not only do these people have vision and courage, but there are also such a group of people abroad who are also discussing the same thing, and they all see the bright future of the interstellar transportation industry.

AGT, Temporary Government Control Area, Puerto Blanca, a modern factory with a large area is under intense construction. This factory is the Poseidon branch.

The location of Poseidon's American Division.

Before Poseidon’s announcement, construction began on this site. This is one of Xu Ping’s promises to the AGT interim government.

Investment can increase employment and stabilize society. The leaders of the interim government are well aware of the importance of investment.

After a month of running-in, all aspects of the Provisional Government have been running-in in place, which is completely different from the previous panic.

The troops have also improved their combat effectiveness through actual combat, and with the assistance of mercenaries, the situation has been completely stabilized.

The society in the rear is stable, and the economic situation is gradually recovering, getting better day by day.

The next day, the news media began to report the statements made by Ji Xueyi, President of Tianqi Investment Bank, and the chairman of a dozen large international banks at the Sailing Hotel.

Especially the participation of Citibank made everyone confused.

Both Apocalypse Bank and the United States have started a secret war, and Citibank has even participated in this matter, and has not been subject to any difficulties from the relevant domestic departments.

What exactly are Tianqi Group playing with the United States? Can it be said that the two ended up shaking hands and drinking together.

If this is the case, BL country will be completely (Sabi).

In the afternoon, Eagle Country announced the decision to support Eagle Country's own bank to open a branch on Mars. This is the first country to express support.

Eagle Nation also announced that Eagle Nation has signed a contract with Tianqi Group. Eagle Nation’s interstellar spacecraft will transport materials of Tianqi Group to Mars for a fee.

The news announced that a word appeared in everyone's mind, interstellar transportation.

Obviously, the Eagle Nation has already begun to experiment in this area. Once the results are satisfactory, the Eagle Nation will definitely increase its investment in this area.

Soon, TC also expressed support for the banking industry to open a branch in Mars the next day.

Immediately afterwards, the EU also expressed a similar statement of support.

A free financial settlement that is not controlled by any country is in line with the requirements of various countries and can completely bypass the US-led international currency settlement mechanism.

As more and more countries are supported, the offshore currency of TC has risen directly by 400 basis points against the US dollar, and the purchasing power of TC currency has begun to increase significantly.

Ji Xueyi, on behalf of Apocalypse Group, officially launched the negotiation work with the EU high-level officials on Mars, in preparation for the launch of Mars next year.

The international media reported this incident very crazy, and at the same time invited many financial professionals to analyze the establishment of branch banks on Mars.

On this day, Citibank announced that it would provide one billion US dollars interest-free loans to the AGT government.

The news was sudden, but it did not cause a lot of noise. Everyone deserves it. This is definitely not the original intention of Citibank, and it doesn't care.

One day later, this news was covered by other news.


A newly planned commercial area next to the main base is being built, all of which are four-story small buildings, with as many as fifty buildings in a fully enclosed state.

According to the plan, a wide cross-shaped passage will be built here. These small buildings are all located on both sides of the passage. This will be the financial district.

It is expected to be completed in about half a year. According to the current preparations of the major banks on the earth, when they are ready to reach Mars, construction will be completed here without any delay.

At present, the Mars Engineering Department has a staff of 40,000, and they are busy in various places every day. As long as there is no shortage of materials, the construction speed is very fast.

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