Start the era of black technology

Chapter 903: These are the remaining tricks we play

When Xu Pingan arrived in Copenhagen, it was already seven o'clock. When he got off the plane, he got on the vehicle arranged by Phil and left the airport without taking the airport passage at all.

He went straight to the palace without words. After getting off the car, someone guided Xu Ping'an to walk inside, and the rest of the staff went to the designated place to rest.

After passing through one room, Xu Ping An soon saw Isabella running towards him, and the two hugged him directly. Xu Ping slapped Isabella's back to comfort.

Soon, the two separated and walked inside together.

It didn't take long before they met with Phil and Ed. They shook hands and spoke quietly to the side. Queen Mary was currently sleeping.

"What is the result of the doctor?" Xu Ping'an asked in a low voice.

"Tonight is very important. If you can get through it, there is still a quiet time. If you can't save it, then..." Phil said halfway and couldn't say anything.

Xu Ping'an was also very unhappy in his heart. Being able to be with Isabella was the courage of Queen Mary. Phil did not have such courage. Xu Ping'an still had a great affection for the queen.

Xu Ping An gave a long sigh and began to comfort Phil, and the three of them whispered this.

After a while, we went to the side to sit and rest together. Over an hour passed slowly, Queen Mary woke up, and the first sentence was to ask if Xu Ping'an came.

The medical staff immediately came out of the room and said that the queen was awake to see news of Xu Ping An. Everyone looked at each other and entered the room together.

The queen opened her muddy eyes and looked at her. Her spirits improved a lot, and she whispered "I will talk to Xu alone".

Everyone was taken aback, Ed patted Phil on the shoulder, then waved his hand, everyone left the room, including the medical staff, and closed the door.

Everyone waited outside and looked at each other. Everyone was confused. Phil and Ed looked at each other and couldn't figure out why their mother had to talk to Xu Ping'an alone.

As time passed, ten minutes or so, Xu Ping'an's shout came from the room, "Doctor, doctor...".

After everyone heard it, they entered the room directly, and the medical staff stopped everyone aside and immediately launched the rescue.

A group of people outside looked at Xu Ping'an, hoping that Xu Ping'an could talk about the conversation with the queen.

Xu Pingan looked at Phil and Eddy said, "The queen said, I hope Charlie will inherit the throne."

Many people were stunned, never expecting that Xu Ping'an would say this.

Ordinarily, Isabella is now the most likely to succeed. Both Ed and Phil have publicly announced that they will give up the throne and be inherited by the third generation.

Isabella is the first in line. How could Xu Ping'an say this? This is tantamount to severing all the possibilities of Isabella becoming a queen.

"Sorry, I can't say anything else, I promised the queen not to talk to anyone" Xu Ping'an turned his head and said to Ed and Phil.

Both of them nodded, expressing understanding.

Ed admires Xu Ping'an for being able to publicly say that the Queen hopes that Charlie will inherit the throne, and his favor with Xu Ping'an has also risen sharply.

After all, Charlie is his own son.

Xu Ping'an turned around and shook Isabella's hand and said "Sorry".

"You know, I don't care about this" Isabella said with tears on her face.

Xu Ping'an nodded, holding Isabella's hand tightly.

As time passed by, everyone outside was anxious inside. At this time, the rooms opened, three doctors came out, and everyone greeted them.

The doctor looked at Phil and Ed before they started talking.

"Sorry, we tried our best"

"However, the queen said when she was in a coma, hoping that Isabella can wear her wedding dress this year."

When Isabella heard these words, tears stayed again, and her body suddenly softened.

Xu Pingan immediately hugged Isabella's waist and supported her. Isabella was already full of tears.

Ed and Phil endured their grief and began to discuss with the palace butler and proceed in accordance with the inherent procedures.

After a short while, Ed and Phil came to Xu Ping'an.

"Xu, sorry, according to the procedure, you can only participate as a guest" Phil said directly.

Xu Pingan and Isabella do not have any legal procedures. It is not appropriate to appear in the royal family. The best way is to appear in the name of a guest.

"I understand that I owe Isabella, and I will definitely fulfill the queen's last wish this year." Xu Ping'an looked at the two and said, as a promise.

Xu Pingan's promises have always counted, and people all over the world know this.

Phil and Ed both nodded their heads, chatted with Xu Ping An for a while, and then left. Xu Ping An sat with Isabella on the side.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, Xu Pingan helped Isabella to rest in the guest room. After watching Isabella fall asleep, Xu Pingan left.

Darina had already booked a room in a hotel not far away. Xu Pingan and others left the palace and checked into the hotel directly.

The next day, the obituary about Queen Mary came out. DM was in grief throughout the country, and the Queen's status in the hearts of the people was still very high.

Many national leaders called to express their condolences.

In the afternoon, the DM government announced the time of the memorial service and issued an invitation.

Xu Pingan basically stayed in the hotel and didn't go there. He talked with Isabella on the phone every day. Now Xu Pingan must keep a low profile.

In a week or so, politicians from many countries gathered in DM to attend the Queen’s memorial service. Xu Ping’an only appeared in the corporate world.

Xu Pingan wanted to keep a low profile, but the media would not let her off easily. Seeing that this was a state funeral, he didn't say too much, but there were a lot of ironic words.

Xu Ping'an carried a calm expression on his face, turning a blind eye to what the media said.

I take care of what I do, and there is nothing to complain about.

In the rumors of many people, Xu Pingan insisted to bid farewell to Queen Mary.

The politicians of all countries have left, and the next step is to discuss Charlie's succession. Xu Ping'an also did not participate.

After comforting Isabella for a while, he had a serious talk with Phil and Ed before Xu Ping'an left.

Instead of returning to TC, I went to Idris Island. The reason for this is that there has been a major event on the AGT side that is very beneficial to the Provisional Government.

In order to control the people, the current government ran to the provisional government and began to control food. It only gave your family food for two days at a time, but let you live for three days.

When there was not enough food, someone began to plan to do something, secretly contacted the people of the Provisional Government, and directly rioted.

The Provisional Government took advantage of this opportunity to launch a large-scale offensive, regaining two states in one fell swoop, and the Bingfeng pointed directly at the capital Ellis.

Both sides have concentrated all their forces. Almost 400,000 troops are opposing, and all materials are being assembled. A battle that will determine the direction of the AGT situation is about to start.

Sunderland, the tycoon of the AGT interim government, asked to meet Xu Ping An, and Xu Ping An had just arrived at Edreus Island.

On the day Xu Ping'an arrived at Idrius Island, Sunderland, the head of the AGT interim government, and the four deputy heads also arrived at Idrius Island.

In the evening, the five people started negotiations in Xu Ping'an's room and communicated a lot of things. After discussing for almost two hours, the conversation ended.

The Sunderland four returned to the mainland overnight and began to prepare for battle as planned.

After sending the four people away, Xu Ping'an immediately called Gavin and told Gavin about the strategic plan. Gavin contacted the mercenary company.

"Boss, don't worry. The mercenaries haven't left, they are all waiting for our order. I will start arrangements tomorrow to ensure that things will not be delayed" Gavin said easily.

Xu Ping'an reminded him, "Don't be careless, we can pay, and the US can definitely pay, and it's easy for the price to be higher than ours."

"Boss, the U.S. also employs mercenaries, most of them are local security companies, and orders will not be handed over to this group of people"

"These people in the U.S. are here to make money, not to sell their lives. They know exactly what to do."

"Recently, the interim government has won two battles. The intelligence is given by the other side. As long as the price is right, they have nothing to trade."

"Because they know very well that the interim government will definitely win. The current government is now using food to control people's escape, and the people's hearts have been lost," Gavin said directly.

"There is nothing wrong with being careful"

"In three days, the Provisional Government will be able to complete the final preparations. At 2 o'clock in the morning on the fourth day, the attack on the capital Ellis will begin."

"Some people in the capital who are unable to keep alive are ready to get in touch with the people in Sunderland. At that time, the current government should be resolved completely and peace should be restored."

"This time, there is no room for error," Xu Ping'an said extremely seriously.

"I understand that I will prepare them first. I will contact them before the action to prevent the information from leaking," Gavin said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded, the two communicated for a while before hanging up the phone.

Early the next morning, two munitions ships began to unload at the port controlled by the Provisional Government. At the same time, three cargo planes from the United States also landed at the AGT Capital Airport.

At the airport command center, Kasli, secretary-general of the Ground Armed Command, frowned and looked at the American Nantes next to him, "Why are there three transport planes, not five talking transport planes?"

"The other two transport planes were shot down, this matter is strictly confidential," Nantes said with a serious face, and Kasli's face was shocked.

"We did not expect that Tianqi Group deployed an air defense system at the border between Bolivia and Brazil, and was caught off guard."

"This matter is classified as top secret because we don't have any evidence to prove that the Apocalypse Group did it. The military strictly sealed the news." Nantes explained, Kasli nodded with surprise on her beautiful face.

At this time, the last plane also landed, and Nantes greeted Kasli and left the command center.

After walking out, a person shook his head with a wry smile, his words were full of loopholes, and this brain-dead woman actually believed it.

With such a worthless woman still in a high position, what is the future of the current AGT government?

No, this woman is still very good in some aspects. At least, her legs still feel a little wandering when walking.

Thinking of what happened last night, Nantes had a mysterious smile on his face, lit a golden grass for himself, and continued to walk towards the plane.

The U.S. has given up. The Americans are very clear about what the former AGT government personnel did in the controlled area.

Several local bank vaults were looted, and the guards were completely killed. There was no one to survive. It was claimed to be the work of the Provisional Government personnel.

The U.S. people know very well who did it. These are the remaining tricks we have played. How can the U.S. support these years have been a bunch of brainless people.

The high level ransacked the bank vaults, the troops below ransacked the jewelry store, and even the National Museum of the Capital was looted. They were all frantically making money and had no intention of maintaining the existing rule.

What these people are doing is nothing but a bunch of greedy moths, and they don't care about the life and death of the people in the control area. The US continues to support materials as its enemy.

If it were not for not wanting Xu Pingan to win too easily, none of these three planes would appear.

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