Time slowly passed, and after talking about the telephone discussion, the time of the total attack was changed to five in the morning, because this time is the most sleepy time for human beings.

On this day, the personnel of the AGT Provisional Government began to eat at 8 o'clock in the evening. After the meal, the investigators who monitored the release were left, and the rest of the troops rested.

The personnel of the six mercenary companies were arranged freely and began to rest after dinner.

Different missions have different departure times.

The French mercenary group received two orders, one for attacking the largest arsenal on the opposite side, and the other for attacking the power plant on the outskirts of the capital Ellis.

The British John Security Company received an order for a sneak attack on the opposite air defense position and completely paralyzed the opposite air defense system.

The Hand of God Mercenary Corps, registered in Spain, also received an order. After the war began, it directly attacked the three temporary military airfields opposite.

Dare to accept this list has already demonstrated the strength of the Hand of God mercenary group. Three hundred special operations personnel are divided into three groups. Each group has ten armed helicopters and a set of attack-type single-man aircraft.

The Greek Thor's Spear Mercenary Corps received an order to support the people who rebelled in the capital Ellis and provide them with firepower.

The Panthers Mercenary Corps, a mercenary company formed by a retired general of the French military, has a small number of personnel, but its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

The personnel are all selected from Africa. They are tall and strong. Although their brains are not good, their physical fitness is absolutely top-notch, and they have undergone systematic special operations training.

Of the 100 personnel who have completed the cruel special operations training, only 20 can enter the official team. This time, three hundred people were transferred and the order was to behead the original government of AGT.

The Cobra Mercenary Corps, registered in France, fights in Africa all year round and is a good player in street fighting.

The number of elite personnel dispatched this time is as high as 400. The order received is for the police force to attack the capital Ellis, and the armed forces belonging to the capital police department must be disabled.

On the outskirts of the capital Ellis, the senior officials of the American Blackwater Security Company were in a meeting, and an alluring order was placed in front of the three senior executives.

The difficulty of the task may not be low for other mercenary groups, but for the Blackwater Company, the difficulty of the task is really not high.

The content of the order is destruction. The complete destruction of water plants, power plants, bridges, roads, railways, and airports in the former government-controlled area of ​​AGT must be paralyzed.

The amount is 70 million euros.

"Tom, we must refuse this order. Once we take it, not only the headquarters can't spare us, but the US military can't spare us either" Hagen said with a painful expression on his face.

"Hagen, this is 70 million euros. We can't make that much for ten years from birth to death," Macri said with a crazy expression in his eyes.

Hagen was also uncomfortable, and Macri both looked at the principal Tom, hoping that Tom would make this decision.

Tom's eyes were red at this moment, and the expression on his face changed back and forth. Slowly, the expression on his face became ugly.


"It was the European mercenary group that did the sabotage, and it has nothing to do with us" Tom said viciously.

Hagen and Macri began to hesitate when they heard Tom's decision. The punishment for disobedience within the company was very severe.

"The three of us each took 20 million. We took this list privately, and we gave the rest to the brothers."

"After the mission is completed, I don't plan to return to the United States. I will live a quiet life in Europe and change my identity."

"Macri is right. We have not made so much money for ten years from birth to death. What's more, our kind of work is too dangerous, and maybe we will die directly."

"This is a rare opportunity. I'm going to do it. If you don't do it, I will give you 5 million each. You leave with the brothers who don't want to do it," Tom said with a crazy expression on his face.

"I did it. I have made less than 20 million in twenty years. Anyway, I am alone and there is nothing to worry about" Hagen said directly.

"I did it too. There is nothing to worry about alone. I took the money and changed my identity to Europe to enjoy the blessings." Macri also made up his mind.

"Okay, convene a meeting with our confidantes, and don't want to follow suit, give one million hush money, if you dare to betray us, five million euros will be offered as a reward."

"Let's discuss how much money to give the brethren first," Tom said directly. Hagen and Macri both nodded seriously, and the three began to discuss.

In about twenty minutes, nine team leaders were called into the room. After some communication, each of the five team leaders received 500,000 Euros as a hush fee, and the rest were willing to do it, each with 2 million Euros.

The team leaders who were willing to do it went back and asked their team members about 800,000 euros per person who were willing to do it, and 50,000 euros for each person who was unwilling to do it.

As a result, 30% of the staff chose the hush fee.

More than two hours later, Tom, Hagen, and Macri used their savings to directly pay half of the staff below. After the task was completed, they contacted directly and charged the other half.

After the follow-up money was given, everyone went their separate ways.

Eight hundred thousand euros is not a lot of money, but for mercenaries who don’t know if they will die tomorrow, it’s a lot of money. They all have their own way, and they still make money in another place.

Soon, I had lunch.

The three of them left the camp with these people who were willing to do it. They didn't know where they were going. The rest of the staff took the hush money and stayed in the camp honestly and waited for domestic orders.

I don't know why, anyway, they are not high-level people, they are waiting in the camp at the order of Tom and others.

All the hush money went into private secret accounts. They were all people who licked blood with knife-heads. Everyone did not have their own small vault.

Time slowly passed, and soon it was three o'clock in the morning, and the people in the AGT temporary camp began to get up to eat, preparing for the next battle.

On the mercenary side, many mercenaries have already set off.

At five o'clock in the morning, dozens of red flares lifted into the sky, and the AGT Provisional Government began to fire. It had already marked the shooting of Zhuyuan, and what we had to do now was to fire desperately.

Thousands of rocket cars transported from Country E and TC began to fire. One car had two launchers, and one launcher was a rocket.

Lights flashed quickly, and countless rockets began to pour down toward the opposite position.

There were also artillery at the rear, which were also launched desperately in rows. The entire attack lasted for almost ten minutes. The ground troops began to advance quickly with the tank and the infantry vehicle heading.

The battle has started, the mercenaries have begun to do their work, and various explosions are remembered everywhere.

The former government forces of AGT are in chaos, communication is cut off, power is cut off, it is difficult to form effective command.

Three military airfields were attacked by single-man aircraft, and one fighter plane was destroyed before it could take off. Every airfield was full of flames.

The only force that can be mobilized is the single-person aircraft force. Two thousand attack-type single-person aircraft have taken off, all of which are supported by the United States.

Soon, the AGT Provisional Government also flew more than two thousand attack single-man aircraft, and the two sides immediately started fighting when they saw it.

In the capital, Ellis, there were also explosions and fires everywhere.

The uprising people took the weapons they obtained and began to liquidate those who had hurt them.

The former government residence and office of AGT were directly attacked. Hundreds of attack-type single-man aircraft directly flattened this area and dropped incendiary bombs at the same time.

The people inside are dead and can't die anymore.

From the moment the war began, the United States received the news, and the senior officials immediately got up from the bed and gathered at the command center of the No. 1 Black House.

After more than an hour, the big guys gathered to the first big guy, and the first big guy sat on the chair with a tired expression, and there was no one around.

"Gentlemen, the AGT war is over, the former government personnel have been beheaded, and the people's riots broke out in the capital Ellis. They are pursuing and killing the former government personnel.

"The interim government army has won an all-round victory and has completely maimed the original government army."

"We did not abide by the agreement and supported two thousand attack single-player aircraft, and Xu Ping'an, the bastard, also supported two thousand attack single-player aircraft."

"This is a video taken by satellite, let's take a look." The first boss finished speaking and clicked directly on the computer in front of him.

The image recorded by the satellite appeared, which can be seen clearly.

At five o'clock, the sky was already dark. The two sides took out all the cards. More than four thousand single-person aircraft were fighting in the air. Every second, aircraft fell from the air.

In less than ten minutes, the aircraft of the former AGT government began to retreat. Only a few hundred fled the battlefield, and all the others were shot down.

On the ground, troops from the Provisional Government marched into the capital Ellis like a tide.

Immediately after the picture changed, there were several armed forces that were not wearing uniforms marching towards other areas. According to the commentary on the video, these were militias used to receive forces from other regions.

Sunderland is a very capable tycoon. This time the Great War will not only take down the capital, but also take all the cities in one fell swoop and resolve the civil strife in one fell swoop.

"Their failure was in our expectation. Although I was mentally prepared for failure, I didn't expect them to fail so quickly."

"It's almost impossible to fight back," a big man said with a black face.

"That group of people are corrupt to the extreme. They don't care about the people's livelihood at all, they only care about making money by themselves. I have a proposal to seal up the accounts of their families in the United States."

"Use this money to make up for the cost of the materials we support." A black-faced boss made a suggestion, and the others nodded.

"Boss, we don't need to worry about this little thing. Our interstellar warship will be completed in a few months."

"Let these people jump for a few months now. A few months later, we are helping the people of AGT to achieve democracy and freedom," said an old man with gray hair with a calm face.

"Yes, that is, within a few months, when we have the absolute strength to completely eliminate all abnormalities and restore the democratic freedom of the entire planet."

"The Heavenly Dynasty can't protect Xu Ping'an. We will have the final say on how to concoct him at that time," a big guy next to him said.

Everyone nodded, including the first boss.

"I agree with your opinions, but, looking at the picture in front of me and thinking of Xu Ping'an's mouth, I really feel aggrieved in my heart," the first boss said very, very, very upset.

"Boss, guys, the matter is over, we don't need to bother about this matter anymore"

"Tonight I am hosting a cocktail party at the manor. Let's relax together. A Jiu-Jitsu group from the Middle East was invited by me. Everyone can relax." A middle-aged man said with a smile.

The people present were all shocked, and then all laughed. The actors of the Middle East Jiu-Jitsu group are all women. They have trained Jiu-Jitsu since they were young. It can be said that the purpose of this group in the United States is understood.

That kind of taste is really ecstasy and makes people linger.

If it's not that the body can't hold it, I really hope to have this kind of enjoyment every day, the people in the Middle East are really damn enjoying it.

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