Start the era of black technology

Chapter 906 This kind of performance makes the big guys a little uneasy

"It is not easy to attack Xu Ping An in outer space. Another thing, if Xu Ping runs away, it will put the United States in a very unfavorable public opinion." The first big man frowned and said.

The outer space environment is endless, and there is no way to hide. Once Xu Ping ran away, the United States would be passive at that time.

"After the interstellar warship is in service, we, the United States, are fearless"

"The place covered by the interstellar battleship is where the truth is" said the white-haired boss looking at the first boss.

The expressions on everyone's faces became serious. This sentence fits everyone's mind too. As a superpower, you must have this kind of domineering.

Who dares to refuse, the interstellar battleship drives over to destroy the country!

"General Dirk, let your military make a plan to destroy Xu Pingan on his way to Mars!"

"This plan is top secret. If there is any leak, you are the only one to ask!" The first boss turned his head and looked at the general.

"Yes" General Dirk stood up and saluted immediately, his face serious.

The first boss also replied with a serious face, "Go, I'll wait for your plan."

General Dirk nodded, turned around and nodded to the big men, and left directly.

After closing the door, the first boss began to discuss with the senior executives how to eat the Tianqi Group.

Tianqi Group is a beautiful cake full of allure and flavor, and it is also very big. It is not so simple to distribute good profits.

There is no uninterrupted behind-the-scenes transaction for a period of time, don't think about smoothly reaching the plan.

Heavenly Dynasty, Xu Pingan’s house, Xu Pingan was alone on the balcony watching the stars drinking tea, and suddenly, the Xingling spoke.

"Your calculation is successful, and the American side is negotiating to kill you on your way to Mars."

"I'm very curious, how did you calculate that they would do this" Xingling said questioningly.

When Xu Ping An announced the news of his trip to Mars, he told Xingling that the U.S. would definitely find a way to attack itself on its way to Mars or on the way back to Earth from Mars.

The Protoss believed that the United States would directly set off on Xu Ping'an on Earth. As a result, Xu Ping's prediction was completely correct, and the Protoss' prediction was wrong.

"Xingling, your computing power is unparalleled in the universe, and you have no rivals in technological deduction, but you are not as good as me in terms of the grasp of the human heart."

"If I'm not mistaken, they are not only discussing to kill me in outer space, but also discussing how to eat the Tianqi Group at the least cost. I am right," Xu Ping An said with a smile.

The Protoss did not speak, Xu Ping'an picked up the teacup and began to drink tea. After drinking the cup of tea, the Prosperous spoke when he poured the tea again.

"You are right, they are indeed discussing this matter"

"Although our Protoss clan is uniquely endowed, it has always been the biggest shortcoming in terms of layout calculations. There is a prophecy in our clan."

"If our Protoss tribe can give birth to a tribe who advances to a higher dimension, this tribe will achieve essential evolution and will completely change the status of the Protoss"

"Unfortunately, the highest achievement of our clan is only to break into the sixth dimension of the universe, the seventh dimension in the legend. For countless years, no clan has ever succeeded."

"No matter how defying the life of our auxiliary life is, it will be the master at this level," the Star Spirit said truthfully.

Xu Ping'an felt a sense of helplessness and despair from the words of Xingling.

"What is the seventh dimension you mentioned and why is it so difficult to succeed?" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"According to the clan records, the seventh-dimensional world is similar to the fairy world in your legend."

"After entering the seventh dimension, the essence of all life will undergo a fundamental change. This is a qualitative change from soul to body, and there will be no longer life limits."

"The seventh-dimensional world is an endless continent. No one knows how big it is, but knows that the oldest record in the clan, the sixth and seventh have only one channel."

"Later, I don't know how it collapsed. According to the seventh-dimensional life, no creature can explore the margins of the seventh-dimensional world continent."

"There are geniuses and treasures everywhere, and all kinds of materials are extremely rich, making people feel yearning," the Xingling slowly said.

Xu Ping'an listened carefully. This was the first time that the Star Spirits told about the Lord's World.

"Xingling, have your family been living in the sixth-dimensional universe?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"No, the sixth-dimensional universe and the fifth-dimensional universe all have our people"

"In fact, many civilizations are passed down from high-level civilizations, and the genetic fragments of knowledge are stored in their respective organisms."

"When a certain kind of organism evolves to a certain level, this knowledge will automatically appear in the mind of the organism"

"Then, according to the characteristics of the world in the universe, various civilizations have evolved, like the sky full of stars, innumerable"

"If one day we really return to the main universe world, you will find that the abundance of various materials in the lowest universe world will kill the world we are in now"

"Your soul is incomplete. When you reach the main universe of the universe, you will have a clearer experience"

"You may not understand what I'm talking about now. When you get to this point, you can truly understand what I mean." When the Xingling said this, Xu Ping'an felt the seriousness of the Xingling.

"Does this kind of knowledge inheritance exist in our human bodies?" Xu Ping'an asked with a surprised expression.

"Of course, as long as humans exist in the high-latitude universe, there will certainly be humans in the next-level dimensions, and there will definitely be knowledge inheritance."

"It's just that different races have different difficulty in acquiring knowledge stored in the body"

"As far as your human race is concerned, it is even more complicated. According to the data recorded in our race, the human race occupies a large proportion of the creatures that break through from the sixth dimension to the seventh dimension."

"The human race is weak and weak in competition with many races in the low-dimensional world, but with the step-by-step breakthrough and promotion, the human race's potential has been developed."

"The higher the dimension, the stronger the human race"

"Of course, only a small part of the human races in your east, human races of other skin colors have become rare in the third dimension world. This is a mystery that all races cannot solve," the Star Spirit said directly.

"Xingling, I must go to the main universe you said, if I can't do this, I won't look down!" Xu Ping'an looked at the starry sky in the distance and said this sentence with determination.

The next day, Xu Pingan began to listen to reports from James and others via the Internet at home.


At the Tianqi Group base, the security personnel and the project team began to get busy, installing laser defense systems and missile attack systems.

According to the plan, four sets will be installed in each sub-base, ten sets in the main base, and multiple sets in other areas.

In short, the laser defense system must cover the entire Mars base.

The laser defense system focuses on defense, the missile attack system focuses on attack, one offense and one defense, maintaining balance.

In the main base, the sixth underground floor, the personnel of the acoustic fusion project team are busy assembling the acoustic fusion power plant.

It will be completed in another month or so. Once completed, the entire Mars base will never lack power supply, even if the external wind and solar power are completely destroyed, it will have no effect.

The laser defense system consumes energy, and with the energy provided by the acoustic fusion power plant, everything is foolproof.

Xu Pingan secretly ordered a large number of defensive missiles with the French ground weapons group. So far, the French ground weapons group has not completed the delivery.

This matter is only known to the two companies and must not be leaked.

For the sake of confidentiality, it was declared that this was an order from some countries, and every delivery was made on the high seas.

In order to prevent personnel from leaking the secrets of the ground weapons group, all crew members involved in this matter are under surveillance, and the surveillance will not be relaxed until the order is completed.

The crew members accepted this kind of monitoring under the lure of high bonuses.

The two companies have conducted secret transactions more than 17 times, and have not been discovered by a third party for the time being.

It can't be said that it is absolutely confidential. There are four who once wanted to leak the secrets, all of them were secretly handed over to the ground weapons group under the control of the people of the Tianqi group the day before the transaction.

You people dispose of it yourself.

No one knows how to deal with it, just know that these people have never been seen since.

On Edrius Island, the interstellar spacecraft is under maintenance, and no one has noticed that since last year, the maintenance time of the interstellar spacecraft has been delayed.

This is the addition of the weapon system. After completion, although the firepower cannot be compared with the interstellar battleship, it also has a certain attack capability.

With magnetic shields, dozens of missiles can be attacked for a certain amount of time.

Besides, the speed of the interstellar spacecraft of Apocalypse Group is ahead of the interstellar spacecraft of all countries.

The current transformation is not only weapon transformation, but also the upgrade of the artificial intelligence system. Although the artificial intelligence project team of Tianqi Group has not completed a qualitative breakthrough, it has also made great progress.

The computational response ability of artificial intelligence has increased by 17% on the previous basis, which is not a small improvement.

When the interstellar spacecraft goes to war, your reaction is one second faster, maybe this second is the second to decide the victory or defeat.

Time slowly passed,

The Eagles are frequently mobilized. This is what they want to do. Many countries have noticed that the Eagles are abnormal.

At this moment, the Eagle Nation Ministry of Defense issued a statement that the Eagle Nation military would conduct a major test military exercise.

Comprehensively test the strength of the Eagle Nation’s military in actual combat. This internal stress test military exercise will last for six months and will not pose a threat to any country.

It will not produce any images on the economy. All performances are performed in no man's land at sea. The main items of the test are rapid response of the troops, as well as ammunition consumption, supply, and production chain.

The high-level officials also frequently visit the surrounding countries to make these countries feel at ease. With this move, it can be regarded as a little reassuring.

On this day, the military boss went to meet the first boss and the high-level officials. In order to keep them completely confidential, they invited them to a secret base to listen to reports.

For more than 20 days, the military has formulated a plan, but it is unwilling to report to the White House because the military has an unverified message.

"Generals, what is the news that makes you so cautious, can you say something, everyone present today is all high-level Americans"

"They all know a lot of secrets, and, in the past few decades, the secrets they know have not leaked a single message. They are all trustworthy people," said the first boss looking at the generals.

The generals looked at each other, and sure enough, the big brothers were looking for the roots, but fortunately they were prepared.

"Big brother, before we say the reason, please turn off the phone and put it in this bag." A white-haired General Dirk took out a bag from his briefcase.

There are many small raised squares on the bag. It seems that the bag is still very heavy.

Although they didn't understand what the generals meant, the big guys still cooperated. Everyone believed that General Dirk would give a perfect explanation.

One after another, the mobile phones were quickly turned off and put in the bag. General Dirk came to the first boss and directly installed several fixed phones on the table.

This kind of performance makes the big guys a little uneasy.

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