Start the era of black technology

Chapter 907 True. Area 51

"Boss, gentlemen, our military has been secretly researching the gravitational communication equipment of Tianqi Group. We had a small breakthrough some time ago."

"Through gravity communication equipment, you can monitor electronic devices 500 meters away. Even if these devices are just ordinary smart phones, you can also use these phones to record the content of the call."

"Ordinary electronic equipment itself generates a magnetic field that ordinary people cannot perceive. If someone speaks next to the electronic equipment, this invisible magnetic field will record your voice."

"Gravity equipment is not interfered by magnetic fields, and the targeted extraction through the equipment will extract the content of these people's words."

"and also"

"The entire black house is in the wireless network WIFI coverage area, even if it is encrypted, the technology can be penetrated through the gravity communication device at a high speed to obtain the content of the entire WIFI coverage area"

"This is what our military's cyber team can do, and I believe Tianqi Group also has this ability."

"So far, we have not been able to make an accurate assessment of the technological strength of Tianqi Group. Therefore, we can only treat Tianqi Group's technology as a level that exceeds our technological strength by 10%."

After General Dirk finished explaining, the big guys all understood what was going on. The first big guy frowned and said, "You mean, if possible, the Tianqi Group has obtained all the news from the Black Palace."

When the other big men understood this, everyone's faces sank and looked at the generals.

"Boss, Tianqi Group may have this kind of strength, but we analyze that even if Tianqi Group has this kind of strength, it will do so."

"As soon as we caught doing this, the fate of Tianqi Group can be imagined"

"We all agreed that Xu Ping'an did not have the courage. Another, Xu Ping'an was very cautious in doing things and would not take such a risk." The generals' explanations comforted the big men a lot.

"Where is the secret base you mentioned?" the first boss asked.

"In the desert of Nevada, there is no display on the map, and no navigation equipment is marked, including the navigation equipment of our military."

"The existence of this military base is not even found in the military archives"

"The network equipment of the entire military base is the most advanced, and it is not connected to the Internet, not connected to government networks, and not connected to military systems."

"It's a completely independent network with no external interface"

"We will arrange a plane to pick up the big guys, and the big guys will understand after seeing it," General Dirk said with a serious expression.

"General Dirk, I'm very curious how the construction of such a secret military base was completed, and how did the military finance the accounts" The first boss looked at General Dirk and asked.

All the big guys looked at General Dirk with a smile on their faces, wanting to see how the generals explained that the cost of such a secret military base would certainly not be a decimal, how did the military get the money.

"Big guy, according to our country's constitution, the military project signed and approved by the five consecutive No. 1 big guys is the top secret. If you don't have a last resort, you must not unblock this message.

"This secret military base was a product before World War II. It was signed and approved by the five top leaders and was completely sealed in history. Only the three military joint generals of the military can know about it," General Dirk explained.

Fak, the first big boss and the big bosses present are not calm anymore. The military has such a hidden item, and there are even five top bosses signing orders.

Is there any mistake.

"Why are you unblocking now, is it just because you are worried about leaking secrets?" The first boss continued to ask.

"Not only that, specifically, we will make a complete report on the secret military base," General Dirk said seriously.

The first boss looked at the other bosses, and the others nodded slightly. This time they said, "Okay, you go to make arrangements, and come to the Black Palace to pick us up at 9:30 in the morning in three days."

"Yes" General Deco made a military salute.

After the discussion, when the mobile phone was distributed, the first boss suddenly asked "What is the code name of this secret military base?"

Everyone else looked at General Deco, General Dirk hesitated, and then said "True Area 51".

Everyone was taken aback, [True Area 51],

What the hell is this,

Are there really so-called aliens?

The name of Area 51 resounded all over the world. From the day it became famous, it has been linked to aliens. Everyone can't figure out what the military is doing.

"Please forgive me for not being able to say more, you will understand thoroughly when you arrive tomorrow"

"By the way, it's only for you, the secretaries and assistants around you are not allowed to go"

"I have discussed with the other two generals. The secret base will completely unblock the first boss. If the first boss agrees, the relevant content will be unblocked for you," General Dirk said with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"I understand, you guys go to prepare" the first boss said directly, which is regarded as resolving General Dirk's embarrassment.

Although today's meeting time is not very long, but the amount of information is a lot, the military suddenly popped up a secret base [True Area 51], and it was signed and sealed by the top five leaders.

It's incredible.

Three days passed quickly, and the military sent two helicopters to the Black Palace to pick up the big bosses. As a result, there were only nine people including the top bosses.

The five minority leaders and other ethnic leaders were excluded. This was a deliberate decision made by the first leader and was agreed by the leaders of both parties.

As a superpower, the United States is also a country of immigrants, but in some aspects, only white people can hold power, and other ethnic groups cannot enter the inner circle at all.

Even if you become a big boss and can participate in political affairs, the highest-level military secrets are also prohibited from participating.

The military left a special phone number for the Hei Gong. This phone number can be used to contact the first boss at any time. After the explanation, the helicopter took off.

The plane flew directly to a military airport. The big guys got off the helicopter and directly boarded the big plane, and the plane flew towards Nevada.

There was no word on the way. In the afternoon, the plane landed at a military base in Nevada. After the big guys got off the plane, they boarded the helicopter again.

This time it is not an ordinary helicopter, but a very sci-fi gunship, the military’s secret helicopter project, the Mirage T-21.

The speed can reach 450 kilometers per hour, the whole body is bulletproof materials, the weapons carried are rich in types, the ammunition is high, and the lethality is full.

The only problem is the high cost.

The cost of a Mirage T-21 is as high as 170 million U.S. dollars, and the military has only purchased 50 aircraft for special tasks.

After the plane took off, it flew directly into the mountainous area, and soon it started flying at low altitude.

This flying method can evade satellite reconnaissance and land slowly at a maintenance base in a mountain col. There are many disassembled helicopter parts around here.

The first impression is that it is a helicopter maintenance center. When the big guys get off the helicopter, they will be guided to the office area.

Directly into the large conference room of the office building.

As soon as everyone entered, there was a constant sound of "Papa Papa", and the surrounding windows and doors were sealed by steel plates. Then, the huge long conference table separated, and a downward staircase appeared.

General Deco came to the first boss and made a please gesture. The first boss nodded, and the follower General Deco began to enter, and the rest of the people followed.

After everyone entered, the huge long desk began to close slowly, with no trace at all, no different from a complete long desk.

At this time, the steel plates that closed the windows and doors began to slowly rise, and everything returned to its original state.

General Deco took the No. 1 team for a while and came to a place similar to a subway station. A high-speed train stopped, and everyone got on the train directly, and the high-speed train started to move.

"General, is there any protective force outside?" the first boss asked.

"Yes, the protective forces are hidden in the dark. There are 200 elite personnel to protect here all year round. There are also six defense systems in the dark."

"From the moment the helicopter landed, all of our faces and bodies have been captured and scanned. If we are not the real person, we will be shot directly."

"Using a nano mask can't be fooled," General Dirk explained, and the first boss was relieved.

"This lists the speed per hour," the first boss continued to ask.

"Seven hundred kilometers per hour, operating in magnetic levitation," General Dirk reported.

After listening, the first boss nodded, leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest. A group of big bosses were all young and had lunch on the plane.

After tossing around for so long, my body has begun to wear out.

In about twenty minutes, the maglev train stopped. General Dirk asked the first boss and the others to get off the train. There were many people waiting at the station.

Two other military liaison meeting generals were also there and shook hands with the first boss and others. If you tell them carefully, everyone is white, and there are no people of other skin colors.

A group of people came to the side room and began to put on clothes. The first boss and others were shocked. All the clothes they wore were radiation-proof clothes.

"Big guy, the radiation intensity inside is much higher than the outside world. It is safe to wear protective clothing." General Deco explained. The first guy and others nodded, and they became more curious about this base.

A group of people put on their clothes and entered a huge elevator. After the three generals entered the password and verified the handprint, eye iris, and tongue pattern, the elevator began to descend.

After a few minutes, the elevator door opened, and the eyes were bright, and the lights were full. Everyone walked ahead and looked through the huge transparent glass.

Everyone was dumbfounded. A huge silver-white flying saucer was supported in the air by multiple metal brackets, and there were many cables connected to it.

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