Start the era of black technology

Chapter 908 We can also have the final victory [third more]

"Here, please," General Dirk said from the side, which made the shocked big guys come to their senses.

The follower General Dirk and others walked to the side. After passing a small door, there were a lot of people in protective clothing walking back and forth in front of them.

Various electronic devices were flickering. The generals led the leaders down the stairs to a huge conference room. The side of the conference room was transparent, and the flying saucer outside could be clearly seen.

The staff brought the coffee and left. At this time, General Deco came to the side of the controller, entered the password, and pressed the confirm button.

The sound of "Papa Papa" came out, the door was locked, and a lot of metal raised objects appeared on the surrounding walls at a certain distance. Although the big guys felt strange, they did not speak.

"Boss, this is an anti-eavesdropping device, even if it is a gravity device, you can't get any information in this room" General Deco explained, and the big guys nodded.

"General, I want to hear you explain what is going on with this flying saucer, are there really aliens?" The first big guy asked all the big guys' questions.

"Gentlemen, have some coffee, and I will give you a detailed report," General Deco said with a smile. The big guys also laughed. Indeed, one by one was really anxious to see the flying saucers.

After everyone took a sip of coffee, General Deco pressed the button in front of him, and a huge display screen landed. Then General Deco stood up and began to explain.

In the summer of 1897, a luminous object fell on the border between Mexico and the United States, causing a shock wave that shattered the glass of a building within a radius of 500 kilometers.

Many old and disrepaired houses collapsed, and at the same time, all electronic equipment in this area was paralyzed.

There was a U.S. military camp not far from the explosion center, and the camp also had a collapsed building. The person in charge at the time, Colonel Kamil, did not scruple the collapsed camp, but immediately led the personnel to the explosion site.

After seeing the scene, the scene was directly closed, and at the same time, a strict sealing code was issued.

After the arrangement was completed, he ran to a place outside the affected area and contacted the U.S. military. The military immediately dispatched troops to conduct a tighter blockade.

With the explosion site as the center, the surrounding area of ​​300 kilometers was tightly sealed. Mexican troops were not allowed to come over if they wanted to, and they dared to cross the border and go directly to the war.

Even if the blockade has entered Mexican territory, it is so tyrannical.

It took more than ten days to transport the huge flying saucer away by freight, and at the same time began to eliminate the traces, and a scene of a large oil tanker explosion was arranged on the scene.

At this time, people from Mexico were allowed to come and check, of course, nothing was found.

After the military transported the flying saucer away, it didn't take long for the flying saucer to automatically pop up a rectangular metal object with a creature about to melt inside, so it mobilized manpower to start research.

When General Deco said this, a picture appeared on the huge screen with a creature similar to the combination of a cockroach and a human, which was very hideous and terrifying.

"The conditions at the time were very crude, and it didn't take long for this creature to automatically turn into thick water."

"Researchers at the time concluded that the earth's environment is highly toxic to this type of organism, especially the presence of oxygen, which is highly toxic to extraterrestrial life."

"The only thing left is the black and white silent video and photos taken at that time"

"Following up, in order to continue to study flying saucers, the No. 1 boss allocated special funds to the military and built a huge secret military base here."

"Since then, five consecutive No. 1 leaders have continued to allocate funds, even if World War II broke out, the funding has not stopped."

"Of course, it was done under other excuses"

"Subsequently, 30% of the annual military scientific research expenses are spent on this base. I know so far."

"During this period, we were awakened by five major upgrades to this base. The latest upgrade was completed two years ago, and also two years ago, we completely cut off the Internet connection here."

"Everything is for maximum secrecy." General Dirk briefly introduced what happened.

The first boss nodded after listening, took a sip of the coffee, put down the coffee and said slowly, "General, I believe you will not let us come here for no reason. There must be other things. Now you can continue. said".

General Deco and the other generals looked at each other, and they secretly admired them. They deserved to be the No. 1 boss. This head turned a little faster than the others.

When the other big guys heard what the first big guy said, they also understood. They didn't say a word, and tasted the coffee slowly. It was not the time for them to speak.

"Boss, I don't know if you still remember what happened at the Columbia Weather Botanical Garden." General Deco asked, and the first nodded, saying that he still remembered it.

"We analyzed and tested a piece of soil from where we got it that year, and did not reach the conclusion we wanted. However, a soil sample was sent here early last year."

"After a detailed study by our researchers, we found special particles. The special radiation content in the soil is very similar to the radiation content in the soil around the flying saucer here."

"After careful research, it is concluded that this is the radiation formed by the long-term stay theory of an aircraft that is more advanced than the flying saucer, so a conclusion is reached."

"It is only when the aircraft of extraterrestrial civilization stays in one place for a long time to form this special particle"

"Therefore we have concluded that there is probably an aircraft of extraterrestrial civilization in the Colombian Apocalypse Botanical Park. As for why we can't find it, it is very likely that this aircraft has been mastered by the Apocalypse Group.

"In other words, Xu Ping'an has mastered it, no matter how great the possibility is, we can't carelessly" General Dirk said with a serious expression.

"How is this possible" said the first boss with a shocked expression on his face, and the rest of the bosses were also shocked by the news.

"General, why did you come to this conclusion? Can other radiation materials not form such particles?" A big man couldn't help but ask.

"Everyone, we are not willing to make this kind of guessing, but our identity determines that we must plan for the worst."

"Based on our research on the flying saucer next to us, we have also gained a lot, one of which is that the aircraft of extraterrestrial civilization may not have any engines."

"The required energy may be related to the metal layer on the outside of the aircraft. The outer surface layer has a certain amount of radiation and is also a kind of energy."

"When the aircraft is flying, the light is generating energy. This energy is very powerful. It may only need a little bit to provide the energy to fly out of the solar system."

"We have preserved the various elements and mineral samples of the entire earth, but we have not found similar radiation samples, so we concluded that this kind of radiation particles can only be produced by the aircraft of extraterrestrial civilization."

"Without a residence time of more than ten years, such particles will not be produced"

"I said earlier that it is a more advanced aircraft than the flying saucer we discovered. This is just a speculation."

"There is also a speculation that it may not be a flying machine, but an item with a small area, but 100% of this item belongs to extraterrestrial civilization."

"There are only these two possibilities, and there is no third possibility," General Deco said very seriously.

The big guys nodded, recognizing this speculation of the military, and the first big guy took another sip of coffee.

"Generals, if the erection is established, how should we deal with it" the first boss asked.

"Big brother, let me explain this," another general named Cafu stood up and said. The first boss nodded, indicating that he could explain.

"After we discovered this situation, we conducted a careful analysis and finally reached a conclusion."

"What the Apocalypse Group found in Colombia will not be a spacecraft. It is most likely an object. The history of mankind is only a few thousand years, while the earth is billions of years old."

"Even if there are extraterrestrial civilizations patronizing during this period, we have no way of knowing it. It is very normal to leave something behind.

"The reason why we are inclined to this answer is because we found that the outside of the flying saucer is very hard, and our laser weapons cannot leave marks on the flying saucer."

"We speculate that the extraterrestrial civil aircraft capable of trans-galaxy activities are made of very hard metal, and the volume is not small."

"If Colombia finds an aircraft or spacecraft, it is impossible for the Tianqi Group to quietly transport it away, so it is concluded that the Tianqi Group may have obtained an item."

"According to the scientific and technological development of the Tianqi Group in recent years, the items they obtained are likely to be related to knowledge. We believe that the Tianqi Group can create interstellar spacecraft, which is inseparable from this kind of knowledge of extraterrestrial civilization" General Cafu made Gave a complete explanation.

"If the Tianqi Group has an extraterrestrial civilized aircraft in its hands, how to deal with it" the No. 1 boss continued to ask.

"Big guy, the energy of extraterrestrial civilization aircraft is limited, not infinite. According to our research on this flying saucer, the energy indicated by the flying saucer is slowly disappearing."

"Although it disappears slowly, it also disappears every moment."

"If the Apocalypse Group really has an extraterrestrial civilization aircraft, we can also deal with it. Although laser weapons can't break the defense, they can consume the spacecraft's energy on a large scale."

"According to our quantum computer simulation, five high-power laser weapons attack, this kind of extraterrestrial civilization aircraft will run out of energy"

"It's like the flying saucer next to us. After years of research, we can already control the flying saucer to fly. According to our calculations, this flying saucer can fly twice."

"It can fly for six hours at a time, and the speed can reach Mach 9 in the atmosphere. We can directly control this flying saucer to hit the target."

"UFOs can reach higher speeds, but we have not yet mastered them, but Mach 9 in the atmosphere is already the fastest speed currently."

"Even extraterrestrial civilized spacecraft can't withstand this kind of impact. We estimate that the probability of being destroyed together is as high as 98%."

"Therefore, even if the Apocalypse Group really has an extraterrestrial civilization aircraft in hand, we can still have the ultimate victory," General Cafu said very positively.

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