Start the era of black technology

Chapter 911 has entered the final preparation stage [third more]

Gradually, country E and Japan have also issued similar statements. They both believe that their Mars base can be lower than this unprecedented dust storm, and there is no need to seek refuge in other countries' Mars bases.

As time passed slowly, the Mars base of the Tianqi Group had taken over those who were willing to take refuge in the Mars base. These people returned photos, and everything was fine at the Mars base of the Tianqi Group.

The EU and the Eagle countries are completely relieved.

On this day, Tianqi Group announced that Tianqi Group’s Mars base was closed, sandstorms have hit, and people will be blown away outside, hoping to survive this natural disaster safely.

The U.S., China, and Tianqi Group’s Mars space station screens show that at this moment there are no scenes on the Martian ground, all of which are reddish, and the sand on Mars is red.

In the US space, Commander Megan frowned while looking at the screen. Suddenly, the voice of the staff came out, "Report that the wind has exceeded twelve levels."

"Pass the news back to China, now I can only trust God for blessing" Megan said helplessly.

Soon, Tianqi Group released a video of the Martian dust storm, and also reported the wind speed, making everyone sweat.

The wind is no longer at level twelve, but has increased to a strong wind at level 13. Everyone understands what kind of force this kind of wind is. It is the wind that can blow a person into the air.

Only five hours later, Tianqi Group once again issued an announcement that the wind force had broken through the fourteenth level, which was confirmed by the United States and China.

This is an unprecedented storm. God bless it. These are the words of the spokesperson of the United States, full of bitterness.

After more than three hours, Tianqi Group issued an announcement that the Martian dust storm wind has reached level 15 and is moving towards level 16.

No one knows how much wind will reach in the end, and now it can only be entrusted to God's blessing.

One day passed, Tianqi Group issued an announcement, but this time the announcement was a bit desperate, the eighteenth level of wind, which is the wind that can destroy everything.

This kind of wind is easier to handle, but this is Mars with rubble everywhere. The destructive power of this kind of wind rolling up the sand is absolutely amazing.

Even if a steel plate is placed outside, it can be used as a sieve. The destructive power is so strong.

As time passed slowly, the sandstorm wind weakened and slowly disappeared, and Mars once again returned to calm.

The space station can already see the local scene clearly. It's okay not to look at it, and I was shocked when I saw it.

On the entire Mars, except for the broken Mars base of the Apocalypse Group, the Mars bases of all other countries are no longer visible. After this picture was transmitted back to the earth, it caused an uproar.

At this time, Tianqi Group issued an announcement.

Apocalypse Group’s Mars base suffered great losses, and many bases were damaged. However, no one was killed or injured.

We will learn the lessons of this dust storm and upgrade the Mars base. Next time, the dust storm caused by the eighteenth gale will have nothing to do with the Tianqi Group Mars base.

This great storm has caused great trauma to the astronauts of other countries. We will arrange for them to return to Earth by interstellar spacecraft, hoping that time can heal the scars on their souls.

After the news media reposted the announcement of the Tianqi Group, people in many countries were dumbfounded. Is there any mistake? The Mars bases in other countries have no bones, and there were no casualties at the Mars base of the Tianqi Group.

It's just that some of the sub-bases have been damaged. This contrast is too strong.

It is indeed the Mars base recognized as the world's most defensive base. If you go to Mars, your first choice must be the Mars base of Tianqi Group.

This is the heart of many people.

The United States, E country, and Japan all announced that their flags will be dropped at half-mast to commemorate the victims of the Mars base. People in the European Union and the Eagle countries are now gloating.

Let you not go to the Apocalypse Group's Mars base to hide, let you laugh at our courage, see, this is the end of disobedience.

None of us died and none of us were injured. This is the benefit of our high-level decision-making.

The Eagle Nation, as well as the EU's high-level officials and the people, are extremely grateful in their hearts.

A week later, Apocalypse Group once again issued an announcement that all the astronauts who had taken refuge have boarded the Apocalypse interstellar spacecraft and returned, and they are expected to return to Earth in about three months.

The reconstruction of the Tianqi Group's sub-base has already begun. It is estimated that it will only take six months to complete the reconstruction, and it will have stronger protection capabilities than before.

After the statement was issued, Apocalypse Space Group directly began to place orders around the world, and global manufacturing companies ushered in a new carnival.

So far, there is only one Mars base of Tianqi Group on Mars.

In the United States, the senior leaders once again began to discuss, and once again confirmed the plan to attack Xu Pingan.

At the same time, it has formulated a plan to take over the Mars base of the Tianqi Group. The United States no longer builds another Mars base. It is more cost-effective to directly accept the Mars base of the Tianqi Group.

Not only that, but also secretly obstructed other countries that want to rebuild their Mars bases. Mars belongs to the United States, and no one can set foot on it.

Outer space, the exploration spacecraft and its incredible speed returned to the earth and landed directly in the vast ocean, deeply hidden.

The fantasy warship also replenished its energy and returned to the earth, faster than the exploration spacecraft.

Transformed into an interstellar spacecraft of the Tianqi Group, it slowly landed at the base of Dunhuang Tianqi Machinery Group. The security department was directly closed and no one was allowed to approach the spacecraft.

Time passed bit by bit.

this day

Ji Xueyi, President of Apocalypse Investment Bank, European Union Bank President Camerin, U.S. Federal Reserve Vice President Djokov, TC Central Bank President Zhuge Qingsong, and Eagle Finance Minister Smith, together held a press conference in France.

The Apocalypse Investment Bank will issue electronic currency [Marscoin], ..., linked to the Euro, one Mars currency is exchanged for 10 Euros, and it will circulate around the world.

It has signed currency circulation agreements with the European Union, Eagle Country, TC, and the United States, and will begin to enter the market today.

Forty-nine international banks around the world are freely convertible.

From next month, all employees of Apocalypse Group will be paid in Mars currency, and all goods purchased by Apocalypse Group will be settled in Mars currency.

Subpoenas for travel to Mars will also be purchased in Martian coins.

The announcement of this announcement directly shocked the entire planet. People in all countries around the world are blinded. Mars, what is this, and why it has such a high value.

Just when people were confused and the media reported frantically, a US media reported a shocking event.

Apocalypse Group has re-placed huge orders to many companies in the United States, TC, EU, and Eagle countries. According to incomplete statistics, the order amount will exceed 100 billion Mars.

One hundred billion Mars coins is one trillion euros, and many people are shocked by the apocalypse group.

Immediately afterwards, many companies issued a statement that their companies had already received huge orders and would immediately start recruiting new employees for production.

Not to mention other places, it is just that many companies in the EU region have begun to recruit people on a large scale, which has significantly increased the EU's employment rate in one fell swoop.

The United States is no exception. Many companies have begun to recruit personnel on a large scale, and the employment rate has risen sharply.

At the same time, the trade and exports of the Celestial Dynasty began to show explosive growth. The habit of Europeans and Americans was to consume and enjoy when they had money.

Coupled with the advent of Mars currency this time, countries have reached many agreements to promote trade, forming a big circle, all of which are beneficiaries.

It can be said that the employment rate of the participating countries has a visible growth momentum, and the amount of trade shows an explosive trend.

Just when the outside world is discussing these things.

The high-level family members of the Apocalypse Group gathered on Edrius Island, and the Apocalypse Group gave benefits and arranged them to travel to Mars.

Also accompanied by Xu Hong and his wife, Isabella, Song Xinyun, Miao Yiyi and his family, Xu Qian, Xu Wentao, Xu Kun, the three are also impressive.

Ma Bo, Lin Yide, Zhang Wenyuan, Xu Mingyang himself and his family are also there.

Li Rulong is not there, but all of Li Rulong’s family are here.

Gavin's two wives and three children were also there, York joined, and Chen Qilin's family were also present.

After sending their families away, these people can throw themselves into the final battle without any worries, and fight with Xu Ping An.

Success is another new world.

It doesn't matter if you fail, the family has made arrangements to spend your life safely on Mars.

Time slowly passed. On this day, the two interstellar warships trained by the United States in outer space returned secretly and began to enter the maintenance phase.

A full thousand people have been trained for VR holographic drone controllers, and they will continue to train over the years to familiarize themselves with the newly produced five-person fighter.

On Corey Denver Island, the two interstellar warships of the Apocalypse Group also returned and began maintenance.

A full hundred people have been trained for flying saucer pilots. Even if there are only more than 20 flying saucers in the Tianqi Group, the pilots must be trained in advance.

Both the Apocalypse Group and the United States have entered the final stage of preparation. The interstellar battleship confrontation will soon be staged on Earth.

Time slowly passed. On this day, Tianqi Group issued an announcement that Mr. Xu Ping’an, President of Tianqi Group, would leave the Earth in an interstellar spacecraft in Dunhuang on the 17th of next month to inspect the Mars base.

After this announcement was issued, there was no huge reaction, because it was something that was announced a long time ago, but this time a specific date was announced.

On Edrius Island, Gavin discussed with Chen Qilin and Barker for a long time. The submarines of the Apocalypse Group began to mobilize. All islands under the Apocalypse Group doubled the number of submarines.

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