Ten days have passed since the announcement of the Apocalypse Group. The other two interstellar warships on Corey Danver Island were completed, and the light and hidden system left the earth that night.

Conduct a week of familiarity training.

After another ten days or so, the three interstellar warships on the US side were also completed, and they also flew away from the earth for familiarization training.

In about ten days, only two of the three interstellar warships of the United States returned, and the one that did not return was waiting on the route from Earth to Mars.

The mission of this interstellar warship is to destroy the interstellar warship Xu Pingan was riding on.

At the same time, the entire US air force began to mobilize frequently. Many retired pilots were recalled for recovery training, and ammunition from multiple ammunition storage warehouses were taken out.

U.S. military bases all over the world have also entered a state of combat readiness.

This abnormal behavior of the United States has been observed by many countries. The leaders of these countries have begun to think about what the Americans are doing and why they have begun to build up their forces on a large scale.

Many countries have begun to inquire about the United States. The United States will not recover at all. There is nothing to say.

After some time,

Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me die!

This abnormality has caused many people to worry, and many countries have begun to be cautious.

Time slowly passed. On this day, Xu Pingan's special plane departed from J City and flew directly to Dunhuang.

After a rest for the night, Xu Ping'an called Liu Wenjun alone the next morning, and Xu Ping'an sat in the room slowly drinking tea, watching Liu Wenjun from time to time.

Liu Wenjun also looked at Xu Pingan. At first he thought Xu Pingan wanted to play tricks, but after seeing Xu Pingan's eyes, Liu Wenjun didn't see a trace of desire, but was just calm.

It makes people feel calm.

"Come on, finished this cup of tea," Xu Ping'an said with a calm expression, holding up a cup of tea. Liu Wenjun was not sure, so he also followed up with tea.

When the two small cups touched, Xu Ping'an drank a mouthful.

"Wenjun, from the first day you came to me, I knew you had another mission on your back"

"All the time, every time you send out the internal intelligence of the Tianqi Group, I am very clear. How many times I hope you can come to me and tell me all this clearly."

"As a result, as of today, you didn't mean to confess to me" Xu Ping'an watched Liu Wenjun say this.

Liu Wenjun's eyes widened and he was dumbfounded. He didn't even dream that Xu Ping'an knew all this, and he was completely dumbfounded.

It took a long time to recover, but he opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

"After all, you are my woman. I understand that you have your difficulties. If you confess to me, I will take care of everything."

"But now you have made a choice, your choice is not me"

"Take care, I have already explained to Darina, she will arrange everything for you"

"From today, you are no longer a member of Tianqi Group"

"I wish you prosperous official luck," Xu Ping'an finished speaking, stood up expressionlessly, turned and left the room.

Outside, Darina looked at the phone in her hand with an uncomfortable expression. Xu Ping took out the phone from her pocket and turned it off. Darina, whom Xu Ping had just talked with Liu Wenjun, could hear clearly outside.

"She has her own choice. After arranging things, she will go directly to Edrius Island to board the starship. I have already told James that he will board the spaceship with you." Xu Ping'an finished touching and touching Darina's Face.

Darina looked at Xu Ping'an and nodded.

Xu Ping'an suddenly pulled Darina a hand, and then gave Darina a hard kiss before letting go.

"See you in a few days," he turned around and left.

Darina touched her lips, the expression on her face slowly became determined, turned and walked towards Xu Ping'an's room to deal with Liu Wenjun's affairs.

Half an hour later, the official website of Tianqi Group issued a statement that Mr. Xu Pingan, the president of Tianqi Group, had boarded an interstellar spacecraft and left the earth for inspection on Mars.

At the same time, Wu Sikai took his briefcase and went directly to Wei Dongshuo.

Two hours later, a car took Wei Dongshuo and Wu Sikai straight to the airport. A plane was already waiting, and neither of them spoke.

Wei Dongshuo's frowning brows never fell down, with a solemn expression on his face.

Wu Sikai leaned on the chair calmly and closed his eyes.

The plane took off slowly and flew straight to the imperial capital.

Apocalypse Island, Idrius Island, Presfield Island, Balai Island, Corey Denver Island, the five major islands laser defense system and missile attack system are fully opened, and the entire Apocalypse Group security department has entered a state of combat readiness.

The Eagle Nation's Defense Department directly raised the level of combat readiness by one level, and the Eagle Army began to issue live ammunition. This phenomenon has secretly alarmed many Eagle Army officers.

Obviously, the dispatch of live ammunition is for war.

I don’t know who to fight with,

The command is to defend on the spot and be prepared to fight all enemies.

A major event is about to happen, this is the reaction of many people.

In the imperial capital, in a certain area, Wu Sikai left here after seeing the boss and went to the designated hotel to rest.

The big guys are frowning in the meeting room. Today, the information Wu Sikai brought is so surprising that Xu Ping'an has such ambitions.

One person must dominate the entire Mars.

Moreover, now it's time to fight the United States completely, and both sides have interstellar warships, and there is more than one such terrifying weapon.

There can only be one Apocalypse Group and the United States, and they cannot coexist!

This is Wu Sikai relaying the original words of Xu Pingan.

All conditions are easy to negotiate. The only requirement is that TC's Mars space station must leave the Martian range.

After more than two hours, a series of orders began to be issued, all departments entered a state of first-level combat readiness, TC troops also began to assemble, and various material dispatches began to be issued.

The laser defense systems all over the borders and important cities in the country are beginning to work and can be put into work at any time.

After a short time, many countries discovered the movements of the celestial dynasty. They all took a breath, and hundreds of aircraft formed a formation to move back and forth.

Thousands of sorties were carried out once, and the surrounding countries that usually jump and jump began to frighten.

It turned out that this is the strength of TC, and many people took a breath.

Soon, the media reported on the abnormal military movements of the United States, the Eagle Kingdom, and the Celestial Empire, which made many countries around the world become vigilant.

Posting an article or calling the three countries to inquire about the restoration is a test of their own military power, not against any country.

Ghosts will believe this reason.

For a time, many countries began to secretly mobilize military forces to prepare for everything.

A few days passed slowly, and in the vast universe, Xu Pingan was sitting in the command room of the fantasy starship and drinking tea first, the sofa under him was like a stream of water.

It fits the whole body and is very comfortable.

A huge water current screen is playing a video in front of me, and an interstellar warship carrying the American flag standard is attacking the interstellar spacecraft of the Apocalypse Group.

When the spacecraft was about to be broken, another interstellar spacecraft bearing the Apocalypse Group logo arrived and destroyed this American interstellar warship.

At this time, a single spacecraft flew out of the broken spacecraft and came to the interstellar spacecraft. The picture is clear and reality, this is Xu Ping'an.

"Xingling, I really didn't think that you still have the potential to be a director. This video was tragic enough," Xu Ping An said with a smile on his face.

"I really don't understand what you think, you can just sweep the past, you have to play so many tricks" Xingling said very uncomfortably.

"Human society can't be so tough. The human heart is very important. It will play a multiplier role in many things. You will gradually understand."

"Have you found the coordinates of the interstellar warship on the opposite side?" Xu Ping'an said directly, his face already calm.

"I have found it, and I can reach the opponent's location in twelve hours" Xingling said directly.

"Let's go, stop at a distance of a thousand kilometers from the target and launch an attack directly. At the same time, send the video to the earth and let Bruce directly declare war." Xu Ping An's eyes are already sane.

Time slowly passed. In the universe, an interstellar battleship stayed alone in one position, and everyone was staring nervously at the electronic equipment.

According to predictions, the interstellar spaceship that Xu Ping's aboard is about to arrive, their character is to completely destroy this interstellar spacecraft.

The captain of the battleship is a woman, Hannah.

Checking the time, Hannah picked up the interphone and started talking.

"Warriors, I know you are all confused, but now is not the time for you to be confused"

"We are all soldiers, we bear characters on our backs, everything is for the country"

"For our country and my family, I can give everything I say I have, and I believe you will do the same"

"Cheer up, after our mission is completed, the United States will be great again!".

The harsh siren of "Didi Didi" began to appear, and Hannah and everyone were shocked. This was an alarm for an attack. An object was flying over the interstellar warship at high speed.

"What's the matter" Hannah asked.

"Boom boom boom" explosion sounded,

The beams of light completely penetrated the interstellar battleship,

The entire interstellar warship began to explode, and many places began to disintegrate, but the beam attack still did not stop, and it continued to attack the interstellar warship one after another.

Until the entire interstellar battleship was completely crushed.

An hour later, Bruce, the exclusive lawyer of Xu Pingan, President of Tianqi Group, published a video in Germany and issued a statement at the same time.

The U.S. dispatched warships to assassinate Mr. Xu Ping'an, the president of Apocalypse Group, on the route from the earth to Mars, and now gives the U.S. two hours to explain.

If there is no reasonable explanation, Tianqi Group will declare war on the United States!

Only one of the two parties can stay in this world.

After the news came out, the global shock, especially those who saw the video, were all stupid. No one thought that the Mi Congress would do this.

There is also the tough statement of the Apocalypse Group, which makes the smoke of war enveloped the entire earth.

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